Chapter 119

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Jazz :" We need to do this before those Marines arrive, this is the List recent Known Devil Fruits user and Devil fruits... "

" Search the whole Archepilago, capture the one who have Abilities. " Saying he decided to greet Garp himself.

Sandersonia :" i will go with you... " She held his hand tightly.

Jazz :" Don't worry i will protect Hancock your Priority is searching for any Devil fruits user and obtain any Devil fruits present here ..." he patted her head.

Shiro :" I will help them recognising the Devil fruit user... " she nodded at him...

Jazz opened a portal....

Shakki saw this and sighed


When he appeared on the Ship, he was few metres away from Garp. He saw Hancock, she has a worried look...

He would not show any weakness today, there are lots of people counting on him and From Garp action, he is sure that he is not going to let him go, escaping became impossible ...

Jazz coated his hand with Haki today he is decided to Go all out ....


Garp eyes fixated on him, he will not be lenient on Him. He don't care about others in his crew, he is here to take him to Impel Down. He still regretted the day, he could have prevented all those soldiers death if just he objected his disagreement...

Jazz :" I would have never guess that you would come for my head Old man Garp, can we move a bit as you see my wives are pregnant and I don't want to do this here ... "

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Garp didn't mind and left with jazz tagging along, they faced each other on A outside groove connected to the open Ocean...

Garp :" I wanted to ask you what did you feel after killing all those soldiers, Marines who still hasn't find their own way of Justice... " he exerted a pressure of a beast and his eyes gleams...

Jazz Chuckled...

Jazz :" Do you know Garp who i am, when I last fought with Kizaru, i told them that I killed the Celestial Dragon not Fisher Tiger. "

Garp don't understand what he is getting at, until jazz shows him his Slave Mark...

Jazz :" You see i have quite a deep hatred for those self conceited trash.... I was born as a slave. My mother had to go through some really difficult situation after being kidnapped. When I heard you were going to decimate Amazon Lily, but when I reach the Amazon Lily island. I found out that it is nothing but Few celestial Dragons pleasure trip... "

" Now you tell me... how did i feel back then..." He didn't answer and remains silent...

" At that time I could have take everyone and left before Marines reach there , but i want to retaliate in such a way that in future Marines will not come after my family on just a whim of a Few Fools... If you want to come after us like true Marines, we will definitely fight back i can't promise there won't be any casualties but one thing I guarantee that i will never try to massacre my opponent like i did back then..."

Garp :" I see... Then i will show you what is a Marine that you seek... " He threw off his Marine Cape...

Jazz gritted his teeth and spread his Angel and Devil wings, his wings started absorbing energy from the Atmosphere...

Both of them Dashed at each other, Jazz coated his hand with Dense Haki. Garp also gripped his knuckle into a punch.

Boom Bzzzz

When both of them collided, space was crushed under the pressure of their Haki and a energy with shock wave spreaded like a Dark spider Web pattern...

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Garp was astonished, feeling the colour of Jazz's Haki.

Garp :" So you also has The will of Conqueror.... "

Jazz gritted his teeth, he felt his bone just cracked. Shock wave continues to spread as Garp put more pressure making jazz step back... Jazz doesn't want to lose and was forced to use ghost rider transformation...

His white skeleton hand has turned Black, the hell fire blazes furiously. Jazz felt his strength increasing to another level....

Jazz :" Hahhhhhhhh " he pushed away Garp and immediately opened a portal. From it a heavy looking metal Armour appeared, jazz used a spell to automatically disasmble it making it float in the air.

One by one armour started attaching itself to his body. chest plate, hand guard, leg guard... lastly A helmet which has Opening for Nose and eyes.

His whole body from head to toe was covered in this Heavy Armour. He felt like iron man now ...

Garp :" Is this going to make you strong... " he was intrigued and felt there is something

Jazz :" This is gift from two girls, i didn't named it but to battle you this was necessary. "

Suddenly red flame started covering the whole flame. Armour suddenly started changing wherever the Rivet head was protruding, it transformed into sharp spike. On chest and back armour, pattern of Ribs cage and Back bone started appearing and a gap was formed for his Angeloid wings and Devil wings to appear .

On Helmet, two Flaming Horn appeared the face of the helmet changed similar to a Hollow Mask. Fire was rushing out from the Gaps in the Armour.

Garp was astonished to see such Drastic changes. His Armour now look thinner then before the bulky version for him to manoeuvre easily.

Jazz checked his transformation it remind him of Iron Man Mark 2 With chrome shine all over it , he was pleased that he suddenly had the idea of becoming iron man after getting it as a gift from Nami and Nojiko.

His Angeloid wings vibrated as it absorbs energy...

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Garp suddenly appeared and punched him like he going to break mountains. It shock the Archipelago they were standing on.

Jazz Stood there gripping Garp fist in his hand shocking Garp . Inside his Armour he grinned, he didn't feel anything...

BooooooM Bang Baaam

They clashed everywhere, jazz pushed his ability to limit and pushed Garp on Back foot...

Garp :" You are not using Your Armament Haki, are you not taking me seriously or Are you not able to... " he was unharmed, He parried jazz every attack with minimum movement...

Jazz :" You also haven't exerted your self... "

Soru X2

He increased his speed, Garp saw that his attack is not doing much damage, he put more Haki to it...

Boom Boom Boom

They clashed destroying several Groove Tress. Hell Fire Was spreading everywhere, shockwaves could be felt even from the remote corner of the Archipelago. Sun just set few hour ago, and people started to panicking as Jazz and Garp spread destruction everywhere....

Marine are trying to pacify public,


From a crater jazz appeared, He is still wearing the Armour. Garp is right Jazz is not Armaments Haki, he is relying on this armour to take the merciless beating of Garp...

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Jazz :" From left... No up... " he saw Garp gripping his Haki coated fist tightly and Smashed the air.

" Dong " A clear bell gong sound resounded.

Jazz :" What the... how is he producing such sound just from his fist... " He suddenly felt dizzy..

Jazz Shake his head to clear the Dizziness, and protect his head by crossing his hand.

Garp :" With this fist i have cracked open a head of a Dragon, lets see you can handle this.... "

" GONG "

Jazz :" Just what the hell... Aaaa " he suddenly felt an intense sound waves struck his mind making him unable to stable his body and was took the full force of Garp attack head on...

Bang.... Crack...

Garp saw that The Armour which was unbreakable till now just cracked, He also noted Jazz's flame getting died down to the point of almost extinguishing when jazz losses senses ... Garp also felt pain coming from his Ribs, Jazz at the last moment elbowed him on the Ribs which was left unguarded...

Jazz transformation blazed again with Hell Flame....He got and held his head in confusion...

Jazz :" A mental attack no... i felt sound waves doing disco dancing inside me... " he is glad now he is Ghost transformation otherwise, in the intensity in which sound waves were moving inside him, he shiver just thinking about it....

Garp :" Yes i pushed concentrated sound waves inside your body which I created by shattering the air , most people die of bursting internal organs and their skull burst open but you are exceptional, physical attack are ineffective from outside.... " Garp took a striking pose...

Jazz felt More Danger coming when Garp took this pose , he knows he can't lose his senses here or his Ghost transformation will be undone and he would have to move to a cozy prison cell in impel Down ...

Jazz Made some distance between them...He understands that this guy trained his fist to the extreme and don't know what kind of tricks had stored for him... he now knows why did Garp was called.

Garp the Fist.

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