Chapter 74

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Jazz regained his mind and a moaning sound reached his ear. He saw that his victim is moaning while as he drink her blood. What kind of situation is this? He knew he would go out of control because he never drank a single drop of blood by the instructions of shiro.

This is the first time and this is kind of turn on for him. He stopped drinking and looked at her, she looked slightly weaker then before but everything is fine and his biting mark has already healed. Her face looked like she enjoyed him drinking her blood. A smile was on her lips and she looked at him eagerly.

Jazz :" Shiro what is going on here. "

Shiro :" I wonder that myself, May be.....Why don't you let her drink your blood. "

Jazz :" Hmm would she like it, i mean she liked drinking children blood. "

Rita :" Please let me drink your blood, i want to taste it. I feel I will regret it for life if i don't taste it now. "

Jazz :" You know I was about to kill you since you know my secret. "

Rita :" I won't tell anyone, i will follow you everywhere. I will become whatever you want me to. "

Jazz :" Shiro is she out of her mind."

Shiro :" No if my guess is right, you will also like it. "

Following her instructions he showed his shoulder to her. Rita didn't waste any moment and bites on his neck.

Jazz didn't show any pained expression but slowly he smiled, her sucking his blood gave him a pleasure which he never encountered it's different from when he enjoys with the girls .

Shiro :" This transformation give you enhanced nose, eyes, ear..... basically your sense heightened to several levels. Your strength, speed and defence also increases, regeneration is also in another level. But the weakness is the sun and you have to constantly on regular basis drink blood otherwise both of it will weaken your body. "

" Onii-chan why don't you drink her blood at the same time when she is drinking yours."

Jazz did that because he also got the feeling he should do that, the moment he drank he blood. He felt her blood has become several times tastier than before.

After a short while they separated, the look she is giving now is different. She looked at him with love filled gaze, jazz also can feel it the moment both of them simultaneously drank each other blood a connection was formed between them, it felt like both of them Marked each other.

Jazz :" Shiro why do I feel like she is important to me now ." a new desire was born now that he should not harm her but protect her.

Shiro :" Hmm... From what I have seen vampire drink blood to sustain themselves but drinking each other blood gives them the real pleasure is there a meaning behind it .... I wonder why? does there was a vampire race present in this world in the past and this devil fruits give you.... Then why both of you marked each other and became each other Mates. Does it also follow some law.... "

She kept on blabbering some stuffs, jazz had to snap her out of her thoughts. This type of things keep on happening since she came from the Angeloids world... She sometime just lost in her thoughts...

shiro :" Right where was I... Now congratulations both of you are now a couple.... "

Jazz :" Couple..... hmmmm...WHAT... "

Shiro :" Both of you marked each other it's like imprinting. With that both of you made an unbreakable bond and i was here to witness this Holy Matrimony. I wondered how other will react to this.... hehe "

Jazz :" Shiro stop it.... you are going to get me killed.

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Shiro :" She just smiled more contentedly seeing his troubled face.....

Jazz :" More importantly I was going to kill her since she knows my secret and harmed the others. "

Rita:" Please don't i know what I did was wrong but I never killed anyone. It was due to this devil fruit that i had to drink blood otherwise i could not have survived. Even in drinking blood i always do that moderately, i just like children blood because it does not smell disgustingly like a alcohol or disease like that an adult. I never actually drank them to harmful point. "

" I wanted to get away from Hanso but one thing lead to another and i started following his order.... he even sent his men to watch over me. I don't know what he wants from me but he said he would help me giving me supply of blood all the time.... I don't know what to say anymore, i know i did harm them but now i just want to stay with you. I feel like i won't be able to tolerate separating from you. "

" Please don't throw me away... " she begged him in her tears...

Jazz :" Hey you are making it sound like i used you and ditched you...."

He sighed, no matter what he now can't kill her now . His mind is telling him to not harm her, he did not like his body to imprinting someone on his own....

Shiro :" Why not let her stay with you now, you can feel it she is being sincere since both of you have marked each other. Just give her another chance.... "

Jazz :" Sigh.... All right i suppose I can give her one more chance since she has taken care of me when i was injured. Her hypnosis on the girls is probably undone by now, i have one task for you Rita. Would you do it? "

She nodded her head energetically.....

Shiro :" And you can also enjoy other things onii-chan, don't you want to know only sucking blood gives both of this much pleasure than what kind of pleasure you could feel when she you do night activities. ."

Hearing that both of them looked at each other, she nodded her head shyly showing she also wanted to do those things with him. jazz now felt a sudden impatience he wanted to just push her but it wasn't the right time.

Shiro :" You can do that later.... but i wanted to ask you something Rita, your complexion doesn't match of a Vampire."

Rita :" I haven't able to completely satisfy my thirst that's why i looked like this. "


Jazz returned to the the island alone looking pale...

Ikaros :" Master.... you looked pale. "

She hurriedly came and supported him. Other girls also rushed toward him wondering what happened.

Asterea:" Hmmm he has Anemia? " she scanned him

Jazz:" Don't worry about it, i will be fine in a short time."

( Jazz:" I seriously don't like this imprinting thing, she almost sucked me dry...But who would have guessed after drinking almost 70 % of my blood she would become a nation destroying beauty. and it also proves one more thing that...)

Anko:" So what happened to that girl?"

Jazz:" Its complicated, I will explain it to you guys later. Did you get anything useful out of those three...?"

Anko:" Aside from that he was planning to use that girl abilities in some big plan. They don't know anything about his real plan but i was able to get the detail info about their captain. He is a Iron man...."

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Jazz:" Does he wear Armour ?"

Anko :" What are you talking about, he ate Iron Iron fruit so every part of his body is made up of Iron. They said he has very strong defense, bullets and cannon doesn't faze him also two of his strongest subordinate are with him. I think they are planning something taking every strong people with him. "

Jazz:"He must be strong but how did that guy got captured and sold as a slave."

Anko:" They said they somehow angered one of the big shots of underworld Black Market i din't understand but they gave me a name Jocker."

Jazz realised what could have happened, That slave Auction House is Doflamingo property and he must have send someone to deal with these pirates and then send them to be auctioned at his own Auction House .

Jazz:" so that's why i got such a big bounty for my debut, it must be his doings...."

Hancock:" Jazz i found these things . "

Jazz:" Ohh.... i missed these guys.... its been 3 years since i used them." He looked happy seeing his 4 weapons, he started caressing His Bat and wrapped the chain on him.

Marco :" So how do you planned to rescue those girls, do you need my help?"


TALINE, this the name of the country which is famous in the First half of paradise for producing large amount of ore and raw materials for Navy and other country's Military force.

They are one of the 170 countries that is in

alliance with world government. The capital of this country is said to be Iron fortress. Because maximum part of this city is made of Iron. From road to buildings every part of the city is made from Iron. This city is surrounded by tall Iron walls. It is the only place where the citizen of the country resides.

The reason for that is outside of the iron wall every where is mining area.

All the labour and kidnapped people can be seen working outside of the capital. small residential were built around the mining ground where the worker spend their resting period. It is a scene of Slums and Mining area are combined together. Smokes coming out the factory, people shouting order at others this can be seen at the factory. Tired People coming out of underground mines with dust and mud covering them.

In the center of the capital a castle made of various minerals grandly stood showing the prestige of the EZ-RUZ Royal family.

Inside the castle , King Audience chamber which is decorated by gold and other precious material. A middle aged man in his early twenties wearing all kind of jewels and cloths made of high quality fabric is watching a man bleeding in front of him with expressionless eyes. He is Rahul Ez-Ruz the new king of this country .

???? :" I don't know, please stop it . I am saying the truth i don't know the whereabouts Our Captain ."

The bleeding man said , pleading for his life. But his plead was unheard and Guard keep on torturing him for answer.

Suddenly a Guard came and said:" Your majesty there are three people outside and wanted to see you. They said to give you this...."

Saying he gave him Card which shown a figure of Joker and on the opposite side of it has a pirate symbol of smiling Skull. Seeing this he stood up and dash out of the castle excitedly.....

Rahul:" What the hell are you waiting for, all of you come with me . We have to welcome our honor guests. Oh and keep torturing this man until he says where that Bastard Hanso ran."

Guards:""""" Yes Your Majesty."""""

All the guards shouted in unison. When Rahul was going outside he saw a group of girls tied to the pillars of the halls. He smirked and went toward one of the girl with red hair , who has been glaring with hatred at him all the time.

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Rahul:" Oh Anjali....Anjali.... who would have thought that i would see you again here." he said while lightly patting her checks...

Marie:" You Bastard who are you and let us go. If i get out of this chains i will smack your face in the floor." she said while struggling to get out of her bindings.

Rahul:" Oh and thak you Anjali for bringing beautiful gifts for me. Well it is your duty to please your Husband after all... so no credit for that. Ha ha ha.... How you have fallen my dear wife and former princess of TALINE...."

He laughed as he looked at all the girls tied struggling in their bindings. He walked toward Marie...

" SLAP " A sharp sound of slapping sound resounded in the area.

Marie:" Ugh..."

Sandersonai:" I will kill you for hurting my sister, you will die from my hand..." she shouted at him Rahul face Twisted in anger seeing their defiance.

Rahul :" Good.... good, i was going to enjoy you girls slowly but now you will face the same fate as Anjali. I will sell you all as a slave. Oh right you were already a slave. Why not all the guards feast on you... Guards you are free to do anything to them take them away… " he angrily said and left the palace to welcome the guest.

Only a few Guards were left in the Palace, they looked at the former princess of this country. Some of them wanted to jump on the girls . Anjali suddenly started crying ...

Marie:" Don't cry Anjali, everything will be all right. Jazz and Big-sis will be here at any moment now....."

Anjali:" I am sorry its all my fault, that we are here in this situation. If i would have died back then all of you won't have to suffer like this."

Sandersonia:" It not your fault that we are in this situation."

Anjali:" NO its all my fault...hic...hic...i ...if i would have listened to my father then this never would have happened. "

There was a silence in the Audience Chamber….

Sandersonia:" That man said you were a princess, is that true."

Anjali:" Yes.... i was the princess of this country and that bastard was my Husband. I now regret every moment , every breadth that I take ….. the day i met him, i was so much foolish that i invited a Disaster to my home. My mother, father every one they all .....i am sorry..... sorry.... sorry"

She keep on mumbling for forgiveness with tears in her eyes, all the other girls looked at her with pity. One of the guard became impatience and started walking toward the girls….

???:" Hey what are doing this is a not the place to do this ?" others guards reminded him that they are in the King Castle.

???? :1" I am doing what His Majesty Ordered, I am not going to do it here. I will not do it here, why not you also accompany me we can take these girls some other place and have a goodtime."

Some of the other Guards also got Tempted by his words and smirked wickedly and aslo started walking toward them.


On the top of a tall building a figure covered in black cloak is watching all over the capital.

Rita:" Jazz abilities are really great he teleported me inside the capital easily, now i have to find that guy but this place is really huge as far as i can see is only buildings upon buildings and every thing is made of iron and other materials and that wall is also huge , it has surrounded the city. It does look like a impenetrable city. "

Rita:" Its hard to find that guy smell in this place covered with iron , if my guess is right he should be in the Castle. what should i do ?"

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She then saw Three people also covered in black cloths walking in the night , she couldn't identify them. Rita thought she should follow them but the moment she wanted to move. She saw one of them slightly looked at her direction. Her heart almost came out of her mouth.... frightened she quickly used her bat wing and flew toward a direction away from the castle....


???? 1:" What is it?" one of the man asked to the person who just looked back. He also looked at that direction, from where Rita was watching them

???? 3:" Hey I didn't see a thing.."

???? 2:" I …..i for a moment saw someone standing…." Surprisingly it was a female voice

???? 1:" Then where is that person. "

???? 2:" I don't know ..."

???? 1:" You can't lie to us Violet, we know how your power works. That's why we brought you here, you helped us a lot from finding the pirates who dare to go against Donquixote family. Since Young Master became a King we are expanding our network. That's why we are here in the paradise and this country is important for our business, you understand all that right….young Master has shown mercy to your family. You just have to obey his every command, you did swear your loyalty to Donquixote Family so why are you hesitating for. "

Violet gripped her hand tightly, hearing his every word made her hate them more than any thing. She hate her ability when she had to use it for them. But also because of her ability she was valued and her family survived.

Violet :" Yes Machvise-Sama…."

She then used her ability to look for Rita.


In a underground prison cell a small bat can be seen flying checking every prisoner. None of them noticed it even Guard did not find it unusual.

Rita:" None of them are here..... Jazz will surely not like it. I couldn't do a job properly, I AM AN IDIOT....." she appeared tensed as jazz has given her a task to find the location Iron Hand Hanso and where all the Girls are taken but she became frightened that someone discovered her and in the moment the only thought appeared was to flee but soon she composes herself and decided to search for them in the prison cell.

The bat searched all the prison cell and found someone tied with chain with lots of wound on his body. As she gets closer to the cell she realised it was a old man. He was wearing some shiny robes but probably staying in the prison for long time it appeared to be torn and dusty. She wondered who is this person....

When she went near that man she also saw another person tied near him. She couldn't see his face clearly as all of his dishevel hair has covered his face. But she felt this man is familiar. She went in and lifted his hair and when she saw his face, she immediately recognized him....

????:" He is dead ?"

Said the elderly man who is chained beside him which did surperisd her...

Rita:" Who are you, and how did this man died." she asked him vigilantly.

???? :" I am ........"

But suddenly lots of people started coming inside the Prison. Rita was startled hearing lots of footsteps coming toward her direction…

Rita:" Ah….they found me what to do ….what what should I do. "

She started concentrating , one of the the abilities that Both Jazz and Rita gained was they can feel each other whereabouts and send some of their thoughts to each other. She started sweating as she could hear footsteps getting closer...

Machvise: " Oh found her….."

She opened her eyes and panicked when she saw at least 20 people starring at her. She wondered why Jazz has not come to rescue her.

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