Chapter 105

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Jazz and the girls stayed at a Hotel nearby of Kuhou Academy.

Jazz was taking a bath when Ravel came in and also started washing her body. Her lose curly blonde hair and perfect round tight Ass made jazz horny.

Jazz :" Let me wash you..."

He started washing her hair first....

Jazz :" Hmm Ravel you looked exactly like your mother... "

Ravel :" I know, but there is still some differences.... " she just sat there and enjoyed his touch.

Jazz :" May be because she is a mother, it bring out her adult charm... "

Ravel :" Don't you have any weird idea about my mother"

Jazz :" No she is my mother now, i don't have a thing for her..... You are enough for me.... " he said while massaging her beautiful tight ass.

Ravel :" Hmm.... " she smiled and felt his little brother touching her back.

Jazz was done washing her hair and now he is washing her whole body.... He gently cupped her breast.. getting a light moan. He keeps on massaging her white milky breast and his dick keeps on touching gently on her ass.

Ravel couldn't control herself as his massage got rougher. She grabbed his dick and started stroking it around her ass cheeks and her pussy. Jazz hugged her tightly from the back, her back is pressing against his chest as his dick try to find the right hole . He grabbed her breast and sucked it over her shoulder

Ravel :" Annn yes.... ahhhhhh jazz.... suck it more... "

She kept on teasing his dick sometimes her ass hole sometimes her pussy but she didn't let it get inside her.

Jazz :" Arg..... you are really enjoying torturing me... "

he left her breast and tilted her head back making their face closer. He pressed his lips tightly on hers.

Slurp... kiss..... slurp...

She struggled to maintain the posture as she felt her neck hurting for bending it backward position. Jazz let her go and pressed her against the wall....

Jazz :" I am going to be little rough today.... "

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Ravel :" Since when you went easy on us.... " Jazz smirked seeing her rosy face and her approval

He slammed his dick inside her pussy from the back

Ravel :" Aaaaaaaaaaa.... Ohhhhhhh..... yes... I like it when you do rough..... be more rougher .... I can still take it...."

Jazz :" Then bend a little forward... and spread your ass more. I love your ass cheeks Ravel... " he slapped her ass

" Annnnnnnnnnnnnn. ..... Ohhhhhhh... Jazz... "

She did as he said and spread her ass more for him to enjoy. He tightly grabbed them and slammed his hip more Harder. Her ass sway in a beautiful way with each slamming...

Jazz :" Look at your self 4 years ago how cute and little you were and now you are making such Erotic face, just imagining the difference is making me pound you more.... "

His dick move inside her like a piston


" AHHH " " AHH " " AHHH "

Their love song resounded in the whole bathroom for half an hour. Jazz didn't change the position he keeps on ramming her from behind.... her ass was red as tomato...

JAZZ :" Ravel i am going to cum... " he moved faster then before....

Ravel :" Cum Inside me... I want all inside me... "

Jazz :" Are you sure? "

Ravel :" Don't worry, i am ready.... " she turned her head and smiled... Jazz omnitrix glowed and he used a transformation.

Jazz :" Then take it all in... hahhhhhh ... Hahhhhhh.... hahhhhhh " he started shouting while ramming in rythem

Ravel :" Me too i am also going to cum.... "

" " Ahhhhhh " "

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They released their love juice at the same time. Jazz didn't let her go and went as deep as he can releasing everything inside her, she is squeezing his penis inside her forcing him to release all his juice ...

Jazz :" Then today is going to be a special day.... " Jazz took her to the bed. They kissed and started another round. Ravel screamed all night in pleasure ....

It is a rule among the girls if one of them want him for herself only for one night. They would not disturb her, they would only join when jazz want more than one girl. or some girls want to do it together.

Ikaros is on the rooftop of the building, she is making sure no one disturb them. Today is Ravel' s big day....


One week later, in this week nothing unusual happened. Except he meet Rias and Sona several times to discuss how to make all their peerage stronger. They have devised several plans, with Shiro help they are sure they will get strong. Jazz also wanted both of their peerage to be as strong as possible.

jazz went to meet Xenovia, Rias and others. Ravel is resting they did 22 rounds on the previous night and she said she would rest today a little. They are pretty much active this whole week, Ikaros also joined them and became as wild as possible . Ikaros is also stayed behind taking care of Ravel as per his instructions.

On his back has a big white colour backpack, it is Mimicry holy sword in transformation. This Sword is really handy, that's why jazz choose it. Inside it is resting other Holy sword. Jazz find this way of carrying them better when they just float around him...

He is going to meet Xenovia because of what happened yesterday. He sighed recalling what happened when Shiro presented them with a copied Devil pieces.

Flashback one week ago ------

Shiro :" So the choices is yours....Xenovia, i have a plan for you. Why don't you Become Knight of Rias Gremory and Also take a copied piece of Rook or a Queen of jazz pieces. One benefits will be your overall stats will be enhanced tremendously... "

Xenovia :" Why can't I be directly be in his peerage... I actually want to join him. "

Shiro :" You are joining him that is absolutely right. I understand your hesitation ... but there are things that I can't say unless you join him..... "

Suddenly Rias who has been listening till now turned her face towards Jazz....

Rias :" Jazz what do you think of me. " All of them looked at her, there is a determination in her voice... Jazz also find it strange something like this coming from her.

Jazz :" You are a fine girl Rias, if you want my honest opinion. You are a wonderful person, i would love to have you by my side... " he gave her his honest opinion, Rias sighed in relief that he didn't dislike her ...

Rias :" Your name is Shiro right, i want a Queen piece. I will join him.... " Jazz was surprised, just what is going on. Does she understand what she is doing.

Jazz: " Rias you understand right, by choosing this piece you are bound to me. I will be frank i would love to see you by my side and I will absolutely not like it if you leave my side for any other men. "

he seriously said it to her, Rias also looked at his gaze she could feel it he was not joking. He was Damn serious, there will be no going back after this ...

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Rias :" Then I will be also be frank, i have no idea from why did you think that i will think of go to another person after choosing you, I am not that kind of woman. "

she took the copied queen piece and merged with it. Jazz just keep on looking at her, he has some reservation against her because she was about to give her virginity to Issei to run away from her arranged marriage. But he decided not to think much about it now, since she accepted him.

Akeno was startled, Somehow Rias has become daring.... She don't know what kind of upheaval will happen in underworld when they heard that Rias Gremory has chosen her man.

Rias Opened her eyes after 30 minutes, they patiently waited for her. Jazz asked Shiro why she is taking so long, she said she left some of his memories in it....

Air changed around Rias. She has a calm and mature expressions like she has seen and lived a complete lifetime... She looked at him, there is no doubt in her eyes, it's like she understand everything. She looked straight into his eyes. Jazz felt something is wrong here.... Few memories won't bring this change.

Jazz :" Shiro just how much of my memories you showed to her... "

Shiro :" From your rebirth in pirate world till now..... "

Jazz :" It freaking everything, how about a little privacy please.... " he screamed at her.

Rias :" Now i understand everything.....So that was it.... Shirohime and jazz i am sorry that I doubted you. I understand why it was necessary to join your peerage to know about you and everything related to you.... "

Shiro :" I am glad that you understand, believe me you will be thankful to me for taking that Devil pieces today" Shiro is somewhat relief seeing Rias joining them

Rias :" I believe in you, Xenovia you should Also do as Shiro said. I would seriously like the weilder of Holy Sword Durandal in my peerage and also by taking jazz Devil piece, you would not be disappointed. Sona its strange for me to say this but I think you should also join us. We will discuss the matter about him joining Three top Devil family and how to deal with everything later .. "

Xenovia did just as Shiro told her, Akeno was ready from the beginning she also took one more Queen piece .

sona :" You can said to be very much lucky or unlucky, Getting two sisters of the Maou. Now you will be more famous then anyone in the underworld. "

she he has somewhat guessed from Shiro word where this will all lead to.Only Tsubaki didn't accept it, she still has Kiba in her heart.

Flash back End------------------

Jazz arrived at Kuhou Academy, students were looking at him because he just marched in without hesitation.

" Hey look don't you think he is handsome... "

" But why is he wearing black leather jacket and pants in broad day light. "

" Maybe he is from some gang, what is he carrying on such big backpack... "

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" Hey look it's Rias-sama, and Akeno onee-sama.... "

" Why are they approaching that man, do they know each other..... "

The school grounds became more chaotic as Rias and Akeno came to meet him.

Rias :" I am glad that you came. " she smiled at him.

Jazz :" of course I will come, there is nothing hidden between us now..... "

Akeno :" Where is Ikaros and Ravel.? "

jazz :" They are resting back on the Hotel. " Jazz said awkwardly

Akeno :" I smell indecency.... " she smelled him. Rias raised an eyebrow but shook her head.....

Rias :" Sigh what am I worrying about. lets go to club room. Sona is also waiting for you... "

Akeno :" I want to ask jazz, when you gave a part of your soul to Ikaros. Didn't she kind of became your daughter. Do you have that much interest in incest..... you are pervert in a extreme way aren't you.... " she snicker at him

Jazz :" Hmph who are you calling pervert.... "

Akeno :" Annn... " Rias looked at her strangely, Akeno face was red from excitement and pleasure... She looked at jazz who one hand is inside his pocket.

She remembered how jazz powers work. She sighed seeing them doing things out in the open and somehow pissed for being ignored . Its like they are made for each other... Jazz keep on squeezing and fingering Akeno pussy in front of everyone but no one noticed it. She is on the cloud nine as she is being watched and fingered in the open.


Inside the club room both Rias and Sona peerage are waiting for Rias and Akeno. Both Rias and Sona has something to discuss with their peerage.

Finally they came with jazz. They all noticed how strangely Akeno is walking. Jazz stopped fingering her, his finger were drenched. He took a sniff at it making both Akeno and Rias embarrassed.

Jazz :" You would be delicious to eat Akeno. " his sudden remarks flagbrusted everyone in the club.

Sona :" cough.... Jazz there are people here . " she said with slight anger in her voice.

Jazz :" Yes sorry... " he sat beside Koneko.

Koneko :" Go away, you reeks of sp.... " he quickly covered her mouth, since Sona is Glaring her. he didn't want to anger her...

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