Chapter 104

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" Hades- sama Kokabeil has failed...." a voice resounded in a gloomy hall where on the throne a skeleton with death aura is sitting. His empty eyes socket glowed a little.

Hades :" How did he lost..." his voice is heavy and empty as himself.

" We don't know, he asked for our cooperation but didn't used the Hell dog we gave to him. So we could Not get any information on what happened... "

Hades :" Hmm i have a feeling he would lose, but to not use Our help till the end what is he hiding..... "

" We will get to it immediately, Hades- sama.... "


Vali arrive at the base of Gregory. He threw Barely alive Kokabeil to Bikou.

Kuroko :" Vali Nyan, you are late Nyan "

Bikou :" What happened to him...." he said indicating Kokabeil who has burned to the bone.

Vali :" Take him to Azazel.... " He flopped on his chair as his Armour vanished showing his severly burned skin.

Bikou :" What happened, who did this to you " he looked mad that someone would dare harm his friends.

Vali :" I meet someone strong...ha ha ha this is getting interesting. I am sure we will clash one day and I can feel it, he is still holding back. Without the Armour i would be in the same state as Kokabeil, this happen due to the heat passed through the Armour . "

Kuroko :" Let me heal you with senjutsu...."

Bikou :" If you are okay with it then it's fine, i doubt it is Red dragon emperor. Then who was it... "

[ He called himself Black Devil, Vali be careful around that guy he was only playing with you. He didn't have any killing intent when he attack ...]

Vali :" I know but a Dragon can not be taken down easily, i will measure his true strength one day. "

Kuroko :" A devil? Is he from Rias Gremory peerage?"

Vali :" No he is somehow connected to Phoenix family.... "

Kuroko :" May be i should check him out Nyan.."


Everyone was tired and returned to their home only Jazz, Ravel, Ikaros, Sona, Tsubaki, Rias, Akeno, irina, Xenovia are present.

Xenovia and Irina has an ugly expressions, because they just learned that their god is dead. Xenovia after the battle when asked this about from the church, they condemned her and Ask her to return with holy swords and receive her punishment for blasphemy the God.

Irina was also angered by how church are behaving with them but she was stopped by Xenovia to not create further problems. She is already being outcasts by church she don't want her friend to suffer the same thing.

Rias :" So what are you going to do now.... "

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Irina :" We will return to the church, even if They condemned us i will give my support to the Heaven. "

Xenovia :" I am not returning ... "

Irina :" What? why? i think we will be able to make them understand that you didn't do anything wrong, you just asked what we heard from Kokabeil. "

Xenovia :" I have made my decision.....Irina i am sorry, I will stay here. I have already informed the church that i lost all the Holy swords, they will not blame you for it."

Irina :" Why are you doing this, lets calm down and think this through. " she said in tears.

Jazz :" Irina let her be it not like she is going to be a different person even if she is not going to be with the church. " Irina didn't say anymore,

Xenovia :" Jazz I need a favor from you, i want to join your peerage .. " she looked at him with intensity, this could be the biggest decision of her life.

Irina just looked at her with incredulous gaze. She wondered what Xenovia is thinking...

Jazz also looked at her, he don't mind it but there is someone else who pulled shot at choosing his peerage....

Jazz :" I would very much like that.... " Xenovia smiled

" But there is someone else who decide who joins my peerage. Shiro... "

Being called she appeared in complete projection.

Xenovia :" Who is she? " She was surprised to see such beautiful girl, her white skin with silver hair with her beautiful face can mesmerised anyone.

Shiro :" I am Shirohime i am Jazz onii-chan imouto."

Rias :" Aren't you just a Sacred Gear. "

Shiro :" No i am not.... " her answer brought more questions

Jazz :" Oye Shiro? " he along with Ravel and Ikaros was surprised

Shiro :" Don't worry onii-chan, leave everything to me... but before that you should leave. " she pointed at Irina and made her vanished. Jazz sighed seeing Shiro just doing whatever she wants again....

Shiro :" First i want to ask all of you what do you think of onii-chan..... " Her question did caught them off guard.

Sona :" What do you mean by that...."

Shiro :" Don't you find him attractive.... " Sona fixed her glasses andremembers how jazz protecting her from imminent death. She felt her cheeks heating...

Sona :" I actually do... "

" " " HUH!!!! " " "

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Rias, Akeno, Tsubaki were surprised suddenly hearing her openly saying that.

Jazz looked at her, and a smile appeared on his face when their eyes meet.

Sona :" You all don't have to look at me like that, i am also a girl. I have also some expectations from how my boyfriend should be. Except for being a idiot, i think he have all the quality.... " Jazz suddenly felt offended....

Jazz :" Hey I am that much idiot that you think of me..."

Sona :" I am saying because you have no education am i wrong.? " jazz shrank back a little when he saw a glint in her eyes

jazz :" No... I have conditions that i had to think of how to survive i didn't have time to study in any school... " he said in his defence.

Sona :" Thats what I am saying sigh ....."

Ravel :" Sona -san you don't have to worry about it, mother has been giving him all the knowledge that he needs to attend in High class Devil meeting... "

Akeno :" I also find him attractive, very much attractive... " she sat on his laps and licked her lips Jazz felt her soft ass on his dick and got a hard on.

He hold her waist and brought her more closer and squeezed her ass tightly, she can feel his little brother is trying to penetrate her through the clothes ...

Akeno :" You also like it rough right... " she said while biting her lips. His tight grip on her ass speed up her breathing...

A sound of Cup breaking resounded, they all look at Rias....

Rias :" Both of are too much.... " she felt anger and jealous, jazz has never looked at her or shown any interest. But here he is flirting with Akeno openly...

Sona :" She is right both of you should tone down a little, there are places you should control yourself. " she said while hiding the redness on her face.

Akeno :" I wonder why are you angry Rias..." she smirked at her

Rias :" Hmph what you are doing is not how a Queen should behave.... "

Akeno :" You are just jealous.... " she grind her butt making Rias more angry.

Rias :" Jazz don't you have something to say... " she looked at him hopefully.

Jazz :" cough... I think she is right we shouldn't do this here and you are also wrong she has Issei why would be she jealous.... " Jazz said trying to dispel the arguments ...

Rias face fell hearing him say that, she shifted her face looking outside of the window. No one knows what she is thinking.....

Akeno :" Sigh.... " Akeno left jazz lap, she looked at Rias and jazz who don't have a clue what Is going on.... Shiro thought she should do something to lift this awkward atmosphere....

Suddenly Jazz spits the tea, seeing just what Shiro did. All the people were stunned and flagbrusted...

Jazz :" So i guess this is what you were doing with Ophis. "

Shiro :" Yes more or less... " she vaguely answered while playing with a Pawn devil piece.

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There is nothing wrong with the chess piece, but suddenly it multiplied 2, 4, 8, 16 ...

Sona :" What is this, how do you have this many Devil Piece. " she looked at all these piece her breathing was hard.

Of course they should be, devil pieces are something which is controlled by Underworld strictly. It can not be given to others on a whim. More importantly it manufacturing method is known to only Beelzebub One of the Maou.

Shiro :" If you understand a little of how infinity works this kind of things can be achievable. " Jazz eyes opened wide realised something as he looked at her....

Jazz :" Shiro you really won't tell me what is going on and what are you doing... " Ravel and Ikaros noticed the strangeness in his voice.

Shiro:" I can't onii-chan.. "

Jazz :" Fine don't tell me, but remember when I figured everything out. you be ready to receive a punishment... " she just smiled at him.

Shiro :" I am always waiting for you onii-chan. " Jazz closed his eyes and tried to relax there are lots of thoughts are running on his mind.

Shiro :" This is a copy of Jazz's Devil piece. How it was made You will be able to know in future if you join him. "

Sona :" What do you mean, is it joining his peerage or something else."

Shiro :" it is the same thing but don't worry you won't have to leave your own peerage. But You will be bound to him in some way. you will also gain strength just like jazz and his peerage did, you must have find it odd that jazz growing so much stronger in just one day. I am sure all of you want to know what happened in just one day, but it is only for those who choose to take this piece . " she tempted them....

Shiro :" Also it is only for females only.... "

Akeno :" Why is that? " she felt this is a weird

Shiro :" Basically it means you will be in his Harem.... I think jazz don't want another male in his Harem. " she laughed

Jazz :" Cough..... cough.... Shiro you are making things more difficult for me, i already have no idea why you are doing this..... " he felt his head hurts with all the thinking, she ignored his complain

Sona :" I understand this will give us strength and more opportunities but what would you gain from this. We don't know who you are or what you are. " she has lots of doubt and , she felt there is something that Shiro is definitely hiding....

Shiro :" You will know everything when you take it. But the Harem part was joke... but something bad will happen to the person who take it turns out to be male since it is made by me . Now choice is all yours..... "


Jazz is now Roaming the city with Ravel and Ikaros. Both girls are bringing too much attention. One is wearing a maid uniform and other is a flaming pattern leather jacket and tight leather pant.

Jazz :" You wait here, I am going to buy us some ice cream for us . "

He disappeared, but soon some boys started hitting on them.

" Maid and Wow what a beauty such a fine ass, lets take a photo with us. " few Yankee boys tried to grab both of their shoulders.

Ravel :" Hmph you all are scum want to touch me, i will burn ass into ashes..... " she said angrily

" What are you being arrogant for, we are just taking some pictures. If you have some problems let's take it to the Back Alley we can settle it there right boys haha . " the one leading them laughed pervertly.

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He sneakily tried to touch Ravel Butt, when someone grabbed his hand and crushed it...

" Aaaaaa..... " he struggle with intense pain.

Jazz :" Ha ha ha right i really want to see what you want to do in some Back Alley. " he suddenly appeared startling them.

" Who the hell are you, what did you do to our boss. If you don't want to die mind your own. " one of the lacky gave him half assed threat

" Hey this guy broke our boss hand, get him... " Suddenly one of them yelled. All of them surrounded jazz.

Jazz :" You guys really don't understand what you are dealing with right? " He sighed his legs moved swiftly


" " " " Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " " " "

One after another they all kissed the ground , they writhed in pain holding their Balls.Blood started coming out between their legs....

Jazz :" Luckily you are just normal human, but a ball less men is enough punishment for you all... "

people who were watching for the moment they can have a chance on the girls got scared and ran away. Some one screamed murder but jazz just ignored it....

Jazz :" Here, choose whatever you want. " He has atleast 20 different types of ice cream in a bag.

Ravel :" So much.. " She didn't ask from where did he brought them

Jazz :" There were tons of choices on the store so I grabbed all of it..."

Ravel :" So what are we going to do now, and you seem to be in a bad mood ...."

Jazz :" Its nothing...Once we return to the pirate world back we would have lots of fighting to do, we will move to New world. We should recruit as much people before that... "

Ravel :" Hmm do you also plan to recruit more than the peerage number... " she has doubt what Shiro has been doing, all this time they are following Shiro advice and the person who seems to know everything is Hancock.

Jazz :" Yeah that seems to be best plan, since Shiro has a method to Make more Devil pieces although I think they are different from the one made by Ajuka Beelzebub . I have a feeling we should use this opportunity...."

Jazz :" Where were you? " suddenly Shiro appeared

Shiro :" Increasing your Harem he he... " she has a mischievous smile....

Jazz :" What did you do again .... " he has a bad feeling...

Shiro :" Don't worry, i found a potential peerage member for your original Devil pieces. This person can help you in lots of ways, believe in me..... " she said in confident tone.

Jazz: " And where is this potential Peerage members... " He is excited that some more people going to join them

Shiro :" We have to go to a very special place for that, so we have to wait for an opportunity . " Jazz thought for a bit,

Jazz :" Then lets stay here in human world for some time....."

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