Chapter 118

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Marine Headquarter....

Sengoku :" Garp I got a report saying Flying Devil pirates was seen on SIDI Island. They stayed there for few days and now on the move again..."

Garp :" Where are they going... " he stopped eating and became serious...

Sengoku :" Probably To Sabody Archepilago, may be they decided to Advance to New world the Khuja Pirates are also tagging along with them. There is no doubt they are in league together... " he sighed he thought there was peace for a while but these hateful pirates appeared again...

Garp :" Then I am going, i will bring everyone to impel Down. " he left with cracker in his mouth.

Sengoku :" Sigh... this is some concrete information on Black Devil whereabouts. It was a false alarm that he was in East Blue... But who are these hooded people. Did more unusual people joined him... He is getting more of a headache then even Yonkou... we are still in Dark regarding his and his crews Complete abilities... " He saw several hooded people in the picture around jazz...

Sengoku dial a number on Den Den Mushi...

Sengoku :" Ah... Markov you said you wanted to know Black Devil whereabouts. He is moving towards New world... "

[ Then i should welcome him, i am also here doing some business.... ]

( Markov is a former Admiral who survived the volcanic explosion that jazz set up for marines, but a parasites ability user attached himself with him who knows about Jazz's omnitrix . )

Markov smiled and looked at scene around him.

Markov :" I was able to best that parasite Abilities user living inside me, but it left with some side effects. I just can't control this craziness.... " his hands were drenched in blood and there was still a beating heart in his hand.

He looked at the broken and sinking ships all around him. It was some new pirates who just entered the New world , he figured Jazz will come to New world sooner or later and has been camping here for him to appear....

Unknown no. of Pirates who has no backing became his victim....

Markov :" Another one hoping to curry favor with Yonkou using Devil fruit as a offering. " He hold a devil fruit that he acquired after killing all the pirates...

He soon left the carnage scene, with body pieces littered floating over the ocean.


Jazz and his crews finally reached Sabody Archepilago.

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Jazz :" Sigh it's kind of Nostalgia... "

Hancok :" Yeah... I never thought we would come here again and that is so soon. " They both felt this is one of the memorable island...

Jazz :" Alright don't get caught any of you and enjoy this place all of you will find lots of interesting things , Violet you are coming with me... " he has some plans here and it will require her help...

Two Ships one belongs to Khuja Pirates and other Belong to Flying Devil pirates was docked side by side. This brought fear to the Drove 20 people started Leaving in fear...

Violet was wearing a hood and following jazz, he was holding his Long Rifle with him for a change...

Jazz :" How are others doing..." she looked at every corner of the Archipelago and confirmed everyone safety...

Violet :" Everyone is doing alright, Koala just stole some items from a shop and got reprimanded by Gabriel... " she laughed seeing Koala sitting on Dogeza and Gabriel asking for forgiveness from the shop owner...

Jazz :" Serves her right, when I asked her to come with me she said ' I am safe only with the strongest one ' and left with her after mocking me. Ha ha ha.. "

Violet :" Why did you brought with me with you , you can also use the same ability... " Jazz stopped and sat on nearby Ramen food stall. She also joined him and ordered few bowls...

Jazz :" we are going to Dresrossa as soon as we enter New world, what did your father said about leaving with us... "

Violet :" He didn't want to leave, he said to take Rebecca with us. He says there are still some people who depends on him, he can't leave... " she became quiet and sad, lots of sad memories started surfacing.

Jazz grabbed her hand which was on the table top. She looked at him teary eyes their hands became interlocked ...

Jazz :" Violet do you have thoughts about leaving us... I mean i can arrange that Doflamingo won't hurt you or your family members and stay in Dresrossa... " his sudden question shocked her, she can't believe his words ... but jazz has serious expressions

violet :" You... want... me to leave. I understand so this is why you brought me here alone... " she became even more sad, she jerked his hand of and ran...

Jazz :" Violet... listen to me completely... " Jazz sighed....

Violet was sitting on a bench of a park and crying, jazz was standing behind her....

Violet :" Why are you here... " she asked in angry and sad tone...

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Jazz :" Why did you run?"

Violet :" You want me leave and now you are coming after me what do want exactly... " she cried and punched him several times...

" I understand why you want me to leave, because I am not strong. I am only useful in navigation and spoting enemies..... I am useless... I have always thought what I am even doing here with you guys... and you have so many beautiful girls... " she gripped her cloths tightly and start leaving again, her heart ache with pain ...

Jazz :" I don't want you to leave Viola. " she stopped hearing him call her real name.

Jazz :" You didn't even listen to me completely. " he sighed and walked towards her...

Jazz lifted her chin and gave her a kiss, their lips entangled with each other. Passerby girls in the park giggled seeing them doing out in the open...

Jazz :" Do you understand now my feelings... " she hugged him tightly....

violet :" Then why did you said something like that before... "

Jazz :" I was asking you because I thought you might not want to stay with us after meeting with your family." he showed his own concerned

Violet :" I will never leave you, i never thought of leaving your side. " she went red and closed her mouth, she thought ' did she just confessed '.

Jazz :" Ha ha ha alright i will not let you leave me now.

Viola if you want i can null the deal i made with Doflamingo and take Dresrossa back just for you .... "

Her eyes widened, she knows one thing Jazz value other than life of his loved ones is promises and deals. Even it is done with his enemies....

Violet :" But you promised Doflamingo that you wouldn't interfere him or any of his business... "

Jazz :" Yeah i did but for you i will go back on my word. " She smiled at his words, she felt happy that he care for her no less than others girls...

Violet :" No as you said, he will not lay his hand on them. Also i don't want you go into anymore trouble with a Celestial Dragon again even though he is a fallen one. " Jazz sighed and took her in embrace...

(Violet: Also i don't want any of them to get hurt because of me i know how strong Doflamingo crew is and how crafty he can be , and There is also Kaido behind him... Marine are already after us like a Mortal enemy, we need less enemy now ... )

Jazz was happy that she is opened up with him now and not left him. But he will visit Doflamingo to make his presence known...

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Jazz visit lots of cloths store Hancock and Ravel did not came. He is tasked to bring clothes that fits pregnant women... but most interesting was underwear section... woman cleared the area wherever he went... obviously embarrassed from seeing a male in lingerie section ...


All of them Rendezvous at shaki rip off bar. Sun was setting and it was quite a scene at her bar. Girls were talking about all the adventures they had on all over the Archipelago...

Koala :" I saw a kid lost and took him to his parents, but turned out his father was a Marine. He probably didn't recognised me... " she is little worried

Rita :" He definitely didn't , first get a Bounty kido... " everyone laughed

Tsunade :" Wherever I went people keep staring at me... it was hard doing shopping..." she sighed in tiredness

Karin :" They were only interested in your boobs... some of them were eager to grope her... well at some survived only with minor injuries... "

Rias :" Akeno did you really get everything for free.. " she was surprised

Akeno :" Uffu fu fu... those mens are easy to Manipulate... " she smiled

Xenovia :"She is Example of A fine Devil... Hic... " her face red

Anko :" You got drunk with just few cups, that's cute... more Dango... please.. " She ordered more

Sona :" All of you understand right we don't want to establish Teleportation Points, those of us marines still Hasn't recognised are key to this plan... " she tried to make them remember what their goal is...

Asterea :" But it was fun, i rode everything in amusement park, Chaos smashed someone molesting her. ha ha ha it was funny i don't know what she has to do molest her... " she spoke at the same time gulped everything on the plate.

Artoria :" Don't tease her, she has switched place... " she actually find Chaos cute and tried to defend her.

Everyone was surprised they saw Chaos sitting on jazz lap and was quietly eating whatever he is feeding her...

Koala :" Chaos- chan you are a Big Girl, you can't just sit on someone lap... " but Chaos ignored her after giving her just one look.

Koala felt devastated her best friend just ignored her. Jazz also missed her, he decided to pampered her as much as he can...

Jazz sighed hearing all the Girls talk,

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Shakki :" So Don- Chan is it true you killed 1200 Marines... " she asked him without considering the sensitivity...

Jazz :" Yeah, their blood is in my hands..." she looked at him for few moments and gave him a piece of paper...

Jazz :" Thanks i owe you one... where is That old man... "

Shakki :" He is coating someone ship, do you also want to coat your ship... I can give him a call.. "

Jazz :" Nah no need, just wanted to thank him for bringing my mother to the ship when last time I visited... "

Shakki :" I have a advice For you Don-chan, avoid going to the New world... At least for now... " Jazz raised an eyebrow..

Violet :" Jazz we got companny .. " She said with serious tone...

Jazz used violet transformation and saw Only one Battleship but he didn't saw anyone strong on the ship...

He then shifted his vision at his pirate Ship. He saw a figure standing there surrounded by Khuja Pirates ...


On Black Devil ship, Garp was surrounded Khuja warriors....

Hancock :" Stand Down none of you are his match... " Behind her Ravel also walk with her.

When Garp saw Hancock and her belly, he frowned. He also saw Ravel and figured she is also pregnant...

( Garp :" She seems more than 2 Months pregnant. )

Garp :" Where is he... " he didn't want to deal with this, he want only Jazz.

A portal opened and Jazz came out, his expressions were serious. He glared at him...

Garp :" I am here for you Brat for 1200 lives you have taken. " his eyes sharpened, jazz understood there is no running today

Jazz gritted his teeth, his hand Coated in Black Haki . He took a step forward and appeared instantly in front of Garp...

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