Chapter 117 Ultimate Move and Wicked Disciples

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“The winner is… King!”

Once again, King got the last laugh.

King was stunned. I won again?

Bang was also stunned. I lost again?

Bang couldn’t properly determine the number of the dice even though he shook them himself because of the stones he mixed in. Thus, he didn’t know whether he lost or won before Charanko announced the result.

King smiled and opened his mouth to say…

“Good luck. King, I know you want to say it’s good luck again. Well, we already know that your luck is incredibly good.” Bang interrupted King, irritated.

Hey, this old man is about to lose. Should I go easy on him next? No, how am I even supposed to go easy on him? Should I just admit defeat?

King considered while watching the exasperated Bang.

“Charanko, take out all the dice.”

Bang had long forgotten about testing King’s strength. Now, he only wanted to win one round to gain some face. King has no respect for the elderly; if I give him an inch, he will take a mile. He didn’t even give me any chance to save face!

“All the dice?” Charanko was surprised. “Master, are you going to do the ultimate move?”

“Well, I want to see the very limit of King’s hearing.” Bang glared at King.

The battle had just begun!

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King twisted his body. Bang’s glare made him uncomfortable.

This old man really can’t afford to lose. Is he going to beat me up?


Charanko returned to the storeroom and pushed out a two-meter-tall cardboard box with great difficulty.

“King, this is the last round, a victory or defeat!”

King watched in confusion as Bang walked to the cardboard box and pressed his palms on it. He took a deep breath, lifted the box—and slammed it to the ground.


An avalanche of dice poured from the box, filling the dojo. There must have been tens of thousands of them.

King watched the pouring dice, stunned. Did the old man Bang want him to guess the number for all the dice?

The thought made him dizzy.

Bang looked at the dice scattered on the ground with satisfaction. “King, guess the number!”

Let’s see how you guess now. No player had ever won against the surprise attack of this many dice. My ultimate move is the nightmare difficulty!

King could only look at the scattered dice in confusion. The densely packed pimps on the dice must be enough to trigger people with trypophobia. He gritted his teeth and cursed that despicable man, Bang.

Charanko glanced at his shameless master with a wry smile. However, this is also within the rules.

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“King, hurry up!” Bang rushed King to prevent him from reading the numbers on the dice.

King sighed, “I admit defeat.”

“Oh, do you surrender? Then you must take off all your clothes!” Bang smirked.

“What?” King was shocked. “Shouldn’t it just one piece of the clothing?”

“This is the last game, all or nothing. Do you understand? The winner gets all, and the loser gets nothing.” Bang said with a straight face.

I’ve watched “God of Gamblers,” don’t lie to me.

“That is more or less the rule.” Bang coughed dryly.

This old man was completely shameless!

King and Charanko were shouting in their hearts.

King pondered for a moment. There were at least a few thousand or even tens of thousands of dice on the ground. Then the largest number added up would be at least ten to twenty thousand. Therefore, the number he guessed must not be too small.

He hesitated for a moment and whispered, “14,250.”

That’s right, this is the number.

(TL/N: 14250 sounds similar to “Bang Stupid” in Chinese, there isn’t really any equivalent numerology in English.)

Bang smiled. “Charanko, prepare to count.”

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“Yes.” Charanko felt a headache when he saw the number of dice. Being a referee is hard work. He took out a calculator and used it to add the dice numbers one by one.

King watched Charanko in boredom.

Bang, on the other hand, was calm. He closed his eyes and meditated.


The calculator’s sound echoed in the empty and silent dojo.

Charanko suddenly laughed dryly and started calculating the number of the dice from the beginning again. It seems that he accidentally pressed the “clear” button.

King’s mouth twitched.

Time slowly passed.

“Thirteen thousand six hundred eight…”

“Thirteen thousand eight hundred five…”

“Fourteen thousand one hundred three…”

Charanko muttered the number, in addition to using the calculator, just in case he would accidentally press the clear button again.

“14,250!” After he said that, he stopped and turned to look at Bang. “Master…”

“I know. I admit defeat.” Bang waved his hand and slowly stood up.

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After all that arrogance, I still lost. King’s hearing was shockingly sharp.

The strongest would definitely have superb observation and keen hearing, but the reverse was not necessarily true. Someone might have immense observational skill and hearing, yet ordinary in other aspects. Therefore, despite having proven that King had those abilities, more tests are still necessary to prove the true extent of King’s strength.

King, if you’re really the strongest man, then defeat this old man fair and square. I will find an opportunity to challenge you and settle the score!

Charanko said anxiously, “But master….”

“—has to take off my clothes, yes.”

Bang interrupted Charanko again and glared at his disciple. This bastard, I know that I was the one who said that the loser had to take off all their clothes. Can’t you see that I’m still thinking? What are you shouting for!

He took off the remaining socks on his feet and then took off his shirt, revealing his six-packs.

King could only watch Bang’s shameless act.

“King, I will beat you next time.” Bang folded his arms behind his back; his face was as calm as the abyssal ocean. He casually left the dojo. His actions reflected his status as a grandmaster, but he had already cursed in secret: King, what good are your powers if you use them to bully the old man? Humph, sooner or later, I will find a chance to beat you up.

“Well, another day has passed. I hope tomorrow will be better.”

King also stood up, patted the dust off his body, and returned to the room, smiling the entire way.

Charanko was the only person left in the dojo. He looked at the two people who walked away with dull eyes.

He turned at the last die that showed the number one and said to himself, “Master, the final result is 14,251. You won!”

But he can’t tell Bang now. Otherwise, Bang might beat him up, kick him out, and mark him down as a wicked disciple!

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