While Bang and King were playing without a care in the world, Z City welcomed a special guest.

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“Hu —”

A thin man with sharp eyes and a snakeskin suit wandered aimlessly on the bustling street. It was the last-ranked A-class Hero, the Biting Snake Fist Sneck.

He kept his hands in his trouser pockets as he scanned his surroundings, inspecting the situation on the street. Suddenly, his body froze, and his eyes focused on the young man in front of him.

The young man wore a black gown that was commonly worn by Chinese martial artists. His eyes were sharp and bright, reflecting his firm resolution. His robust body stood like unbreachable walls, and his face had the calmness of the abyssal ocean. Although he was young, he already had the essence of a great master.

This was an outstanding young man.

Sneck’s expression tensed. His hands were already in the shape of snakes—the battle stance of Biting Snake Fist. “Martial Maniac, I knew that you would find me sooner or later.” He spat. He said to himself, “Of all the A-class Heroes, rank 18 Clear Sky Fist, rank 24 Green, rank 26 Golden Ball, and other martial arts rookies have all fallen at your hands. Is it finally my turn? ”

Sneck drew a circle with his hands, took a stance, and stared at the young man with his eagle-like sharp eyes—the infamous Martial Maniac. He said with a determined voice, “Come, Martial Maniac. As a Hero, this Sneck has the responsibility to bring you to justice.”

Martial Maniac frowned. He asked Sneck, “May I know how to get to the Turtle School?”

The A-level bounty prisoner – the Martial Maniac, had come to Z City to hunt the three famous martial arts venues in Z City – the Turtle School, the Crane School, and Bang’s dojo. However, he was lost in the bustling streets after entering City Z. He then accidentally saw Sneck, who had entered the Biting Snake Fist stance.

This person was a martial arts practitioner; he must know the address of the Turtle School. He asked Sneck with that thought.

Sneck was stunned. He asked gloomily, “You are not here to hunt me?”

This can’t be right! The martial arts hunter Martial Maniac was not interested in me?!

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For some reason, he was a little disappointed.

Martial Maniac looked at Sneck indifferently. “I don’t kill nameless people.”

Who was Sneck? The disciplinary committee leader? He was too lazy to pay attention to him.

“Martial Maniac, you shouldn’t look down on people. I am Sneck, an esteemed A-class Hero! I’m not nameless!” Sneck was furious. He gritted his teeth. “Death is better than humiliation. Let’s see the truth with our fists!”

He charged forward, and his snake-like fist slithered. He attacked Martial Maniac’s weak points with ruthless precision. The killing intent that he had tempered through the years of fighting Monster rushed towards his enemy like a tempestuous storm.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The battle between experts only lasted for an instant. After the sound of a brief exchange, Martial Maniac sighed. He clapped his hands and leisurely left, leaving Sneck, who had been beaten into a pulp on the ground.

“Martial Maniac, wait a minute, why… why didn’t you kill me?”

Sneck glared at Martial Maniac. He knew that Martial Maniac never spared any martial arts expert, hunting and killing all he fought with. Then why does Sneck survive?

Martial Maniac paused and said in a cold voice, “I already said that I don’t kill nameless people.”

Well, sorry for not being a legendary general!

Sneck roared in grief and indignation, “Martial Maniac, just you wait. In the future, my martial arts achievements will definitely surpass yours. At that time, let’s see who is better.”

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Martial Maniac glanced at Sneck indifferently. That’s just the same spiel every arrogant nameless people make.

The problem now is how to go to the Turtle School?

Turtle School had more than a hundred years of history; it could be said to be an ancient sect with a great reputation in the martial arts world. The dojo’s master, Turtle Hermit, was a martial arts master that everyone respected. He was one of the senior directors of the Martial Arts Association.

Turtle School carried regular training today; its leader, Turtle Hermit, led his many disciples with a stern expression. A series of “Humph” and “Ha” echoed in the large dojo.

The disciples of Turtle School were all dressed in loose white martial arts robes, following the teacher in front of them to practice the secret art of the dojo – Kamehameha.

“Straighten your waist… Straighten your legs… Arms straight forward…”

Turtle Hermit’s voice filled the dojo.


The front door of the dojo suddenly shattered into a million pieces, and a slender figure walked in.

“Who dares to cause trouble in the Turtle School? Are you tired of living?”

The guards and disciples of the dojo surrounded and glared at him.

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The slender figure glanced indifferently at the many disciples and said coldly, “I am Martial Virtuoso. I have come to challenge this dojo. Please enlighten me!”

Martial Virtuoso was his nickname before he was known as Martial Maniac.

“How dare you, you are looking for…”

“So you are the scum of the martial arts world, Martial Maniac. Humph, even hell won’t open its door for…”

“Our Turtle School will enforce justice on behalf of heaven and kill you…”

The disciples of Turtle School were overcome with rage after Martial Maniac announced his name. They shouted all manners of indignant insult at Martial Maniac, eager to give him his just desert.

However, before they could finish their sentences, they were all blown away by Martial Maniac’s afterimages. The arrogant voices were replaced by screams of pain.


“My hand, my hand… It hurts so much.”

The disciples of the dojo were rolling and screaming on the ground.

“Everyone, attack together and kill him!”

The remaining disciples roared and rushed forward with bare hands.

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Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a series of muffled sounds, all the remaining disciples were incapacitated.

“You are the only one left.”

Martial Maniac looked straight at Turtle Hermit.

“I alone would be enough to kill you.” Turtle Hermit smiled faintly and stood up.

His calm and composed aura suddenly transformed into a sharp blade. His clothes fluttered in the wind.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The fight between Martial Maniac and Turtle Hermit was like dripping water on hot oil; it was boiling with excitement. Martial Maniac’s aura was imposing, and his palms slammed like trucks. Turtle Hermit’s fist crashed like the waves of the ocean, carrying the weight of a mountain. Screams of pain and muffled sounds of battle mixed and echoed in the dojo. Martial Maniac and Turtle Hermit had exchanged hundreds of blows in just a split second, evenly matched.

After a while, Martial Maniac’s eyes narrowed. “I’ve already seen through you. You can die now.”

His attack became even more fierce, and his palm technique suddenly transformed into a fist—Turtle Hermit’s own technique. His fist ruthlessly struck Turtle Hermit’s throat, followed by a terrifying cracking sound. Turtle Hermit’s eyes widened, and his body went limp. Martial Maniac threw his body to the ground. He resolutely turned around and left, leaving behind a large group of terrified dojo disciples.

“Next, Crane School’s master—Crane Hermit
…Hmm, how do I get to Crane School?”

The dazed maniac wandered in the bustling streets again.

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