Chapter 42

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Hancock looked at the people staring at her, she tilted her head cutely with a question mark on her face. It simply added more charm to her, Issei was having love at first sight experience again. Hancock realising what is happening concentrated and suppress th he effect of her charm.

(Hancock: What is happening, my control over my charm got poorer. No, for some reason my devil fruits abilities has gotten stronger suddenly.)

But the deed is already done. She sighed and again sit near Jazz.

Grafyia who wasn't affected by Hancock charm said: " Cough.... well i learned some important things that i must report to my King. Lord Riser please return to the underworld, the matter with Lady Rias we can discuss another day after i report today's event to my King."

Hearing this Rias relaxed, she looked at both Jazz and Hancok if she got some time them she will try to get them under her peerage. Then with all of her peerage help she will fight a Rating Game against Riser and abolish this ridiculous engagement.

Riser: " Wait..... i don't think that this matter can be handled like this." he looked at Hancock with infatuated face and said " Your name is Hancock right, i was late for introduction my name is Riser Phoenix you can call me Lord Phoenix." Hancock looked at him, those eyes are the same as those World Nobel seeing everything as their properties, just too much self-conceited. The kind She and Jazz hate the most.

She didn't respond to him, one thing she understood that those people who helped her are not in any good relationship with him.

Riser looked like he ate some shit: " For Riser to be ignored like that, i thought of helping that guy over. But now you lost you chance." this did perked her attention.

Hancock: " What do you mean by that? "she said with cold eyes but a bad feeling suddenly raised in her heart.

Riser: " Then you don't know that this person beside you is dying. He probably have 5-7 more years to live." he dropped the bomb with a smirk.

Hancock: " What...that's not possible...." she had a disbelief expression on her face.

Grafiya: " Sigh.... he is right, he has very short amount life span left." Hancock suddenly remembered Jazz saying his Ghost Rider Transformation has a serious drawbacks. She finally realised what they are saying is right.

She looked at the pale face of Jazz who is still sleeping soundly.

Hancock: " You said you could save him, what would i have to do for you to save him." she said with a straight face without any hesitation.

Riser: " PERFECT..... Ha ha ha...." Rias suddenly pitched in she definitely will not have Riser his ways.

She stepped forward in front of Hancock. She looked totally pissed how Riser is trying to have Hancock.

Rias: " Hancock you don't have to listen to this bastard. I can help him,with my family resource we can definitely find a way for him gain the life span he lost."

Issei:" Yeah you don't have to listen to this douche, you can definitely count on Buchou . She is the best after all ."

Rias: " Issei.."

Kiba: " As Buchou knight, my sword is with you buchou. I will protect what you want to protect and i will cut what you want to destroy."

Akeno: " Ufu fu fu.. look like we are going to destroy someone i am going to enjoy that. Don't worry Hancock-san we will help you."

Rias: " Everyone..." she was proud of having such nice members in her peerage.

One by one all of her peerage member stepped forward trying to become a shield for Hancock.

Riser: " RIAS.... you are going to come in my way, do you have what it takes." he was angry that she is getting in his way,when he almost seal the deal.

Issei: " Shut up bird brain,she doesn't need to dirty her hand.I can easily mop the floor with you."

Riser: " You a puny dragon wish to fight me" he was not even taking Issei serious, with a swing of his hand a magic circle appeared behind him. From the magic circle his peerage full of girls came out.

Issei had stars in his eyes seeing a peerage full of girls, that was always his dream. Rias was sighed at her pawn reaction and riser made more fun of her Peerage and started fondling his queen breast openly . Things were intense and both side were about to lash at each other. Grafyia was about to interfere when suddenly a loud voice came from behind.


Jazz slowly got up from his sleep due to people making ruckus, everyone looked back at him. Most of them were startled hearing a loud voice suddenly. Hancock eyes were wide open and she hugged jazz tightly.

Jazz: " Whoa....whoa easy there, my body still ache all over it?" the first thing he saw was a crying Hancock face. He smiled and wiped her tears, after few moments he looked around the room.

He saw Grafia, sona, Rias ,Akeno Issei, by one he looked around the room. The more he looked the people becoming more familiar his mind was about to blown away, his breathing became rapid.

Jazz: " Calm down..... calm down. This isn't real, i must be dreaming, yes it must be a dream" saying he closed his eyes.

Hancock: " Jazz wake up what happened you are behaving strange, wake up jazz."

Jazz: " So it all is real huh..." after opening his eyes again he saw the same people starring at him.

(Jazz: What the hell happened, i remember our ship catching fire due to high speed friction in the air it was merely for 1 minute but everything broke apart. Most of the people were out cold either due to receiving injury in the cabin or due to high G-force. Before the ship could completely turned into ashes i teleported all of us to the island. But some how we reached to a completely different world. How in the hell we got here. Right shiro...)

Jazz: " Shiro are you there." all people looked at him weirdly, they wanted to know what kind of person he was for which Hancock was willing to do everything. First he freaked out seeing everyone and now he was talking to the watch.

Shiro: " I am always here for my onii-chan" suddenly a projection came from the watch making everyone startled.

Jazz: " I am now relaxed seeing you here Little- Shiro."

Shiro:" He..he you are making me embarrassed." she smiled sweetly

Jazz: " little shiro answer me truthfuly did you send me here."

Shiro:" Yes, are you upset at shiro? did i do something wrong?" her eyes started forming tears

Jazz: " Don't cry .....Don't cry shiro i am not upset with you. We will discus some things privately later all right," he sighed at the current situation.

Shiro: " Onii-chan this big bad man was trying to hurt Big-sister Hancock." wiping her tears she said

Jazz: " Who? " He asked in demanding tone, he looked at the direction she was pointing.

His face was now filled with rage seeing that the person she was pointing was Raiser Phoenix. He was totally a rich spoiled kid in the start of the story but later changed into a little better person. But all of these does not matter now....

Jazz: " Did he hurt you Hancock? " he looked at her carefully searching for any injury or something.

Before she could deny shiro added more oil to the rising fire....

Shiro: " Onii-chan let me show you i have recorded everything that happened when you were unconscious." a beam of light suddenly cane from the Omnitrix and went inside his head.

Jazz: " So thats what happened huh..." he looked at Riser with fury in his eyes, rising from his sit he walked upto Riser.

A tensed atmosphere was building with his every step. All of the Riser Phoenix peerage got alert seeing him coming.

Yubelluna: " I will have you stop there" saying she put herself in front of Riser " What do you want from my King?"

"His ashes....." " Boom "

"""" Raiser -Sama"""""

All of riser peerage reacted a little late, when they all turn in the direction of the coming sound. Riser peerage who wanted to help him froze from fear.

In front of them a white skeleton covered with Red Flame was pushing Riser in the floor, and Riser couldn't even remove jazz Bone claw which was on his face.

As for riser he was having the worst of it all. He was slowly feeling his body becoming hot. First he tried to speak but his mouth was gripped tightly by a flaming claw.

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Soon he startted thrashing as he felt his innards burning, smokes started coming from one of his eye. His trashing became more intense, he punched and pushed Jazz from him but Jazz didn't move an inch.

Yubelluna: " STOP" her shout brought all of riser peerage from their fear seeing a Flaming Skeleton.

The first to attack were Isabella and Xuelan but their kicks didn't do any thing to jazz. Instead they got burned by in return. Riser body finally couldn't hold the Hell Flame and started leaking from his own skin.

Yubelluna: " Move all of you." seeing her master in serious danger she decided to attack with her powerful spell.

Ravel: " No..... please don't hurt my brother any more..." Ravel without any care for herself wrapped her hand around Jazz neck from behind who is still pushing Riser on the Floor.

Jazz quickly undid his transformation, he got up and saw Ravel falling from his neck he quickly turned around and caught her in his arm.

Jazz looked at the burn mark on her arms, he carefully put her down, caresing the burned part which slowly started healing on its own he said.

Jazz: "Sorry that i hurt you."

Ravel: " Please don't hurt my Big-brother." she said with pleading gaze.

Jazz: " Don't worry, i wont hurt him any more. I was slightly stressed suddenly awaking in a unknown place, and when i heard he tried to lay his hand on Hancock." All of them thought was it really a little stress.

"Well things like that happen sometime, he will be fine all i did was burn some extra fats in his body. Look he is already standing up..."

True Riser finally stood up all of his peerage went near him trying to help him stand properly..

Ravel: " Big-Brotther are you all right."

Riser tiredly looked at his sister. Suddenly his eye meets with Jazz, his body started trembling remembering the pain he has gone through. His body burned and healed again and again, when he reached the limit he thought he is going to burn to ashes . All the pain he suffered suddenly intensified and Fear took over his mind, before he could scream and make a scene Grafiya came and put him into a spell making him sleep.

Grafiya: " Sigh take Riser-sama and return to the underworld Yubelluna. " Yubelluna looked at Jazz with both anger and fear, she just witnessed a member from the house of phoenix almost burned alive, who is known through the underworld for their fire manipulating abilities.

A magic circle opened under them, while all of Riser peerage looked at him with hatred. Well except for one.

Ravel was looking at Jazz at with slight tinge of redness in her face.

Ravel:" Annnn..... " she looked around while covering her crotch with her hand.

Isabella: " What happened Ravel-sama."

Ravel:" N...nothing.." she was embarrassed to say anything...

Jazz: " Bye you guys..." he smiled and wave at them,

All of them looked at him weirdly, when Ravel eyes meet him again, she felt her body jolting. She can feel her pussy being rubbed over her panties.

Jazz was waving them with one hand and his other hand is in his pant pocket . his eyes is locked with Ravel, who keep on trembling from time to time,her face was flushed red. Just before teleportation he winked at her.

The atmosphere was still tense in the club room, Asia was more affected than anyone else. She closed her eyes and hid behind Issei. All of them felt his form was dangerous, especially those flames.

Jazz looked at the tensed atmosphere( Ah.... darn it they must be thinking i am a dangerous person now.The moment i wake up i almost killed a High ranking Devil.)

Jazz: " Cough.... you guys don't need to be afraid of me that much, i am not going to hurt any of you guys. Especially you Asia, thank you for healing me, " everyone relaxed seeing i am not someone insane.

Asia: " Its....its all right, i was just doing what i thought was right."

Koneko: " Loli-con."

Issei: " What do you mean by that Koneko-chan, " she said while looking at Jazz with her dead pan expressions

Jazz : " Ehhh... me a loli-con. I was just thanking her and she has more things to show then you ." he said while pointing at her flat board.

Koneko: " This muscle head was flirting with that Ravel Phoenix girl." she said with now anger on her voice " And i am still in my growing period." she shouted

Hancock:" What is she saying Jazz." she looked at him, who averted eye contact.

Jazz: " Cough.... i was just waving at that brave girl, you know ."

Koneko: " Hmnf i smelled your smell on her." now he was sweating.

Jazz:" must be mistaken." but Hancock looked at him with piercing gaze.

Rias: " Can you tell us what was that you turn into, are you a Grim Reaper from Hell." she knows only reaper under Hades looked like that.

Jazz thought for a while : " I can't tell you much, but thats one of my sacred Gear abilities."

Issei: " You also have a sacred gear? "

Jazz shows them his omnitrix, Hancock was surprised she wanted to stop him but suddenly remember Asia using a healing ability. They also called it a sacred gear. She now had lots of question on her mind.

Grafiya: " If it is a sacred gear then it must be quite special." she still has her doubt

Issei:" Is it that strong,stronger then mine?"

Grafiya:" No, you saw that 'watch' talking to him right. Only a exceptional Sacred Gears have their own conscience or a soul trapped inside it." her word surprised everyone but Jazz was having hard time as Grafiya is looking at him intensely.

(Jazz: She definitely didn't believed that omnitrix is a Sacred Gear, i need to divert her attention.)

He walked toward Grafiya and whispered something in her ear.

All of them saw him whispering something to Grafiya, after that her eyes tremble, the calm maid showed a surprise expression for the first time.

Grafiya: " Then i will meet you soon." saying she formed her own teleportation magic.

Jazz: " But it won't be free."

Grafiya just nodded and left them.

Rias: " What did you say to Grafiya." for grafiya to show some expression this openly, she wanted to know what he said to her.

Jazz:" Its something private to her, if you want to know you can ask her."

Rias: " huh.... then how did you know something of her private matter." jazz thought for sometime.

jazz: " I can tell you, but for that you have hand over all of the money you have now." he said with a grin

All: " Huh..." After sometime...

Jazz: " Come on....hand it over....nice and easy.."

Koneko: " I don't have any money.." she said while slowly backing

Jazz: " Don't lie to me little girl." he said with grabbing her shoulder

Hancock: Hmm ...Jazz i think you had enough money. and i think she don't have any money on her now." she looked around to see Rias, Akeno, Issei, kiba even Asia became his victims and were now counting airs in their wallets.

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Jazz: " Hancock you are being naive, in this unknown place we need all the resource we can get. " saying he flipped Koneko upside down and starting shaking her grabbing her legs.

Koneko: " uua...uua...stop shaking me ... ah my skirt pervert." with a jingle a small white wallet designed like cat face fall on the ground.

Jazz: " Ohh... you are loaded little girl, you know you should be more honest." he complained a little at her.

Koneko: " You thief, pervert, hentai, lolicon.." she said while fixing her skirt

Issei:" You got all the money now answer Buchou?" he said with a tick mark on his face, how can a person robbed their own savior, Asia was having hard believing she became broke and that just after getting her first allowance.

Jazz: " Actually i prefers the word Pirate instead of thief, as for your answer here is it." he throws a paper folded with something written on it.

Akeno: " Where are you two going." Seeing him walking away with Hancock she asked

Jazz: " I am going for an adventure. " he seemed more happy when he heard something from Shiro.

Hancock said that she will visit them and went after jazz. She had a good impression of these people.


At night in a hotel balcony jazz and Hancock were looking at the whole city. After leaving the school they roam around the whole town they had all kind of different foods, went shopping played games in some game center. Hancock was freaking around seeing the different technology, high tech gadget and places crowded with people. Her expressions were hilarious when she kicked a car who suddenly surprised her by its honking turning it into a stone age car. we also saw Koneko following us, but i decided to ignore it thinking i am in their territory and it their job to keep things peaceful here.

Hancock: Its hard to believe that we are in a different world, it is even more unbelievable is that you once died and then reincarnated in our world. its really hard for me jazz, i am having a headache trying to sink all of it in.

Jazz: " Come then i will give you a head massage. " Jazz decided to tell her about his reincarnation matter how he get the Omnitrix.

Jazz: " Feeling any better? " he asked her after massaging her head a little. He felt slightly guilty that because of him she is also being dragged around all over the place.

Hancock: " Hum.... so how we are going to return. " Shiro suddenly came and answered her

Shiro: " Mother originally programmed Omnitrix to take onii-chan in different world to search something that can identify and help my condition. personally I don't care about my strange eyes i am fine as it is. But i used that protocol to force Omnitrix to take both of you here. "

Hancock: " But i am worried about my sisters " she said in slight tensed voice

Shiro: " That's you don't have to worry much, no matter how much time we spend here, when you return. Omnitrix will send you at 24 hr later period of the exact time when it send you here.

Hancock :"It means only one day will pass in our original World even if we spend a year here." she gasped at the amazing capabilities of Omnitrix.

Shiro " Yeah right. but that will also apply if you want to come back to this world from your original world. With this function he can have more time to search something that can help me."

" So, you don't have to worry, what the worst could happen to them in 24 hrs."

Jazz: " Since we are here, i want to utilise this chance to visit all different worlds at the same time get as much strong as possible before going back."

Shiro: " Onii-chan is right and you may have realised that there is certain changes in your abilities since leaving that world."

Hancock: " Yes, i realised my abilities has gotten stronger since i came here."

Jazz: "Hmm i also felt my Ghost Rider form is atleast 5 times stronger than before when I used it in the morning.It usually negate the damage by sacrificing my stamina but now it is also multiplying my stength. Why is it?. "

Shiro : " That's because, you are not restricted by the world law of your world. Devil's fruits abilities give you unique abilities at the same time put you into some restrictions like being hammer in sea water, almost impossible to completely master your devil fruits abilities. But when you leave your original world that world laws doesn't work on you any longer till you return again. But it give you golden opportunity to master as much as possible your devil fruits abilities.

Jazz suddenly got an idea, he opened a portal to the maximum of his limit. After jumping in it hancock waited for few seconds ,a portal was again opened in there room from it Jazz came total drenched.

Hancok: "What happened, why you smell like sea water?"

Jazz: " Shiro was right my teleportation abilities enhanced to almost 150 km i accidentally opened a portal in the open ocean. I am going to take shower again, Grafiya must be coming shortly."


Jazz sighed and only changed his clothes

Hancok went to the door and came with Grafiya.

Jazz: " You are surprisingly quick, how did you find us. We didn't even register this room with our correct name."

Grafiya : " Because some one uploaded a video of two people eating and running away without paying for the food from a Five star hotel." jazz quickly check his newly purchased phone and saw a video becoming famous in a *** tube, a famous site. the video started with he and Hancock eating a large quantity of food, well most of them was eaten by him and ended with both of them jumping out of the window when it was time for payment.The title of the video is depressing for both of them....' A Beauty and the Beast became a Thief '

Jazz mouth was twitching and Hancock face was red with embarrassment when Grafyia was looking at her with those piercing eyes,which shows that she didn't expected from her this kind of things.

Jazz: " Cough..... i actually have a reason for that, you see Rias was being stingy in giving us money and we were hungry... so things like that could happen sometime. We are just some poor victims who are trying hard daily to just live in this cruel world...." he said with his eyes closed almost praying to god for forgiveness

When he opened his eyes again he saw Rias was Staring at his face with anger in her eyes.

Jazz looked at Grafiya for answer while sweating a little...

Grafiya: " She tagged along with me, since you decided to tell her about it,in exchange for some pocket" she said with a expressionless expression.

Jazz:" Sigh... alright since every one who should be present lets discuss the matter." he said while dodging someone stare.

Grafiya: " Tell me how do you know about my brother, he died in previous war?" she said in total serios expression, Rias also paid her full attention on this matter.

Jazz: " Well he is alive and kicking, and doing some shady things. and soon will appear in front of you. His beloved sister who joined the enemy side, leaving him behind."

A heavy pressure filled the room for a moment then it was gone in instant. Grafiya look sad after hearing him, his way of putting things were rude but were accurate.

Grafiya: " I thought he died, where did you saw him?" her eyes some complex emotions.

Jazz: " I didn't, i heard he is working for a very dangerous organisation known as Chaos Brigade. That's all i know." he said this much sit on a chair.

Rias: " You are definitely know more, tell us." she tried to get some more info from him.

Jazz: " I told you all that i know, now pay for this information." jazz got total serious, everything would start from here.

Grafiya: " What do you want for this information."

Jazz took a deep beadth: "i want my own devil pieces."

Rias: " What? are you serious " she can't believe that jazz will have that high of a demand because getting a Set of Devil pieces is done through a procedure and ceremony. It only given to those who achieved High Class Devil Ranking.

Hancock on the other hand did not had any idea what they were talking about. Jazz only explained siperficially about Devils, Angel and Fallen angels.

Grafyia: " If you want your own devil pieces, then i believe you know this demand i can not fulfill."

This kind of things only Ajuka handle.

Jazz:" I know, that matter i will handle personally, all i want that you take me to Ajuka Beelzebub."

Grafiya shook her head : " You are asking for impossible matter, Getting a set of evil pieces is a sacred matter for us and A Maou can not meet any one on a whim." she denied clearly not believing he can convinced Ajuka with anything.


Next day at Kuoh Academy....

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Rias in her club room waiting for her peerage to finish their classes and join her.

Akeno: " What are you thinking about Rias. " she said while serving teas.

Rias: " Sigh .....i went with Grafiya to meet that rascal, i still can't believe he was bad mouthing about me being stingy when he robbed us like a bandit."

Aheno: " Ufu fu fu....he said he prefers calling himself a pirate, but i think you are worried about something else." she said while sitting opposite to her.

Rias: " Since you are my queen, you should know about this " she then told her what they talked about.

Akeno: " is Grafia-san doing? " a sad expression covered her face, thinking about her own father.

Rias: " I believe she can overcome this predicament, her title of strongest queen is not just for show." she said with confidence

Kiba: " We are here Buchou." when they were discussing all of her peerage member came to the club room.

They all greeted each other and were about to discuss their Devil Activities when a Magic circle formed in their club room.From it came Grafyia, Hancock and Jazz.

Hancock: " We meet again." she said with a enchanting smile Issei and Kiba were most affected being the opposite gender. Suddenly

Issei: " Aaaaa...." Issei scream ran in the club...

All his club member saw him rolling on the floor while covering both of his eyes, in front of him is standing jazz with his two finger out like he is poking something.

Issei: " What the hell is wrong with you bastard?" he angrily snarled at jazz after getting up, Asia hurriedly came checking for some injury but relaxed seeing only slight red eyes.

Jazz: " Hmnf.....thats what you get for ogling at Hancock, your were staring too much at her Breast." he said while ready to poke him again.

Issei: " What i just looked at them for only 3 seconds." he said like injustice has been done to him.

Rias: " Both of you stop fighting the moment you meet each other." she said with tired expression...

Issei: " But Buchou..." he wanted to say something but stopped seeing her gaze.

Rias: " And Jazz i would not appreciate you hurting my cute peerage members..." she said that but....

Koneko: " Uua ....uua ... let me go you Hentai, lolicon, beast....Buchou save me..." Rias Gawked seeing Koneko upside down and jazz keep shaking her while grabbing her legs till a cat purse fell from her body...

Jazz: " This is what you get for uploading that video on the internet. I can't even roam outside in the city now." he regretted letting her follow them that day...


Jazz: " This i will keep it, sigh.... it is less than before little cat. Are you going bankrupt or something.." his question did nothing but made her more angry.....

Koneko: " Aaaa.... that's mine." saying she leaped on him but he dodged her, they kept on doing that for some time in the club room, messing every thing on the room.

Koneko: " Take this...." saying she throws a sofa at him..

Iseei: " Wait.... Koneko-chan..." well the victim was someone else..

Grafiya: " That will be enough fun i think" both of them stopped their Cat and jazz chase " Sigh... jazz now you should consider doing things properly fitting to the name of Devil Piece you hold."

Rias: " WHAT..." Surprised she shouted....

Well other members were a little slow, but also surprised....

Iseei: " What? Don't tell me he is like us now a Devil."

Asia: " Buchou that means both of them are going to be with us from now on." she sounded happy thinking they joined Rias peerage.

Rias: " No they are not our peerage member, so you managed to get what you wanted huh..." denying everyone, she asked jazz

Jazz who was now sitting beside Hancock showed a smirk and V sign to Rias.....

Hancock: " Don't mind him, he is just like that. Yeah we managed to convince The Four Maous and got the evil pieces he took the King Piece and i became his Queen." she is happy for Jazz not minding that she had became a Devil because now Jazz won't die due to his short life span.....

Akeno:" Ara ara ufu fu fu.... i guess we are going to get along well now....." she said while looking at Jazz with lot of interest. Being able to convince top brass of underworld is not an easy matter...

Jazz: " Waa ha ha ha..... you guys surprised face is a sight to see. Don't you want to know how i did it..." he said tempting her....

Rias: " No... seriously you are nothing but a trouble, you have lots of secrets but you can keep that." she said while massaging her head...

Akeno: " But i want to know more about you." akeno came and sat beside him, with over familiar and seductive tone she asked " can't you tell me some of your secret in return i will tell you some of mine".

Jazz eyes shone like a car head lamp.

Issei:" Akeno-san ..." he was hard time believing that their Akeno-san just got snatched.

Hancock: " Excuse me aren't you being too close to him." she was having hard time controling jazz habits and now someone is seducing him in front of her.

Shiro: " You tell her Big-sis Hancock, that busty woman is definitely bad news for my Onii-chan" all present in the room looked at the Shiro projection.

Akeno: " Ara ara .....what a beautiful little girl you are, but calling your user Onii-chan is wrong you know." akeno was first surprised the beauty of the little girl but her S&M-sense tells her that this little girl is a high level competition.

Shiro: " I am onii-chan's little shiro and i will protect him from woman like you." she pointed her finger at Akeno.

Akeno: " Me? what's wrong with me, you are not opposing Hancock why is that." she said gripping his hand tightly.

Shiro: " I ...i just know you are a trouble and onii-chan always listen to me right onii-chan?" she said with a beautiful smile but this put

jazz in a tight situation.

Hancock on his right, Shiro on his front and Akeno on his right.

He was sweating and shiro was getting impatient, when a magic circle appeared in the room.

Grafiya: " What are you doing here Ravel. " everyone is a little perplexed by her coming here suddenly.

Jazz was glad that she picked this time to show herself, he quickly dodge three of them and went to greet her.

Jazz:" Yo.... how are you Ravel, you are looking beautiful. "

Ravel:" I am..... fine and thank you. You are also looked different then yesterday." she greeted him shyly.

Jazz: " bad different or good different? "

Ravel: "It's good different. " she said hurriedly

All people are having a weird expression, he was just about to get crushed by three girls but now he is flirting with another girl and that is the sister of his enemy.

Rias: " Both of you.... Ravel what is you doing here? " she felt something is wrong her coming here suddenly.

Ravel: " Ah... sorry Rias-sama, my mother send me here. she want to talk to jazz-sama. "

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A projection appeared from a device that she put on the table. It was a woman with beautiful face and wavy blonde hair she very much resembles Ravel.

Grafiya: " Nice to see you lady Phoenix " she bowed a little.

Lady Phoenix: " Nice to see you too Grafiya and also nice to see all of Rias gremory peerage, My son Riser has given a lot of trouble to all of you. " she slightly bowed

Rias: " You don't need to apologise Lady phoenix, how is he now " she respectefully asked her

L.P: " He has gone depressed and locked himself in his room, he is even afraid of fire now. For a Phoenix to be afraid of fire i am disappointed on him. I just hope he would take lesson from this event and correct his flaws." she then looked at jazz.

L.P: " So, you are The person who defeated my son, i heard the NEWS that you joined us devils. Since you are forming a peerage now, i want you to know that i have exchanged Ravel into my peerage from Riser. You understand that right, she also has a mind for supremacy i hope you remember that and use her ability correctly...." Ravel was total red hearing their conversation....

Jazz :" You are moving too fast don't you think Lady Phoenix. I just know her from yesterday...." saying this he felt like he trapped himself, LP smirked ....

L.P: " Fast? .... may be, but i had to consider that after what you have done to my daughter Yesterday. What do you say about that Don Jazz....."

Everyone eyes flew open, everyone is looking at him like a trash who eat little girl.....

" I don't mind reminding you or better you remind him Ravel." Now all eyes are on her

Ravel: " Mother....what are you saying its embarrassing in front of so much people...." due to embarrassment tears started to fall from eyes.

Now matter became more serious, seeing her cry everyone thought the worst happened.....

Koneko: " RAPIST...."

Asia: " I can't belive it..."

Kiba: " Animal.."

Issei: " I am slightly envious..." this comment did get him a good smack from Asia and Koneko...

Akeno: " How brute...." she quickly hid her excitement face...

Rias: " I never thought you would attack a young girl..." she totally believes it

Hancock didn't said anything because she knows he didn't do anything he was with her all the time but something must have happened when she was not looking....

Jazz: " Guys seriously .... " he tried to explain them but except of Akeno and Hancock all of them avoided him.

Hancock: " Jazz you should know better, if you did something you need to take responsibility....."

Jazz: " Not you too Hancock." A depress sigh escape from him but her says she is serious .....

Jazz: " All right... all right... i will take responsibility although i only teased her a little..." but no one believed it....

L.P:" Excellent ...this is as much as i can do Ravel, now everything in the future is depend on you..." she smiled lovingly at her daughter..

L.P: " Ah... one more thing Jazz-kun, the first born will carry the name Phoenix..."

Jazz: " Like hell woman, i promised my long distance father that every child of mine will carry his name DON and that won't change no matter what...." he snapped after hearing her,damn who did she think he is, trying to monopoly my own future child name, fools Dream....

L.P: " I am happy to hear that, so i leave my daughter in your capable hand....." happily she disconnect the projection.....

Looking at how happy she was hearing his answer...

Jazz: " Damn i just got trolled, damn it.... Devils are never to be trusted..."

Issei: " You are now one of them remember..."

Jazz: " Ah..right" he looked at Ravel who was in her own world saying " Babies" while holding her stomach....

Jazz flicked her head and said: " Why are you acting like a pregnant woman, you are too young to do that....."

she was emberrased now in front of him, she don't know how to proceed things. She didn't want to let her mother down....

Hancock came to her rescue: " You don't need to think that much, since we are going to together for a a very long time I will introduce myself. I am Boa Hancock...."

Ravel: " Ah...I am Ravel Phoenix." she said while lifting it like a princes...

Jazz: " Ravel you should be mentally prepared, we are going to have a heck of a adventure in the future after leaving this place."

Ravel: " Where will we be going?"


In the underworld, the four Maous are discussing the information that jazz gave them....


Siezecs: " What do you think we should do? honestly i think we don't have the required capabilities to handle this situation. Till now i thought 666 was a myth."

Serafall: " We don't have any choice, it is the right time to make a alliance with other faction." her usual happy go luck attitude is now gone.

Asmodeus : " I don't want to work but that kid information is keeping my peerage awake in night." he said lazily...

Serafall:" Means you are having a good sleep while your peerage are doing all the work Falbium-chan."

Serzecs: " Ajuka what do you think we should do."

Ajuka: " I think what he said is about absolutely right, i myself once researched about Biblical God's Death. And came to conclusion that when he joined the last war he was already exhausted, and later died while fighting the first Satan."

" To make him use so much power that he was exhausted before the war means he fought some one else of greater or equal power level. But we would have some information about it somewhere, then other speculation is that Biblical God hide or sealed 666 An Apocalyptic Beast somewhere no one knows just before the war. Which cost him his life later. "

Serafall: " So how did a no name person like him suddenly got this information."

Fallbium: " It simply means someone is already made contact with 666 and is unsealing him right now or worse already unsealed it. And he came to know by coincidence or, he is or was in league with them."

Ajuka: " Where is that kid now Sirzecs."

Sirzecs: " He disappeared with Phoenix Girl and his companion after saying he is going for training," he sighed....

Serafall:" I heard he forced himself on Ravel, poor little girl, i don't want that guy any where near my So-Tan. She will get pregnant by someone else child i can't let that happen." she said with a series of punch in the air.

Fallbium: " You know that is not possible," but serafall ignored him and keep going at her warm up.


Jazz: He He ....

Hancock: Ever since you came to this world you have been acting weird.

Ravel: Where are we actually?

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