Words/min: 51.47

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A-City train station.

“I hope he isn’t screwing around with the promotion this time!”

When Wang Feng left the train station, he saw two people standing beside a black car who immediately walked over.


The staff opened the car door and whispered to Wang Feng, asking him to get into the car.

The staff replied respectfully, “Mr. King, hello, my name is Mike. I am responsible for helping you with your promotion activities. The association has arranged, you to be on duty at the Sunflower Kindergarten at A-City today to inform the children of your heroic deeds to encourage the growth of the children’s sense of justice. We believe that heroes must be understood from an early age to help them cultivate a correct view of life, values, ​​and the world. It is done so that, when they grow up, they can inherit justice from our heroes.”


Wang Feng complained in his heart, “What a formal answer.”


Sunflower Kindergarten.

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The car stopped, and Mike guided Wang Feng to the kindergarten…


Wang Feng looked at the bright red “Guard Post” above the cabin. He was dumbfounded. Raising an eyebrow, his face turned cold, and he looked at the staff, “Are you… serious?”

Wang Feng wiped off his sweat and asked. Was he sent to the kindergarten to become a security guard?

“Of course, this is the association’s plan,” Mike answered.

“Are you sure you didn’t read something wrong?” Wang Feng asked.

“Definitely not. Before leaving, Mr. Sitch got me to memorize it so that it won’t go wrong.” Mike answered.

A few days ago, the association fooled him into shooting spicy strip and panty commercials. He immediately became very popular, so he warned Big Nose Sitch not to do any more tricks.

Unexpectedly, it was even more annoying this time. He was forcing him to go to kindergarten as a security guard.

Hero Association, how dare you screw with me!

It won’t be tolerable or unbearable, huh?!

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He clenched his fists and turned to leave. He had to go to the association headquarters to find Sitch!

Mike, “Mr. King, where are you going? I’ve signed in, and we can come in.”

Mike explained, “Mr. King, this kindergarten is very strict in terms of personnel entry and exit. Every foreigner who visits is required to undergo a scan and verification of their ID card. After going through this, they must also be registered in their database. Finally, we will be checked to ensure that we are not carrying any dangerous goods. Of course, we’ve said hello earlier, so we ignore the other steps and can just register ourselves. Before I left headquarters, Mr. Sitch told me that I should follow school procedures and not bully others.”

“Sitch is right sometimes. We shouldn’t do rebellious things. I didn’t expect Sitch’s big nose to make sense.” Wang Feng mumbled

“By the way, this kindergarten has stringent rules. What does the outside world think? Regular schools will ask you to register your arrival at most. What kind of kindergarten needs you to scan your ID card, search your body, and more.” Wang Feng wondered.

“No, no, it’s not a trivial matter at all.” The staff explained, “There are many children in this kindergarten who are descendants of the director of the association headquarters, and there are more than a dozen heavily armed guards deployed around them.”

The directors were also the most influential people in the association.

“Well, it turns out to be a kindergarten where association directors cultivate their offspring.” Wang Feng suddenly realized, “I understand. Sitch is trying to instill the concept of heroism into the descendants of the director. In the future, these children will be the most loyal supporters of the association.”

“The five of us are… a team of monsters!”


Wang Feng followed the staff into the kindergarten hall, the hall was dimly lit, and the famous hero group TV series-“ZOO-MEN” was shown on the big screen in front.

“Lord King, after the children finish watching the animation, we will arrange for you to come on stage to talk about the heroic deeds you’ve performed and to promote a hero’s sense of justice and responsibility,” Mike explained.

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“Understood.” Wang Feng answered.

Wang Feng’s appearance did not catch everyone’s attention, and even the teacher did not inquire about his appearance. It looks like the association secretly arranged for him to come to give a speech this time as a surprise gift for the children.

“Heroic deeds?” he muttered. The superhero films that he had seen in his previous life immediately came to mind. If one wanted to tell stories about heroes, those extraordinary superhero films were undoubtedly the best basis.

What? The association wants him to recount his own heroic actions? The King’s heroic actions…?


He quickly recalled a couple of plots from super-big movies, including “Superman”, “Hulk”, and other superheroes.

“My name is Wang Feng, and I’ve come from Krypton. My parents died when I was a child, and I was taken to the supercontinent (the name of the world in One Punch Man) by a spaceship. When I reached here, I found myself a home and a family — later I lifted the house and threw…”

Haha, I feel it. Wang Feng laughed.


The front door of the great hall suddenly opened, and a group of masked bandits with submachine guns stormed in.

“Don’t move a muscle. We only want money, not to kill, but if you do anything, we will kill you guys.”

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What followed was a loud scream.

The teachers and children in the Great Hall immediately panicked and were herded into a corner by the bandits.

“Okay, okay, kids, don’t cry, it’ll be fine in a minute, and it’ll be fine in a bit.” The teacher comforted the child and cried as he spoke.

“Hero, save us.”

Children had the most innocent thoughts.

“Hero, huh, are you talking about that trash in the Hero Association? Haha, if they dared to come. I will shoot them down, one by one.” The leading mushroom masked man laughed.

A strange sound inexplicably rang through the Great Hall, echoing continuously in the narrow space, and gradually gathering into one spot. It was as if someone had used all the energy in their whole body to beat a drum. The sound was powerful and very penetrating.

More than a dozen thugs looked around for the source of the sound in confusion.

A combination of fear and anger caused a heart to beat faster, which triggered the “King Engine”!

Wang Feng entered the strange state inherited from King as he stood in front of the bandits. Although he was afraid of death, his face was not as expressionless as before. It could be considered to have gone silly from fear.

“I give up. Is King really lucky or really unlucky? Every time he goes out, he meets either monsters or gangsters.”

Wang Feng looked at the gangsters who gradually focused their eyes on him, his heart rate increasing further.

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