One Piece Shura

Chapter 83


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Raavan cut with a sword, and Jozu’s “diamondized” shoulders were suddenly cracked, and then immediately followed was Marco’s exclaim!

You know, in the original work of The Pirate, Jozu’s “diamondized” defensive ability, but even the “Hawkeye” slash can be blocked.

At that time, in the “War on the Top”, regardless of how much power the “Hawkeye” used to slash away, but in the future, Mihawk, who will be the world’s strongest swordsman, must be a random slash. Raavan is now amazing, right?

However, “Hawkeye” was unable to use the slash to leave a small crack on Jozu’s diamond armor. After Raavan’s Shura blade smashed it down, it actually smashed Jozu’s diamond armor. Can Marco not be shocked?

We can even say…

It was from when Raavan cut down the blade of Shura, that a sword smashed Jozu’s diamond armor, which made Marco really look at Raavan, and realized that he was the same level as himself and the same level as “Diamond” Jozu.

Look at Jozu again.

When there was a faint pain in the shoulder, a touch of surprise appeared in the reckless Jozu’s eyes, and what was hidden in the depths of his expression was even more suspicious!

After naturally taking this Paramecia devil fruit, Jozu has not been injured.

When fighting against Raavan this time, it was the first time that Jozu was injured after taking this Paramecia Devil Fruit!

The first time he was injured in the “diamondization” situation, Jozu was not only shocked by Raavan’s strength, but also secretly began to doubt his fruiting ability.

Frustrated confidence is undoubtedly the best opportunity for transformation.

At this time, if Jozu can grasp the opportunity, his strength is likely to rise to a higher level.

But the faith accumulated over the years was suddenly shattered, and it was difficult for anyone to accept it.

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Jozu wants to restore his confidence and faith, or he will reshape his faith and complete the transformation with his own fruit ability in the subsequent thousands of actual battles.


Unless Jozu is a pervert like Luffy, the protagonist of the original One Piece, he can complete the reshaping of his beliefs in minutes, and thus undergo transformation.

Otherwise, Jozu, who was defeated by Raavan in the first round of confrontation, might be difficult to take advantage of in this confrontation.

It was also because he was keenly aware of the deep suspicion in Jozu’s eyes, Raavan, who had previously chopped down the blade of Shura with a “hurricane flow”, raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Although the “Broken Wave” that can shatter Jozu’s diamond armor just now was cut out by me with the “Gravity Domain”, it can smoothly crack Jozu’s diamond armor…”

“My awakening material collection task, even if it is completed!”

While secretly laughing, the system prompt sounded, prompting Raavan to successfully collect Jozu’s awakening material!

Gold level!

Diamond fruit material!

Starting with a gold-level awakening material, Raavan must be very happy. But Jozu lost his faith in Raavan’s previous slash. It was a matter of losing faith. It does not mean that there are faint cracks in Jozu’s diamond armor. Jozu will be caught in front of Raavan, indicating that he has lost.

Therefore, Raavan’s awakening material task has just been completed…


After recovering, Jozu hit Raavan’s cheek with his fist.

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It’s just that Jozu’s sudden counterattack did not catch Raavan by surprise.

As early as when Raavan started with the golden-level awakening material, he secretly began to guard against Jozu’s counterattack.

Moreover, since it is known from the original One Piece Jozu’s wrist strength is amazing, and he can lift the ice like a hill with his bare hands, Raavan must use his strongest defense to resist Jozu’s counterattack.

Next second!


The Shura Golem behind Raavan, Suddenly there was a scarlet light.

Immediately, the scarlet light enveloped Raavan’s body, and the terrifying defense of the Shura Golem completely enveloped Raavan’s body there.

The smile raised at the corner of his mouth became stronger, and Raavan slowly waited for Jozu’s fist to approach. The smile on his face seemed to say: “Come hit me! Stupid!”

But just when Raavan was full of confidence, thinking that no matter how strong Jozu’s wrist was, he would not be able to break his Shura golem protection…


The same clear voice made Raavan’s smile suddenly stiffen there!

Because Jozu’s punch turned out to be the defense of Raavan’s extremely strong Shura Golem, and a faint crack was created!

“Just… just kidding?”

“Only wrist strength can actually crush the defense of Shura Golem?”

“As expected to be the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates in the future, as expected… Diamond Jozu!”

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With silent emotion in his heart, recalling his hardship in completing the task of awakening materials, Raavan really felt that “Diamond” Jozu was a more abnormal guy than himself.

So, what exactly is the task of collecting awakening materials that Raavan obtained from “Diamond” Jozu?

the answer is…

Smash the defense!

It is still a limited time of three days. If Raavan wants to get the gold-level awakening material, he must smash Jozu’s diamond defense within the time limit arranged by the system, so that he can successfully complete the awakening material collection task.

And Raavan took great pains to complete the task of collecting materials for “Diamond” Jozu’s awakening!

Immediately afterwards, just as Raavan’s “Broken Waves” was about to fall on the “diamondized” shoulders of “Diamond” Jozu…


Gravity field use!

Cooperating with a full two hundred times the gravity, Raavan chopped “Broken Wave” on Jozu’s “diamondized” shoulder, which is equivalent to increasing the power of “Broken Wave” nearly two hundred times!

But such a sword, just cracked the diamond armor on Jozu’s shoulder…

On the contrary, it was an ordinary punch from Jozu, which actually caused a crack in the defense of Raavan’s Shura Golem!

It’s just that Raavan’s mentality is very good. He knew that the Shura Golem’s defense would one day be crushed in the hands of a strong man, but he did not expect it to be crushed in the hands of “Diamond” Jozu. A bit of loss would not make Raavan’s faith collapse.

However, if the Shura Golem was damaged for the first time, Raavan always said something!

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Not to mention…

Your Jozu’s counterattack is over, now it’s my turn!

The invisible killing intent began to gradually condense, gathering Raavan, who was smiling, and suddenly released his own terrifying killing intent, locked on “Diamond” Jozu!


Shura golem behind Raavan suddenly opened his scarlet pupils and stared at “Diamond” Jozu.

And Jozu was almost stared at by the Shura Golem. First, he felt his body was locked by the Shura Golem’s killing intent. He was unable to move his body freely, and he was a little flustered.

When Shura Golem behind Raavan slowly stretched out his hands, and then two golden leopard shadows crashed onto Jozu.

The tiger shook the ground!


Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound, the smoke and dust scattered, blocking everyone’s sight.

When the smoke slowly disappeared, Jozu’s figure was already sitting in a deep pit.

As for the surroundings of the pit…

It was Jozu’s diamond armor peeling off, and crystal diamonds scattered all over the place!


“Jozu’s fruiting ability… how is it the same as the boy who gave money?”

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