Chapter 106

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Rias :" Me and Sona wanted to announce some important decisions that we made yesterday. First i want to welcome Xenovia as my Knight. "

Sona :" You all will hear it sooner or later, but I want all you to hear it from me directly. " All her peerage looked at her strangely....

Momo :" Why the seriousness Kaicho, did you find a boyfriend or something... he he.. " she joked but Sona next word startled everyone

Sona :" You are right Momo. " she said while fixing her glasses, but it was to hide her red cheeks. Afterall it is new to her being someone girlfriend.

" " " " " " What " " " " " "

Saji felt his heart clenched in pain, some of the girls look at him pitifully. Almost all of them know how he felt towards Sona.

Kiba :" Buchou did you also find someone. "

Rias :" Yes Kiba, i have someone I like. We both have became Jazz girlfriends " this time Issei heart broke apart. He thought there was something going on between them since she came to him in her distress and he swear to give everything for her.

Most of them were surprised hearing that they have the same Boyfriend. They looked at him with different light, he conquered two beautiful woman and they are heir to the Their respective family.

Jazz looked at both Issei and saji reactions, as expected. He thought he needed to do something about them. Since they have tremendous growth in the anime and the reason is both Rias and Sona.

Koneko :" Congratulations Buchou and Kaicho. "

one by one all of them congratulated them. Even Issei and Saji.

School finished and jazz was still in Orc club. He wondered what is Ravel and Ikaros is doing.....

Rias came along with Akeno, Xenovia and Sona came after finishing their classes.

Xenovia :" Hah the classes are hard, i am getting trouble in adjusting this whole school life. "

Sona :" We are all here for you, You can get Asia help. Since both of you are in the same class. "

Xenovia :" I will do it, i will conquer today's homework. " she said pumping her fist.

Xenovia :" Jazz I have something to ask of you, i want 10 child this instant. " Jazz expected something like this from her but 10 is just...

Jazz :" Before you undress your self tell me Why 10? " he stopped her from undressing herself. Other girls also stopped her

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Xenovia :" Since god is dead, i want to live for myself and we are going to all kind of different world. I want my children to dominant all of these world. " Jazz laughed at her declaration

jazz :" Alright lets get to Baby making this instant.... " he wanted to have a session with her but he felt someone approaching this school at high speed. Ikaros reached first and soon behind her Ravel also reached him....

Jazz looked at Ravel, she has an unusual reactions. She is fidgeting in front of him also there is an excitement like never before in her eyes.

Ikaros looked at Ravel, indicating to say something... She sighed and decided to reveal....

Ikaros :" Master.... Ravel... "

Ravel :" I will tell him..... " she stopped Ikaros from saying anything.....

Ravel:" I....." suddenly she got a message from her mother. There is a worried expression on her face....

Jazz :" What happened...? " He became anxious

Ravel :" Don't know but some Devil factions are accusing us for harboring Source of light or something like that.... Mother told us to be careful here. " Jazz frowned,

Jazz :" We are returning..." he need to make sure Hancock is safe....

Rias :" I am also going... " she is also worried, the recent events happening in Phoenix family is all related to him. she wants to help him any way possible.

Jazz :" No you can't, you have to be here if someone targeted your peerage. As a king you should be around them to protect and guide them. "

He took her in embrace and Kissed her passionately. She was surprised but wrapped her arms around him. They kissed for a long time.

Jazz also kissed Xenovia and promised to have tons of baby with her.

He slapped Akeno butt who was not letting him go of his Little brother.

Finally he lightly kissed sona who was just too embarrassed. He promised to do more in private.


When jazz reached the underworld, he didn't find any problem within the Phoenix territory.

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He rushed at The palace, the guards did not stop him. He quickly reached Hancok room.

Hancok :" You are back...." she smiled and stopped whatever doing and hugged him, she wishpered something. He frowned and his eyes became cold....

Jazz :" What happened, i heard that there is some trouble here....." He asked Tsunade and he also greeted his mother.

Lady Phoenix :" You are seriously underestimating our phoenix family power. " she came followed by several guards.

Ravel :" But you said there is some trouble in territory, so we rushed back... "

Lady Phoenix :" There was but it not something you children should worry about. Your father and big brother are handling it. Some pesky maggots accused us for Harbouring ill intent towards Devil society. And said we are harbouring someone related to heaven. They call him or her Source of light. " she said that while looking at jazz.

Jazz :" Hmm if you say there is no problem here, then that must be right.... " he dodged her eyes.

Lady Phoenix :" What are you carrying. I can feel holy power from it. " she said while looking at his back pack.

Jazz :" Of these.... "

He released all the swords, Startling everyone. One of the guard has very much unpleasant expressions....

Jazz :" these are holy swords that i found in human world, 3 of them were in Kokabeil's hand and two were in the warriors from the church. For some reasons they followed me and now i am welding them.... " he said while grabbing Holy sword Mimic it transformed into a katana. Hancok hand were holding him tightly...


Suddenly Jazz slashed, Mimic Holy sword blade extended and cut a Guard hand instantly .

" Argahhhh..... "

He screamed in agony as his flesh was burning due to holy sword effect.

Something fall from his severed hand it was shapped like a black pyramid and made of some unknown material.

A portal opened and jazz quickly grabbed it before it reaches the ground.

Jazz :" Look like there really are rats inside our home. If Hancok didn't felt that someone is harboring ill intent towards her and all the Phoenix family. " he said while coldly looking at all of the guards, he clenched his sword tightly and looking for any wrong move any of the guard make.

Hancock :" It was our child that told me that someone has ill intent towards us, i informed this to Ravel's Mother.... I mean to.... mother. But we couldn't find who was it... " she said while caressing her belly.

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Lady Phoenix :" I was also worried about this, we need to investigate properly what these fools doing infiltrating our house. " she looked at all the guards, they had their heads down.....

Ravel :" What are you waiting for, arrest him... " she coldly order them. The guard was still screaming in agony.

Jazz :" What is this thing? " he showed it to her. When Ravel and her Mother saw what jazz in his hand. They got scared and back away from it.

Ravel :" How did this thing get here, it should have been destroyed by our family. " she looked at the thing with hostile expressions.

Jazz :" What is this thing....? "

Lady Phoenix :" it is the only thing our phoenix family feared, it is a phoenix fire parasite. It can stop our phoenix regeneration abilities, if a injury happened to us at that time. It could lead it to death...." Now he is sure someone is after not only him but whole phoenix family....

But something unexpected happened, suddenly the guard whose hand jazz chopped killed himself by his own magic.

Jazz quickly threw the thing away which started reacting after that guard death , Ikaros also quickly formed a barrier covering every one of them.


A big explosion happened destroying a large part of the Mansion. When the dust settle lots of black glowing small beetle like insects are covering Ikaros barrier from all sides. They can't see past the barrier...

Hancok :" Is this the Phoenix parasite you were talking about.... " They can all see the bug is covering the barrier

Lady Phoenix :" I never mentioned why it is the most deadly thing for us..... Once the parasite hatched it will seek out anyone with the Phoenix blood line " she is worried for every phoenix family member in underworld.....

Tsunade :" But how can this much parasites can be carried in such small Pyramid like thing. "

Jazz :" We can worry about that later, she is right they are attacking barrier to get to Ravel and mother. "

Soon some more guards came in, they tried to scare the parasites away. And they succeeded, the parasites flee everywhere giving a moment to relax especially for Ravel and Lady phoenix .....

Lady Phoenix :" We need to deal with these parasite before they reproduced and multiply more. But they are nemesis of Phoenix. They are specially adaptive to fire, after all they like to stay and breed in Hell fire. And phoenix flame are like snacks to them, if they latches on us they will eat us from inside out . " jazz frowned hearing all this...who is behind this attack...

Jazz :" We need to stop them from spreading anymore, i have an idea.... Ikaros keep the barrier up. "

Jazz went outside and used the Phoenix Transformation.

Hancok :" What the hell are you doing, didn't you hear the explanation.... " she and everyone became worried

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jazz :" It is the only way to attract them, i will have them feed on me and later kill them all together.... "

Lady Phoenix :" You fool you don't know the pain in which you have to suffer. It is not something you need to do.... "

Jasmine :" Jazz listen since everyone is saying it will be painful, you don't need to do this . " she almost cried

Jazz didn't listen to any of them, since the one behind it didn't revealed himself. He need to finish this mess as soon as possible.... If they reproduced or someone else get their hand on these Parasites, phoenix family have to live with fear every day....

Jazz :" Once they attack me make a barrier around me.... " he can see all the parasites flocking towards him.

He sat on the place and closed his eyes, when the very first Parasites enter his body.....

Jazz:" AAAAAAAAAAA......." This was the start the agony. soon all parasites entered his body...outside he looks fine but inside only he can feel what is going on...the torment of being eating alive by these parasites will make anyone wish for a quick death.... he can feel every parasite crawling inside his body. He used phoenix flame to destroy them but they just made them more active eating away his flame and flesh.....

his screamed frightened everyone it was unbearable for them... Hancock struggle to stand. She could not bear to see this. Ravel is banging the barrier to get outside...

Ravel:" Open it want to go to him i will also bear this pain. He can't do this alone...."

Ikaros:" No it was Master order...." she chocked when she said that

Tsunade:" At least let me go outside, i can heal him and help him.... "

Ikaros thought for a while and decided to let Tsunade go out, if she could help Jazz in some way it will be great after all she can't see him screaming in pain like that...

Ikaros:" All right i will let you go, make sure he is all right...."

She slightly opened Her Aegis Shield, but at that moment the one rushed to him was Ravel, she ignited all her phoenix flame trying to attract the parasite to herself.....

(Ravel: I won't let you suffer alone ....i will share your pain....i haven't even told you yet.... after all you are....) she caressed her belly and run at full speed toward him.....

This made the other shocked.....

Ikaros:" No stop Ravel, stop you are going to kill your and master baby..." Ikaros shouted with all her strength...when other heard this none of them stayed still they all rushed to stop her.

Lady phoenix:" Ravel..." she also rushed to stop her daughter, she can't let anything happened to Ravel when she is carrying a child.

(Jazz: This pain..... what is this pain.....its eating my brain.....i underestimated these bugs....i understand .... i can't

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