“Ugh, it’s dawn. The sun is shining on my butt.”

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King woke up in a daze. The hotel staff returned a while after the announcement that the Monster had been eliminated. They tormented him for a long time before he fell asleep. Unsurprisingly, it was already noon when he woke up.

He washed up, put on his clothes, and got ready to go to Saitama’s house.

He checked out of the hotel and headed straight to the closest supermarket. He needs to buy some gifts, to show his goodwill.

He pushed a shopping cart and browsed through the supermarket. The supermarket he visited had no special sale, so Saitama probably had not been there before.

“Hmm, I heard that spinach can help hair growth, so Saitama should like it. Oh, the cabbage also has the same effect. No wonder Saitama likes to eat cabbage so much in the manga. By the way, I heard from a Chinese medicine practitioner in my previous life that ginger shampoo has the effect of anti-hair loss. Let’s give it to Saitama… for the future. Maybe it will be used someday.”

“Eh, hair growth agent? This kind of thing… Well, I’ll take a few bottles. Saitama’s baldness is already on acute level, so a bottle of hair growth agent probably can’t cure him.”

“Oh my god, why are there adult magazines in the supermarket? Wow, this girl… yeah, let’s take her. Saitama is all alone; he would need some books to relieve boredom.”

King wandered around the supermarket, picking up a lot of “Saitama essentials.” When he couldn’t add any more items to the shopping cart, he pushed it to the cashier to check out.

“Please wait a moment.”


The supermarket cashier lady scanned the goods that King bought.

It would take some time to ring the prices on the many items that King bought. Out of boredom, he looked at the TV hanging on the wall. It was showing the news.

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The host: “The recent appearance of mosquito swarms has troubled us to no end. So what could be the reason for this year’s appearance of a large number of mosquitoes? Our team has invited a mosquito expert who has written a number of books on the subject, Dr. Kafetch, to answer everyone’s question.”

Kafetch: “Hello, everyone. First of all, according to our investigation, the mosquitoes that appeared this year were entirely new species, so… I don’t quite understand either.”

The host cursed, “Then go home.”

He immediately realized that he was still broadcasting, coughed twice, and apologized to the audience, “Sorry, I lost my composure. Next, let’s see the route taken by the mosquito’s swarm. The mosquitoes currently swarmed the border between Z City and B City, gradually closing into Z City while still increasing in number. They are projected to enter Z City within the next hour or two. I hope all the citizens will do their best to guard against mosquitoes.”

“I thought I’m the only one who noticed there were a lot of mosquitoes recently. Turns out there’s a mosquito disaster out here.”

The news report about the surging mosquito population reminded King of his life in Bang’s dojo, surrounded by buzzing mosquitoes day and night. It made him a little nostalgic.


The cashier finally finished calculating. “Thank you for waiting, sir. Your products cost a total of 2357 yuan.” She glanced at the adult magazine and hesitated. “Sir, I think you might… need some tissues.”


King stopped rummaging for his wallet in confusion. He reacted with a little delay. Damn it, what she said makes sense. What if Saitama didn’t have a tissue? Did he use underwear? How embarrassing!

“Thank you for the reminder.”

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He hurriedly added two tissue boxes to his shopping items.

The cashier lady blushed slightly and whispered, “You’re welcome.”

After paying the bill, King prepared to leave the supermarket, trying to carry his two huge bags. The TV suddenly blared with a breaking news sound.

“We apologize for interrupting your regularly scheduled programming. This is an emergency broadcast regarding the mosquito disaster. A large swarm of mosquitoes is currently rushing toward Z City, obliterating all animals in their path by sucking their blood dry. If you encounter a swarm of mosquitoes outside, please take refuge as soon as possible…”

King stared blankly at the dried corpses and livestock broadcasted on TV. His memory of watching anime in the past appeared, and his mouth twitched. This was…the Mosquito Girl attack.

He thought of the terrifying blood-sucking mosquitoes and hesitated for a moment. In the end, he decided against leaving the supermarket. His plan to visit Saitama was once again delayed. He sighed slightly, “Saitama, O Saitama. Could it be that our handsome and bald duo is innately incompatible? Why do obstacles always appear whenever I look for you?”

He sighed and recalled Mosquito Girl’s plot in the anime. Genos appeared… Heated battle… Saitama chased a mosquito over… Incineration Cannon explosion… Saitama was completely naked… Wait a moment.

King felt like he had grasped a euphoric epiphany. Saitama was buck-naked?

He smiled meaningfully and asked the cashier, “Miss, do you have a camera in your supermarket?”

“Yes, that would be three hundred and eight.”

Well, three hundred and eight it is. Small price to return what was owed.

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Saitama did not know that his immaculate body was being targeted. He was watering his cactus with his dead fish eyes.


For some reason, he suddenly sneezed. He touched his nose in confusion. Ever since he became bald from training, he had never been sick anymore. Why did he sneeze today? Strange.


Before he could get an answer to his doubts, a mosquito appeared in front of him, making an annoying buzzing sound. Finally, it landed on the back of his hand, ready to suck blood.

He stared at the mosquito, raised his other hand quietly, and immediately slammed it down.



The mosquito safely escaped from Saitama’s hands by luck, swinging arrogantly in front of his face.

Bang! Bang!

Saitama’s right hand grabbed at the mosquito in quick succession. However, the mosquito dodged every single time with incredible precision. Saitama’s invincible strength did nothing to catch the mosquito.

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The mosquito’s buzz turned into an arrogant laugh in Saitama’s ears as it landed on his face. Dammit!


Saitama slapped himself with enough strength to kill a Dragon-level Monster.


Alas, it seemed that the mosquito had the aura of the main character. It had the appearance of a mosquito, but it had the tenacity of a cockroach.


Saitama’s face darkened. The veins on his forehead bulged. His dead fish eyes disappeared, replaced by sharp eyes staring at the flying mosquito. He roared in his heart,

“Seriously, this mosquito!”

Bang! Pow! Bang!

Saitama exerted twenty percent of his full strength to chase after the mosquito, leaving shockwaves and afterimages on the balcony.

This scene would’ve made the Demon-level Monsters he killed crawl out of their grave in anger. Are you saying this mighty me is more insignificant to you than a mosquito? Ugh, just forget it. Let’s get reborn as mosquitoes in the next life!

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