One Piece Shura

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: The Battle of the Century

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Dad is here!

His pupils tightened slightly, Tiger opened his mouth, and stopped talking several times. In the end, he could only watch Raavan’s body completely break away from gravity and slowly float to the sky above the fishman island until his figure disappears completely.

And when Raavan left, what did Tiger want to say?

What he wants to comfort Raavan is…

Don’t fight!

Because you will lose!

Everyone knows that White Beard is the number one power in the sea.

But no one knows how strong the white beard is, because those who are delusional to challenge the white beard are unable to speak anymore.

It wasn’t until this time that Tiger saw the punch that White Beard used to declare war, and he didn’t know how terrible the White Beard was carrying the world’s first name!

Above the Murloc Island, nearly 10,000 meters is the sea area of ​​the New World.

With a punch out of thin air, Whitebeard was able to leave a fist mark with great accuracy on the Murloc Island under 10,000 meters!


This is simply terrifying!

Because if you want to leave a fist mark in front of Raavan, you need more than just strength. Being able to lock the location of Raavan with Observation Haki at a distance of tens of thousands of meters, the accomplishments of such Haki cultivation is simply beyond imagination!

However, what I want to say now is actually too late.

Tiger looked at Raavan’s slowly disappearing figure, and could only mutter silently in his heart:

“Boy, you have to lose more beautifully!”

“You… are my captain after all!”


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“White beard is really strong.”

He took a deep breath, slowly sat on the ground, and threw away the wooden sword he had previously held.

After taking a few deep breaths, Mihawk was considered to be relieved from the power of White beard, and then he had the courage to pick up the wooden sword that he had just thrown away again.

But it didn’t take long to sit…


Provoked slightly, Mihawk suddenly saw Raavan’s figure, slowly disappearing over the fishman island.

Thinking that under the White beard’s power, he didn’t even have the courage to resist. Mihawk’s sharp pupils suddenly fell on the body of Smoker and Lucci, the two prisoners who worked hard to cultivate, and said lightly.

“Raavan is going to challenge White Beard, my heart can’t calm down, so I need someone to accompany me to practice sword.”

“Hey, that white-haired man, you are logia capable of devil fruit, right?”

“Within ten swords, as long as you can not get hurt…”

“I will take the charge for Raavan and let you go!”

As soon as the voice fell, Mihawk didn’t mean to hold the wooden sword at all, just volleyed!


Sword at your fingertips!

Sword Qi emerged, and Smoker hadn’t reacted to what Mihawk said, so he subconsciously used the “elementalization” of the smoke fruit to avoid it.

But when the “elementalization” was smoothly carried out, when Mihawk used his sword to cut down the sword energy, clearly showing Smoker’s “elementalized” body and flew away…


After swallowing saliva, Smoker was surprised to find that his already “elementalized” body actually…

Actually injured!

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Shura… come back quickly!

The guy looking at us now is a pervert!

He roared silently in his heart, and then under the devastation of Mihawk’s sword after sword, Smoker was thinking like this, and he listened to Mihawk’s demonic voice, constantly echoing in his ears.

“Leave… Eight Swords!”


“That Mihawk…”

Although he is already above the fishman island, he can enter the state of “returning to nature” from ordinary “focus”,

Raavan’s Observation Haki has become better, so he can naturally perceive what happened around Mihawk with his Observation Haki experience.

Watching Smogg deflate in Mihawk’s hands time and time again, he found that the pride of Lucci’s original navy rookie was completely wiped out in his life as a captive, which eased the tension of fighting with White Beard. Raavan suddenly accelerated. Surprisingly, it divided the surrounding sea water and rushed straight to the surface!


The sea emerges!

When Raavan’s figure returned to the sea, the first thing he saw was the ship of the White Beard Pirate Group.

Moby Dick!

Moreover, Raavan could perceive countless tyrannical auras from the top of that ship just by glancing at the Moby Dick.

Those ones…

They are all the elite of the White Beard Pirates!

Although some people died in the new world before the original Pirate book began, they are now all the famous big pirates in the sea.

The captains of the future White Beard Pirates’ divisions are now their subordinates.

But at this time, the big pirates in these seas must wait obediently.

Because their captain ordered them not to step into the sway of three kilometers.

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This is where he and Shura will fight!

“Hey, Shura! Do you need me to take you to find father?”

On the ship, I caught a glimpse of Raavan’s figure from a distance, rushing directly from the bottom of the sea to the surface. His acquaintance Marco said hello to Raavan while slightly shocked.

But after Raavan heard Marco’s voice, he shook his head and smiled: “No, such a tyrannical aura, if I can’t perceive with my Observation Haki, then I don’t need to come.”

“It’s you…”

As he said, Raavan frowned and said, “Should you stay away? Otherwise, if I and your captain really disagree with each other, I’m afraid… it will affect you!”

“Hahahaha, he actually said he was going to fight against father, isn’t he kidding?”

“Don’t worry, kid! Even if you fight with the old man, your battle will not affect us, because it will take a few seconds for him to defeat you!”

“Little devil, hurry up and see the old man! What kind of prestige is playing with us? Think we are afraid of you?”

Raavan has a kind reminder. After all, if he fights with all his strength, he will definitely not be able to worry about these people in the White Beard Pirates.

However, not everyone can understand Raavan’s kindness, especially these unruly pirates.

They didn’t mean to look down on Raavan, after all, he was the world’s most murderous criminal and a great pirate with a reward of 800 million.


Three kilometers apart!

How can your fight affect us!

It was precisely with this idea that there were waves of mocking sounds from the White Beard Pirates. It was very harsh in Marco’s ears, but Raavan felt nothing.


They will close their mouths soon!

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Just when the noisy taunts continued to follow the Moby Dick!

Raavan suddenly stretched out his left hand!

“Almighty Pull!”

Relying on the strong “gravity” controlled in the palm of his palm, Raavan aimed at the same uninhabited desert island behind the Moby Dick and suddenly used the “Almighty Pull”.

Next second!

On the originally noisy Moby Dick, there was no sound in an instant!

As for the reason?

When Raavan used the “Almighty Pull”, he suddenly pulled out an entire isolated island from the sea!

Such power shocked everyone in the White Beard Pirates.

They, who are as proud as the White Beard Pirates, originally felt funny because of Raavan’s previous words.

But at this time, they suddenly felt that Raavan made sense!

It seems that Raavan is fighting against White Beard, they must stay away a bit!

Therefore, while Raavan was just pulling up the isolated island, the Moby Dick set sail, surprisingly preparing to withdraw several kilometers.

In contrast, Raavan.

He did not pay attention to the withdrawal of the Moby Dick at all.

At this moment, there was only one person he locked with Observation Haki!

That is the strong man on the island far ahead!

“White Beard, here comes my return!”

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