Chapter 93

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After a heated battle with Hancock. They are both cuddling each other under the blanket

Hancock:" We should prepare for the Buster Call."

jazz:" I wanted to ask,if you wanted to get stronger why did you leave my side we could have gotten stronger together. The most easiest way is to leave this world and return getting much stronger."

Hancock:" Sigh... Do you know what i feel now. I feel nothing will go wrong and somewhere in my heart, i know that whatever happen we would be able to escape with your Space ability...."

" Knowing all that i don't feel right, i feel i won't be able to push myself to limit. I always feel i am depending on you way too much. Depending on you is alright and we should depend on each other but i want to push myself and knowing i will be able to escape it hold me down. I felt it after fighting Kizaru that i for some reason hold myself back at that time and let you and the other deal with him. I know that i am not that weak, i could push myself but your presence made me hold back . I am pathetic aren't i ....." she suddenly remembered the scene one year ago, the dread, despair and the felling of helplessness when she saw...

She starts sobbing remembering the true reason why she want strength desperately , jazz can only hug her till she calm down. Hancock is holding him tightly like he would disappear in a next moment. Jazz watched her as she cried and her wailing louder and louder. His heart tightens seeing her like that, he understood what she is feeling right now. He understood everything in those cry, it wasn't that she want to get strong.

she said all these things only to hide her true feelings but in the end all the uneasiness and this one year of depression brought out her true feeling through her tears. He looked at her, there is something heavy pressing her heart and it is slowly crushing her whole being....

Jazz:" Hancock, lets have some kids what do you say...."

She stopped crying and looked at him with wide eyes. She placed her hand on his face and started that moment he felt that whatever was burdening her is decreased slightly... he grabbed her shoulder tightly...

Jazz:" Lets have lots of kids and tons of adventure. What the future holds we don't know and now i don't even care.... all that matter is you guys are happy and all i wish is that we stay together to the very end...."

He hugged her tightly, he started thinking what he need to do in future so that nothing could take the happiness of the people he loved. He understand unknowingly he placed some heavy burden on her and he is determined to eliminate it one day...


All: " Ehhhhhhhhhhhh " All the girls shouted in unison....

Now all the girls are gathered at one place they were surprised seeing him here in Amazon Lily .

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Sandersonia :" Big-sis you.... are you really getting married. " she said in disbelief.

Hancok :" Yeah we decided to do it when the time is right, it would be soon. " she said while grabbing his hand who is sitting beside her. He also smiled and kissed her in front of them....

All the girls looked at them with envious gaze.

Marie :" I too want to Marry... " she raised her hand but was pushed back by Sandersonia.... She smiled bitterly.

Sandersonia :" Big-sis congratulations.... "

One after another all the girls congratulates her.

Ravel :" I don't mind giving you the position of No 1, but I will take the No. 2 position. " she declare after congratulating her.

Karin :" What how can you say that, if it's someone that going to be 2 then that would be me."

Ravel :" Because I am his second peerage member. And you i still remember is not... " she said smugly, not giving her a chance to come back...

Karin :" Tsunade sama please back me up here...."

Tsunade :" What why are you dragging me in this i don't want to marry anytime soon ... "

Ravel :" Humph she will be dead last considering how old she is.. " veins popped on Tsunade forehead hearing that....

Tsunade :" What did you say you Fire Bird i haven't had a decent fight in a while. Want to go at it... " She clenched her fist

Ravel :" Hmph truth is nothing but truth old one will be last one ... " Jazz was happy seeing this scene of Mayhem because he seriously missed it they used to have it when they were together. But after separating he would miss this kind of moment every day....

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Tsunade: " That it.... " she was about to clash with Ravel but someone else interrupted.

Marie :" No you are all wrong if it's about age me and Sandersonia are the youngest and also we met him first so we will go after big-sis. "

Her shout brought deadly silence, because she was actually right.

Sandersonia :" Marie you idiot why are including me. " she became flagbrusted when all the girls eyes went on her

Hancock :" Marie do you know what we are talking about.... "

Marie :" No idea..." all of them sighed but it did ended the ruckus, until....

Rita :" I picked no 3 so you can fight for whatever position. " she said while sucking blood from his wrist, which he doesn't seem to mind.

Karin :" You are the last person from whom we want to hear that.. "

Anko :" He he he..... All of you are idiots, who care about 2 Wife position. I am aiming for the 1st Mistress.... "

All of them thought isn't that same .....

Ravel :" Ignore that perverted idiot .... "


Marine headquarter

Outside 11 Battleship carrying 1000s of soldiers, is getting ready to depart But there is one ship bigger than the Battleship Decorated with Gold and jewels is leading them. In the shadow of one of the ship a figure was lurking around watching the whole scene. The shadow figure was surprised seeing something Unbelievable and Dangerous at the same time.

( This is really bad i have to tell them, not to fight them at any cost. If they have sent these guys then, without jazz help Hancock and the others definitely will not be able to do anything. But i doubt even with his help they could escape these guys in frontal battle .)

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Bringing out a Black jelly type Den Den Mushi, A message was sent to Hancock.



Leaf village Shinobi, Uses snakes, poison, Needle, kunai and others unknown techniques which she called jutsus - Fire Ball, Earth wall, Fire dragon, Mud slide, poison Mist and other still unknown method which help her replace her position with something else, can clone herself which is also has same battle power. Neither sea water Nor Sea prison stone are effective on her. Overall strength Close to Rear-Admiral

Karin Uzumaki

Leaf village shinobi, Uses Adamantine chains made from some kind of energy which can be used as a as both offensive and defensive situation, super strength Close to Vice-Admiral, Uses some kind of healing techniques on both herself and others. Neither sea water Nor Sea prison stone are effective on her. Overall strength above Rear Admiral

Tsunade Senju

Leaf village shinobi, same as Karin Uzumaki with the exception of Adamantine chain. can fly and walk on water, Can control sea water to do some specific attack . Neither sea water Nor Sea prison stone are effective on her. Overall strength above Rear Admiral

Rita Rita

Uses Vampire vampire devil fruits, has Highly amplified 5 senses. Chances to have another sense need further details information. Sea water and kairosaki is her weakness. Overall strength Below Captain level.

Boa Sandersonia

Uses Snake snake Devil fruits, Model: Anaconda. Strength multiplied several times and speed remain same upon transformation . Sea water and kairosaki is her weakness. overall strength above captain level.

Boa Marigold

Uses Snake snake Devil fruits, Model: King Cobra, Strength remain same but speed increases several times upon transformation. . Sea water and kairosaki is her weakness. overall strength above captain level.

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Ravel phoenix

Could be from some royalty, Have some kind of ability to form barrier as big as a Battleship. Uses fire of a Mythical Zoan devil fruits abilities Phoenix , have phoenix high regeneration abilities. Need further investigation to determine if she has eaten Any Devil fruits or not. Neither sea water Nor Sea prison stone are effective on her. Overall strength above Rear Admiral

Boa Hancock

Uses Mero mero Devil fruits, ability to turn anything she Or her abilities touches as a stone. Sea water and kairosaki is her weakness. Overall strength above Rear Admiral

Delta Asterea

Uses A high Oscillating Sword made from some kind of energy it can extend upto 30 meter distance . Have a High Defence medium sized shield can be expanded to cover her whole body from one side only. Have Very high close combat ability but poor at long distance attack. Movement speed is also high. Overall strength Close to Admiral. Neither sea water Nor Sea prison stone are effective on her.

Sengoku :" These are some really detailed information about their abilities. Its hard to believe There is someone who has same type of abilities Marco of Whitebeard pirates. "

He said while checking some highly confidential documents.

Akainu :" Hmph if you ask my opinion except for few individual all are not worth worrying about. "

Sengoku:" Sigh Khuja Pirates didn't surrender even to the Buster Call. "

Akainu :" Till now She didn't accept the Shichibukai position, I doubt they would be willing to work under us .... "

Kizaru :" Too bad for them, it was only way they could have survive . But Now they will become a Celestial Dragon property. " He said while sipping some teas, there are burn mark on half of his face, he has covered his hand with gloves. His battle with Jazz left with lots of injuries which left some permanent scars.

Akainu :" Vegapunk is a genius for him to understand so many of their abilities with only the surveillance video i brought back several days ago. "

Sengoku :" True, but now Vegapunk have to give up on his idea of meeting the Khuja Pirates, he was quite desperate to meet them look like he found something interesting to research on..... " He also wished that Khuja pirate would work under them. With the help of Vegapunk they can understand how all of their abilities work.

Akainu:" Hmm they should have reached the island by now..."

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