Chapter 108

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In the two person are colliding at very high speed creating shock waves, suddenly one of them was blasted to the ground.


From the ground jazz appeared, he was bleeding a little...

Jazz:" Come on serafall its not like you can marry your sister, and that was just a kiss. At least go easy on me.." he got up from the ground....Five swords surrounded him...

Serafall:"I am already going easy on you, if i wanted to kill you all i have to do is wave my magical wand and spread some glitter and you will be freeze to death...." she said while waving her wand

Jazz:" Then why are you doing this, i am already tired and want to go home and rest...."

Serafall:" You have been a bad kid Jazz-chan, stealing So-Tan from me when i was not looking...." jazz seriosly don't like being called kid

Jazz:" If i am a kid then what are you Grand..." before he could finish he was hit my her Magical Wand, it returned to her after giving him a bloody nose...

Jazz:" Thats it i will not go easy on you anymore..." he cleaned his nose and grab the Holy Sword Mimic, it transformed into a Baseball Bat.

Jazz:" Mimic this is going to be our first debut together don't disappoint me..."


Instantly four jazz appeared confusing her and the real jazz appeared behind her back creating sonic booms in his wakes....


She blocked his attack with her wand... he retreated back and gave full power swing forcing her a step back...

Boom Boom Bang

They collided several times, destroying several landscapes, mountain, trees river everything.....

On a different location Serzecs, Ajuka, Falbium were watching this fight with interest.

Falbium:" Is it necessary to do this...." he said lazily

Ajuka:" You know how those old folks refuses to believe the matter of 666, that is strong then anything and could destroy the underworld. They believe there is nothing that could destroy the current underworld but we have only one thing to support this claims and it is him.

What i want is to confirm that he is telling Truth or there are not any thing we are missing so that even if higher up sat casually doing nothing, i will formulate a plan for the future of Underworld.

Also i want to confirm something, i have a feeling or should i say a theory on who he is but i need to confirm it...."

Serzecs:" Care to tell us, what you got...." He is also very much interested in Jazz identity.

Falbium:" I am tired...."



They separated, jazz was frustrated he didn't hit her even once.....she blocked everything and even hit him several times....

Phoenix Transformation

Jazz:" Lets see how you deal with this..."

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Jazz:" Phoenix Ka meha meha...." he didn't hold back like last time, he pored as much fire between his hand as he could .....


It scorched the sky as it move toward her, Serafall vision was completely covered with flame. she could not see anything but flame, she could feel the heat coming from it is dangerous for any High class devil. Some of them could die by turnig into ashes...


Jazz:" Hahhhhhhhh...." he keep pouring more fire it made lots of explosion as it collided with her.A mile area of the Sky was covered with blue flame...

jazz :" I guess that didn't hurt you a bit....." all the flame in the area were frozen becoming an excellent masterpiece of 3D painting.

Serafall :" Tell me what you like about my sister. " she said while appearing instantly in front of him.

Jazz grabbed the Holy sword of Destruction and swung like he mean to chop her head off....

She blocked it with her magical wand but upon contact with it a explosion of holy Light happened.


Jazz backed up and answered

" Her eyes are quite charming, she looked cute when she glared behind her glasses... "

Anaconda Transformation: 2nd evolution. ( Tail transformed into legs, 2 nd evolution enhance the original trait of The animal transformation )

Jazz body suddenly buffed to extreme like that of a Hulk with black and yellow colour scale. He grabbed the sword Rapidly and Disappeared, he moved around her with intense speed leaving faint afterimage.

Boom Bang Bang Bang

He attack her with his full power. In his arsenal Anaconda Transformation gave him raw strength but with it came heavy muscle which reduces his speed. Its when Rapidly came in.

She felt the power behind his attack has increased several times. She blocked his attack which seems to coming from all around her.

Serafall :" My So- Tan is cute in every way, I like every thing about her much more than anyone... "

She suddenly increased the power behind attack...


Shock wave created as they clashed. Jazz gritted his teeth as he felt he was being pushed back....

Jazz :" Your love is that of a Siblings but I love her as a woman, and I love her more than you.... "

Soru X2

The ground cracked under the heavy pressure, his movement became faster than before. But due to bulky body it also put lots of pressure on his legs. He swiftly appeared in front of her and gave a vertical chop...


They were in deadlock, she felt the pressure behind his attack increased once more.

Jazz :" Hahhhhhhhh..... " He poured more power into his hands and made her take two step back...

she then put more magical power in her Wand and suddenly it size increase. It move on its own and swatted him away like a fly....

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Jazz stabilise himself in the air.

Serafall :" I will beat it into you that she is mine... " A tremendous amount of magical energy released from her....

Rubber Transformation: Gear 2nd

His skin became red and white steam started coming out of his skin....

Jazz :" Gomu Gomu No Jet Pistol. "

His punch stretched and made a sound like cutting the air slightly nicked her cloths.

( Serafall: What was that... did he just stretched this far...)

Serafall :" Ah... you destroy my Magical uniform. " she appeared in front of him and swung her magical Wand.

Clang... Clang... Clang

She wondered why a metal colliding metal sound is resounding, she saw his hand turned black. It suddenly got a toughness like that of a hard metal.

Clang Clang Clang

Jazz first time in the fight started using Haki. Jazz felt he should test his strength and fought using every Transformation.


Clang boom Clang bang

He punched rapidly making it look like his hand multiplied. She blocked most of it but with it she was pushed back making a distance between them. Jazz felt his Haki has gotten stronger....

Jazz :" Now let's try this Soru X4. He multiplied into 4 and attack her from all sides, he moved so fast that she has hard time differentiating between original and After Image copy. Jazz keep merging with his afterimage and attack her from four directions.

Gomu Gomu No Pistol

Gomu Gomu No Yari

Gomu Gomu No Bullet

Gomu Gomu No Gatling

Both of them clashed creating shock waves , jazz keep on pressiring with all kinds of attack she never seen before making her annoyed.

Her wand Glowed in white and suddenly all around her area suddenly transformed into Antarctica. Jazz who was enjoying the rare moment when she was on back foot suddenly froze while still in kicking position.

Serafall :" I am very much annoyed with you, i will show you difference between us..... " She charged large amount of magical energy on her wand.

Jazz felt his hair stand at the amount of the power behind this attack. He suddenly transformed into Ghost Rider transformation and The hell flame melted the Ice prison around him.

Jazz :" Thanks Shiro. "

He again used Rubber Transformation.

Serafall attack released from her wand....

" Frozen -273 C Mist. "

A White mist started releasing from her wand. Jazz instinct told him to run, he took several steps back. The ground, trees, plants everything around her started freezing instantly. It made them so much fragile that they instantly disintegrated into small shining Snow particles.

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Jazz was sure he would also suffer the same fate he step into this Field of Mist.....

Jazz :" I won't back down.... This will be my final attack... "

He jumped and made lots of distance between them.

Jazz :" This move can only be used in Rubber Transformation, otherwise my body will break and I will not be able to see anything clearly when I move. "

( Jazz: I never used this move, it is possible in theory. Now lets do it in practical. )

The Mimicry Holy sword transformed into a Bat. He made a running and swing position at the same time. He locked at Her position accurately so to not miss her.

His Angeloid wings started gathering magical energy from his body to the maximum limit. It glowed in rainbow colour and started compressing it....

Gear 2nd


He disappeared from its initial position and move at at speed just below super sonic....


He surpassed the sonic Barrier several times, creating shock waves. At this point He clad His Bat with all the Haki he had creating a Dense Dark colour.


He moved at insane speed this speed is unachievable in other forms as his body will break apart , it almost ripped the air apart , a clear difference can be seen wherever he moved a clear burning mark left on the air due to shear friction.

When jazz made contact with the Frozen Mist. It didn't effect him it's like wherever he moved a different world created. Everything in its path separated making a way for him.....

Serafall eyes widened he broke her Frozen Mist Area attack with shear speed.

She looked at the Bat coated in Haki closing on her, she put a expanded the size of her wand. But at that moment All of the compressed Magic energy instantly released in all of his body boosting his Strength and speed to another level.

Serafall felt a dangerous power coming from him. She also pour more magic in her Wand making it glow in pink colour. moment they meet....

K. A. T. A. N. G

This sounds resounded in the area few seconds later a delay shock wave pushed them apart, blasting them to a great distance....

B. O. O. O. O. M

The land was torn apart, the clouds were separated, The frozen Mist was dispersed to unknown.



They were in different locations but the land continued to break and the destruction continued to spread from miles. This continues for a while creating a massive crater at the point of their clash.

From the far away location...

Sirzechs :" What a great power, he is definitely a promising devil. " he smiled and approved of him but sighed at the destruction they did...

Falbium :" Whose loss was this? " he looked at Ajuka who was in deep thought...

Ajuka :" Lets go we should make sure he is alive, also I want to confirm something... "

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They move towards Jazz who was close to getting unconscious.... Serafall was already standing near him. She looked At him in different light, there was not any childish expressions on her face now....

Jazz :" So did I get approval from all of you... " He looked at them...

Falbium :" Hoh so you spotted us before , nice work.... " He nodded in approval.

Jazz :" I have a transformation ability which allow me to see beyond 1000 of miles away from me. "

he lightly smiled feeling exhausted, his rubber body has became soft and limp they are bend in unusual position like he don't have any bone.

Jazz :" I wanted to ask who send those parasites to Phoenix family... "

Sirzechs :" It was some Rigid Devil factions who Felt Phoenix family are in some relationship with Angel, Few days ago Large amount of Light element was suddenly felt from Phoenix territory. But no one was injured some made a conclusion that They are in league with Heaven Factions. "

Jazz :" But i heard that Those parasites were destroyed long ago...."

Falbium :" They were but somehow some of them survive and they were breed in Hell Fire . "....

Jazz :" There is any possibility that they were breed in Underworld... "

Falbium :" No the only environment that suits them are Fire and Miasma which only found in the Hell that we all know. But someone else could be breeding it outside of hell we don't know about it... "

Sirzechs :" But the best and effective way to repel these parasites are light or holy element but this method is kind of forgotten, no one wants holy energy inside their body especially a Devil. " Jazz saw the meaning behind Serzecs word.

Jazz :" So what is This Source of light, i am hearing about... "

There was a silence they looked at him weirdly...

Jazz :" Ok dont answer that, did you arrested the people who want to harm the Phoenix family. "

Serzecs :" Yes we did, upon interrogation they said they didn't mean any harm to the underworld . They just want to tell phoenix family that the immortal can be harmed so don't go overboard.... "

Jazz :" So they wanted to warn us, since they thought we have some relationship with Heaven.... " he sighed...

Ajuka :" Tell me one thing Jazz how old are you..."

There was a unusual tone or meaning he found in Ajuka questions... Jazz looked at him and thought for a bit and answer truthfully....

Jazz :" Around 17... " Ajuka smiled

Ajuka :" I understand then, Alright i vote for Jazz to be promoted to Ultimate class Devil. " he said happily.

Serzecs :" Me too..."

Falbium :" Me three... "

They looked at serafall, she looked at her Magical Wand, there is a crack on it.

Serzecs :" It broke. " not only him but others were also surprised.

Serafall :" I also approved of him... "

Ajuka :" Congratulations jazz... oh he fainted..."

Serafall grabbed Jazz Mimicry and checked it. There was not a crack on it...

Falbium :" Its a surprise that your wand got a crack but his less durable Holy sword didn't get a scratch.... interesting... he is hiding lots of surprises.... "


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