One Piece Shura

Chapter 84

The “tiger shaking the ground” learned from the Shura Golem is really powerful!

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Under the combo of two “tiger shaking the ground”, “Diamond” Jozu’s diamond armor was completely shattered, which directly caused Jozu, who was lying in the deep pit, into a very embarrassed appearance.

However, at this moment, what Raavan was paying attention to was not the power of the “tiger shaking the ground”, nor the injured Jozu, but…

After the diamond armor was shattered, the diamonds scattered all over the place!

Before crossing, Raavan knew a cold joke.


Who is the richest person in Pirate World?

The answer is “Diamond” Jozu!

He puts on a set of clothes casually and uses the fruit power to turn cheap clothes into a priceless piece of art made of diamonds!

of course.

Now that he has not been able to understand Jozu’s fruiting ability, Raavan is not sure whether Jozu’s “diamondized” clothes can permanently maintain the diamond shape.

But the diamonds scattered all over the place are obviously real!

If you can take this opportunity to sell all the diamonds on the ground to the system store, you will definitely make a fortune!

Moreover, if you can capture Jozu back, use his fruit power to create unlimited diamonds, and invest unlimitedly in the system store…

Then collect fart awakening materials!

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Just buy it directly in the system store!

At this point, Raavan looked at Jozu with fiery eyes, and even forgot that he already possessed the gold-level material, the diamond fruit material.

I even forgot that after Raavan used the diamond fruit material to awaken, he could create and sell diamonds infinitely.

At this moment, Raavan only knew one thing, and that was to smash Jozu’s diamond armor several times, so that when everyone was gone, he could clean up the battlefield and make a fortune!

But just when Raavan thought about it…


Taking a deep breath, Jozu slowly crawled out of the pit and stood in front of Raavan again without saying.

Immediately afterwards, on Jozu’s face full of bruises, there was a faint smile. Soon Jozu faced Raavan, and said something that made Raavan feel inexplicable!

“Boy, thank you so much!”

“Without you, I want to go one step further, I’m afraid… it will take a long time!”

While talking, because the diamond armor was shattered under Raavan’s Shura blade, the suspicion hidden in Jozu’s expression disappeared!

Under Raavan’s “tiger shaking the ground” combo, Jozu, whose diamond armor was completely shattered, actually reshaped his belief in minutes, broke through himself, and became stronger!

“Hey, how can Whitebeard let the incompetent be the captain of his third division team?”

“It’s just… if you don’t understand that Luffy is the protagonist of the Pirate, Jozu, I would think you are the protagonist of the Pirate!”

Encountered even greater setbacks, not only did Jozu’s will not sink, but instead broke through himself, broke through the barrier in his heart, and became stronger. This incident undoubtedly shocked Raavan very much.

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But what made Jozu rebuild his confidence?

Raavan wanted to answer this question very much, so when he slightly narrowed his eyes, he moved!


In front of Jozu, Raavan no longer had any reservations. After the first rapid improvement in his kendo attainments, he took out his own peak strength to fight.


And when Raavan used “shave” to get close to Jozu, because of the diamond fruit’s ability to defend himself, Jozu, who had always relied on the fruit’s ability and the toughness of the enemy, naturally couldn’t lock Raavan’s figure.

Or maybe…

Except for a few people who are proficient in Observation Haki, Raavan’s “shave” is not something anyone can catch with his eyes, except for a few people who are proficient in Observation Haki.

Then, with a “shave”, Jozu’s whole body was full of flaws, and Raavan quickly came behind Jozu, first took advantage of the few seconds when Jozu was looking for his figure, and quickly entered a state of “focus”.

When the feeling of distracting thoughts in his heart makes Raavan clear-headed!


Shura’s Blade slashed!

The sword move Raavan used was a sword move that shattered a ship!


Broken jade!

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Moreover, in order to avoid accidents, Raavanke is not just using “broken jade” to deal with Jozu.

At the same time, just when Raavan concentrated on cutting out the “broken jade”, suddenly there was a “bang” beside Raavan!

A shadow avatar suddenly appeared beside Raavan.

of course.

The shadow clone that Raavan has created now is not for attack, but for assistance!

After entering the state of “concentration”, Raavan can cut out the “broken jade” is the limit. If he wants to be distracted and used to increase the “gravity field” for the “broken jade”, Raavan has not done it at all thing.

At this time, another magical effect of the shadow clone could be revealed.

That is, it can replace Raavan and successfully complete one mind and two purposes!

Raavan’s body cut down the “broken jade”, and his shadow clone was quickly exhausted when it was just created, giving Raavan’s “broken jade” a hundred times the aid of the “gravity field”!

Previously, “Broken Waves” and 200 times the “Gravity Field”, can make Jozu’s diamond armor crack…

Now the “broken jade” has been cut down, with a hundredfold “gravity field”!


Your diamond defense is about to collapse again!

Full of confidence, Raavan’s Shura Blade can be said to have turned into a stream of light, without giving Jozu any time to dodge, it once again fell on Jozu’s “diamondized” shoulder.

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But this time…


It’s just a “click”!

Under Jozu’s confident gaze, Raavan, who was full of confidence before, had completely lost his plan!

Because his “broken jade”, along with the “broken jade” of a hundredfold “gravity field”, landed on the diamond defense of Jozu, unexpectedly…

It turned out to be unable to leave any cracks in Jozu’s diamond defense!

The original confident eyes were filled with completely unbelievable expressions.

But at this moment, Raavan’s thoughts did not pause, his eyes filled with disbelief, instead he recalled Jozu’s inexplicable words before and fell into deep thought.

“Could it be that the practice method of diamond fruit is…”

“If it doesn’t break or stand?”

With an epiphany, Raavan directly brought himself into it from Jozu’s unbreakable progress, only feeling vaguely grasping a certain clue.

A clue to make one’s own fruit ability stronger!

But when Raavan was thinking about Jozu’s fruit ability, his sturdy palm grabbed the Shura blade that Raavan had cut on his shoulder, and Jozu grinned with a grinning grin!

“Boy, I thanked you just now, now…”

“It’s your turn to thank me!”

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