One Piece Shura

Chapter 60


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“That hot breath is…”

The figure had gradually disappeared over the holy place Mary Joa. Raavan, who was able to be sure that he and Hancock and others were very safe, suddenly lowered his head and locked the figure that made himself on pins and needles with a keen sense.

Thousands of meters apart, Raavan and Akainu just communicated with aura like this, and they fought in aura, and no one gave in.

It’s just that such a confrontation didn’t last long, because as the distance got farther, Akainu could still feel the existence of Raavan, but Raavan could no longer feel the aura of Akainu.

the reason…

It must be Raavan’s Observation Haki, he is still not as strong as Akainu!

That’s right.

When taking back many shadow clones who were in elite confrontation with the admiral level and devoting their energy to the feat of destroying half of the Holy Land Mari Joa, the “experience value” returned from the shadow clone began to superimpose, Raavan’s “paper art” instinct Finally completed a new transformation, from the basis of Observation Haki to a formal awakening of Observation Haki.

The formal awakening is undoubtedly stronger than the “paper art” instinct.

It can be said that Raavan after Observation Haki awakening, in terms of observation ability, is a little different from the previous him.


Raavan’s Observation Haki only entered the stage of awakening, not completely awakening, let alone mastering it skillfully. To put it simply, Raavan is now instinctively using Observation Haki warfare, but how to use Haki skill ingeniously, or how to deepen the cultivation of Haki experience, Raavan knows nothing.

Be prepared to ask Tiger for advice when you have time.

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But thinking of Tiger teaching himself Murloc Karate…

Okay, let’s ask Rayleigh about it!

He didn’t care about Observation Haki atmosphere, he was slightly inferior to Akainu. Raavan was never willing to compare his weaknesses with the strengths of others, and soon he did not look back to think about the threat from Akainu. While regaining his strength and energy, he took Hancock, Tiger and others to the island.

Sabaody Archipelago Islands!


one day later.

Rushing day and night did not make Raavan more tired. Instead, relying on the fruit ability, the tired Raavan became a spirited Raavan.

Therefore, not long after landing on the Sabaody Archipelago Islands, relying on Tiger’s help, Raavan and others successfully infiltrated the Sabaody Archipelago Islands, which were heavily guarded by the navy. Especially when Raavan tried to control his Observation Haki, he went to perceive and observe the situation in the Sabaody Archipelago islands. He faintly felt a frosty and terrifying aura. Raavan knew that Kuzan was on this heavily guarded island. Can’t help but become more cautious.

With Tiger leading the way, when Raavan and others finally sneaked into the bar in area 13 and saw Shakky, who was most likely Rayleigh’s “little buddy”, they didn’t wait for Raavan to attack. Shakky introduced her identity. Shakky, who was pinching a cigarette with two fingers, stared at Raavan in a daze, before exclaiming after a long time:

“Ray…Rayleigh! See who is back!”

“who is it?”

Replied impatiently, and Rayleigh walked out with a hangover with sleepy eyes, seeing Raavan at a glance, his wistful eyes suddenly became energetic.

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“Little brother Raavan? You… why are you here?”

“Uncle Rayleigh, don’t you welcome me?” Raavan asked with a smile.

“Welcome, of course welcome!”

He smiled in a jealousy, and Rayleigh touched the back of his head and said with a smile: “I just didn’t expect that we would meet again in the Sabaody Archipelago Islands not long after we parted with the little brother Raavan. Speaking of it, because of your business, recently The guards of the islands are very strict. It is not easy for you to sneak in.

Can you still know where I am hiding? Can you tell me who is responsible for it?”

“The kid said you are here, I brought him here.”

The sound of the urn explained angrily, Tiger didn’t want to see other humans except Raavan, Hancock and others.

So after saying these words, Tiger walked to the side of himself, and silently guarded the captives of Smoker and Lucci.

Regarding Tiger’s weirdness, Rayleigh has long been familiar with it. After listening to Tiger’s explanation, he clearly felt the domineering aura of Raavan’s body. Rayleigh did not ask in depth how Raavan knew his hiding place. Just stepped forward to separately poured drinks for Raavan and Hancock three sisters, and then poured themselves a glass of wine, silently waiting for Raavan to explain why.

Only Shakky.

As an intelligence gathering expert, she once heard Rayleigh talk about Lucci, but he never mentioned Smoker, so she just caught a glimpse of Smoker, and as a woman, Shakky can rely on her sixth sense. Vaguely guessed, I am afraid that Raavan’s party came, after causing a big trouble.

Just then…



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The seagull delivering the newspaper flew into Shakky’s bar.

A newspaper was delivered every day. The seagull with the postman hat put the newspaper on Shakky’s table very skillfully, hurriedly drank some water from the plate that had been placed long ago, and the seagull delivered the letter again. Flew away in a hurry.

Then, she picked up the newspaper as usual, but her heart was a little restless. Shakky didn’t want to read the newspaper.

Seeing that Raavan and others were enjoying the juice drink, she didn’t mean to say anything, so she took a deep breath. After taking a sip of cigarettes, he smiled and looked at Raavan and said, “Is Little Raavan? I heard about you from Rayleigh, and since you can find here, you must know who I am, then I will No need to introduce myself.”

“But originally I heard Rayleigh say that you are going to save people, now…”

As he said, Shakky smiled and looked at Sanda and Mary, and continued with a smile: “They must have been rescued by now? Then you came to Rayleigh, is there anything else?”

“Well, I actually want to ask too, but I’m ashamed to say.”

Seeing Shakky faintly targeting Raavan, Rayleigh smiled awkwardly and said, “Little brother Raavan, there are no outsiders here. Just tell me if you have anything.”

“Well, then I’ll just say it.”

Nodded, Raavan said, “Uncle Rayleigh, I actually have no other meaning here. I just want to ask you how to cultivate Haki. With the strength of Uncle Rayleigh, I must have felt the Conqueror Haki of mine is Awakened? So if you have time, can you teach me how to practice Observation and Armament Haki now? Because I have been in trouble recently, I’m afraid…”

“I’m afraid I can’t stay in the Sabaody Archipelago Islands too long!”

After finishing speaking, Raavan scratched his head in embarrassment, because he did trouble Rayleigh a lot.

The previous favors haven’t been paid yet, so now I’m asking Rayleigh to teach him about Haki, which is indeed quite ashamed.

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However, Rayleigh is not the kind of person who reports to you, After listening to Raavan’s words, he just silently sighed that Raavan had taken the right path and finally realized the importance of Haki.

Then, he smiled slightly at Raavan, and Rayleigh smiled: “Haki cultivation is not done overnight, but brother Raavan, you are a little anxious. After all, even if it is Haki cultivation method, it takes some days to master it, so Well…”

“So Little Brother Raavan, you will stay here for a while, and wait until you get started with your Observation Haki before leaving!”

“I’m afraid… I’m afraid it’s not good, right?”

Raavan glanced at Shakky and said awkwardly: “The little trouble I said is actually… it’s actually quite troublesome!”

“What are you afraid of!”

Rayleigh patted his chest and said proudly: “I am here, no big or small trouble, no trouble!”

“You’re right! Shakky?”

Having said this, Rayleigh looked at Shakky confidently, undoubtedly wanting Shakky to cheer for himself.

Who would think that Shakky was definitely going to cheer for Rayleigh before, and she also had the confidence that Rayleigh could solve any trouble in the world.

Only this time, when Raavan was talking with Rayleigh, his gaze fell on the newspaper in his hand, just seeing the headline of the first page of the newspaper, Shakky’s eye was drawn out.

Immediately after, after comparing the photos on the newspaper with those of Raavan for a long time, she sighed deeply when he discovered that the “little brother Raavan” in Rayleigh’s mouth was the one on the front page of the newspaper. Shakky actually covered her forehead with her hand, and said weakly: “Rayleigh, I’m afraid Little Raavan’s trouble can’t be solved by your ability.”

“Because of him now…”

“But the world’s most murderous criminal recognized by the world government!”

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