Chapter 107

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(Jazz: This pain..... what is this pain.....its eating my brain.....i underestimated these bugs....i understand .... i can't

When he heard was about to lose his sanity due to shear pain, he suddenly heard Ikaros voice. He suddenly felt all his pain vanished no the pain was still there but his mind was too stunned to make him realise of it.

(Jazz:" i am going to have another child...he he .....) he started remembering all the time he spent with her, she was cute and adorable at first and slowly in his influence became a raging bird. She would not back away from a fight and her hotheadedness is also jazz loved it...

He suddenly felt that the parasites are agitated and some of them are moving trying to move outside of him...

(Jazz: NO.... RAVEL...NO.... MOVE.... STOP HER ...MOVE.....I AM NOT GOING TO KILL.... MY OWN CHILD....) his body started shaking violently but this was not due to pain


( Ravel: I can't watch him in pain anymore....)

Ravel covering her whole body with flame was about to reach him, at that moment he suddenly punched the ground in agitation and frustration ...

"BOOM " Rock and dust flew everywhere...

This was his first reaction then suddenly he stood up and gave Roar toward the sky, cloud separated and created a open space like saying we are not invading your space ...

" GRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA...." an invisible shock wave strikes all them, it forced Ravel to stop in her tracks. Hancock eyes opened feeling this power from him...

" GRRRRRRAAAAAAAA...." The bug that were about to leave him and attack Ravel were forced to stop...

" GRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAA...." A earth shaking roar spreaded everywhere, it was deafening all of them were forced to cover their ears. Guards and his mother instantly fainted....

He roared and roared don't know how long but it was realise by lot of powerful beings even if they could not hear it but they felt it . They all could feel someone powerful has born today, someone who has will of a Conqueror...

Jazz Quickly Use his omnitrix and transformed into Ghost Rider. Flame covered his whole body...

A painful squealing can be heard from all over his body, bugs could be seen crawling and biting on his bones are now screaming in pain .

Jazz :" You want to devour me then eat all you want...."

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Flame blasted from his body like a broken flaming oil tanker, but to his surprise it didn't have much effect on them. The parasites are still trying to devour him and after some time they started getting used to of the Hell Flame that his body is producing.

Ravel :" Jazz you are okay... "Ravel once again came near him her presence made the Parasites agitated again...

Jazz :" What are you you doing here fool, are you trying to kill yourself. "

Even though she could not see his expressions in this form she was sure that jazz was very angry at her...

Ravel :" I was... just worried... " she said weakly...

Jazz :" Go inside Ikaros's barrier again, we don't know what the enemy want... "

Ravel :" Yes... " Her mood feel and she turned around and started walking towards other. Her mother quickly grabbed her and check for any oddity in her body.

Jazz sighed seeing her behave like that, he cursed himself for showing such weakness, but he shuddered remembering the pain , it was one thing he definitely don't want to feel again . Jazz felt his magic power dropped to a noticeable level. He used his Angeloid wings to absorb energy from the surrounding....

Jazz :" Ravel... take good care of yourself and baby now....." Ravel mood went up hearing that...

Shiro :" This parasites problem is not going to leave like that you know. and these bugs are getting comfortable... "

She was right, the parasites seems to be cozy roaming his body.

jazz :" You came now, i was literally went mental back there. " He complained

Shiro :" I believe in you, you can deal with something like that on your own. " Jazz sighed...

Soon Lord phoenix and Ravel brothers also came. They were stunned seeing all the destruction....


3 day passed, jazz was still using his Ghost rider transformation. His condition didn't look good as the magical energy to maintain this transformation when the Parasites are damaging him is slowly getting to the bottom line even with the help of Angeloids wings which is continuously supplying him with energy.

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Whole Phoenix family is trying hard to find a way to remove the parasites from his body. The parasites are long adjusted to his flame and now they started multiplying.

Today Rias brother is coming to meet him. Shiro has gone somewhere again...

Ravel :" How are you feeling... " she has became more women like after getting pregnant...

Jazz :" Not much good, my magic power is depleting and the Angeloids wings can not catch up to it. Enough about me how are you doing... "

he said while being inside a barrier, because these parasites keep on agitated whenever someone from phoenix family get near to him. They had to made a barrier capable of holding the parasites inside ...

Ravel :" I feel alright, other than my mom pestering me all day everything is fine.... "

Jazz :" Sigh if not for these parasite i would also love to take care of you... " he sighed.

Ravel :" We will have all the time later for now concentrate on keeping these parasites check..." She seems down that he had to go through all of this...

Some guards came and informed them of arrival of Siezechs Lucifer.

Jazz :" Ravel you should go, i will be fine for now. Also stay with Hancock and others all the time, we don't know what the enemy want i will feel safe if you stayed with them..... "

She nodded and left...

Jazz :" Welcome to my humble abode... " He said sarcastically to Siezechs.... who came in with several guards following him..

Sirzechs :" You seems do be doing fine... " he smiled. Jazz gestured the guards to leave.

Jazz :" So how is the preparations coming on regarding that... " he wanted to know what they are doing about 666.

Sirzechs :" Sigh.... we are doing everything but if what you said is true no matter what preparations we do, we will not be able to kill it. Can you tell us more about it.... "

Jazz :" I already told you everything, even all moau were to combine their strengths i doubt you would be able to kill it. If you want my opinion find a way to seal it again like God of Bible did.... "

Sirzechs :" It not possible for anyone to be able to do what God of bible did. Well i am here on a different matter. Yesterday I went to meet Rias... " Jazz interest peaked...

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" Jazz you are in trouble... "

Jazz :" Why is that? "

Sirzechs :" With me Sona sitri big sister Serafal also went to meet sona. It was a some school event, you know what happened when we told them that someone attack Phoenix family and use phoenix parasites to kill them. "

Jazz :" What happened then..." he had a bad feeling about all of this

Sirzechs :" Sona and Rias both asked about your wellbeing, we told them your conditions. "

Jazz :" Why would you do that, i did not want to make them worried so I had to lie to them... You tell them on purpose... didn't you.. " Sirzechs smiled

Sirzechs :" Off course during my stay there, i noticed they talk about you more than other matter. I was informed that you also deal with Kokabeil, i was surprised you gaining that much strength and also you also clashed with Vali. But what surprised me that my little sister is quite fond of you, when I told her that you are suffering she immediately want to come here and Sona also has the same reaction... "

Jazz :" Are you angry that i am taking your little sister away from you..." Jazz already know the answer to that....

Sirzechs :" No i am not, she told me that she will cancel her engagement with Riser completely and Announce her relationship to the underworld later. Also she made me promised that i help you.... " he sighed

Jazz :" You can help me? " he was happy that he could finally get out of this situation..

Sirzechs :" Off course I am a Maou after all. "

Jazz :" Thanks in advance... So how do you intend to help me. " he finally was able to relax

Sirzechs :" But it will hurt a bit, but I think you will be able to endure that much pain.. now i heard you have all kind of transformation and also a legitimate Phoenix Transformation. "

Jazz :" Yes i do, some of it is quite awesome. I can show it to you later. " his mood got better after hearing sirzechs will help him.

sirzechs :" I can see you can also use Hell Flame which is impossible for others to due to its nature and it seems you can't feel any pain either . Just what kind of sacred Gear is this omnitrix. Alright someone is getting impatient we will have to finish this quickly so use your phoenix transformation and concentrate on the parasites to stay in a same place... " Jazz wondered who is getting impatient

Jazz gritted his teeth he really don't want to suffer the same pain. He took a deep breath

jazz :" Aaaaaaaaaaa... Damn it.....this pain . " he can't believe that he had to endure this pain again...he is tempted to end this transformation this instant... But sirzechs was little surprised seeing a metallic wings turned into Wing soft as feathers and transparent as glass. It resembles to that of an angel wings but he knows it is different.

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Sirzechs :" Force all of them on a same place...." He placed a hand on jazz chest helping him to bring all parasites on a same place...

Jazz :" I can't... concentrate..... in.... This pain... " he was barely able to say that....

Sirzechs made a sphere of destruction magic and covered most of his body leaving his head and in an instant only half of his body remain..... instantly phoenix regeneration started working and regenerated whole of his body....

Jazz sighed in relief feeling almost half of his pain vanishing.

Sirzechs :" Its odd, even in this extreme pain you can concertante on your regeneration. " Phoenix family weakness is that If the pain exceeded their bearing threshold they can't concentrate on regeneration.

They used this method to slowly decrease the no of Parasites....

Jazz :" These parasite are quite adaptive now they all are inside my head, they are trying to play dead so that we will ignore them. " he sighed in relief after getting rid of all the pain...

Sirzechs :" Can I use my destruction magic with your head, it will not kill you right.... " They have been doing this for half an hour. Sirzechs did not complain but diligently did his work...

Jazz :" Yeah don't worry..."

Sirzechs did as Jazz said and made his head disappeared killing all the parasites instantly. When jazz head finally regenerated...

Jazz :" Ha ha ha... I am finally free from these pesky parasites... Thanks a bunch Sirzechs " he undid his transformation and returned to his normal body. Sirzechs smiled seeing him all happy and carefree again...

Sirzechs :" Don't mention it.... also I want to meet someone... "

Suddenly Serafal entered the room, she is in her Magical Levi- Tan uniform. Jazz understood he escaped from one hell then entered another.

Jazz :" Hello Serafal you looking hot in this dress... " He complimented her...

Serafal :" You like " Jazz nodded... She felt happy that someone appreciated her magical uniform, she did a pose..

" MAGICAL GIRL LEVIA -TAN IS HERE TO VANISH ALL EVIL?? TE ..HE .." she winked but jazz is already vanished...

Serafal :" He he he you want to run from Levia-tan hands, you stole my So - chan first kiss... I will never ever accept this. The only one who could stay in her i me... " She looked at a direction and chase after him....

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