Chapter 102

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Outside in the school grounds Issei is facing Shidou irina and Kiba is Glaring at Xenovia' s sword.

Irina :" Oh Issei I was looking forward to meeting you after for so many years but why you have to became a Devil and now as a friend I will exorcise you. So that you can find forgiveness from god in afterlife Amen . " she kissed her Cross hanging on her neck.

Issei :" Stop blessing me you idiot... you are going to make my brain damage. " he held his head due to pain.

Rias :" Issei and Kiba both of you don't let your guard down. They are weilder of a Holy sword. " she warns him, she is more worried about Kiba who is not listening to her warning.

Irina :" This is a Holy sword Mimicry..." a thread on her arm suddenly transformed into A katana. "

Xenovia :" This is my Holy sword Destruction, it destroy my enemy. " she swing it like it was a part of her body.

jazz when looked at the Mimicry, he got an idea. He wondered will she let him have it.

Issei :" Don't worry Buchou I have developed a sure fire magic for situation just like these. He he he... I will show you guys the results of special training i went through With Asia. "


A red gauntlet appeared on his left hand.

Akeno :" Asia what kind of techniques he developed..."

Asia face went deep red, she couldn't look anyone straight in the eye.

Issei face shows great concentrations....

A small magic circle appeared on his hand, he looked at Irina lecherously.

Irina :" Why are you looking at me like that..." she felt violated.

Issei :" Be my victim Irina.... "

His roaring was filled with lust as he already declared that she will become his victim. Jazz wondered isn't Issei is more lecherous then the novel described. What made him like that.

Koneko :" He has gone crazy..." she unconsciously covered her body.

Ravel :" He need some outlet, he has become a beast. " she looked at him with pity.

[ Boost ]

Issei jumped at her with full strength, she avoid him. He keeps on trying to touch her body with his hands. She didn't even have the chances to use her sword Mimicry.

Irina :" Why are you only trying to touch me... " she feels creepy whenever his hand try to touch her.

Jazz :" Issei movements are getting faster, it seems he did his best in training his body these past days. "

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Rias :" Of course we all did training on daily basis, how do you think his progress is?..." she said but jazz didn't reply her he was deep in his thought..

She felt disappointment when he ignored her. Akeno looked at her face and smirked, her eyes shows a peculiar glint.

[ Boost ]

Jazz wondered what is Issei trying to do, He is failing to touch her but he is smiling more....

Irina :" I think we have played enough.... " she suddenly bend in an impossible angle and dodged him. With a swift movement she slashed at...

Issei :" AAAAAAAAAA..." his scream was painful, he grabbed his stomach and kneeled on the ground. A black smoke started coming from a small cut.

Asia :" Issei - san.... " She wanted to help him but jazz stopped her...

Jazz :" He hasn't lost yet..." He was also puzzled Issei is still getting ready to fight, he has gritted his teeth to endure the pain. He wondered what is it that pushing him to exert so much effort....

[ Boost ]

Issei :" This should be enough for now.... He... he... he. Irina you were wondering what i was doing with all that movements then behold my greatest creation I call it 'The last breath of Life'. "

Jazz was now more curious this is a change he didn't expect. It is definitely Because of his interference in the timeline. He already knew that he can't expect more from the Original story.....


The magic circle that was on his hand suddenly started glowing in brilliance. No one noticed the oddity but they can see a small creature in his palm.

Issei :" This thing is my creations, my will, my brother in arms, my desire and my thoughts. It is created by the boosting ability of my sacred Gear "

Asia :" No Issei-san if you do this... "

Issei :" Asia, thank you for everything. With you i developed this technique, it's like we are parents of this little guy. That's why don't stop me...." she blushed when he said this their child.

The small creature has similar features like of Issei. It looked at him nodded....

Issei :" Go my desire bloom the whole world with your colours. "

They all looked at the small glowing creature with curiosity. It looked like it is formed purely of magical energy.

It looked at all the people in the area and suddenly multiplied into 7 exactly similar creature...

Jazz seeing they multiply in a specific no, knew what is going to happen. just like he thought all the small creature move towards the every girls except Asia and present in the vicinity.

Jazz:" Ikaros Shield cover everyone except for those four ."

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Ikaros :" Aegis Deploy "

Ikaros immediately covered them with Aegis shield except for Issei, irina, Kiba and Xenovia.

Issei :" He he ha ha you will not be able to block it. My little soldiers are intangibles, they are my thoughts and desire and with my invincible desires i will be Harem king. Go my little soldiers help me complete my dream. "

He was bleeding from the sword injury but was still very much lively, he definitely wanted to see through this Completely.

Kiba and Xenovia fight did not last that long, he was defeated when his anger took over him. Jazz wasn't much interested in that fight his whole attention was on what is happening in front of him

The thing that happen afterwards was unbelievable the little creature vanished upon touching the girls. Jazz looked at the scene with amazement, girls slowly started stripping themselves.

Ravel :" What the hell is this, I can't control myself... " she said start unbotton her dress.

Akeno :" Uffu Issei you really are something.. " she started unzipping her skirt

Rias :" Sigh what a troublesome servant you are are, I will discipline you severly later. "

Koneko :" No stop it, you pervert senpai. "

Asia:" Buchou, Akeno, Koneko-chan, everyone i am sorry please if you want to punish him since I also helped him you should punished me also. "

Ikaros :" Master....." she looked at him for help, she didn't want to strip for any other person.

Issei :" This is a man dreams that have been unfulfilled since ancient times and now i will be the first to witness it.... "

Irina :" Issei you..... stop this instant, No don't look at me. I am not a pervert exhibitionist... oh lord help me.... " she started praying but her dress is getting losse.

Xenovia :"

He sighed and teleported some of them to the club room before things get escalated to another level. Leaving only Asia who was only one he didn't attack . Later two are still continuing their stripping.

Issei :" No... what did you do, bring them back. I still.... " he screamed, he felt his heart bleeding. He never thought his technique can be counter this easily


Jazz :" Cool down your head Like hell i am going to let you see my girls Naked. Sigh now I know why you Named it The last breath of Life. You really are seeking death by becoming No1 ladies enemy "

Asia :" Issei-san " she hurriedly came and started healing him.

Issei fainted on the spot, but his magic is still going on and the only one who can enjoy is him. He also teleported Irina and Xenovia to the stripping club/ Orc club where he previously teleported others.

Jazz was in delima what should he do now, be a gentlemen or take the path of which Issei failed to walk on.

Jazz :" Sigh i will be a gentlemen this time, i will have them owe a favor. "

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In the club room...They all are now sitting, While Issei and Kiba are resting in the infirmary. Wound from Holy sword weakened them....

Xenovia :" Then we will take our leave, remember to get in our way. we will deal with this missing sword matter."

Irina :" Also tell Issei to seal that technique of him. Bye... "

Jazz :" Sigh you girls, at least have some gratitude. You almost got stripped if it weren't for my help. " Both church girl looked at him weirdly.

Xenovia :"Even if you helped us, But we did strip in the end. Actually who are you? . "

Irina :" Are you not Rias Gremory peerage. "

Rias :" No he is not. " she denied.

Jazz :" I am what people call Black Devil jazz, and these two are my peerage members. "

Ravel :" I am Ravel phoenix his Bishop. "

Ikaros :" I am Alpha Ikaros I am Master's Pawn. "

Irina :" A new reincarnated Devil? World is in Chaos there are more people getting reincarnated into devils these days. "

Xenovia :" Never heard of you, but to have a phoenix family member as your peerage member. Who are you exactly. " For a new reincarnated Devil to have a high class noble family member to be in his peerage, he must have a unique identity.

Jazz :" For now i am nothing, but that's not important you owe me a favor, otherwise you would be stripping in front of Issei for him to enjoy. " She raised an eyebrow

jazz :" Don't look at me like that, it's not like I would ask something impossible. "

Irina :" It is true we owe you a favour so what do want from us or is it from church. "

Jazz :" Your sword." he pointed at her Mimicry sword.

Irina :" Impossible are you crazy, why would I give you my sword. Also a Devil can't weild a Holy object you will get burned. "

Rias :" She is right jazz, why do you want a Holy sword. "

Xenovia :" I was wondering what you are gonna ask but it's impossible we are here to retrieve the lost holy swords and you want us to give you one. "

Jazz :" Its not impossible, her sword i like it. But don't worry i won't force you. I will only take it if the sword want to come with me. "

All of them were puzzled..... But he convinced them to atleast try it. The moment he touched the sword black smoke started coming from his hand.

Akeno :" Let it go the sword is clearly not going to obey you. " She became worried

But jazz didn't let it go, he felt a intense burning sensation on his hand. This burning pain felt like his hand is slowly is being eaten by millions of ants.

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Jazz :" Damn.... It really hurts it is a pain that I don't want to feel again. Sorry Ikaros, Ravel i never knew you had to withstand this kind of pain. " He felt his heart clenched in pain thinking that this kind of pain they had to bear and he is the one gave them.

Ravel :" That was not your fault, you don't have to harm yourself for that matter. " she understand him, he has some anger toward himself for losing control of his power.

Jazz :" All right then I won't, then lets try it.... Shiro do as I told you, use that but for a moment only. "

Shiro :" Are you sure we can always find or build you a weapon, why do you need a Holy sword. " a voice came from his omnitrix.

Jazz :" I am confirming something... "

Xenovia :" What is that thing on your hand... "

Koneko :" Its his sacred Gear, it has its own consciousness. "

She thought a sacred Gear with its own consciousness must be a strong one....

Jazz :" Its name is Omnitrix and she is Shiro. " he said to her who was staring at the Omnitrix.

Shiro :" Alright but for precautions Ikaros wrapped onii-chan inside Aegis. "

Rias thought what are they planning on doing, jazz was inside a barrier. She can see he is holding the sword on his hand, he looked nervous.

Suddenly she felt a suppression on her whole body and an unpleasant feeling spread all over her body. The next moment it all vanished, all of them except for Irina and Xenovia started breathing hard. They looked at him suspiciously thinking is it his doing, they felt a repulsing feeling, their body for a moment screamed to stay away from him. But it all vanished now....

Jazz is looking at the holy sword Mimicry , who is not harming him anymore but showing intimate reactions. It is circling around him while producing a humming sound.

All the others looked at him with incredulous reactions.

Rias :" Did he just tame a Holy sword. " she is speechless.

Koneko :" He is incredible... " she can't help but admit it

Akeno :" His taming ability is great it is making me wet... "

The most surprised person was Irina, her holy sword which she has used for so many years is now showing so much intimacy with someone other than her....

Irina :" I am not giving it to anyone....."

She tried to take it back, but The holy sword just ignored her.

Xenov:" What kind of method you used to submit a Holy sword, answer me or i will separate your head. "

Jazz:" Its love..."

Xenovia:" HUH"

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