One Piece Shura

Chapter 85

“Want me to thank you?”

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His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and anyone would be a little angry.

So just as Jozu’s voice just fell, he wanted to use his natural divine power to severely pinch Raavan’s Shura blade to restrain him a little, Raavan’s eyes were cold and frosty, suddenly It was locked on Jozu’s body.

Then, with the indifferent voice, Raavan slowly stretched out his palm.

“Almighty Push!”


With a note of “Almighty Push”, Raavan directly shook Jozu out, and there was no time to fight him back.

After being shaken out, Jozu tried to control his fall despite being in mid-air.


The “Almighty Push” that Raavan currently masters is several times stronger than before!

When he was not practicing on the way to the fishman island, Raavan relied on the “Almighty Push” he mastered during his three awakenings, and cast all his strength to destroy the navy’s “Buster Call”.

Now, even if he was concerned about the relationship between Fishman Island and the White Beard Pirates, Raavan did not kill Jozu. But the “Almighty Push” that Raavan quickly cast was still capable of destroying a naval battleship!

The “Almighty Push” with such terrifying power, let alone the current Jozu, even if Jozu at the peak wants to resist it, it is very difficult.

not to mention…

When Raavan used “Almighty Push” this time, he used a very clever technique!

That is Fishman Karate!

Following Tiger to practice murloc karate is the most correct choice for Raavan, because the practice of murloc karate is nothing more than a simple basic practice, but often the truth contained in the foundation is the true principle.

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If there is no murloc karate practice, how can Raavan make his foundation so solid?

If there is no murloc karate practice, how can Raavan master the Tangcaowa Punch that will benefit him for a lifetime?

Earlier, when Raavan stretched out his palm and cast the “Almighty Push” at Jozu…


On the surface, the terrifying “repulsion” of Raavan’s “Almighty Push” was to make Jozu unable to control his body, and the whole figure flew out like a parabola.

And actually…

The power of Raavan’s “Almighty Push” is not only going to the surface, the “Almighty Push” that Raavan beats into Jozu’s body is Raavan’s real killer!

Therefore, when Jozu flew out at first, he just felt a sudden “repulsion” from Raavan’s palm.

But in the process of flying backward…



The “repulsive force” that penetrated into Jozu’s body took effect, and immediately the diamond armor on Jozu’s body began to peel off under the internal shock of the “Almighty Push”!

However, seeing the diamond armor on his body peel off, Jozu smiled.

“Yes, that’s it!”

“Little devil, it is really difficult to find an enemy that can disintegrate my defenses. Otherwise, how can I only understand my fruiting ability now and how should I practice?”

“A little more! Give me a little more!”

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“Your potential is definitely more than these! You burned with anger… definitely will satisfy me more!”


If Raavan knew that when Jozu’s diamond armor peeled off, the subtext in his heart turned out to be like this, I guess…

Raavan must feel that Jozu is a masochist!

But masochism is not what Jozu wants, after all, none of the strong in the sea is willing to be abused.

Who let…

Jozu’s cultivation method of fruit ability is to be abused?

Obviously, every devil fruit in Pirate World,

The corresponding ability has its own way of cultivation.

Like the diamond fruit of Jozu, its cultivation method is to break and then stand!

Why is the current Jozu, after using “Diamondization”, the defensive ability is obviously not stronger than that of the original Pirates?

The reason is precisely that Jozu did not meet Raavan before and could crush the existence of diamond armor!

Relying on the horrific defensive ability of Diamond Fruit, only Jozu hurts others, no one can hurt him. It is precisely by virtue of his terrifying defensive ability that Jozu’s use of brute force can be said to be unfavorable. Gradually, he has a fanatical confidence in his diamond fruit ability. If it weren’t for Raavan to crush Jozu’s confidence, maybe Jozu strength will stop, and he will no longer be able to rise to the height of the original Pirate works.

At this time, Jozu, who had understood his own fruit, understood the cultivation method of his own fruit, and he had no idea about defeating Raavan for a long time. Instead, he wanted to use Raavan’s hand to make himself stronger!

Of course.

To say that Jozu is a dead-headed guy.

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After he goes back, he can use the Tremor fruits of the white beard to cultivate!

Raavan returned to sense, but in terms of strength, can he still crush the current white beard?

What’s more, using the Tremor fruits of White Beard to practice, Jozu’s cultivation speed is definitely much faster than he is now?

Moreover, Raavan is not mentally retarded. When he used the “Almighty Push” combined with the mystery of the Tangcaowa Punch to successfully hit an “implosion”, he found that Jozu, who was still flying upside down in mid-air, condensed again. The diamond armor became stronger, and Raavan knew that he could no longer give Jozu a chance to grow.


He is about to capsize in the gutter of Jozu!

“It’s enough for me to learn some of the mysteries of fruit cultivation from Jozu. At the very least, after I use the diamond fruit to awaken in the future, I know how to practice the diamond fruit and realize the real “diamond” The way “is. As for now…”

Secretly in his heart, Raavan glanced at Marco with the light, and then a flash of light flashed in his eyes!

“Let’s get rid of Jozu first!”

At this point, Raavan’s figure turned into a streamer again!


While Jozu was still in the air, he could not escape freely.

Raavan’s “shave” came quickly behind Jozu, just when Jozu twisted his body to face Raavan, Raavan, whose eyes widened suddenly cut off the Shura Blade he held in his palm!

“Fast wind current!”

“Cold wind!”

In an instant!

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The blade of Shura that fell down, a gleam of blue aura, the blade that broke along the blade of Shura enveloped Jozu.

And when the blue breath just came, Jozu, who frowned slightly, was still wondering what the blue breath was.

But when the body just collided with that blue breath…


At first, the cold air caused Jozu’s face to change slightly.

Immediately afterwards, when Jozu’s face began to become distorted due to the attack of the cold.


There was no more chance to speak. Under the “cold wind” of Raavan combining the abilities of kendo and frozen fruit, Jozu turned into a crystal ice sculpture in a flash and fell to the ground!

“That’s… the ability of Vice Admiral Kuzan?”

“Damn devil, what kind of devil fruit are you taking? How can you have so many abilities that you can’t defend yourself!”

Watching Jozu turn into an ice sculpture under the “cold wind” of Raavan, Marco, who was watching the battle next to him, narrowed his eyes, and a ray of cyan flame suddenly appeared behind him. He wanted to go and save the ice-bound Jozu first.

Who thought, just when Marco quickly approached Jozu, the cyan flames on his body suddenly “swish” when he was about to fall on Jozu!

Sword Qi gushing!

At that moment, Raavan slashed Shura’s blade, first forced a sword to retreat Marco in front of Jozu, and then hooked his finger at Marco and smiled:

“Trouble… Next one!”

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