Chapter 95

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The world rocked once again, News of death of 3 World Nobel spread like a wild fire. This time Navy didn't hide the death of 3 Celestial Dragon. It shows that they are warning everyone that no one is safe from his hand and a celestial dragon is no exception can face death when encountering him.

Black Devil, this became a taboo word among the World Nobel.


Navy Headquarter.

A monument have been Erected, remembering the sacrifice these soldiers made 1200 Soldiers became Martyres facing Black Devil. Their rank and Name has been engraved on the monument.

12 Bell rang as they all give salute to the dead soldiers . In the newspaper it was written that Black Devil trapped marine with trickery and killed 1200 Marines and sinked 11 Marine ship. Along with 3 Celestial Dragon. Only one ship survived on which Aokiji was stationed, he enclosed the entire ship in a ice cage protecting it. And Admiral Markov also survive but he was gravely injured. In the article it is said that the Marines fought bravely and died for the justice.

But they didn't mentioned for what reason they went to Amazon Lily.

Inside Fleet Admiral room


Sengoku :" I will kill that brat with my own hands. "

A anger budha is thrashing his own room, window, wall, furniture everything are in pieces now. Tsuru, Kizaru, Akainu, Aokiji..... They all had solemn expressions.

" 1200 Soldiers died for the Justice? ." Garp who was reading the newspaper tore it apart, Startling everyone.

Grap :" All rubbish, you and I both know they didn't went to uphold justice. They went following some Bastard who want to get their hands on some girls. Where is the justice in that, their soul must be in grief thinking they died a meaning less death. "

Sengoku :" Garp I am not in the mood to argue with you "

Garp :" In this chaotic sea, very few individual get to have a full life. Most of the people die an early death, but atleast their death should be meaningful and now we have to carry the weight of 1200. meaningless death . "

Garp :" Sengoku can navy really didn't have the ability to avoid this 1200 Death ? "

Sengoku :" Where are you going Garp....we need you here... Marine need its hero to show the world that it is still strong..... " He need All the backbone of Marine now.

Garp :" I am going to retire.... "

""""" What """""

Severals gasped sounded.....

Garp :" But before that I would bring that Brat to justice, which none of you can...." He left Sengoku eyes widened, if Garp is willing to move then Black Devil can never have a peace in the world.....

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Akainu was unsatisfied, he felt he can do a better job last time. They didn't allow him to hurt the Khuja Pirates, but if ever find them he will destroy them...

Aokiji: " I am going to check on Markov-san. " he sighed

Sengoku :" Sigh Tell him that to meet me, I have to ask some details of what happened in Amazon Lily.... "

Aokiji :" Yes i will..... "



Few days later Jazz and the Amazon Lily meet with Ikaros who was following him using the Floating island which will always follow him although at a slow speed.

His mother was also worried when she saw the News 1 st about Buster Call which was just the cover for kidnapping all the girls.

2nd the news saying he killed 1200 Soldiers. He wanted to see him soon and confirm that he is alright. This sky island is moving at a constant speed following jazz all the time....

The first thing he did was combined the Island in which his mother is residing with the new island which jazz used for carrying all the Amazon Warriors. It is none other then the island in which Luffy Trained for 2 years.

He thought since some of the Amazones are still sad about their home. He named the whole Flying island 'New Amazon Lily '

All the Amazones were happy about that, New amazon lily is a combination of different island combined together with his power. It is beautiful beyond they have ever seen, so they were naturally happy.


Inside a Room

Jazz was lying with Hancock on a big bed.....

Hancok :" What are you thinking.... " They are not doing any night activity today, they are just enjoying their warmth.....

Jazz :" Sigh, although I was mentally prepared, carrying the weight of Death even if they were our enemy is Hard. " The 1200 death has been weighing on his mind.

Hancok :" Its not your to take, all of our hand has their blood now. " she tried to pacify him

Jazz :" Sigh..... All i want was an Adventure and freedom . But they forced my hand when they tried to exterminate us in our home. " He sighed again, felt tired....

Jazz :" You can all come in you know....." he felt several presence outside the door.

Door of the bed room opened and Ravel, Anko, Marie, Rita, Tsunade, Asterea, Chaos, Ikaros, karin all came in.

The night was uneventful, they all slept cuddling to each other.

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While outside, his mother smiled seeing how he is getting along with all the girls. She wondered when the other will open themselves to him.

Violet, Sandersonia, Koala, Anjali are watching from the shadow.

Violet :" How bold.... "

Sandersonia :" They are all shameless... "

Koala :" At least they are not Closet Pervert like you... "

They thought From who did she learnt these kind of vulgar words...

Chaos :" Achoo.....someone is thinking something rude about me."


Next Day.....

Jazz:" Ok are you ready, we are leaving for East Blue. Its a vacation... "
Jazz shouted followed by all the girls also shouted in unison.

All:" Yeah...."
since navy is hot on their tails, he decided to go to East Blue.

Jazz rested for 2 days and he set out again, there is something he need to in East Blue. They crossed the Calm belt and entered the East Blue. Time was a pressing matter so he didn't delay and the Whole Amazon Lily flew toward East Blue.

He had a plan and after settling Matter in east Blue he would visit Mermaid Island for a short time. He wonder if Otohime will accept him after hearing what he had done in the outside world.He thought of her as a mother figure and he would save her for sure even if she hate him for killing so many....


East Blue

In a small village, filled with greenery, fields and Nice people. 3 kids around 12 year age are playing Hide and seek.... These three kids seems oblivious to the cruelty of the outside world are just enjoying their everyday life.

" It your turn Nojiko." a girl with orange hair , wearing a white one piece dress said to a Girl with Blue Hair Who is a bit of Tomboyish.

Nojiko:" Ehhh.... how come i always get found out first....." she complained but started her reverse counting and The Orange Haired Girl grabbed the hand of a boy of same age.....

" J lets go we have to hide, since you are new to the village i will show you a good place to hide. " The orange hair kid dragged a boy with blonde hair and a very beautiful face, the boy just smiled and let her take him wherever.

They quickly found some bushes to hide themselves in it....

" what are you doing J, don't move much and don't make much noise otherwise she will find us." she said to the boy who was hugging her from the back. But the boy seems to have a different idea

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" Annn... where are you touching you idiot...." she tried to push away his hand which was on her pussy.

J:" But Nami you said we would take bath together, you promised 2 days ago and you still hadn't fulfill it. So this is your punishment..." the boy pushed his hand inside her panty directly touching her Nether Regions.

Nami:" I am sorry that I broke my promise .... but please stop touching me there. My body don't feel right when you touch me.....annn" she covered her mouth praying Nojiko wont find them...

Nojiko:" Found you...." Nojiko who was looking for them heard some noises from the bushes

Nojiko:" What are you two doing, ah.. you are playing something without me ... " she didn't understand what J and Nami is doing....She thought its some kind of games


Nami :" I am hungry.... " J sighed here he is trying to turn her on and all he got a hunger growling.

J:" Then lets go we can have some in my home. "

Nami/ Nojiko :" Yeah... "

They walked hand on hand to a corner of the island, there is a simple house made from rock and wood. Anyone can see that it is made recently and it was a hasty job, the construction of the house still haven't Completed.

Tok Tok Tok

Hammer hitting plank sounds can be heard from some distance away. When they reached the house a Girl of the same age of them, in Pink Maid outfit is doing some carpentery work for the house.

" Master you have returned. " The maid said...

J :" You can call me J now, I " he pinched her cheeks.

I :" Master is master... "

J:" What is mother doing.... " he sighed and asked

Nami :" She is weird, who call your own cousin Master." she said

Nojiko :" Why don't you come with us, I? we could play lots of games together.... "

Nami :" The more the merrier, come with us next time ok."

J :" All right lets get inside mother must have prepared lots of food. You two can eat all you want.... "

They all went inside....

J:" I am home ."

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" Ara.... Welcome home son, and you brought some guests. Wash your hand, food will be ready in a minute... " A middle aged lady in Apron welcomed them, Her face has some similarities with the boy.

Nojiko :" Hello aunty , you are looking beautiful today "

" Ara... how sweet of you Nojiko, tell me what would you like for desert. "

Nojiko :" Pudding... " she smiled brightly.

Nami :" aunty i also think you are beautiful... " she quickly said not wanting to be left behind

" Then you will also get a pudding. "

Nami :" Yeah.... " she jumped on her chair,

Maid girl also wanted some pudding, but couldn't say it loudly....

Knock... Knock... Knock

Suddenly they heard someone knocking on the door. Maid Girl went to open it and came with a Woman with blue hair and a cigarette on her lips.

Bellemere: "Nojiko, Nami you are again disturbing Jasmine-san. Jasmine - san I am sorry for my daughters, they must have troubled you. " she bowed to her.

Jasmine :" No its not a problem, they are both sweet. why don't you join us... we always have more food on the table... "

Bellemere :" No i would not trouble you any more.... " she denied....

After 30 minutes ...

Bellemere :" Wa ha ha ha.... this is some nice Sake, the food was also delicious..... Jasmine-san your cooking is great. "

Jasmine :" I don't want to brag but, I am a pretty good cook. " she said smugly

Bellemere :" Hah... it was nice meeting you again, I should be get going where are the kids. I don't see them... "

Jasmine :" They are taking a bath, don't worry they are just children. Let them play some more.. Why don't you tell me some of your stories... "she Tried to divert her attention....

( Jasmine :" My son want to enjoy his childhood. Which he never could enjoy before .... and he probably has eyes on those girls. As a mother i can only do this much, good luck my son.) she continued to stall more time for him.

Long story short, jazz and the others reached East Blue after crossing Calm belt, he found the Conomi Island and for last one week he is staying here at cocoyashi village. The chief of the village just asked some questions and they started living here.

Jazz choose this island saying, he want to spend some days living like a proper child. Everyone agreed to him, only Ikaros stayed with him doing her duty as a maid. Both had to work their butt off to learn transformation Magic under Ravel. Now they disguise as their younger self.

As for others they are also enjoying this rare vacation roaming different island in different disguise.

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