One Piece Shura

Chapter 59

“Raavan, you are back!”

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Suddenly seeing Raavan descend from the sky, Hancock only felt the short-term difference from Raavan, which was as long as several years. Therefore, seeing Raavan carrying Smoker, Lucci’s two navy captives lightly landed on the ground, Hancock let go of his sisters’ hands, with a sweet smile on his face, and walked straight to Raavan. Before, she gave him a big hug.

At the same time, seeing my sister took the initiative to embrace a…

Uh …


Sanda and Mari opened their mouths in surprise, with completely unbelievable expressions.

After a brief consternation, Sanda and Mari looked at Raavan curiously. At the same time, the confusion in their hearts was that the boy…

Is it the object of sister’s admiration?

Then, after a brief hug, Raavan smiled and threw the two captives of Smoker and Lucci to the ground roughly, while holding Hancock’s slender waist with his hands, while standing up at Tiger. Thumbs up and said with a smile: “Tiger, you are doing beautifully. Presumably there should be a lot of slaves you liberated this time, right?”

“Huh, of course.”

A haughty color appeared on his face, and Tiger said very contentedly: “Since you can fight the navy for them, how can my great adventurer Fisher Tiger fall behind you? It’s not an exaggeration to say, Starting today, there will be no more slaves in the Holy Land Mari Joa, and they are… free forever!”

As he spoke, Tiger suddenly recalled that when he still couldn’t kill the Dragon Man, his shining eyes couldn’t help but feel a little sad.


Why can’t we solve the root causes that restrict their freedom for those who desire freedom?

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Tiger! Compared with the kid, you are still a lot worse!

In the future…

There must be that determination to get rid of the root causes of these evils!

Thinking of this, Tiger clenched his fists tightly, representing his determination.

But when Tiger swears secretly, Raavan didn’t observe any slight changes in Tiger’s expression. At this moment, I heard Tiger said that the number of slaves he liberated was far more than the number of slaves liberated in the original Pirate book, and it was several times more. Raavan was proud of the great event that sensationalized the world of Pirates while having his own credit. There was a sense of urgency in my heart unexpectedly.


What he and Tiger did was simply a shame that the navy, the world government, and even the Celestial Dragon people could not hide.

It is equivalent to breaking into the Holy Land Mari Joa with a single shot, killing hundreds of naval elites, not to mention, liberating all the slaves of the Celestial Dragon people. No matter how concealed, such an incident cannot be concealed. After all, there is no imperviousness wall in the world. isn’t it?

In order to save face, the world government must have done something. When the two of Raavan and Tiger face the navy chase again, I am afraid it will not be as simple as an ordinary navy elite, but Kuzan, Kizaru, Akainu, Garp, or the current Admiral Zephyr chase down!

“To survive, you must improve your strength as soon as possible!”

“In this six awakenings, my strength has improved a lot, and coupled with the breakthrough in kendo, based on my current strength, it is basically catching up to the first step in the Shanghai domain.”

“But such strength is still not enough for the world government to chase down and kill the Celestial Dragon people!”

“At least… at least I must have the strength to single out two or more Admirals before I can guarantee the safety of Hancock and Tiger!”

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At this point, a confident smile was raised on Raavan’s face again. Obviously, whether it is a systematic assistance or his future training plan, his strength can be set on a new level.

So, since the dangers in the future can be resolved with certainty, why not go crazy again while they are crazy?

The smile raised at the corner of his mouth became stronger,

At the moment when a crazy thought reverberated in Raavan’s mind, the next second he folded his hands together and asked Tiger:

“Tiger, the slaves you liberated have basically left the area where the Celestial Dragon lived, right?”

“of course.”

At first he answered in the affirmative, and then Tiger thought of something, his eyes rounded and asked: “Boy, don’t you…”

“Of course!”

Casually smiled at Tiger, Raavan confidently said: “Do you think we still have a chance to come to the Holy Land Mari Joa? Stop it! The only chance for us to sneak into the Holy Land Mari Joa in this life may be This time. Since there is no way to come in the future, I have to leave some souvenirs for the navy and the Dragon people to remember!”

As he said, the smile on Raavan’s face slowly disappeared, and turned into a solemn color.

It happened to be when the look on Raavan’s face suddenly became serious…

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

In another battlefield, the elite of the Admiral level suddenly discovered that the avatar of Raavan, who was still insisting on fighting with them before, had disappeared in an instant!

Obviously, Raavan wanted to accumulate his own strength, and he had to restore his peak physical fitness before he withdrew the shadow clone he had previously cast.

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After all the power to create the shadow clone returned to the body, the surging power returned again, and Raavan, with his hands folded, suddenly snorted!


“The Holy Land Mary Joa!”


The voice of drinking out, almost can be said to have just fallen.

Accompanied by a loud roar, the three sisters Tiger and Hancock, together with Smoker and Lucci, saw the unforgettable sight of them in an instant.

Just as Raavan’s low roar was bidding farewell to the Holy Land Mari Joa, the infinite gravity shrouded the area where the Celestial Dragon lived in the Holy Land Mari Joa.

Affected by the “Gravity Field”, the Holy Land Mari Joa lived Inside the area, one after another magnificent buildings collapsed, causing waves of smoke and dust.

In an instant, half of the area of ​​the Holy Land Mary Joa was completely shrouded in smoke and dust.

And when the raised smoke gradually disappeared, the area covered by the smoke and dust of the Holy Land Mary Joa gradually emerged in front of everyone, including the three sisters Tiger and Hancock, everyone in the Holy Land Mari Joa was shocked to realize that the previous area of ​​Mary Joa, shrouded in smoke and dust, turned out to be…

It turned out to be completely razed to the ground under Raavan’s “Gravity Domain”!

Immediately after.

When Raavan was once again in the Holy Land Mary Joa and told the world how crazy he Shura was, people like Tiger, Hancock and others stared at Raavan with shocked eyes. Navy captives like Smoker and Lucci stared at Raavan with the eyes of a lunatic.

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They want to ask, Shura, are you crazy?

But when the words came to their lips, they swallowed abruptly.

Because half of the area of ​​the Holy Land Mari Joa has been razed to the ground, there is no need to ask such questions.

On the contrary, it was Raavan. When everyone was staring at him with shock and surprise, the mental exhaustion that came back from the shadow clone, from the previous fierce battles several times, he used the “Gravity Domain” to flatten half of the Holy Land Mari Joa. The exhaustion came from Raavan’s body, making Raavan a little dazed when he stood there. He naturally didn’t have time for the expressions of these people around him.

Only when his eyes fell on Hancock’s sisters, and found that Sanda and Mary were staring at them with amazement but a little admiration, Raavan, who was a little fuzzy in front of them, smiled slightly, and then softly. He clapped his hands and smiled:

“I have drawn a perfect end to the battle for the Holy Land Mari Joa. Now that the end is drawn, then…”

“It’s time for us to leave!”

Having said that, Raavan opened the wings of Shura, hugged Hancock’s body, and then used the “Gravity Domain” to hold up Tiger, Smoker, Lucci and others, flying into the sky, the figure Gradually disappeared in the holy place of Mary Joa.

And at this moment, the main entrance of the Holy Land Mari Joa…


Listening to the deafening sound, plus the horror scene of the disappearance of half of the Holy Land Mari Joa, Akainu who hurried back clenched his fists, his eyes…

Suddenly it was locked in mid-air, leaving Raavan and the others!

“you guys…”

“You can’t escape!”

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