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The high-temperature flames scorched Genos’ lower half. At this rate, the spreading fire would burn down his entire body. He gritted his teeth and cut off the lower half of his body with his own hands.

Genos’ appearance had turned ashen. His hair had been burned, and his handsome face melted, revealing the mechanical parts inside. His lower half had been completely destroyed, and he also lost an arm. His combat capability had almost been neutralized.

“Sigh, I was too careless. In this situation…” Genos watched the G2 that was approaching him. Determination entered his face. “I can only self-destruct and perish together with the enemy.”

A bright light suddenly radiated from his chest.

“Well, your master Saitama isn’t here, so I guess I would have to take over his role.”

King sighed when he saw Genos was defeated by G2. Genos had always been reckless in the anime, which often resulted in his tragic defeat despite being in an advantageous position. In the future, Saitama would become Genos’ master and take care of the cyborg like a father taking care of a baby. That’s why Genos could afford to be reckless; because Saitama would be there to clean after his shit and save him from danger.

Unfortunately, Saitama still didn’t know about Genos at this time, so his best friend and magnanimous good Samaritan King would have to take his place and make a move.


Lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled in the sky.

The rain finally fell from the dark cloud, as if the world was mourning for a funeral.

“It’s over.”

The rain did not affect G2. It pointed its blazing palm at Genos on the ground.

“Hey, wasn’t your target me?” At the critical moment, King’s voice interrupted.

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G2 turned at King, who was holding an umbrella that he had borrowed from somewhere with his right hand—and his left hand aimed at G2.

Genos, who had been preparing to self-destruct, shouted at King, “Civilian! Please escape at once!”

“Escape?” King smiled. “Although I am the lucky Hero, I am still a Hero. If the Hero escapes, who will fight?”

It seemed that Saitama would say this to Genos in the future. Well, no matter, I don’t really care about plagiarism.


Genos was moved. If the Hero escaped, who would fight?

King ignored Genos’ strange explosion and whispered, “Explosive…”

A milky white energy ball gradually gathered on his raised left palm.

“G2, switch your target. Prioritize analyzing King’s physical fitness and threat level.”

When he saw King standing up, Bofoi’s eyes lit up. He immediately sent the remote command for G2 to give up on the dying Genos and turn its attention to King.

“Beep, analyzing physical fitness…”

“Analysis complete. The target’s physical fitness is too low to be digitized.”

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“Threat level determined: no threat. Evasive maneuver unnecessary.”


Bofoi looked at the data sent by G2 and almost flipped the table. King’s physical fitness is too low and can’t be digitized? King was no threat? Are you kidding me!? How vexing! There are always so many things to fix with new robot designs!

He cursed in his heart but calmed down after a little while. This was precisely why he sent the G-type robots to combat test with King, to find and improve on the various problems.


King’s whisper from the video interrupted his thought. He immediately turned back to the computer screen. His body shook with excitement.

“Is it King’s unique skill – Ultimate Hellfire Wavemotion Cannon?” He quickly ordered, “G2, hurry and collect as much relevant data as possible on King’s Ultimate Hellfire Wavemotion Cannon.”

G2 cannot escape certain destruction from King’s ultimate move. It instead prioritized squeezing every last bit of data to the point of glowing from the heat of its sensors and processors.

“Beep, collecting energy data…”

“Energy Bomb!”

The name of King’s move was unexpected. It was not “Ultimate Hellfire Wavemotion Cannon”.

Bofoi was stunned. G2 was still faithfully executing the instructions.

“Energy data collection complete. Reporting analysis of energy wavelength…”

The data transfer came to an abrupt end. The video in front of him was also extinguished with a bang. “The milky white energy bullet was the ‘Expansive…Energy Bomb?'”

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(Did you hear it wrong? King clearly said “explosive”)

Bofoi fell into deep thought. Was it the dispersed and weakened version of Ultimate Hellfire Wavemotion Cannon?

He thought for a while but to no avail. He switched his thought to improving the G robots.

“First of all, the data analyzer needs to be upgraded. What kind of useless data analyzer would define King as harmless?!

“Second, the defense needs to be improved. It can’t even withstand the weakened version of King’s ability. How useless!

“Last, increasing firepower. It spent half a day fighting an unknown nobody. What a waste of time!”

“Wow, it’s actually unscathed. This robot’s defense is beyond abnormal.”

King lowered his hand and inspected the result of his Explosive Energy Bomb. He found that the energy bomb only left some marks on the chest of the G2, which quickly got washed away in the rain.

He stared at G2 in vigilance, preparing for its next attack. However, the expected attack did not come after waiting for a while. Instead, all lights on G2’s body suddenly went out. The entire robot stopped moving as if it had its strings cut.

“Huh? What’s going on? Why is the robot not moving? Is it deliberately luring me over?” He looked around the frozen robot in confusion.

Genos had watched as the “civilian” and G2 engaged in a short confrontation. He was anxious. He gritted his teeth and used his remaining arm to push against the ground, launching him to the G2.

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“Machine Gun Blow!”

His only right arm punched three or four times in a row, striking G2.


Surprisingly, G2’s massive body shook from his few punches and fell down with a loud bang. It splashed against the puddle of rainwater.


Questions filled Genos’ head. How did G2, who had utterly beaten him, fall down just like that?


He fell to the ground, looking at the motionless G2. G2 really had lost any combat strength.

“Congratulations on eliminating Monster.” King sighed in relief when he saw that G2 was no longer a threat. He walked closer, glancing at Genos—Saitama’s future disciple and the future S-class Hero.

Genos frowned. “I didn’t destroy the Monster.”

He understood the limitations of his own strength. He couldn’t scratch the G2 in his top condition; how could he defeat it in a few moves after being damaged?

He looked up at King, whose face was hidden by the shadow. “You are the Hero who destroyed that Monster.”

There were only two people here. Since he did not destroy the G2, he must be the “civilian” in front of him. Hah, what civilian? Genos had caused no damage to the G2 after fighting for so long, but this person destroyed the G2 by only raising an arm. Heh, it seems that I misunderstood. Compared to him, I am the civilian here! Damn, why am I so weak!

He clenched his fist, and a competitive spirit surged in his heart.

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