Chapter 117

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In Jazz bed chamber,

Akeno :" All right lets get to the business... we are going all out tonight... "

Jazz :" I won't be a gentlemen today. .. " he roughly pushed her in the bed...

Anko :" Annn... you beast... " she seductly said

He ripped her cloths apart, in a flash she became naked. He mounted her and kissed her lips violently his tongue were roaming inside her mouth , she almost chocked as he didn't show her mercy, she was getting out of her breadth when he started biting her Nipple.

" Ah... Damn it..... more.... make... me.... Annnn.. "

He sucked one breast while keep on slapping the other one... it shakes violently he was mesmerizing by her breast softness. He was immersed in the softness and the brilliant taste of her breast.... The bounciness and redness of her nipple almost made him crazy. He sucked, bites, squeezed did every thing violently. He wasn't able to control himself...

After few minutes he realized that Rias was also present there. He indicated Akeno to give him a blowjob .....

Jazz:" Rias come..."

She was fidgeting a little after all this will be her first time, he held her in his embrace, they started kissing passionately....

Akeno removed his pant and was licked her lips seeing his dick. In one move she gobbled his dick reaching deep inside her throat, she started gagging a little while giving him a blowjob. She felt his dick getting more harder inside her mouth...

Jazz was breadthing hard he was kissing Rias like there was no tommorow, her soft and rosy lips force him to not let go. Rias was also enjoying this she wrapped her hand around her neck, he saw that she is having troble hugging him as Akeno was sucking his dick from front.

He lifted Rias by her ass and she wrapped her legs around his waist and hugged him like a Koala hugging a tree . One hand of his were supporting Rias body white other were inside her cloths grouping her breast. Akeno was licking his shaft eagerly...

"Slurp .....churp....slurp...." Sound mixed of kissing and sucking...

Rias who was dangling like a Koala with his support started moving her hips grinding her pussy against his body, she is completely engrossed in the raging hormone....Her clothes were disheavled showing her exposed breast. Jazz was king all over her neck, lips, cheeks, breasts her skin shined with his saliva and her sweat mixed together...

Jazz:" Ohhh... urg..." his body shook as he ejaculated in Akeno mouth...

Akeno:" My very first meal..." she swallowed all his cum eagerly.

She then laid on the bed spreading her legs inviting him... he let Rias go and removed her cloths making her stark Naked. He gesture her sleep on top of Akeno in such position that now their pussy are rubbing each other....

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He saw this heavenly scene their body entangled with each other. Their boobs rubbing each other making the horny devil inside his mind scream like mad and ecstasy...

He slightly slap Rias plump ass making it shake in rhythm as she moan a little...he moved his lips closer to their Pussy and started liking and tasting the heavenly juice they released...

Akeno:" Annnnnnn..." she bites her lips in pleasure, his tongues sometime devour her or Rias Pussy in a slow and fast movement. He would sometime bites them and enjoy their scream of pleasure...

He then laid on his back asked Rias to ride on top him.

Rias :" Aaa.... it hurts.. " she nearly cried, for a woman it's a pain that won't go even if she strong physically

Jazz :" You all right.. " he can see blood coming from her pussy and knows she is in pain .

Rias :" Lets wait a bit... " she rested her whole body on him...

Jazz rubbed her back and started caressing her hair, he pampered her . She was breathing lightly and started relaxing in his chest...

Rias :" You can move now... " she said after few minutes...

Not waiting any more he started moving his hips lightly but soon started thrusting rapidly....

Rias :" Aaa.... annn.... ah..... slow... " she held his body tightly, but jazz couldn't he was controlling himself for sometime but he truly want to go wild.

He flipped her and now was on her top he squeezed her Mellons and started pistoning, she was not able to speak anything and just Moaned louder and louder...

After few minutes both of them came at the same time....

Jazz saw she is dead tired and decided one session should be enough for her. He saw Akeno approaching him after playing with herself....

Akeno :" I guess you are not satisfied, you can be as wild as you can be with me... " he smiled, this was her lust talking, she said because she wanted him to relax and relieve all his frustration...

Jazz :" You are making me fall for you Akeno... careful i might hold you for lifetime... " He kissed her and looked into her eyes...

Akeno :" What are you thinking... " she saw him staring at her eyes... their naked bodies were sticking in each other embrace...

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Jazz :" I am just thinking, you look really beautiful. But i never appreciated it before how foolish of me ... " He kissed her forehead, she blushed deeper...

For few seconds they hugged each other, she can hear his heart beat...

Jazz :" You are really soft and feel nice and huggable... " he hugged her more tightly

Akeno :" What were you upset and depressed about this whole week... " she asked what was bothering her whole time...

Jazz :" Sigh... I will tell all you, i am happy that both of you did so much for me, i really needed that... " Akeno lightly pecked his lips and spread her legs showing her back to him while her hand are on the wall for support...

Akeno :" Don't make wait anymore...." she shakes her ass tempting him....

Jazz attacked her and thrust-ed deep in one go. She screamed in pleasure, she told him to rough her up...

Jazz Wouldn't decline her and really went all out. She showed an extreme side of M. She laughed and moaned in pleasure when he went more rough then any other girls he ever did...

Jazz wondered just what is her limit of M he was sure to venture it . But he didn't want to find her other side...


ship continued to sail and finally left the Calm Belt. Jazz was feeling refreshed for the 1 st time during this one week.

When he went outside lots of people were looking at him with red face. Gabriel, Artoria, Sona, Asterea... were having hard time looking straight into his eyes... He wasn't aware but the sound of his sex and moaning of Rias and Akeno spread causing Amazon Lily warriors to please themselves with their own hands .

Jazz suddenly remembered the Wood Wood fruit.

Jazz :" All right ladies gather around, we need some serious discussion to do... "

Hancok :" You looked refreshed... "

Jazz :" Yeah thanks to Rias and Akeno. I want to discuss some matters with all of you.

" First i think it time we started thinking about Devil Fruits. We should start looking for Devil fruits for all of you... "

Ikaros :" Master you said all of us, but will it work on Me, Chaos and Asterea... "

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Jazz was in deep thought All three of them are Angeloids they were not born but made By Deadalus. He gave Ikaros a small part of his soul so she should be alright, he then suddenly remembered that even some objects can eat Devil fruits by certain methods.

Jazz :" Ikaros you should be alright and they can also eat Devil Fruits as for the matter of their absence of soul i will do something about it when we reach New world ...."

Jazz :" What i wanted to say is that, The wood wood Devil Fruit appeared in the world and we need to get our hand on it.... "

Hancok :" It could have appeared anywhere in the world, we will never be able to find it in time. " what she said was One piece world is big world and it could appear anywhere.

Jazz :" Thats why I want all of your opinions... "

They discussed how to acquire as much as Devil Fruits. The main problem was that they have to distribute their forces to all over the world. It means separating for few years, jazz was against that. They also can't send Amazones alone, someone strong required to guide and protect if necessary. All in all they finally settled on making Teleportation Points on Different locations all over the world ....

Sona :" I think Gabriel is the right person to make these Teleportation Points. She is afterall An Archangel..."

Gabriel :" I can do that but even it's for me will be quite taxing and will take some time ... " she agreed

Jazz :" Now I want to tell all of you about a legend. .... "

Anko :" What legend... "

Sona :" Is it related to the stone you made us search for... "

Jazz :" Yes as expected of Sona... "

" Legend says that there was seven Crystal Balls with Red Star in its centre from no. 1 to 7 in no. "

" These Crystal balls are called Dragon Balls..."

Karin :" What a weird name..."

Xenovia :" I think it's funny, balls of a Dragon... Ga ha ha ha... " she laughed hysterically

Gabriel :" Was it really.... " she blushed and couldn't say anything...

Jazz :" No you perverted Archangel, it wasn't someone's balls. You will seriously fall when you return to your own world at this rate, control your imagination. Thank the Devil here you can do whatever you want and don't worry about being falling ... " Gabriel became even more embarrassed...

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Gabriel :" You Rogue i am not a pervert, if i am going to fall then that's because of you.... you... are... a... "

" Oh father please forgive me i was about to curse someone... " she started praying which he doubt will help her in anyway...

Jazz :" As I was saying, these balls appeared simple made of crystal but if you could gather all of them then a miracle will happen. A real dragon will appear from it.... But that's not the end, you can ask one wish from it any wish...I mean any... from wealth to power....from eternal youth to Immortality anything... also it can bring back deadly people back to life.... "

Gabriel :" It's not possible then only thing I know that can bring dead people back to life is Holy Grail... "

Jazz :" It is possible..."

All the girls were surprised, another thing that breaks the concept of their imagination...

Tsunade :" Is that really true... "

Jazz :" Yes, but the thing is.... this legend and these Dragon balls can not be find in this world... "

Hancok :" You mean to say it is from a different world..." Sona suddenly realised something

Sona: " Then how did it get here, and how can you be sure that stone is not something else..."

Jazz :" When I grabbed it, it was intact after examining it for a while I also thought that it is nothing but a simple stone. But suddenly it glowed and for a moment it became a 4 Star Dragon ball. At that moment i saw lots of image of that world, and how people lived and also someone wishing from the Dragon Shenron. It was its name.... " well it was a lie that he saw memory.

All of them were in deep thought, another world with it own heaven defying legends and beings....

Asterea :" Are we going there, i excited and want few wishes for myself... " she started imagining herself surrounded by world class chefs who would feed her an endless stream of food.

Hancok :" You are forgetting something, the Dragon ball is here and broken and I think most of us have guessed the Dragon Claw island was actually a part of The Dragon Shenron or his whole body is underneath the ocean floor. "

Asterea :" Alright turn the ship and wake up that dragon.. " she wiped her drool and ordered

" BAM " Tsunade can't take her intervention anymore

Jazz :" Sigh As I was saying, yes that can be Shenron but i think he is dead. Breaking of a Dragon ball means he is dead... Asterea we can't go there because if he is dead then i don't want to imagine how he died or what killed him.... " there was a silence all of them were having thought yes it will extremely dangerous for them...

Jazz :" But i want to know just what happened to him and that world most importantly how did a Dragon Ball got here.... "

( Jazz: Also no matter how much I ignore, all these things will lead to Shiro and I will come to know who she really is .)

Jazz :" So i have decided to go there but not now, with my current strength i will probably die instantly so may be in few years... "

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