Chapter 94

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Amazon Lily

Jazz:" How are you hanging Ravel."

Ravel:" I do't understand what do you think of me a Submarine. And do every solution of your problem lies in underwater, you don't know how many times i had to use my magic to make a ship into submarine. I am sick of it." she starts complaining how Hancock made her do underwater sailing all the time.

Ravel:" Honestly you should learn at least some magic, i know i am a bishop that excels in magic attack but you have so much magic power and all of it is useless if you don't learn any devil magic arts"

Jazz:" Oh we are here....." he had an earful of complaints, he was glad in more way that they found what they are looking for..

Jazz and ravel are on a small ship sailing underwater.Obviously Ravel was doing the hard job and Jazz is using Kizaru ability as a Torch to illuminate the surrounding. They are searching for something underwater he had to go directly underwater to search for it as Violet's vision is pretty much useless in this muck Dark underwater. And finally they were able to find it after avoiding 100s of Deep Sea Monsters.....

Ravel : Isn't it just too big...." she feel a tingling sensation when thinking Jazz plan to use this to repel Marines...

Jazz:" If everything go according to the plan they will not be able to return Ku ku ku..." she feel creepy imagining if the plan become success Marines will be Doomed.


On the Celestial Dragon Ship.

???: " Just what is going on, what are you doing you bunch of wastage of people. Why haven't we reached the Island yet."

A 12 year old kid wearing spacesuit like dress with a bubble like head cover scolded a Navy Officer.

" I am sorry Lizard-sama we are doing our best to find the island we are having some difficulty finding it according to the map." The officer replied...

Lizard:" You all are useless, i will complain to my father and big brother." he stomped his foot and ran into the ship cabin.

Lizard:" Papa.....papa big-brother... big-brother." As he pass through the hallway slaves dressed in Maids cloths bowed to him.

Soon he reach the extravagant room, the room shows no lack of gold and high quality Jewels. His father and brother are enjoying some wine at the same time are watching some video using a big Den Den mushi whose eye is projecting a fight .....

Tama:" I like this one Father what do you say..." A man just in early twenties says to a Big Fat pig Looking Man beside him....

Pochi:" Hmm nice choice What is her name....hey bring the paper closer" Beside him a slave is holding a bunch of paper so that he could read.

Pochi:" Anko Mitorashi what a vulgar name be sure to change it.... you can have her. Then next is my turn...."

In the video Karin is fighting some Marines, each of her punch blasted marines into the ocean. From time to time Adamentine Chain wracked Havoc on the Marine ship.

Pochi:" Hmm i like her it will fun to tame this kind of woman....Karin Uzumaki these people really don't have shame naming themselves with these kind of crappy name..."

Tama:" Its my turn, then i choose her, what a fine Rack she has.... "

In the video Tsunade can be seen healing some Khuja Warriors.

One by one they choose which girl will go to whom, if jazz were to see that they are taking his girl as a commodities. He will definitely give them a long and torturous death ...

When they saw Hancock on the screen they started drooling, they became entranced in her beauty even it was just a image on the screen they understood what they are looking is a treasure that only appear in a century.

"" She is mine"" Both of them said at the same time.

"Smack" Pochi hits his son

Tama:" Father?"

Pochi:" Don't go against your father, she will be mine ..." he started imagining doing all kind of things to her...

Tama:" But Father its my Turn now..."

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Pochi:" Take the girl name Delta Asterea, You like big Breasts right. ...." his son gave up for now, but he is waiting for a chance to get his hand on Hancock. He also drooling when he got Asterea from his father....

Door Opens and Lizard came in...

Lizard:" Papa i need your gun, i want to kill these useless people... "

Pochi :" What happened my dear son, who offended you. " He said while still looking at the projection of all the girls.

The celestial dragon got information that a pirate group of beautiful girls are roaming on the sea. They wanted to capture them as soon as possible after watching their wanted poster. But Navy wanted these people to be under them as a Shichibukai.

Vegapunk especially made request that he wanted to meet some individuals of the Khuja Pirates. He even helped them, by analysing their abilities...

Sengoku hoped they could become useful to navy since Vegapunk took extra interest on them instead of becoming plaything of some Celestial Dragon.

Lizard :" Papa these people can't even find the island of those beautiful girls... " he cursed more for the uselessness of the Navy

Pochi /Tama :" What they can't find it, then what use having these people are. "

He clapped his hand and few men in Black Suit came.

" Your order Pochi-sama. "

Pochi :" I want that island found right now. "

" Yes Pochi-sama. "


on a Battleship, a Tall man is lying is sleeping soundly on the Deck. But his sleep was disturbed by soldiers running around on the ship....

" What is this commotion..." Opening his eyes he said

" Vice-Admiral Aokiji-san , celestial dragon want us to find the island right now..... " a soldier replied,

Aokiji :" Well i am not incharge today, go tell the Admiral about it. "

" Yes....." The soldier saluted and left....

Aokiji sighed thinking what is he doing here, his job is to protect and uphold justice. And doing this kind of thing will not bring the justice to anyone....


On the Amazon Lily island...

Jazz and Hancock is sitting together she was his lap while he was feeding her some fruits after their 1 Couple fight, they seems to have became more closer....She enjoying the moment in bliss.

Jazz :" They have come..... " He said as look into the horizon. Few small dots started appearing which is Marine ship...

Hancock :" Make sure your plan work, otherwise you will not get a honeymoon... " she said sternly

Jazz :" Yes mam. " Both of them laughed cuddling to each other

Jazz: " I will give them a gift they won't able to digest it..... How dare those rascal gave you a scar. " he said while caressing the scar on her forehead, this scar he would have them pay dearly... While both of them were flirting with each other...


Pochi:" What a Unpleasant place, hey move faster you slave....." he said while kicking the slave he is riding. Following him his two sons also landed on the island riding there slave.....

Lizard:" Why aren't there any people welcoming us Papa." The boy said seeing the docking area empty.

Tama:" This is a crime worth killing them...."

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Behind them Aokiji, and a man half the height of Aokiji, wearing the Navy uniform with. He has grey hair and grey long beard. He look more like dwarf with buffing muscle threatening to tear his uniform apart. Behind them 100s of Navy soldiers were standing in a line up.

" Aokiji at least show that you are doing a job and do something about your lazy attitude" the dwraf man said to the Yawning Aokiji.....

Aokiji:" Roger Markov-san...."

Aokiji looked at the 3 celestial dragon, he sighed and again felt disappointment at the disposition of Navy regarding the World Nobel. He also saw a person walking behind the World Nobel. He was even taller then him. He felt ominous feeling from this person.....

Markov:" Hmm it unusual, they haven't placed anyone in the post. What are these pirates up to." he was puzzled seeing no one guarding the entrance of the island.

Aokiji:"Do you think they left the island but we didn't get any report saying they left the calm belt or not. We have blocked all of their usual route,"

Markov:" No they are still on the island, they are together at the center of the island you should work more on your Observation Haki Aokiji . But something is odd, There it is again....their numbers have decreased again.... " he is observing the aura of the Khuja warrior using haki and he felt somehow their numbers are decreasing constantly....

Aokiji:" They are escaping, i will order all of the Ship to surround the ship quickly."

Markov:" Follow me ." He ordered all the Marines to follow him ...

Pochi:" You impudent, how dare you walk in front of me." he said to Markov who is walking in front of him hastly.

Markov:" Khuja Pirates are escaping i am going to restrain them, you come at your own pace. " without waiting for their reply he vanished. Some of the Marines soldiers satyed behind and others follwed him. Aokiji had found an excuse of commanding the ship to surround the island and left, he didn't want to deal this kind of matter.

Tama:" How dare he talk back to us and not even listen to us. "

Pochi:" The marines are getting more useless but there are some who dare to ignore us. Even if he is a Admiral he is nothing but Ant in front of us."

Tama:" Father he said the Girls are escaping..."

Pochi:" Its all because of this useless slave...." he said and kicked the slave on which he was riding.

Bang Bang Bang

He shot the three slaves and now slowly running while drooling as he think about the girls he is getting today. This would be first in the history that a celestial dragon did a Marathon to obtain a slave. His son also followed him. He has other thought, if he could reach sooner to the location he could probably get his hand on Hancock before his Father. He still can't forget about her....


On a top of a mountain All the girls and Khuja pirates are present. They are doing something strange, that is jumping inside a human size hole. Around 400 warriors has comedown to the population of 100. Others have already jumped inside this pitch black hole.

Rita:" His plan work, sensing we are escaping now they are surrounding the island and they heading here quickly."

Ravel:" Don't reveal any clue as to what is going on here, without any bait they wouldn't come here thinking this is a some kind of a Trap."

Asterea:" But i don't like the idea of becoming a bait."

Hancock:" Be on guard." the moment she said that the barrier that is placed by the combined effort of Karin and Ravel vibrated.


When the vibration stopped they saw in front of them a old man size of a Dwarf. He retract his hand as he felt electric shock when touching the barrier....

Markov:" Hmm quite a sturdy barrier, Karin Uzumaki i read about your abilities. Interesting ..." he said as he looked at Karin who is sitting on the floor concentrating in providing chakra to the Barrier.

Hancok:" Don't mind him, quickly jump...." she ordered the remaining warriors to jump in the hole.

Markov felt something is wrong they are way too calm. And the girls are somehow disappearing inside the hole. He couldn't see it but he felt they despairing inside a disk like object.

He hadn't seen Jazz abilities but he had read it in the report. It took a while to understand him....

Markov:" So you are here Black Devil...." all the girls realised their plan will be soon exposed since they realised that Jazz is here. Markov narrowed his eyes he couldn't find him on the island.....

Jazz:" sigh , look like times is up. We have delayed enough , all of you jump in the portal. We are leaving ...." Jazz entered inside the barrier by jumping out of the hole where girls were jumping. He knew they had to leave. They have confused and delayed long enough the marines and almost all the marines are now in the Zone...

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No one wasted any time and quickly started jumping in a bigger portal which he just opened.

In a second almost all the remaining girl were swallowed by the portal and vanished...

Markov:" No you won't escape" seeing only few handful of the girls remaining. He knew he don't have time to understand what they are trying to do...

He coated his hand with haki. Jazz eyes widened seeing how much Haki this Little old man is pouring.

Jazz:" Leave Now...." he shouted and threw all the girls inside the portal.



Ravel and Karin both injured as to the recoil from forcefully breaking their barrier. jazz grabbed them and loked at their injury . He was angered seeing them injured right in front of their eyes.

jazz:" Go, leave everything to me" he knew they would be alright they are strong but seeing them getting injured really pissed him off,

Now only Jazz,Hancock and Asterea remained.... and Marines soldiers and 3 Celestial Dragon who are being carried by some soldiers.

Jazz:" What are you two doing , didn't you understand the plan.... leave ." He said while feeling the situation is getting Dangerous and this dangerous feeling he is getting is from 2 people. One this old Dwarf and other is a man with his mouth sewed, the look in his eyes are giving him a creepy feeling and his eyes has never left him from the moment they arrived .....

Asterea:" I will go last." He saw her determined expression, she rarely shows this much seriousness.

Hancok:" We will leave together, i can't leave My Husband behind to deal with this right...." she said with a smile....

Seeing her smile all of the Marines formed heart in their eyes..... Celestial Dragon have became crazy as they dashed at her, but were restrained by Some marines....

Pochi:" Oye girl come here and be my slave this instant." he couldn't go to her so he ordered her. This word really crossed the boundry, he knew why these fools have come but hearing them say something like that in front of him really broke the dam of his anger.


A tremendous amount of magic energy released from his body, his angel and devil wing both appeared behind his back.

Jazz:" what did you say you trash of a human being." The 3 celestial dragon almost pissed their pant feeling a dread that they felt never before. the person who came with them went in forward and blocked the pressure for them.

Tama:" How impudent being in front of god you dare disrespect us....." he felt ashamed for being in fear..... but after their special guard blocked the pressure he got some back bone to reply back.

But no one noticed that when jazz released his magical power, it focus was all on the ground.

Jazz:" Silence or i will dig out your entrails right here...." he brought out more magic power as the ground Cracked around him. This brought fear in all of them except the two...

The ground beneath him cracked, and lots of smokes started to raise from the crevices. seeing this jazz smile, just one little push he thought....Markov and The special Guard also felt something odd happening around jazz they smelled Sulfur in the air suddenly. They didn't rushed at him....

Lizard:" Waaaaa papa ,big- brother i am scared .... kill him." fear took over him instantly feeling the pressure of , he wailed and tried to run away only to be held by some soldiers....

Markov:" You don't have any respect or fear for the Celestial Dragon do you..." He said that but he is observing the surrounding, he felt an impending danger is approaching.....

Jazz:" They are just Trash..." he looked at the 3 with disdain, his Angel wing started glowing as magic energy getting compressed. Both Markov and the special guard felt something is coming from below them.....

Markov:" Retreat ....." He ordered all of them, he thought of something and knew all of their life is in danger..... They must get out of here...

Pochi:" NO HOW CAN YOU RETREAT I WONT LEAVE WITHOUT MY SLAVE... how can there be someone in the world who would go against A World Noble,we are the creator of this world. Kill him and bring the girls to me i want all the girls for his impudent they will suffer the hell."

He became mad after being disrespect more than one time. Markov gritted his teeth and thought this fool will bring death to all of us. He want to persuade by explaining what is going on but Jazz realized he must strike when the iron when it is Hot...

Jazz:" You want my woman in your dreams..." he grabbed Hancok and kissed her in front of them.....

Almost all of the soldier hearts shattered seeing, they forgot Markov order and stood rooted on their ground, watching him making out with her...


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They both went insane seeing him kissing the girl they both wanted for themselves. They felt someone fucked their wife in front of them. This kind of humiliation, they never felt before. They were waiting to get their hand on her and do all kind of things with her and then show the other that their grade of slave is higher then others . only to be cock blocked by him and that is also in front of him. They puked blood in rage....

Markov:" Grab them, we need to leave now...." he said to the special Guard.

But suddenly the whole island started vibrating tremendously... Jazz was kissing Hancock thought its time.....

He transfer the compressed magic energy through a high speed kick on the ground....

" BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM " Earth shattering explosion happened.




GURRRRR ........

Aokiji:" What is going on an earthquake." he was outside with the ships encircling the whole island.

The whole island started quacking, the vibration continuous to grow, for island the size of this when started vibrating it produces waves after waves which strikes the ship making them hard to steer.

Aokiji looked below on the water, he felt heat coming from the water as water started vaporizing. His eyes widen seeing a red glow under the water....

" BOOOOOOOOOOM " Sea surface quaked hot red lava gushed out like a fountain covering everything like a red blanket.


Deep on the underwater

There is a volcano , big would be understatement for it. It is Huge to the extreme, if it left to erupt continuously in few thousand years it would be able to form a island above the water surface.

But now on top of its main vent where lava used to continuously flow out, a land mass is sitting like a cap on a coke bottle. This land mass is none other than Amazon Lily Island . Pressure has been building up for few hours already. when suddenly it found a crevices, like a raging dragon it blasted out of it reaching the surface.....


With the caliber of a small nuclear an explosion happened. Eradicating everything on its path, Amazon Lily , all the Navy ship , all the Marines, everything disappeared.


Jazz:" Whooooa......"

All:" Yeah Whaooooooo"

10 km above in the sky, a island is making its way out of the Mushroom Cloud resulted due to the explosion. Dark clouds are forming and lightning is flashing in the mushroom clouds. The whole weather of this area was affected.

Jazz:" This is more disastrous then i thought..."

He said while looking at the destruction.....

" Our Home for hundreds of years...."

All of the Amazon warriors became depressed seeing their home getting destroyed. with the intensity of the explosion they are sure nothing of it will remain. Seeing her people in sadness, Hancock said to them....

Hancock:" We have no choice but to leave our old home, Marines have ship that can travel on calm belt, they have Eternal Pose that can lead them to us if we stay with the island. But with today event you have seen that, they have Mobilize even a Admiral. If they are willing go to this length to disrupt our life and take our freedom, then like today we will again give them hell. Are you with me My Amazones ." In the end she gave them a beautiful smile captivating all the people.....

"""""""""""""" Yes Our Princess """"""""""""""""

TITLE: Returning Favor in Akainu style.

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