Chapter 103

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Jazz is now walking around the town, he is looking for a place to have some food. Behind him Were Irina and Xenovia who gritted their teeth and just follow him wherever he goes.

And on his back two sword are resting, Irina was in loss, she don't know what he did to make the holy sword listen to his command. But what more miserable was that Xenovia who tried to attack him felt her Destruction Holy sword not listening to her command and left her side and now Both sword are sticking closer to jazz like a obidient kid.

Rias :" Hey where are we all going..." all the Orc members also followed them. She sighed don't know what to do in this situation.

Jazz :" I am looking for other Holy sword. "

Xenovia :" You..... you.... son of a ***** you have taken two holy swords and now you are after the others. We will never allow that to happen... " Ikaros glared at her.

Irina :" Are you with the Fallen Angel... "

Jazz :" okay it was a joke no need to be so much sentient over Spilled milk in this case lost sword." xenovia felt annoyed

Xenovia :" Then what are you planning to do with our Holy swords.... Return them to us. "

Jazz :" I am also troubled actually I wanted only the Holy sword mimic, but this one just came as a extra. "

He threw the Destruction sword toward her but it dodged her hand and returned to his side, it produced a unique cry,. making him annoy.

Jazz :" What are you complaining about , i never wanted you to begin with. How i am Abandoning you now, just return to her already. "

The holy sword didn't budge and followed him much to his annoyance.

Ravel amused seeing him arguing with a Holy sword. When both of them should be not be in the same place.

Xenovia felt her pride being crushed, her sword is actually prefer someone else who don't even want it.

Kiba also had a complicated face he wants to destroy Holy swords but he lack abilities to do it and now these sword are following jazz , he don't know what is going to happen next.

Suddenly Ikaros picked someone getting closer to them but his aura vanished and now she can't find it. She relayed it to Jazz.

Jazz :" Rias you said that your peerage has gotten stronger right, we have someone who could give your peerage a challenge and Also Kiba do your best, i believe you wanted opportunity like this. "

Kiba who has a puzzled look suddenly felt a killing intent towards him. He quickly used his Demonic sword to block an attack.


" Hello handsome are you on a date, whistle wow it must be a Orgy date with these many people..." This vulgar line was spouted by a teenager like them with white hair wearing a exorcist clothes.

Kiba :" Freed sellzen. bastard, i am glad you came...." Kiba grabbed his sword tightly seeing another Holy sword in front of him and the one holding it, he hates both of them.

seeing Kiba reaction and another holy sword Rias understood what jazz mean. She needs to help Kiba on this one with her whole peerage.

Rias :" Kiba calm yourself, i know what happened to you. And I understand what is that you want but you are forgetting that you are my Knight. And we are all a family, i won't allow you to leave me to go on a vendetta. So here we all will help you with everything we have got. So believe in us like you did in all these years. "

All of her peerage also nodded and stepped forward to meet this enemy.

Issei :" You can count on us Kiba, i also had some score to settle with this guy. " he gave him a thumbs up

Koneko :" I will be sad if you leave. "

Akeno :" Ara Ufu fu fu we all have something against this guy. But personally I feel disgusting just looking at him ... " she looked at him with disgust.

Asia :" I will also like to help Kiba -san, we are all friends and you helped me before. "

Kiba looked at them with tears in his eyes, he realised that he was actually pushing the very people who he should trust with everything he got. He vowed to never forget this gratitude.

Freed :" Hmm what a touching scene, fucking devils. "

Xenovia :" Freed sellzen for betraying the church, stealing the holy swords and working with the Fallen Angel. You deserve death..... " she

Freed :" Don't put me with you hypocritical bastards, well it doesn't matter. I am here to kill some devil. Since all of you are gathered here, i will step up the game.... up... Huh? "

He looked at the Holy sword Rapidly, it is glowing in a rythem he didn't noticed it before. He also felt the other Holy swords are also behaving strangely.

Jazz also looked at this scene with strange reaction, he suddenly realised that this Holy sword Mimic and destruction are also glowing in rythem.

Freed :" Argggghhh Aaaaa.... "

Suddenly Freed screamed.... He threw the swords away from him. His hand and chest area were burnt severly as for the swords....

Jazz :" You got to be kidding me, Ah come on."

Now three more swords joined the Mimicry and destruction, they all are now hovering around him.

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Jazz :" Just what did I do deserve this, I only wanted a replacement for my Bat, why are you all are joining him. "

He sighed somehow Mimicry and destruction convinced the others to follow him. Freed has been stunned with what is happening in front of him...

Irina and Xenovia has a Deja vu reaction. Jazz on the other hand regretting his decision of feeding some light element to the Mimicry, that guy is sharing Intel with others swords and creating a headache for him.

Now church and heaven will definitely seek him out. Jazz is thinking of how to ditch these troublesome swords.

Jazz :" Sigh... What are all of are looking at, a enemy is in front of you deal with him and I will deal with these things. "

All of them come to their senses...

Freed :" Damn it.... "

He still has the usual sword of light and gun. He started fighting with Kiba and all the Orc members. But without the Holy sword, he could not do anything.

Akeno zapped him with a heavy lightning making him unable to dodge it.

Freed :" Aaaaaaaaaaa.....Curse you b****"

Kiba didn't miss the chance and ruthlessly plunged his sword into his heart, Freed which should be dead by it tried to kill Kiba , he shot few light bullets at him...

One injured Kiba but he managed to dodge the rest.

Koneko :" Just die already... "

She came from behind him and punched him into the air.

Issei :Now its my turn.... "

He has boosted lots of energy and now it formed a small pulsating orb in his hand

Issei :" Dragon Shot. "

"WOOSH " it flew at rapid speed and. " BOOM. "

A huge explosion happened, it broke the barrier which Rias has been maintaining so that effect of the fight doesn't speed outside.

Freed crashed on the ground with only one limbs intact and only a breadth left....

Rias sighed and relaxed

They all looked above and saw a Man with 5 pairs of black eagle like wings. He looked at them with

Suddenly they heard an explosion near their school. Rias and her club members became worried....

Rias :" Not good someone is attacking Our school, sona has just send us a distress signal. "

Jazz was also perplexed, he didn't find Kokabeil or Valper here but Rias school is getting attack. What is happening here....

Jazz :" Lets go " He indicated them to go inside the portal. Rias and Akeno quickly did as he told and soon others also followed them.

When they came out of it, they were amazed that he can teleport so much people without using any magic. Since they didn't see any magic circle around the portal.

But there was more pressing matters as lots of fallen angel At least 100 of them have surrounded the school. Sona and her peerage members is battling against them.

"BooOooooom "

A large explosion happened and Almost half of the school buildings was destroyed.Tsubaki who was fighting with a fallen angel was severely injured being caught up in the explosion.

Sona :" Tsubaki"

Kokabeil, A fallen angel with 5 Pairs of black eagle wings looked at them. Jazz also looked at all the Fallen Angel he still didn't understand why are they all here.

Rias peerage suddenly felt their hair stand up being glared by Kokabeil.

Rias :" Sona how are you, what's going on here. "

Sona :" They suddenly came started attacking us for no reason. "

She gnashed her teeth in anger, seeing her best friend getting injured and all of her other peerage members are also injured some are unable to fight and are unconscious.


Kokabeil :" Rias Gremory and Sona sitri two heir and sisters of Maou. All of you are here perfect timing, i need you to Tell me where is the source. "

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Sona :" What are you talking about, what is this source. " she gritted her teeth.

Valper :" Master she is lying, for a moment we all felt the source of light coming from this very school. If we were not in the vicinity, we would not be able to pinpoint it to this school. But we can't find it anywhere .... "

Xenovia and Irina came out of the portal and saw Kokabeil. They realised they are in trouble and they don't have their swords with them to defend themselves....

Valper :" Master its them, the holy sword users. Didn't Freed went to deal with them. "

Kiba :" Valper Galalei... " He was furious seeing the person who killed all of his friends.

Jazz :" Calm down Kiba....." seeing him flaring up again he said.

Kokabeil :" So that fool Failed to get any swords and died..... " he saw Jazz with 5 Holy swords surrounding him.

Jazz :" Yes he is dead but Rias and her peerage was the one who dealt with him. "

Valper :" You are a devil how can you weild 5 Holy sword ...No its not possible for someone to weild these many swords at a time...."

Jazz :" What are you talking about, i am only interested in Holy sword Mimic, all the others are just doing whatever they want." he said while throwing away Destruction Holy sword, but it returned back to him. While showing some dissatisfaction being treated like that again.

Jazz: " see how annoying it is to be followed Holy swords and its just been few minutes, i am already thinking about ditching them... "

When he said that all the swords started humming and started being more intimate with him.....

Jazz :" All of your boot licking ability is useless, unless you show some decent ability i am not going to take you with me ... "

Valper has an excellent expression, he had never seen a Holy sword showing such intelligence. He knew some unique swords have their own will but after breaking up in 7 pieces, it should be impossible for it to gain it's consciousness back.

Valper :" You who are you, are you a descendents of Arthur pendragon..."

Kokabeil :" Don't be a fool, only Arthur pendragon himself can make the holy swords behave like this, but you are not him. But it doesn't matter, since Holy swords, Little sister of Maou and People from the church are on in one place. Proced to execute the plan, i will bring the swords for you ..... "

Valper :" But what about the source of light, i think we should first seek it from them.... it has to be here... "

Kokabeil :" I know it's here and I know who is going to tell us where to find it, You must be From phoenix family. " He said to Ravel....

Ravel :" Yes i am, so? "

Kokabeil :" Excellent, then you must know where is the source of light right? .... "

Ravel raise an eyebrow, wondering what this fallen angel want.

Xenovia :" Hold it Kokabeil, you are a executive officer in Gregory. Your action of stealing holy sword deserve a punishment. "

Kokabeil :" You from the church is going to stop me...."

He gave the signal to all the Fallen Angel to attack them.

Rias and her peerage started fighting, sona and her peerage have healed somewhat by Asia help, they also joined them.

While Kiba decided to kill Valper who has started the preparations for the fusion of holy sword. Few fallen Angels blocked his path.

Xenovia :" Let me help you...." she started chanting and from a different dimensions Holy sword Durandal with overflowing Aura appeared.

She slashed several Fallen angel, a arc of light destroying everything in its path it killed them instantly.

Kiba suddenly felt that something is calling for him, Valper also realised that a crystal form of holy genes started glowing. He mocked it saying that there is still some will of the dead children present in it. He threw it at Kiba saying he didn't need it anymore who has tears in his eyes when he heard that this crystal is the last remains of his friends.

Jazz seeing that all of them are having hard time and Kokabeil has started moving towards them himself thought of an idea.

Jazz :" All right you five since you want to stay with me, now is the time to show how useful you can be. Go and deal with all the enemy. we will establish a hierarchy depending on the end result. "

All 5 sword hummed in response...

Jazz " As for Mimic you fight with your previous weilder, she looked pitiful.... " ..

yes Irina has face that saying what am i doing here? when she heard jazz is letting her use her sword once again. She jumped in delight...

Irina :" Thank you for giving it back to me.." her image of Jazz just went up.....

Jazz :" Don't mention it, i am just lending you ..." her face fall when she heard that..... only lending?

Jazz suddenly heard a sword cry, He saw Kokabeil grabbing Holy sword Destruction and Nightmare on his hand.

Jazz :" Point will be deducted if you got caught " Other sword did their best to not get caught now.


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Kiba heroic voice resounded in the area, a light enveloped him. He wipes his tears and wished his friends for a good afterlife.

Kiba :" This New power is the gift my friends left behind who were betrayed by the god we believe in. Its name will be ' Sword of Betrayer '

A sword made from both holy and the power of darkness was borned today. Kiba used it to kill The Fallen Angel who blocked his path.

Kiba :" Valper Galalei... " he swung his sword leaving a deathly wound on him.

Valper :" Argggghhh.... Impossible how Can two opposite element mixed together... unless... So that's it... he he he... ha ha ha... "

He mumbled something and died only Kiba and Xenovia were able to hear that. Both of them had incredulous expressions.

Xenovia :" It is impossible, how can he.... " she fell on her knees.

Irina :" Xenovia... " she ran towards her anxiously

Kokabeil :" Valper was an excellent man with his intelligent he finally discovered that God has been dead from thousands of years. "

Irina :" Non sense, you are a heretics. Don't blasphemy our god. "

All the other were also stunned, Asia also has a painful expression.

Kokabeil :" That sword user is the proof, his sword of betrayer is a combination of Light and darkness. Its a proof that with original Maou, god is also dead... "

Sona :" I understand now you really want to start a war between 3 factions. You plan to kill me and Rias with holy sword And now announcing the death of God, you plan on weakening the church and heaven when they clashed with Underworld. "

Kokabeil :" Sona sitri, you have a brilliant head. yes it is as you said, in the last war we fallen angel should have been the winner both God and Maou dead we could have conquered everything but Azazel withdraw our forces. Now i am going to start another war, and this time only one side will survive Ha ha ha ..... "

Sona :" Go to hell. " she is angry after confirming her hypothesis.

She used her water magic to form a giant serpent. It attack Kokabeil but he just dismissed it with flip of his hand.

He threw the two Holy sword with full force toward Both Sona and Rias.

Akeno :" Rias, sona watch out. " She screamed and tried to help her friends

Kiba and Issei also rushed to protect her. Both Rias and Sona peerage tried to help them.

Rias used her Destruction magic to stop the swords that coming at them. But it only slowed the swords

Sona :" Rias move... " Rias quickly gets out of her path and a huge python made purely of water collided with swords but it also failed to stop it....

The sword cut the water python like cutting a vegetable. In the last ditch struggle both of them formed a magic circle combining both of their powers.


Both of them were unable to stop it, when the sword was about to reach them. A portal opened in front of them and two hand came out of it . It was clad in black. Jazz came out the portal....


Both sword stopped instantly

Jazz :" Both of you have just been demoted. " The sword in hand gave a weak cry.

All of them relaxed seeing jazz stopped the sword. Its good that they still listened to him.

But the most stunned was Kokabeil, he didn't thought that jazz has capabilities to stop his attack and that is with minimum effort.

Kokabeil :" Who are you? "

Jazz :" People call me Black Devil. Since you forced me to move, it's time we finished this.... "

With his signal Ravel and Ikaros move to deal with all the Fallen Angel.

Jazz :" Hmm how should I deal with you.....Right i will use that.... "

Suddenly his body transformed into Lamia version of king cobra.

Jazz :" This is 1 st evolution and now this is 2nd evolution... "

Slowly his overgrown 12 feet body transformed back into human form with his tails turning into normal legs. His whole body shine with black scale with yellow marking on it.

Kokabeil :" What is this? "

Jazz :" Its one of my transformation, in this form i gain unmatchable reflex. "

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" SORU X2"

He left an afterimage and appeared instantly in front of Kokabeil....

" BAAM "

Kokabeil crashed into the ground, he puked some blood. He quickly stood up and threw a light spear toward him...

Jazz dodged it with just tilting his head.

Jazz :" Hmm lets see what will happen if... "

" SORU X4 "

"Boom" a sonic boom resounded and four Jazz punched Kokabeil at the same place.

" Bam " " Bam " " Bam " " Bam"

Kokabeil :" Urgh.... " his face became disfigured by four consecutive punches.

Issei :" So fast, did you hear a sonic boom. He can move at sound speed... "

Kiba:" He is so much fast that he can create 3 solid afterimage...."

Ravel :" He is just playing with him, the opponent is so much slow that he has time to merge with all his afterimage to continue his attack. For other It looked like a solid afterimage which can also attack but in actual he is moving one afterimage to other. "

Kokabeil :" You bastard... " he used his light spear to keep jazz away, jazz dodge his attacks with unusual movements. His body can bend in angel which is impossible for human body. His spine is maneuvering like a snake body

After few minutes they separated from each other jazz undid his transformation...

Jazz :" Test complete, reflex and agility is really enhanced and you don't have what it takes to be my test subjects any more. "

Kokabeil is really in bad shape, his face is so much bruised that no one can recognise him anymore.

Kokabeil :" Woo wo... gu.. bu... "

Sona:" He really is cruel, only hitting him on the face, Kokabeil can not even speak anymore.... " she said that but there wasn't any pity in her tone

Jazz :" Then I will send you your way to afterlife, Ravel i developed this technique watch carefully ....."

Jazz transformed into Phoenix, his body started producing blue flame all around him.

" Phoenix.... Ka..... "

An intense heat spreaded in the surrounding as phoenix flame started condensing in the space between his hands

His hand started vibrating trying to compress more flame into it.

But someone else interrupted him....

" I think it's enough. Gregory will punished him accordingly. " Above them A person with pure white Armour appeared blocking him.

Jazz :" Then try to save him, if you can."

" Me Ha Me Ha "

Jazz was pushed back by the intensity and thrust in which the Flame launched toward Kokabeil. Vali instantly appeared before Kokabeil , he don't mind Kokabeil being dead but he felt this person is challenging him.

[ Devide ] [ Devide ] [ Devide ]

A white light surrounded Vali and a pair of Transparent wing appeared behind his back.

He saw the Flame approaching him still having much power in it , he smiles and took it head on.


The Flame scorched the area collided with him creating a explosion that covered the whole school . Blue flame destroyed everything, thanks to the school hours being finished otherwise no one would have survived. A big sphere of flame burned and scorched the whole school into nothing.

Issei :" Buchou what will we do with the school, he completely destroyed it. Someone outside must have noticed these many explosion.... "

Sona :" Don't worry i have placed a this whole area into a spell. No one from the non supernatural world will come in the vicinity unless I lifted it myself. "

When the Flame dissipate, VALI was still in the same place but his white Armour is now burned black. A dim glow surrounded him and his Armour returned to being the same spotless White Armour.

Jazz :" You survived, Nothing less from White Dragon Emperor. "

Vali :" Then I will take Kokabeil or whatever is remains of him."

Before he left, he had some conversation with Issei and Both Red and white Dragon Emperor promised to fight at appropriate time.

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