Wang Feng kept telling himself to calm down and allay his fears. However, as a modern man, the fear of guns cannot be eliminated. A few days ago, when he faced a wolf-level Underwear Monster, he still had the will to fight, but when faced with a submachine gun called “Reaper” in modern times, his fear was unavoidable.

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His heartbeat echoed continuously in the Great Hall. The children stopped crying, the teachers stopped screaming, the crowd stopped screaming, and their eyes fell on him.

The scene was embarrassing for a while!

“What’s that strange sound?” Mushroom Leader walked towards Wang Feng.

“Mr. King, what should I do?” Mike asked in a low voice, “Do you want to kill them now?”

Wang Feng subconsciously said what he shouted: “Calm down!”

“Hah?” Mike was surprised, tasted for a while, and realized: “Lord King, are you careful with the children? Yes, if you fight, even if Mr. King can quickly eliminate the mob, there is always the possibility of injury in the chaos. Hey, Mr. King, you are still considerate.”

Brother, can you stop talking nonsense and quickly find a way to notify the association to send people for reinforcements? Also, you just said that there are over a dozen heavily armed guards outside?

*phone ringing*

Wang Feng took out his phone and pressed it, shaking it, “If I said my mother sent me home for dinner, would you believe it?”

“What did you say!?”

The gangster lead stared at Wang Feng viciously, and the submachine gun in his hand was loaded, and it seemed that he was going to kill Wang Feng without saying a word.

When Wang Feng saw the gangster leader’s actions, he was very anxious, but his face remained indifferent. He said indifferently, “Brother, would you believe it or not if I spat on you?”


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The gangster leader was dumbfounded when he heard those words and raised his head, thick saliva flew from his sight, and his pupils dilated instantly.


A loud explosion sounded suddenly under the feet of the mob leader, leaving an explosion mark where the mob leader had just stood.


In the dust, the screams of the gangster leader came out.

The gangster was dumbfounded and saw their boss screaming.

“He has a grenade in his hand?”

“Damn it, kid. You’re looking for death.”


The submachine guns of the gangster were all aimed at Wang Feng, preparing to shoot Wang Feng.

After being targeted by so many submachine guns, Mike, who was standing behind King, was dripping with cold sweat.

“What? You… want to shoot me?”

Wang Feng’s indifferent voice resounded in the Great Hall. He gently removed his hat, revealing three scars on his world-dominating left face!

He was tall and straight, looked at all the crowd coldly, roars in his heart, don’t be impulsive, impulsive was the devil, and if you have something to say, he will speak well.

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“Ah, you… are you the king?”

The gangster stared and instantly recognized the identity of Wang Feng, the S-Class hero who was known as the strongest person in the world, King!

They swallowed their saliva, their arms trembled slightly, and Wang Feng’s muzzle instinctively shifted.


The teacher and the children looked at Wang Feng blankly, and after a while, they exclaimed in joy.

“Uncle King,

I really admire you! Will you teach me how to fight monsters or villains? “

“Mr. King, I am your fan, and I have been your fan for life.”

“The above says that there will be a mysterious guest who will come to the school to give lectures to the children. I think it is the father or grandfather of which child, but I didn’t expect it was King.”

Wang Feng’s mouth twitched slightly, in such a tense atmosphere, can you stop chasing idols? This is so embarrassing for me! I’m so sad!” Said Wang Feng.

The Gangsters were furious and fired several submachine gunshots into the ceiling, shouting: “Whoever dares to move, I will kill them.”

The children were frightened and cried, and the teachers were silent, calming the children.

“Kill him, kill him…”

The injured gangster leader suddenly shouted: “He is just a human, not a god, what are you afraid of? Kill him quickly…”

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Wang Feng saw that the eyes of the gangsters were a bit wrong, and it seemed that the attitude of the teacher and the children aroused to anger, coupled with the incitement of the gangster leader, the submachine guns in their hands could no longer be lifted.

He immediately spat on the leader of the mob: “Bah, trash!”


Another explosion was heard.

The gangsters were completely stunned, “Damn, it wasn’t the grenade that caused the explosion, but the saliva of the King?”

The teacher and the children were both dumbfounded. Was this the power that humans should have? That’s surprising.

The gangster gulped again, trembling slightly, “is this the strength of the strongest person on the surface? A mouthful of saliva is equivalent to a grenade. It is too powerful and terrifying.” No wonder those freaks who could destroy a city exploded with just one hit when they met him. They thought it was bullshit before, but now they believe it.

In other words, according to this solid guess, will the King’s fart destroy his house? Will King’s piss shoot like a shotgun while on the toilet? Spitting saliva then blowing up trash can directly?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that being strong isn’t a good thing.

Life was too uncomfortable.

Oh, by the way, isn’t that shit…the poop that was in the bomb? Or mud firecrackers?

The minds of the gangster soared to the sky, their brains expanding.

Wang Feng watched the gangster leader stop talking. He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his eyelids, and said weakly, “Go away!”


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The criminals looked at Wang Feng blankly but did not react.

“Human life will make countless choices, and every choice is forced by life. I don’t know why you would act on innocent children, but I know that I can force you to this point. It must be unspeakable. If you’re short on money, you should go to the bank instead of coming to kindergarten to hijack kids.”

Sunflower Kindergarten has a much stronger security force than banks. Even so, the masses are still targeting TK. It was conceivable that there must be some hidden information in it.

Of course, the most important thing was that he was afraid of death. Just now, when the thug leader was about to shoot, he used the Sprite Monster’s Two-Star card, and spat made a power grenade. Well, it could be said that the thug leader was now salivating.

However, even though the Sprite monster is a Tiger-Level monster, it can attack and defend weakly, didn’t you see that person was killed by the billboard? It is conceivable that this level of defense is fired by a submachine gun every minute.

Therefore, he did not fight the thugs for the idea of ​​life and death. He just let the people go and asked the government and associations to track him down afterward. 



His voice suddenly changed, and his tone was cold: “No matter what difficulties you face, children are innocent. They should not be your pawns to make money or plan other things. Remember, play is not an example, this word is not just for you, it is even more important for me to tell myself if there is a next time, let you die without life.”

In the end, the words were cold, as if they could freeze people’s bodies and minds, all the gangsters shuddered, this was the coercive effect of the King’s name.


The mass of hooded rabbits that seemed to be the second master gave the order to retreat. The masses raised their heads and left in silence. The mass of rabbits looked deeply at Wang Feng: “Mr. King, we will meet again.”

After speaking, he turned and left.

Now it’s Wang Feng’s turn to shudder, Damn, you just go, you have to think about what you want to do, don’t you think I don’t have enough nightmares to sleep at night?

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