One Piece Shura

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Navy Six

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  The six navy poses must be learned when crossing. It is a physical skill that can exceed the limits of the human body.

  Although Raavan’s strength at this stage relies on the fruit awakening ability, in Tiger’s teaching, Raavan gradually understood a truth, that is, the improvement of fruit ability is important, and the improvement of his own fighting ability is actually just as important.

  In the future, Raavan can never be like a Crispy Mage, and can only use the fruit ability to fight remotely. As long as the enemy gets close, he will be dumbfounded?

  Of course.

  The basis of Raavan’s own fruit ability is to enhance his physical fitness. Even if the future combat method tends to be “long-range”, when the enemy is really close, he cannot be as brittle as a mage.

  But it happens to have monster-like physical fitness, and that monster-like physical fitness can skyrocket with each fruit ability awakening. Raavan felt that if his melee ability was not strong, it would be a waste of his fruit ability to awaken The basic talent.

  And to cultivate the melee ability to the extreme, unilaterally practicing Murloc Karate is a bit wrong.

  Murloc karate is strong. When it comes to sustained output, it has perseverance. So, physical skills like Murloc Karate are among the best in Pirate World.

  It’s a pity that Murloc Karate is not perfect, and Raavan wants to steal the six navy styles, just to perfect it.

  As for the things that Murloc Karate lacks…

  Raavan felt it was nothing more than three points!

  The first is that the mobility is slightly poor, the second is the lack of defensive capabilities, and the third is the lack of flexibility.

  Even in the original work of Pirates, the master level of Murloc Karate is very flat.

  Who has seen Jimbe fighting against the enemy while he is walking?

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  Basically, they are all standing output. If they can’t, use physical-consuming range tricks like long-range tricks like spear wave to solve those highly mobile enemies.

  So, who has seen Jimbe’s defensive tactics? Who has seen Jimbe flexibly dodge enemy attacks?

  None of these!

  It is precisely the “shave”, “iron block”, and “paper painting” in the six navy styles that can make up for some of the defects of Murloc Karate, at least in Raavan’s view, they are defects.

  Moreover, when watching the Pirates before crossing, many people said that the prototypes of “Iron Block” and “Paper Painting” were Armament Haki.

  So even if it is not to make up for the shortcomings of Murloc Karate, but to practice “iron block” and “paper painting” for the Haki foundation, Raavan’s six navy styles are inevitable.

  And if you want to steal the division navy six styles like Lucci, Raavan has only one way to steal the division, and that is to imitate with Shura’s super talent!

  Immediately after.

  After lifting the “gravity field”, Raavan saw that Lucci had lost the pressure of gravity, and his perseverance slowly jumped out of the pit.

  The strongest CP9 in the original One Piece book is indeed not a mortal. While Raavan faintly admired Lucci’s tenacious perseverance, he spread the wings of Shura and flew to Lucci.

  Watching Lucci’s reluctant look, Raavan knew that he hadn’t really convinced Lucci, or that Lucci simply refused to accept it. Therefore, he smiled lightly at Lucci, Raavan put away the wings of Shura and put on a murloc karate posture, calmly said: “I used the fruit ability to bully you just now, presumably you are also very uncomfortable? Okay, I will fight you with real strength. My Shura must convince the strongest rookie in the navy legend!”

  ”You know me?”

  Ignoring Raavan’s provocation, Lucci moved his muscles and bones and said indifferently: “Sure enough, my boss is a stupid guy. He actually betrayed our intelligence for fame and fortune. Since the intelligence has been leaked, whether it is for me to execute this time task, Still to keep the information secret, I must say sorry! ”


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  ”Must die!”

  With a violent drink, Raavan narrowed his eyes slightly, and he saw Lucci’s feet flexibly touch the ground!

  Navy Six!



  Although Lucci approached Raavan with a “swish” when using “Shave”, Raavan was a little surprised at the lightning-like speed, and he did not understand that his physical fitness was not as good as his own. Odd, how can you master the “shave” in the Navy’s Sixth Form to have the high-speed movement like Shura’s incarnation.

  However, relying on Shura’s keen observation ability, Raavan realized in amazement that the “swish” was not the key, it was just the sound of Lucci using the “shave” to move at high speed and create friction with the air.

  The real key lies in the high-speed movement of Lucci with a “swish”, and the air burst at Lucci’s feet!

  Because the air burst is the secret of “shave” in the six navy styles in Raavan’s keen observation!

  ”It turns out that the main mystery of the “shave” in the Navy’s Sixth Form is that the toes quickly touch the ground, focusing on the propulsion generated by a sudden explosion!”

  ”I understand!”

  Knowing the mystery of “shaved”, Raavan’s eyes condensed, taking advantage of Lucci raising his leg to kick out “Tempest Kick” first.

  ”Slap” “Slap” “Slap!”

  In an instant, all the strength in Shura’s body exploded, causing his body to flash with a dark red light.

  Don’t think Raavan just used a three-kilowatt front fist to attack, but this is Raavan’s punching speed is almost like a machine gun. From a distance, Raavan’s fist is simply turned into a shadow of the sky. Enveloping Lucci’s huge body.

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  But when he punched, Raavan knew that his fist must not hit Lucci’s body.

  And the result is just as Raavan imagined, Lucci, who used the navy six-style “paper art”, really completely avoided the afterimages of the sky. Even when using “Paper Art” to dodge, Raavan was surprised to find that Lucci slowly closed his eyes, and after closing his eyes, Lucci was using “Paper Art” to dodge faster.

  ”Could it be that the characteristic of “Paper Art” is not to observe with eyes, but to…”


  There was such a question in his mind. While he punched, maintaining a high speed, while observing Lucci’s body on the other, the mystery of “Paper Art” was fully revealed in front of Raavan.

  That’s muscles, nerves, or subconscious responses of the body.


  It is an instinct!

  Every time when Raavan’s fist was about to fall on Lucci, the muscles in the position where Lucci was enveloped by Raavan’s fist wind contracted slightly, so Lucci knew in advance that Raavan’s fist was in a convenient position to dodge. This is the Navy. The so-called “Paper Art” in the six formulas.

  It is not an ordinary dodge skill, but an instinctive way to perceive, observe, and then dodge in advance. This…

  It’s simply a reduced version of Observation Haki!

  Therefore, when Doflamingo’s “Paper Art” was fundamentally mysterious, Raavan somewhat believed in the content of fan novels.

  The “Paper Art” in the six navy formulas is really a reduced version of Observation Haki, or it is the basic practice of the Observation Haki!

  When can the scope of instinct-like perception be expanded, or when this instinct-like perception ability can be “qualitatively” changed, when is the time when Observation Haki awakens!

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  Feeling the Observation Haki, he was already not far away, Raavan became more excited, the power in his body seemed inexhaustible, making Raavan punch faster.

  Unexpectedly, Raavan’s excitement happened to be Lucci’s nightmare.

  Because Lucci had been injured many times before, coupled with the terrifying oppression of Raavan’s “gravity zone”, Lucci’s body was already close to its limit when he got up from the pit.

  Now I used “Paper Art” to avoid Raavan’s rain-like fist for so long. As Raavan’s punching speed accelerated again, the exhausted Lucci finally made a small mistake.

  And that small mistake was obviously a fatal mistake in front of the excited Raavan.

  Next second…


  A three-kilowatt punch fell on Lucci’s chest. On the other hand, Lucci didn’t even have time to use the “iron block”, so he was directly blasted out by Raavan’s fist.

  This time, when he fell to the ground, Lucci couldn’t get up.

  Then, looking at the figure of Raavan gradually approaching, Lucci closed his eyes tightly. Obviously he didn’t want to see Raavan or sarcasm or pity in his eyes before he died.

  Unexpectedly, after closing his eyes, Lucci felt a sense of weightlessness.

  When he opened his eyes again, Lucci found that Raavan had carried it in his hand, spread the wings of Shura and flew into the air.


  ”You didn’t kill me?”

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