Chapter 120

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Jazz Decided to not use Armaments Haki now. He want his Observation Haki to to get stronger in this fight...

Jazz saw Garp Gripping his Fist and Haki started pouring out like he has endless supply... He can feel it this time it is denser then before...

Garp :" First let test how strong you turtle shell is..."

Jazz senses expanded...

(Jazz: From where will it come....)

Jazz eyes widened and saw a fist suddenly close to his nose....

He swiftly gave an upper cut changing its trajectory...

Boom Boom Boom...

Again another round of explosion sound resounded all over the Archipelago... Jazz was put into full defence as he parried Garp Fist. His Armour Rattle, he also felt the destructive power behind it from inside the Armour.

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When jazz was fighting Garp.....

Ikaros :" Master is on Defensive, we should go since we completed the task... " she scanned the ingoing fight...

Behind them Three people to tied in Kairosaki...

They were beaten Blue and Black by the girl's , some are still searching for potential information regarding Devil fruits or its user...

Hancok :" Let him handle it, he is not going to lose easily ... " she is also worried but decided to believe in jazz ...

Behind them Ravel is breadthing hard, she seems to enduring something...

Whole Archepilago his hand came into Curfew pirates are keeping their heads Down as Rumors started spreading that Flying Devil pirates are running amok in whole Archepilago. Don't get fooled by their beauty, they will kidnap you and do unthinkable things. Some were willing to get captured and pray that they were stepped upon by some beautiful ladies but only to be found themselves in hospitals when they awake....

Jazz Armour was enduring great stress, if it wasn't enhanced by his Ability. It wouldn't be able to withstand even one punch from Garp. Jazz wondered how long this armour will be able to last....

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Garp :" You are really hard to deal with but now I understand what would it take to bring you down , i never would have thought that you would force me use more than one move that I developed in my younger days. After all these years i hope i have not become Rusty... " He relaxed his shoulder...

Jazz thought this time he would need to Expand his senses more....

" Whoosh " " Bang"

Jazz:" Aaaaa...."

First was the sudden impact on his chest, he felt being rammed by a Train which was running at the speed he couldn't even see. The keep on pushing him for few miles, Jazz felt something is trying to drill into his Armour. He crashed into trees, Mangroves Trees , buildings, Ships but none could stop him. it pushed him out of the Archipelago into the ocean. A magic circle appeared he used it as a footing and tried to force himself to stop, it was a mistake as his Armour gave in leaving a gaping Hole in his Armour ..

Garp :" I have become Rusty somewhat ... He he but your Armour is just a scrap now... " he laughed it out...

Jazz saw Garp fist was smoking, just what kind of attack it was.

Jazz :" Speed, it was just pure speed. " Jazz kept his distance for Garp...

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Garp :" power, Speed and destruction... this is base in which I forged these fist, although there are more to it but In this generation you are first one who forced me to use it... " He punched the air in an incredible speed, jazz just dodged barely....

" SWOOSH " The pressure behind his punch, twisted the air in spiral pattern drilling everything in its path even ocean was Drilled, one can not see the end of this attack....

How could he punch with so much speed but not create a sound totally different from his previous techniques...

Jazz understood there is no need to hold back, he coated his hand in Haki and clashed with Garp. He must take him down, he went on a fist fight with him....

He was pushed, punched, crashed and bombarded with Garp Power punch which would make him disorientated. He don't know how much punches he had taken. His Armour is close to completely shatter with holes similar to drills....

He felt pain when he saw the condition of Nami and Nojiko gifts...

But he didn't give up and went all out, they clashed creating shock waves after shock waves. Jazz used his full strength and make this fight longer than Garp expected...

An Hour went by...

Jazz was like a undead he keep coming after being trashed times after times. Garp was getting a headache, for the first time in his life his fist were hurting by punching too much. He lifted his shirt, he saw a red bruise it was small but for reasons jazz keep on attacking this same place over and over again. He felt something is burning his inside in that area.

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( Garp :" Even after blocking with Haki, his flame made its way toward inside of my body little by little and now its acting up . Although he ran out of Haki reserve but he never seems to feel tired. Does he have endless supply of stamina... I need to finish this )

Jazz dig out of a Crater and looked at Garp, he grinned seeing his attack although has less affect on the outside but...

Jazz :" He must be feeling it now just few more and he should be incapable of further fight .. I need to finish this soon before he figured out how I am keeping up with this supply of energy ... "

Shiro voice suddenly came from omnitrix , the content of her short conversation made him sigh in tiredness....

Jazz :" One trouble after another... "

Jazz sighed and and took out an Blue orb. It radiates with extraordinary power. This is non other than Vali's Sacred Gear's jewel...Shiro picked it up when Ikaros fought with Vali...

Jazz:" Garp an urgent matter need my attention can you just let me go this time..." he don't want to use this Jewel, he don't know what will be the consequence after using it...

Garp:" Non sense... you are going to impel down, i din't come here to show mercy to you..." He sighed...

Jazz:" You are forcing my hand ..." He took the jewel and embedded forcefully in his Armour ...

" DHUM.... "

A clear and heavy heart beat resounded all over the Archipelago.

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