Chapter 121

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As soon as the Jewel touch the Armour, it started sucking Hell flame like a desert encounter its first rain in millennium...

Jazz felt that something is awakening from deep inside the Jewel...

Jewel color started changing from Deep Blue color to Black giving of a feeling like of an unlimited Darkness that consumes all ... His Armour shined and started to enlarge and change shape ...

A heavy Aura and otherworldly energy started gushing out from jazz that made Garp startled and unable to move, a fear suddenly started budding in his heart that is of Death. The whole Archipelago started vibrating tremendously, like a 9 level earthquake Strikes it...

Hancok and others were also startled seeing the weird phenomenon, the ground , sky ,ocean everything is vibrating under his pressure. Their ship is rocking tremendously in the violent waves...

Jazz in Armour similar to Vali Juggernaut, Glaring at Garp with Blood lust releasing from his body ...

Garp knows he is facing a formidable opponent Now. He can't hold back anymore, his whole body is coated with Dark Haki. He didn't wait for Jazz to attack....

He appeared like a flash in front of jazz attacked him....

" DONG." His punch shattered the air and the forcing the sound inside Jazz Armour.....

Garp:" Huh? "

He didn't think it was possible but jazz Armour shattered in an instant, revealing inside was not Jazz but a White Dragon Glaring at him, a claw swept at Garp.....


Garp flew like a rocket after claw strikes him, he sighed in relax that that his Haki was able to protect him...

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He suddenly saw the Dragon getting larger in size in an instant it Grew 200 meter in size and its power continuously to increase....

Garp:" can't let that happen...."

He swiftly appeared behind the Dragon....his muscle bulged in tension. He concentrated lots of haki in both of his fist...

Garp:" Fist of Destruction...." his fist moved in a rapid speed, when he stooped slowly the space started to convulse and bend at one single point creating a unusual visual effect. Like a volcano the whole space was shattered creating a massive destruction....

" BOOOOOOOM " This explosion destroyed Several Grooves and blasted the Dragon far from the Archipelago....

On a Distant, flying Devil ship was following them....

Asterea:" Amazing he punched 200 times on the same spot in a instant but how did he made the space bend like that..." she was amazed at Garp capabilities, each of his punch bend the space little by little and stack it together to create a Destruction in the space itself...

Shiro:" If you master Haki to a high level, you can even force the weather to change..."

Ikaros:" Its similar to White Dragon Emperor Aura..." she was startled seeing his sudden change in size and felt this aura different from jazz and similar to Vali...

Hancok:" Shiro what is happening..." she asked in hurried tone

Shiro:"I gave him a Jewel of Vali Balance Breaker and now he is using it..." she said in calm tone

Akeno:" How is he releasing so much Aura, he is not White Dragon Emperor..."

Sona:" I want to know will it Harm him, after all its a foreign power..." They all looked at her for answer...

Shiro didn't say anything but looked at the White Dragon 400 meter long Floating above them and releasing an aura of a Emperor like a vast cloud. Suddenly the Dragon eyes shined in intelligence...


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He roared shaking the heaven, creating violent shock waves...

" Ahhh our end has come...whole island is going to get destroy..." people paled hearing a dragon roar...trees and roots were uprooted

" What are you doing Marines kill that thing..." A nobel said that to a Marine officer...

" Do you think i am an idiot,if you want to die go throw yourselves into that Dragon mouth..." Whole island was in uproar seeing a white Dragon above them...

[ Hahh i feel refreshed for some reason... where am i .... where is that Pesky God ans Satan who interfered my battle with Ddraig...i am going to chew them up...] Albion heavy voice resounded as he looked at his surrounding and frowned as he observe himself...

Shiro:" Guess its my turn now..." Her expression were dim as she appeared in front of Albion " Mind eating me..." she offered herself to him...

[ With pleasure... i am pissed that...i am mere a thought left now... Those Damn God and Satan ]

He gobbled Shiro instantly, not thinking anything strange about her...

[ This fragile Energy Body will not be able to handle the burden of this unusual increase in power anymore and my consciousness is dissipating already...]

He saw Garp looking at him Sternly and Cautiously...

[ You for a mere human is quite strong... my life is ending at least i will go with a bang...]

Garp sweated hearing that, That last punch he developed to counter Whitebeard power but it only blasted this Dragon also its size has increased more...

Both of them were staring at each other, suddenly they vanished....

" Boom "

" Rip"

A hand fall on the surface of the ocean dying the ocean red...

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Jazz wasn't aware of what is happening outside , he was floating in a Vast turbulent silver color energy. The turbulent energy didn't harm him but wrapped itself around him and are sucking something from him that he could not grasp what it was...

Jazz:" Where the hell am i?"

Suddenly Shiro appeared in front of him...

Shiro:" Felling Cozy..." she smiled at him....

Jazz:" No definitely not, so where am i? "

Shiro:" Inside Albion..." he frowned...

Jazz:" How?"

Shiro:" Because of that Jewel..." she pointed at him

He saw a black Jewel inside his ribs.... it pulsating very loudly like a heartbeat. He wondered why he didn't noticed it before...

Shiro:" You understand how this Transformation works right? It enhances anything and everything, in case of the Albion Jewel. It brought out the last conscious lingering inside the Jewel....and he is rampaging outside trying to kill Garp..."

Jazz:" Really ? wait you said enhanced but how much can it enhance Albion Power..." he suddenly thought about it...

Shiro:" You are right it will enhance his power which will be several times greater than when he was alive but he is just a Spectre now who is maintained by this Jewel when his power will reach 10% of his original power he will disappear not able to handle the burden of this sudden increase of his own energy..."

Shiro expression suddenly changed, jazz also noticed that .....

Jazz:" What happened..."

Shiro:" I have to go Onii-Chan.." she said lightly like a murmur.

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Jazz:"Huh what are you saying... "he really had a bad feeling....

Shiro:" i have to do something outside, its very important..." She said slightly fidgeting

Jazz:" No... you won't tell me what is going on and when i made up my mind that whatever comes in future i will move forward. You saying that you are going...." He immediately disagreed with her idea

" I want to everything right now... but i won't let you go that easy... whatever happens we will handle it together... i know you are having a hard time... i want to help you with it just let me...." he would have held her but she is still just a projection...

Shiro has expression of crying... she took a deep breadth...

shiro:" Onii-chan do you know this transformation is not a simple transformation but it is the last remains of Mine...." she said with tears sliding across her Face.


Explosion happened inside his mind, last remain No no no no....he denied the thought that instantly came into his mind....

Jazz:" you mean by that..." she took a step forward and touch his body( he is still in ghost rider transformation)

Shiro:" Just this one more time...let me be selfish....Onii-chan" she slightly lean forward and kissed his lips, he closed his eyes and tried to feel her. She is a projection but he felt that he can somehow feel her...

His transformation was undone at the same time Albion also Disappear dissipating like a wind leaving only destruction behind. Whole Archipelago was on fire and but very few people were dead because....

On the sky Gabriel was floating with her angel wings and Halo in display, a gentle Holy light covering everyone protecting them...

People looked at her with reverence and gratitude. Some people Knelt and started praying to her...

Jazz just stood there in the middle of the destruction, with hollow eyes. He looked around searching for her...

" Shiro" " Shiro" "Shiro" "Shiro" "Shiro" "Shiro"

He keep on walking with heavy steps in the destruction looking for her...

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