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Not long after, a large drone arrived to carry the miserable Genos and the intact G2 into the sky.

King waved his hand at Genos as a farewell and then turned to leave.

“Civilian, can you tell me your name?” Genos’ voice suddenly came from the air.

“My name?” King paused, then tilted his body slightly to look up at Genos in the air.


A bolt of lightning suddenly flashed, and the fleeting light revealed the three hideous scars on King’s determined face to Genos.

“Remember, Genos. My name is… King.”


Genos’ pupils shrank. The one known as the strongest man in the world – King?

King waved his hand again, turned around, and disappeared in the rain.

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“Emergency evacuation notice, emergency evacuation notice. A Monster had been reported in the southern district of Z City. Its disaster level is currently unknown. All residents, please evacuate as soon as possible.”

“We repeat. Emergency evacuation notice, emergency evacuation notice. A Monster had been reported in the southern district of Z City. Its disaster level is currently unknown. All residents, please evacuate as soon as possible.”

The Monster’s alarm arrived late, just like the incompetent police in TV dramas that would only arrive in a hurry when things were over.

King wandered on the street, watching the endless rain and the empty street courtesy of the Monster’s alarm. Despair filled his heart. “Where should I stay tonight?”

He hesitated and reluctantly decided to find an empty hotel to stay in.

He threw himself to the bed and took out his mobile phone to call Sitch. He needed to tell Sitch that the G2 had been destroyed and that he did not need to waste time sending a Hero over. He also decided to ask about the House of Evolution.

Finding Saitama was not the only reason he came to Z City. He also wanted Saitama to help him retaliate against and destroy the House of Evolution!

“Hello, Sitch? This is King. The Monster in the Z City southern district has been eliminated, so you don’t need to send Hero over. Oh? A mechanical cyborg called Genos destroyed it. So you are also monitoring him? Well, I am not his friend. Go recruit him on your own; I don’t have time. Do you know House of Evolution? I mentioned it to you before. They sent two Monsters to attack me a while ago, so they must have their eyes on me. I’m not going to let them harass me every day, so I should make them disappear. House of Evolution is between B City, Y City, and Z City? Okay, I understand, thank you.”

The drone that carried Genos and G2 landed in a secret laboratory.


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The laboratory’s blast door opened automatically. An old scientist wearing a strange conical hat walked out from the door into the drone hangar. His eyes were bright, his nose was long and sharp, and he wore a white lab coat.

The old and wizened scientist had his hands behind his back as he looked at the miserable Genos. His eyes flashed with a trace of heartache. “Genos, how did you become like this again? Didn’t I tell you to retreat when you can’t beat a Monster?”

Genos frowned, “Dr. Kuseno, I know you are doing this for my own good. However, if the Hero escapes, who will fight?”

He didn’t expect that the words he had just learned would immediately come in handy.

Apparently, the old scientist in front of him was Dr. Kuseno.

“Huh? Who taught you that?” Kuseno shook his head. “It doesn’t sound like you.”

Genos said softly, “A Hero, and a man; a powerful man.”

“Is that so?” Instead of asking further, Kuseno switched the topic to Genos’ battle. “Is this robot the one who heavily injured you?”

He walked to the front of G2 and squatted down to inspect it. His expression suddenly changed. “Genos, do you know the origin of this robot?”

“I don’t know.” Genos shook his head.

“Is that so?” Kuseno’s face became unfocused as if his mind went somewhere else.

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“Dr. Kuseno, did you find any clues?” Genos asked doubtfully.

“No… no.” Kuseno came back to his senses and asked back, “By the way, did you bring this robot for me?”

“Yes.” Genos’ expression became serious. He clenched his remaining mechanical fists and said in a deep voice, “Dr. Kuseno, I wish to become stronger. This robot has better equipment than me. Can you use them to upgrade me?”

The power of G2’s flamethrower left a blazing impression on him.

“Sigh, Genos… don’t be devoured by hatred…” Kuseno’s firm eyes pierced Genos. “I need to check if this robot’s structure is compatible with yours.”

“Yes, thank you, Dr. Kuseno.”

Kuseno moved Genos to the laboratory test bench to fix him. He then dragged G2 in and carefully examined its structure.

“Huh? Short circuit?” After examining G2, Kuseno found that it had lost combat power due to short-circuiting by rainwater. The electronic systems were irreparably damaged. “That guy was really careless. Even if he didn’t expect the robot to fight on a rainy day, he should have taken the bare minimum waterproofing measures.”

He shook his head in disbelief and checked the flamethrower that Genos mentioned.

He finished removing both of G2’s arms half an hour later. He smiled at his handiwork and turned to Genos. “Genos, there is good news. G2’s flamethrowers are compatible with you.”

But Genos’ ice-cold face did not show the slightest emotion. He only nodded slightly and said, “I see. Dr. Kuseno, please install it on me. I need to become stronger.”

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“It will take a bit of time. We’ll have to do it tomorrow.”

Kuseno was used to Genos’ freezing mannerism. Genos had stopped smiling ever since he lost his parents. He sighed in his heart. Genos was indeed a pitiful child.

He cleared his mind and focused on the task of modifying G2’s cannons.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of electric welder and tools colliding echoed in the laboratory.

The day after, Kuseno looked at the two modified arms with satisfaction. He then removed the damaged parts on Genos’ body and installed the corresponding spare parts one by one. In just a little more than an hour, Genos’ severely destroyed body looked completely new, except for his two arms.

Kuseno inspected Genos’ arm attachment points again, installed the modified G2 armaments, and adjusted the new weapon. He patted Genos on the shoulder. “Genos, get up and move around. See if there are uncomfortable places.”

Genos stood up and raised his arm, subconsciously activating the incineration cannon. His palm immediately contracted to reveal a pitch-black barrel.

Crimson red flames illuminated his handsome face.

He suddenly clenched his palm into a fist. “To defeat the evil forces… I have to become even stronger!”

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