Chapter 75

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(A.n: If you guys don't remember Who Anjali is. She is one of the girl who was rescued by Jazz. She always gave him aura of a royalty but he never asked her. She only seems to trust Marie)

(Rita: Where is Jazz, he should have come here already I already sent my thoughts. Did he receive it…)

She was in deep thoughts, but for others its looked like she is ignoring them.

Rahul:" Ho what a girl like you doing here…." He started looking at her lecherously

Machvise:" You get back I will ask her some question."

Rahul:" Yes Machvise-sama.." he stepped back allowing Machvise to interrogate her.

????:" Rahul you bastard…."

Suddenly the elderly man shouted at The New King...

Machvise:" Who is this old man.."

Rahul:" He is the previous king Machvise-sama. " he politely said.

Machvise:" Then why is he alive, you are not taking things seriously. This country will provide every raw materials for our weapon manufacturing industry. This will make Joker position in the underworld market strong. He helped you making the king of this country without his help you would be still a Bandit, do you want to get the Marines to get the wind of our activities. Kill him now….."

He ruthlessly said…..

Rahul quickly orderd his Guards to kill the previous King. While Rita was thinking why jazz has not come to help her. Her devil fruit give her all over enhanced abilities but her physical abilities is still lacking and she never fought anyone in her life. She was despairing that jazz just abandoned her, tears started falling from her cheeks. She knew she did wrong things and all of the girls wellbeing are still unknown. Even with all that when they Marked each other she felt a unbreakable bond between them and she trusted this bond with everything she got .

Machvise:" Hey you girl, who are you and what are you doing here.


Inside the castle...

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Blood is flowing like a river on the floor, lifeless bodies are resting on the Marvel like this is their final resting place with their limbs torn apart which were also scattered all over the chamber. All the girls looked at the creator of this scene with fear on their eyes.

Ikaros:" Master…."

Ikaros lightly said, getting his attention. Jazz looked at her, his eyes looked calm but his actions were not as he crushed the skull of one of the Guards with his foot . Hancock came close to him and grabbed his blood stained hand tightly…

Hancock:" Calm yourself Jazz, you are scaring them."

Hearing her he calmed down and looked at all the people present there. Chaos which would always stick closer to him have no reaction, she is just staring at the blood trying to remember something. Asteria is hiding behind Ikaros she literally pissed herself seeing his anger. Karin is treating Marie's wound. She seems to not mind this scene and just focusing on the healing process, following her medical training rule. Anko who always loved bleeding others is staring at the scene passively. Surprisingly Ravel is the only person who is seeing this scene and nodded as it was necessary.

Except for three girls among the captured ones all the other girls looked at him fearfully. One is a girl with short silver hair and other is the former princess of this country and the last one is Sandersonia herself.

As for how things happened like that lets go back several minutes later.


Just after the New King left the Audience Chamber. Guards flocked on the girls trying to get the best for themselves. But at that moment Marie and Sandersonia used their abilities, which they previously has hidden for the right time.


Two tail attacks from both sisters blocked the guards and injured several as they groan in pain. Both of them quickly freed from the ropes that tied them.

Guard 1:" They are Devil Fruit User, be careful. "

He shouted and made some distance from the girls.

Guard 2: " Damn….."

Sandersonia:" Marie free the others I will handle them."

Marie:" Be careful.." Sandersonia nodded and vigilantly looked at the guards who are now keeping their distance with swords and spears on their hands.

Sandersonia :" Medusa Hair: Eight headed snake. "

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Sandersonia seeing that the guards are trying to surround her, her hair took the form of mini snakes and lashed at them biting them.

" " " " Argh..... " " " "

Severals guards shouted in pain. They moved back surprised by this kind of attack which made them unable to reach near her..

Marie also joined her after freeing all the girls. Both of them fended the attacks of the guards. The guards seems to getting impatient.

Marie :" Sandersonia when i initiate my next attack, you take the others and run."

Without waiting for her response she opened her mouth and spitt lots of poison of the guards. Those who were unlucky when the poison touched their skin started screaming.

" AAAAAAA....."

it was a painful scream as poison started melting outer surface of the guard skin. He screamed and started rolling on the ground trying to get it off.

Other guards startled and they took this chance to run out of this big hall.

" BANG "

Suddenly a loud sound of gun shot resounded in the hall.


Marie who was on the back of the group fell on the ground and started bleeding.

Sandersonia :" MARIE "


When Sandersonia saw Marie getting shot she rushed back towards her but at that moment the whole castle started shaking. All people be they guards or the girls stood rooted in their place, they felt they are within a thick liquid unable to move.

TAP.... TAP..... TAP

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sound of steps resounded as a person clad in black leather cloth with chain Wrapped around his body entered the hall. All of them could feel a dreadful anger coming from his body. They can feel it, the air is vibrating as his body released an intense magical energy.

Sandersonia eyes widened, his face has changed but only one person would wear this outfit. She was about to say something but jazz disappeared with it the pressure also disappeared .....


A bone cracking sound resounded, when she turned around she saw Jazz did a karate chop with his elbow on the guard head who shot Marie. The guard died istantly as his whole neck collapsed and his head was pushed into his own body.

It was a unique sight, no blood leaked. It looked like his head was chopped but it was forcefully pushed into his own body. All the guards swallowed their own saliva seeing this method of killing someone.

Sandersonia also thought is this really jazz. Jazz has not shown any expressions on his face, he slowly turned around freaking the guards out who's eye meet his.



One of the in fear shouted his lungs out and fired all the bullets on him. But jazz already disappeared from his place and appeared right before that guard. He grabbed the pistol and turned his barrel to the guard himself, and pull the triggger, the guard eyes widened in fear ....

It was the start of massacre, in minutes limbs flew, bone broke, body crushed only these kind of sounds resounded in the hall.

Karin, Hancock, Chaos, Anko, Ravel, Ikaros also reached there few moment later...


Coming to the present.....

Jazz sat near Marie who has been treated already. Karin is getting good at her medical ninjutsu. She slowly opened her eyes probably tired by the blood loss. She saw the person holding her carefully, but there is sadness in his eyes seeing her like that. But she couldn't recognise him.....

Marie :" Who.... Are.... you? "

Jazz smiled at her question, he lightly patted her breast and said...

Jazz :" I am here for my PILLOWS. "

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Hearing this Marie smiled and said.

Marie :" Then you... Are a little.... late. "

Saying she closed her eyes, Jazz smile vanished .....

Jazz :" When you wake up i will tell you a lot of stories. "

He said while caressing her head.

Marie :" Promise..... "

She said and started sleeping soundly.

Jazz :" Yeah, it's my promise. "

He handed over her to Karin and finally responded to the distress signal of Rita. He thrsusted his hand into the portal and pulled her out of the encirclement of the guards.

Rita :" Kyaaaaaa "

She screamed because she landed on a corpse of the guard. She was terrified by the scene before her but the stench of blood forced her to close her nose. She turned Around and saw all the girls safe, only Marie seems to injured a little.

Rita :" Jazz..... "

She looked at him, who Was now seated on the throne. She wanted ask what happened here but stopped when she saw his expressions. She had lots of question but decided to ask them later.

Hancok and the others also has questions regarding the sudden appearance of this fair lady. She looked a little different her pointy ear and white skin but they can still recognised her.

Ikaros :" Master let me clean the blood from you."

She came with a towel which he don't know from where she has taken. But jazz stopped her.....

Jazz :" Not now Ikaros.... it seems my hand will be stained again....

As he said that The new King with All the guards and Three Donquixote members step into the hall.

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