One Piece Shura

Chapter 98

“Almighty Push!”

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First use the “Almighty Pull” to pull up an island out of thin air.


It’s time for Raavan to respond!

After receiving the “Almighty Pull”, Raavan, who was incarnate as Shura, relied on the state of “returning to nature”, and saw and heard the domineering figure directly locked on the white beard, even if it was a “Almighty Push”!

And under the terrifying repulsion of the “Almighty Push”, the isolated island that was uprooted by Raavan suddenly slammed into Whitebeard’s relief with that repulsion.

Give me a punch by your white beard, and I will return your island!

See whose gift is heavier!

Although he was still in a state of “returning to nature”, even if he cast “Almighty Push”, he did not exude a terrifying aura.

But at this moment, when Raavan locked onto the white beard with his domineering look, his eyes were extremely hot.

because of him…

Really want to defeat the first strong in the sea!

It doesn’t matter how slim the hope is!

And when Raavan pulled up the island and smashed the entire island in the direction of White Beard in a flash, there was an uproar on the Moby Dick, where many elites of the White Beard Pirate Group gathered together!

“Just kidding! That kid… that kid actually uprooted an island and used that island as a weapon?”

“Monster! This newcomer is simply a monster!”

“No, he is not a monster, what he showed… is only the strength of the 800 million bounty, which is known as the world’s number one murderer!”

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In a burst of uproar, Raavan only attacked in one round, and with his strength, he was able to convince the elites of the White Beard Pirate Group.

But among these elites, only three of them showed no surprise when Raavan counterattacked, and the expressions on their faces were still so plain.

That was Marco, Joz, and Vista who had met Raavan.

I have seen Raavan’s ability to “repair the sky” in the fishman island. Nowadays, let alone pulling up an isolated island, even if Raavan can use the “Almighty Pull”, he can directly pull out the fishman island 10,000 meters deep in the sea. When going out to the sea, the three of Marco and the others will not be surprised, because these things can still be done within the psychological tolerance of the three.

But in Marco, he used Observation Haki and feel to perceive, and found that Raavan first used the “Almighty Pull” to pull up the isolated island, and then used the “Almighty Push” to smash out the isolated island, and the breath on his body showed no signs of disorder.

His eyes narrowed slightly, Marco took a deep breath, and rushed to Joz next to Vista, saying: “Three days… in just three days, Shura seems to have improved again!”

“In what way has it improved?”

Still not awakened, like Marco’s strong Observation Haki, “Diamond” Jozu frowned, and what appeared in his mind was the image of the original defeat in the hands of Raavan, and asked in a low voice: “It is the fruit ability?”

“Yes and not.”

He gave Jozu an ambiguous answer, and Marco did not speak anymore, instead focusing on the confrontation between Raavan and White Beard.

Just then…

On the isolated island in front of Raavan, the white beard standing there suddenly opened his eyes!

“it is good!”


Just praised the word “good”, and suddenly, the sharp breath followed the white beard’s direction and enveloped the entire surrounding sea!

It is Conqueror Haki!

Moreover, when Haki on Whitebeard’s body unconsciously radiated, he slowly walked forward two steps, and Whitebeard pulled out sword he had inserted there early from the ground.

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Next second!


Very casually, he cut off the sword.

But White Beard’s seemingly random counterattack, the power contained in it is beyond everyone’s imagination!

That was just an ordinary counterattack,

But in the hands of Whitebeard, it became an extremely overbearing counterattack!

Just now, Whitebeard grasped the sword inserted in the ground in front and cut it down.



Raavan used the “Almighty Push” to smash the island, but he was chopped into two pieces!

This is no longer the realm of dividing the sea with one sword.

Not to mention the realm of a sword breaking the sky!

Seeing that the white beard easily resolved his return, Raavan was not half discouraged, but his eyes grew hotter.

Because the stronger the white beard, the more Raavan wanted to defeat him!

But just when Raavan’s reply was easily resolved by White Beard, his eyes became more and more hot, and when Raavan was about to start his second attack…


Still lightly waving the sword in his palm.

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When Raavan was unable to prepare for the second round of attack, Whitebeard’s “gift” was once again sent to Raavan!

“So fast!”

Unexpectedly, at such a distance, White beard’s counterattack was so fast, and he didn’t even have time to prepare. The swordsman that could divide the sea area had already fallen in front of him.

It was also because of lack of preparation that Raavan had only two choices when faced with sword at hand.

First, it is to use the “elementalization” of frozen fruit to avoid the turbulent ray of sword.


It’s hard resistance!

Since Whitebeard knew that he was a person with fruit ability, he chose to use the “elementalization” of frozen fruit to dodge, which is almost an idiot behavior.

Which guy who is proficient in Haki, does not entangle his Armament Haki when attacking?

White beard is not a fool, so the sword light that came from the chopping must contain a very terrifying Armament Haki!

That being the case…

Secretly analyzed the situation in front of him, and the scarlet aura instantly emerged!

“The Shura Golem!”


The Shura Golem appeared in time, and shrouded himself with the terrifying defense of the Shura Golem.

However, the accomplishments of the white beard’s swordsmanship are simply incalculable!

The sword light entwined with Armament Haki came and touched the Shura golem of Raavan. The defense of that solid Shura golem was broken in response!

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But fortunately, the knife was still blocked.

Even though Raavan’s figure floating in the air, it was a little shaky now, attacked by a counter-shock force, and faintly suffered some internal injuries.


It’s a good thing to stop White Beard’s knife, isn’t it?

Sure enough, it was like what Raavan thought.

The elite group of white beard pirates on the Moby Dick just saw that Raavan blocked the white beard’s cut from the front, and his evaluation of him rose by a few points.

After all, in the sea, there are only a handful of people who can block the white beard from the front!

However, when Raavan successfully blocked the white beard’s second knife and was about to reconsolidate the Shura Golem…


Spark appeared again!

After confessing that Whitebeard’s first cut, smoothly splitting the island that Raavan smashed past, he didn’t even stop, and continuously cut the second and third cuts!

Moreover, just when Whitebeard’s third knife was successfully cut…

Accompanied by the terrifying sword light, the sky was instantly divided into two halves!

Break the sky!

At this moment, White Beard was prepared to end the battle within three knives, within three knives…

Defeat Raavan!

Conquer the world’s No. 1 murderous criminal who has earned 800 million rewards shortly after his debut!

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