One Piece Shura

Chapter 19

 What happened just now?

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  Is that guy’s ability?

  Getting up from the ground embarrassedly, Rob Lucci was watching Raavan’s gaze more cautiously. The previous situation that Raavan’s ability was suddenly bounced out before, even Rob Lucci, who had experienced all kinds of battles, had a lingering fear.

  On the contrary, it was Raavan, testing his ability to awaken three times. It was a joy to “play”.

  Especially when Rob Lucci approached, the task of collecting awakening materials issued by the system made Raavan know Rob Lucci’s identity and aroused his evil taste.

  What could be more interesting than abusing the characters in the original work of Pirate?

  Especially for a guy like Rob Lucci, he is not a small character in the original Pirate book!

  If my ability to awaken three times even Lucci can complete the torture, then follow Tiger again, Hancock sails out, our goal can directly become the sisters to save Hancock!

  With a secret voice, Raavan raised a joking smile at the corner of his mouth, and the direction of his palm was aimed at Rob Lucci once again.


  There was another muffled noise!

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  Almost at the moment Raavan’s palm was aimed at Rob Lucci, Rob Lucci, who was nearly 20 meters away from Raavan, was once again violently knocked out by Raavan.

  But with the lesson from the previous time, Rob Lucci became much calmer this time.

  After all, if people mix in the sea, they can always meet many capable people with strange abilities!

  But just when Rob Lucci simply thought that the ability that Raavan gained after awakening three times was just a repulsive force to fly people out, Raavan, who had previously stretched out his palm to fly Rob Lucci out, stretched out to aim. Rob Lucci’s palm suddenly shook in the void.



  A strong gravitational force spread all over his body, Rob Lucci found in his astonishment that he was completely unable to control his body freely, and then under that terrifying gravitational force, Rob Lucci “flying” approached to half a meter in front of Raavan.

  And when he was close to that distance, Rob Lucci, who had calmed himself down, knew that he could launch a counterattack at this distance.

  But how can Raavan, who is “playing” happily, give Rob Lucci a chance to fight back?

  The palm of the virtual grip was stretched flat again, which happened to be when Rob Lucci’s “finger gun” was ready. Now Raavan, who can freely switch between gravity and repulsion, did not hesitate to use Rob Lucci to draw Rob Lucci in front of him first. Then used the repulsion force to fly it fiercely.

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  Moreover, when Rob Lucci flew out this time, Raavan dramatically increased his repulsive force.


  He flew Rob Lucci into the distance fiercely, and flew a full distance of nearly two hundred meters. Rob Lucci’s body fell heavily to the ground, and a deep hole was forced into the ground.

  ”Damn it, besides repulsion, does that guy’s ability have gravity?”

  ”What kind of fruit ability is he? It seems that there is no such fruit ability in CP9’s record!”

  Falling into the deep pit, Rob Lucci felt severe pain all over his body at this time, as if his body fell apart. It can be seen how strong the repulsion was when Raavan used the repulsion this time.

  The only thing that makes Rob Lucci feel fortunate is that he still has not lost the ability to fight and can still get up to fight against Raavan, and the other is that Rob Lucci has now plunged into a deep pit 200 meters away from Raavan. Inside, he thought that Raavan’s ability, no matter how weird, would not affect his current position.

  Therefore, if both hands and feet work together, Rob Lucci will get up and fight again.

  But what Rob Lucci never expected was that at the moment when he just got up, there was another weird oppression that spread directly all over his body!

  That feeling is that Rob Lucci is too familiar, isn’t it the gravity effect originally possessed by Snapper Island?

  Only this time gravity strikes, Something different from before.

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  Normally, the gravity on the Snapper Island changes obviously with its own location. The most regular gravity change is that as it goes deep into the Snapper Island, the gravity will increase substantially.

  And this time when gravity was pressing down on his body, Rob Lucci just felt that it was double gravity that spread all over his body.

  But over time, one-fold gravity has become two-fold gravity, and two-fold gravity has become four-fold gravity!

  In just a few seconds, a hundredfold gravity struck, and Rob Lucci, who suffered a serious injury, could only grit his teeth and support it, barely resisting the terrifying gravity with his physical state.

  At the same time, watching Rob Lucci with Shura’s keen sight from a distance, watching Rob Lucci under the pressure of a hundred times the gravity is equivalent to completely losing combat ability, while listening to the system’s prompt to complete the task of collecting awakening materials, put your hands together. Raavan, who used his three-time awakening ability to the maximum, the smile raised at the corner of his mouth became a bit richer.

  Needless to say, the material that Raavan has collected is definitely Rob Lucci’s fruit ability. It is a bronze-level awakening material called a cat, fruit, leopard form material.

  It may be that the awakening materials held by Rob Lucci are only bronze-level awakening materials, so when the system issued the mission, Raavan saw that the difficulty of the task was not very large, it was only necessary to make Rob Lucci lose the ability to fight. The awakening materials can be collected smoothly.

  But based on the visual fruit material from Hanmok and the cat, leopard form material on Rob Lucci, Raavan already understands how the system determines the collection of awakening material, and the answer is the same as Raavan thought before. His awakening material needs to be collected from the other capable persons, and must be close to the capable person to a certain extent before the system can issue the task of collecting the awakening material.

  Of course.

  What can make Raavan so happy right now is not to obtain a small bronze-level awakening material, but his wonderful insight after completing the special awakening task and completing three awakenings!

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  Until now, Raavan didn’t know the abilities he gained from that wonderful insight. Whether UU Reading was deprived of his mission goal or was rewarded by the system after completing the special awakening mission.

  Raavan just knew that the abilities he gained after three awakenings were too strong, because his abilities after three awakenings were divided into general terms, and they could be divided into three use forms: repulsion, attraction, and gravity!

  ”In addition to gravity, the two abilities of repulsion and attraction that can be used with only physical effort, and the two abilities of gravity, are just like the power of Rinnegan eye in Naruto! If I use all my physical strength to use the repulsion, will I be able to use it? Is there such a trick like “Almighty Push”? And if gravity can be used to the extreme, I may not only be able to use the same tricks like Pain in Naruto, I might even be able to grasp the ability of the Admiral Fujitora in the original Pirate book to drop meteorites with gravity at will!”

  ”Plus the hundredfold gravity that makes Rob Lucci helpless…”

  ”As long as I expend more physical energy to create an area of ​​one hundred times the gravity, any enemy whose physical fitness is not up to the standard can be killed in an instant!”

  ”This is… it’s just a copy of Conqueror Haki!”

  Secretly looking forward to the final form of the next three awakening abilities, for the time being, Raavan named the repulsion, attraction, and gravity abilities, “Almighty Push”, “Almighty Pull”, and “Gravity Field”. Immediately, I saw that under the pressure of the “Hundred Times Gravity Domain”, Rob Lucci was almost unable to withstand the pressure and turned into meatloaf.

  Without the desire to kill Rob Lucci, Raavan quickly separated his hands before Rob Lucci died and released the “Gravity Domain”.

  But let Rob Lucci go now…

  Wouldn’t it be a waste of opportunities to steal the six types of divisions?

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