Chapter 43

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Jazz: " Shiro where did you take us this time? " Jazz said while looking around.

Shiro: " It is a shinobi world." she said while jazz just smiled ear to ear hearing her.

Hancock: "I sense some people. " she said with slight frown.

Ravel suddenly tensed up, when suddenly someone emerged from the ground just some distance away from them.

????: " A sensory type, no i don't sense any chakra from you. What is civilians doing here in this area. "

Jazz saw the head protector has the symbol of Grass village. He wondered how Omnitrix choose location and timeline.

Jazz: " Actually we are slightly lost and don't know where we are. Can you help us? "

Grass Shinobi 2: " Show us your documents that you are of our village, otherwise we will not leave you this training ground. " one by one people keep popping from trees, bushes, grounds and surrounded them. Typical shinobi style ...

Jazz: "Sigh.... Hancock, Ravel... Look at these people. You would find them everywhere in this world. Hancock get rid of them.... "

Hancock: " Slave Arrow..... " A heart shaped pink colored balloon formed and she released a shower of arrows.

Seeing her attack coming at them, they also send kunai and shureken at them. Jazz protected Ravel and Hancock easily avoided them.

Jazz: " Let's go, " behind their wake several statues of shinobi standing there with different attacking pose, a prize winning art i say " you saw they were wearing same outfit. Here in this world there are five major shinobi villages, and many other small villages. Shinobi are the major military forces of this world. We are going to stay here for sometime and possibly find a new peerage member for us. "

Ravel: "How do you know about so much,we just reach here.."

she wondered, jazz seems to know lots of things....

Shiro: " It's me who told him Right Onii-chan? " saying she had an expected look on her face.

Jazz: " Yeah.... my little Shiro is the best after all. " said while touching her projection with his finger, showing lots of affection to her.

Ravel: " Jazz- sama, i don't want to be rude but are both of you really brother and sister." she had her doubts seeing their intimate reactions.

Hancock: " Don't bother with them Ravel, it was hard for me too recognise him when i first saw them like that. You will get used to it..."

Jazz: " Are you jealous Ravel," saying he walked toward her and caressed her cheeks and lips slightly. Making her red because of such sudden action

They moved forward, now they are already in the Hidden Grass village residential area. The atmosphere was really bad, people looks so much weak especially civilians. Ninjas are still fine, look like they are giving everything good they have to the Shinobi of this village, civilians are barely making a living here. Everywhere is tired, hungry and sick people.

Random people: " Oye look at them, those three look like very rich people. When did these kind of people started living in this area."

Random people 2: " Fool they looked someone from rich family why would they live here. "

Random people 3:" But their cloths look weird. "

Jazz was wearing his usual Ghost Rider Special cloths, which he had several pairs from dxd world market.

Ravel is wearing a pink Ojou-sama dress, which is saying I am rich and expensive.

Hancock is wearing a short skirt, heels, black stockings and a top. Her long beautiful hair is tied in a pony tail. Among the three of them she looked dangerously beautiful. She had reduced her charm, otherwise you know the best....

still Hancock was now getting lots of eyes on her, hancock was getting annoyed and Ravel looked at her with Respect and admiration.

Jazz is looking around the for anything which will give him a clue at which time period they just arrived.

When they are roaming they bumped into a girl around 14 with red hair.

Jazz: " Are you all right " he helped her

????: " Yes... i am sorry... ah... my glasses. " she started searching for her glasses.

Ravel being kind: " Here i picked up for you."

Jazz looked at her carefully and delighted upon recognising her. He figured out the timeline seeing her wearing Grass headband.

Karin: " Thank you my name is karin, i am sorry that I bumped into you .." she wanted to say something but was slightly affected by Hancock charm. As her face turned slightly red seeing Hancock.

( Jazz: Oh.... come on, here i am perfect handsome man, and she is charmed by Hancock. That's it.. )

Jazz was slightly irritated by her reaction, when Karin was busy getting shy. Jazz brought his finger up and poked .

Hancock and Ravel were surprised seeing him doing something like that to a stranger suddenly.

Karin was brought out of her thoughts and screamed...

" Ehhhhhhhh...." she quickly backed up from him covering her flat chest.

She had tears in her eyes now, with complete red face she yelled at him: " You molester what are you trying to do?"

Jazz: " Sorry... my hand just moved on its own. "

karin: " What? you...." she can't seem to find words to say to him..who says his hand move on its own touching girls private part.

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Jazz: " Well calm down..... i was trying to get your attention. Can you tell me which direction is leaf village. "

Karin calming down a little but still covering her Assets.

Karin: " Who are you guys? I never saw you guys here before. "

Jazz: " We are just some travellers, roaming the outside world, as you can see we are not any shinobi. "

" Sigh.... you see i am searching for someone who can help me, my mother is seriously sick i am looking for someone who can help her, this search is one of the reason i am searching for leaf village. " Ravel was perplexed him saying something like that, why lie to such extant..

Karin got surprised and depressed at the same time, remembering her mother conditions....

She had started taking mission without her mother knowing anything, so that she can reduce her mother burden. But her mother 's condition is getting bad day by day.....and her missions are also getting dangerous...

Jazz: " If you don't know, then we would take our leave." he said knowing what is going on her mind

Karin: " Wait... the leaf village is in that direction, it's still couple of Thousands miles away from here. ". She pointed at the direction of setting sun....

Jazz: " Thanks "..... saying they started to walk in that direction...

" Oh.... right, since you helped us don't hold back when you need ours. My name is Don Jazz, you didn't said your complete name." Turning back he said to her.

Karin: " Its uzumaki karin." his next word made her blush....

Jazz: " I will definitely remember that, and by the way your red hair is beautiful keep it longer. "

When she embarrassingly avoided his eye contact, several figure appeared around her. Making her startled.... but seeing their Grass village head protector she slightly relaxed...

?????: " Karin uzumaki, where are they? " a shinobi asked her

Karin wondered what they were talking about, but she was surprised not finding Jazz and others.

Karin: " What happened? where are they" Seeing that she also don't know anything, they dispersed in all directions looking for...

After sometime all of them returned empty handed....

Random shinobi: How can they suddenly dissappear like that, we were keeping an eye on them all the time since we got a report of people getting attacked in training area.

Random shinobi 2: How are the situation there.

Random shinobi 1:" It is disturbing, this is first time I have seen something like that. People turned into stones we don't know if they are alive or not. we were keeping our distance so to gauge their capabilities but for them to suddenly dissappear like that. " rumours starting to flow around among the people under the cloudy night ...

High up in the sky

Jazz: " I knew it, these people are following us. You guys should always remember always watch your back in this world. Shinobi always like to attack when your awareness is low, they will mislead you and attack when you show any slight weakness. " he said while looking at the whole village from up in the air, one of the benefits for being a devil.

Hancock: "So where are we going?"

Jazz: " Of course, to look for the Village Hidden in the leaf, night time is when a devils at work,Right...." He laughed getting really energetic in night


jazz: " Ah....i am tired, no more teleporting in night any more. Where is that village anyway " He said while lying on the grass..

Hancok: " What is with this world, there is forest everywhere." she is also tired, with jazz teleporting skills she thought they will find the village after few times teleporting. But they don't know where they are anymore after searching for it whole half an hour, making him tired for continuous teleportation .

" Growl...." Ravel face was red due to embarrassment.

Jazz: " Sorry Ravel, i was focused too much in others thing and forgot about our food problems. " He was really want to slap himself for not thinking about their well being.

Ravel: " No... don't be Jazz-sama. I was just excited about travelling to other world that forgot to eat before coming here.... " she said

Jazz: " All right, i will go around and bring some food for us. ".....

Next day in the morning...

Ravel: " Yawn.... " she opened her eyes a bright sunlight hits her face. she slightly rubbed her eyes and turned right to see Jazz face close her.

Her face turned red thinking how they cuddled at night, hancock took his right side and she took his left. She placed a barrier around them to alert them if someone trespassed this area. A fire was still burning brightly keeping them warm at night, it is also her magic. Well not everything went right for her as Jazz brought some wild animal for their dinner, it was whole new experience for her. She always ate top quality food but now they are on journey and having barbecue food would be common for them. She steeled her heart but she wasn't ready to cook it by herself. Jazz forced her to cook it using her phoenix fire but most of the meat was not edible, it was burned severly.

Slowly Jazz also awakened, he saw Ravel staring him. He used his hand which she was holding to bring her up on top of his body.

Jazz: " Good morning Ravel... how was your first day of your adventure. " he asked while hugging her a little tightly.

Ravel: " Hmmm... it was very adventurous, i never thought doing this kind of things will bring so much joy. " she said with full of smiles.

Jazz smiled even more, he started caressing her back. It was a shame she still in her developing period.

Ravel: " Jazz -sama can i ask you something, my intention is not to question your judgement but this thing kept bugging me from tomorrow? " She asked keeping her head on his chest.

Jazz: " You can ask me anything Ravel. " he said still caressing her.

Ravel: " Yesterday you lied to that girl but why use your mother's name, was it to only to gain her sympathy and help." She raised her head and looked straight into his eyes.

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Jazz looked at her, he saw her seriousness and understand what she is thinking more correctly expecting something from him. Jazz got up from the makeshift bed from leaves.

Jazz took of his shirt and turned his back on her.

Jazz: " You can see a mark or tattoo on my back right."

Ravel: " Yes, what is it mean jazz-sama " she looked at his back, there is a big wound mark on his back but mysteriously tattoo looked complete without any missing area and not damaged.

Jazz Still showing his back towards her direction

jazz: " I haven't told you much about me, then lets start from the beginning . I was born in a place called Marijoie, it is place where World Nobel of my world live. They believe themselves to be a god, because their predecessor were the one who many years ago build the current system of the world. And being their direct descendants they think they are the rulers of the world. "

" I was born in that place, in a cell, cage, in the darkest corner of the underground chamber. When i was born my mother cried due to child birth pain for whole night. But there was no one there to help her. " Ravel gasped thinking his mother pain when he was born.

Ravel: " But why, you said that world Nobel live like a god there. Then why did your mother suffered like that. Why they treated you like that. " She asked with anger and pain in her voice.

Jazz: " Because my mother was a slave, my mother was a simple girl from a far away island, but one day A ship of Celestial Dragon or World Nobel came there, even with the warning of her parents, she escape from home to join the welcoming parade for them."

" That was her biggest mistake, she was captured by kidnapped and brought back to Marijosie and turned into a slave and since then she had to live through hell. One year after her becoming a slave i born. I Being born with my previous life memory and knowledge soon came to understand my situation. " Ravel Gasped and started silently crying, she understood what he meant to say.

" Then one day when i was 8 years old, i found an opportunity to escape from that place. In that place i meet with 1000 of slaves Hancock and her two sisters were among them. Together we escaped from that place "

" You were right i was trying to get Karin sympathy but it is also right that i am looking for someone with exceptional medical knowledge. while escaping i found her unconscious with a Celestial Dragon who was doing inhumane things to her. She is yet to awaken till now and i believe i will find some one here who can help her." saying he starting dressing up.

Ravel was silent, she never thought Jazz who looked happy and do funny things will have this much of sadness and unhappy memories within his heart. she now understand why he was so much angry with her brother. He doesn't have good impression of stuck up Nobel. she looked at him who was dressings.

Ravel: " What was that mark jazz-sama on your back. "

Jazz :" it is the mark that is given to a slave of Celestial Dragon. " Ravel clenched her hand tightly hearing that


They once again started their journey. They were laughing and talking variety of things, Ravel was the most enjoying this journey always asking about things that piqued her interest.

When they were walking on a road they saw someone coming toward them...

They also saw them, keep on approaching them...Jazz immediately recognized them, he started slightly laughing seeing who is approaching them.....

Ravel: " Why are you laughing Jazz-sama? "

Jazz: " Ravel we are lucky you see those people coming here, they are from the Leaf Village we are searching for." he said but suddenly an idea popped in his mind.

Hancock: " Jazz no, whatever you cooked up in your mind don't do it ." Hancock seeing Jazz smiled evilly knew he was up to no good.

Jazz put his hands on their shoulder and said with profound expression...

Jazz: " Ravel and Hancock my comrades in Arm today we are going to do something today that i always wanted to do at least one time in life." seeing his serious expression Ravel got hooked up immediately, but Hancock just rolled her eyes.....

" Are you guys ready follow my lead" saying he turned around and Those 4 people are already standing opposite to them. Jazz seeing they are already here SHOUTED.....


Ravel Total Flustered she couldn't believe that Jazz wanted to Rob these people suddenly...

Ravel: " jazz.... jazz-sama aren't we asking for their help to get to their village why are you suddenly robbing people." she don't know what to do and the people are already looking at them....

Jazz : " What do you mean ME, you are also doing it with me. Come on show your mean face and back me up..." he said while pushing her forward....

" No....Jazz-sama i can not do this,i never did it before..." she said trying to get away from there

Jazz: " Well take this chance to move forward in your life, trust me you will become a expert in no time with my help." now she was in front of them...

As for those 4 people they had an expression, saying what is going on.? Is it a comedy show....

Ravel looked back to Jazz with slight tear in her eyes ....but jazz signaled her to do it....turning she faced the 4 people who are now looking at her with interest..

Ravel: " I...I no we....we are going to rob you please cooperate with us." saying she gave them a princess greeting it look very odd as her eyes are filled with tears while she trying hard to show her mean face but instead look cute....

?????: " HaHa ha ha.... they are funny....." A 14 year kid with blonde hair and whiskers on his both chicks started laughing.... at Ravel....

Ravel: " NO..... i can't do this.....Big-sis hancock...." she pleaded

Hancock hugged her and tried to pacify while giving Jazz intense glare. which did made him flinch....

Jazz: "Fine...fine.... Ravel " he moved toward Ravel who was still cry her embarrassment " i am sorry that i forced you to do this.."

Ravel looked at him " You are not going to make me do this again right Jazz-sama.." she said finally calming down a little.

Hancock: " You don't have to worry, he will not force you again." jazz could only give up for now and look for someone who will walk this path with him...

Jazz turned around and smile looking at Kakashi, Sasuke, SaKura and Naruto... in front of him....they look like children....since saskuke is there, chunin exams still haven't conducted...

Jazz: " cough.... Hi there My name is jazz and these two are my companions, the crying and cute one is Ravel and the Beautiful one is Hancock...."

Ravel still embarrassed about trying robbery only to get laughed at avoided eye contact with them.

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Hancock: " Hello.." just like that the world achieved world piece, now all 4 of them are looking at her with blush, well only Kakashi face was hidden but he was sure kakashi eyes were on Her.

(Jazz: " Ah... not again ...) He was specially displeased how can a girl get love struck seeing another girl and it is happening in front of him. He saw Sakura standing in front of him

" Poke "

" Kyaaaaaa..."

Her sudden scream broke the world peace. The criminal Don Jazz got a palm print on his face for breaking the world peace.


Now all seven of them are walking toward the leaf village....

Kakashi: " So, all of you left your home to go on a adventure and trying to rob us was just another experience you wanted to have." he looked at jazz with odd look....

Jazz: " Yes as you can see, Ravel doesn't know how the outside world work so i was just showing her how to get money easily..." he laughed saying that but the 3 Shinobi thought is he trying to make her a for Naruto he is happily conversing with Ravel and Hancock....

Naruto: " Really you are From a Nobel family?"

Ravel: " Yes, I am the youngest of our Family, which is famous throughout the underworld as a top class family." she said Taking pride in her phoenix family..

Naruto: " Underworld ? is that a place where you live."

Ravel: " uh... that yes. " She tried to avoid his further questions

Sakura: " H...hancock-san ....?"

Hancock: " Yes"

Sakura: " Can you tell me, how did you get so much beautiful..." Hancock now became her role model, she wanted to look as beautiful as hancock to attract Sasuke attention.

As for Sasuke he just kept his silent, pride and cool looking attitude and keep looking at Hancock from time to time.


After few hour of journey they finally reach the hidden village, a big wooden door welcomed them.

Izumu and kotetsu the eternal Chunin welcomed them, they were surprised seeing two beautiful new girls among them.

(Kakashi: They are definitely not a simple civilians, since we enter the village all three of them are sticking together. He saíd they are from some rich family and roaming around to get experience but how did they are fine till now, how they managed to survive outside is beyond me. I need to report this to the Third. )

Yes the moment they enter the village Hancock felt lot of strong presence. And they are now sticking close to each other....

Jazz keep on admiring the village, environment it's quite lively. But the staring is killing him, these two girls are getting lots of attention.

Naruto: " Hey what are you guys want to do, want to hang out with us. Sakura- chan, Sasuke you do you want to come with us. I was going to show them whole village. " naruto asked them, he really wanted to show the best thing that the village has to offer.

Sakura: " Sure i want to learn lots of things from Hancock-san. " both of them looked towards Sasuke

Sasuke: " Hmnf i am going to go training. " he marched off

Kakashi :" No, i will take them to see lord third, you guys also go and train some more, especially you sakura. You must have learned some of your mistake in land of the waves. " he gave them a small lecture and send them off.

Kakashi: " I would like you to come and meet third hokhage." Jazz and the others followed him...

Kakashi already went inside to debrief the Hokhage and now jazz and the others waiting outside of the Hokhage office.....

Jazz: " Inside is the leader of this Village..." he then started explaining about the five leader of 5 hidden village to pass the boredom ...

"You guys Don't need to be worry, just follow my lead." now they started worrying, they both looked at each other and sighed, wait and see what this guy will do

kakashi: " You can come inside now."

Upon entering the office Jazz recognised two people Hiruzen sarutobi and shikaku Nara.

Sarutobi: " Kakashi said you people want to stay in our village. So, tell me who are you and why do you want to stay in our village." he said while squinting his eyes...

Jazz: " I am Don Jazz on my the cute one is Ravel and on my the beautiful one is Hancock...." they looked at Ravel but avoided looking at Hancock because of Kakashi warning....

" As for who we are, do you want to hear the truth or lie."

Hiruzen:" Of course the truth.." he said with tick mark on his forehead

Jazz: " Me and Hancock are going to be a great pirate one day, thats in mind we set of in a adventure sailing on the sea but our ship got destroyed somehow we managed to save our lives but don't know where we were. Then we found Ravel who is from a Nobel family, and now she also joined in our adventure. Savvy? "

Shikaku: " Are you serious? "

Kakashi : " He look serious ?"

Sarutobi: " What a headache."

Jazz: " What, don't you believe me ?"

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Shikaku: " Who would believe 3 kids set out to become pirates and why pirates?"

Jazz: " why you ask? Because pirates have the greatest freedom in the world, they can do whatever they want,eat whenever they want, sing whenever thy want, sleep whenever they want and no one will force them to do something against there wish. That is mean to be a great pirate...." he said righteously

Ravel couldn't help but admire him, people may take him as a criminal when he declare he is a pirate but he didn't care what people think.

Jazz: " What ravel why are you looking at me like that"

Ravel: " I just thought you look cool when you declare yourself, i couldn't help but ...admire you more..." she said with a blush....

Jazz: " He he he .... Don't worry you will be a great pirate one day. Stay close to me all right. "

Ravel: " Yes i will follow you everywhere." she smiled brightly

Sarutobi: " No...she won't you fool, how can you make a little girl go astray. No you are definitely a idiot thinking becoming a pirate is so great thing. All three of you are young, i will not have you three become some criminal. Kakashi take them outside and wait for my instruction..." he said while massaging his head

Jazz: " I don't care what you think of me, Ravel you seeing this old man. Look into his eyes." she did that but couldn't understand what jazz wanted to say...

Jazz: " You don't understand right, just remember to stay away from people who have those types of eye they are 200% closet pervert...."

Shikaku/ kakashi: " Puh...." a sudden laugh escaped from their mouth.

Sarutobi: " What are you saying you little brat?" he said with slight anger but mostly flustered expression.

Jazz: " You can't deny your own nature old man. And i am just increasing her knowledge how the outside world works." he said with a smug.


After 5 hours in Hokhage office

Shikaku: " Hokhage sama we have conducted the investigation "

Sarutobi: " And did you find anything. "

Shikaku: " nothing, even with inoichi ability we could not access their memories. "

Sarutobi: " What? you didn't get any information from them. How is it possible, tell me what happened. "

Shikaku: " Inoichi said when he was accessing their minds. He found some kind of barrier protecting them. since they did not commit any crime i thought taking them to interrogation will be just too much."

Sarutobi: "Hmm those three are a mystery, what do you think Shikaku are they a spy? " he asked him but he doubted himself that a spy would behave and talk like that.

Shikaku: " That i can't say but we did find something using Byakhugan on them, they don't have any chakra Network."

Sarutobi: " So, the possibility of them being a spy ninja is less then..."

Shikaku: " No, we can't deny that possibilities because we found some abnormal energy in their body instead of chakra. We don't know what it is but this energy is not a external energy, it is generated within them. It is covering every cell of their bodies, we found that their bodies constitution is naturally stronger then an average shinobi, it may be the result of that strange energy.Initial test result of their blood sample showed that, that strange energy is much destructive in nature than chakra."

"I am sure they are not any normal people as we found battle wounds in that kid Jazz bodies. For now we have detained them, we don't know what their bodies is carrying but we need further investigation to find about this energy and their history."

Sarutobi: " sigh ....just don't harm them since they are still children, but keep your eyes on them all the time." he sighed more.

Knock knock knock...

Sarutobi: " Come in..."....." Inoichi why are you here aren't you doing special investigation on those three kids." he had a felling something had gone wrong...

Inoichi: " Hokhage-sama its Danzo-sama, he has taken the three kids somewhere but refusing to answer us." he said hurriedly, in these 5 hour of investigation he wasn't able to find any information from them but after spending some time he concluded that they are not harmful for village and only hiding thier identity, but somehow Danzo got a sniff about them and demanded to meet them. But when Danzo left after meeting them,the kids somehow vanished from their temporary resting place ....


In Root underground base, Danzo is now facing Sarutobi. Behind both of them are several shinobis starring dagger at each other.

Sarutobi:" Where are the kids Danzo? " anger clearly showed on his face..

Danzo: " I don't know what are you talking about, they were there when i left the investigation room. I don't know where they are now."

Sarutobi:" Don't test my patience Danzo, i have turned blind eye lots of your doings in the name of village security but not now. Hand over the kids Danzo, they are not a threat to village. You are stepping out of your boundries..."

Danzo: " Sarutobi i will tell you again i don't know where they are, all i can see is you blaming me for something that i didn't even do." he said while

Sarutobi : " Then what were you doing there?"

Danzo: " I just heard that village was infiltrated by spies and went to check on them. It is my duty to keep the village safe from the shadows."

Sarutobi got angered hearing that: " They were not a threat to the village, they don't even have Chakra network much less being a Ninja Spy from others village. "

Danzo snarled : " Then what were you doing, keeping them to all to yourself."

Sarutobi: " So that's it, i understand now." he gave a search signal to the shinobi standing behind them.

Danzo: " What are you doing Hiruzen, Root is not yours to touch ." he and the root shinobi tried to stop them but Hokhage stepped forward and barred their path....

Hiruzen: " It would have not come to this if you would have hand over the kids quietly." they keep on glaring at each other....

( Hiruzen: Sigh.... he must have heard about those kids special body and energy. He had already done great deal of damage by forcing Itachi's hand. I will not allow him again to use another kid to flourish his agenda specially since we don't know their identity and motive, they are not our enemy )

(Danzo: " Hiruzen i know what you are doing here, you are just using the disappearance of those damn kids as a excuse to take over my root and power. I can't believe i will fall for this kind of trap, there was no one in the investigation resting place. I was given a false report or my own men betrayed me, there was no one carrying special energy or any thing. It was an elaborate plan to take action against my root in my absence. When i found no one in the investigation room, i quickly came back, I was right you finally came after my root Hiruzen.)

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