The Headquarter of Heroes Association A-City

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At War Room Department.
The staff is still actively collecting information about the monster who landed in O City.
“Report, Minister Sitch, the three A-Class heroes who were entrusted with the task of going to O-City to destroy the monsters, Otsutsujin, Momotari, and Stoic, have lost contact and are presumed to have fallen.”
Coleson received the heroic message and immediately reported back to Sitch.
“What? One moment you’re on the phone, and next, you immediately lose contact. What kind of monster is this? Why is the power so strong?”
Sitch frowned, “Contact the nearest S-Class hero and request a trip to destroy the freaks.”
“According to the latest hero locator, S-Class hero on 10th rank, it is Super Alloy Darkshine near O-City. Is contact being made?”
Super Alloy Darkshine, possessing the most powerful body of an S-Class hero, has the terrifying strength to destroy a dragon-class monster.
In the world of One Punch Man, he belongs to the “Baldy” party.
Maria taps Super Alloy Darkshine’s phone number, and when she gets through, Sitch tells Super Alloy Darkshine about the monster and asks Super Alloy Darkshine to go and destroy it.
“Ha, a monster? Leave it to me! I will show off the effects of my recent muscle workout, so I can teach that ignorant monster who dares to invade the human realm a good lesson.”
On the other end of the phone, Super Alloy Darkshine confidently obliged.
Half an hour later.
At the O-City.

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Super Alloy Darkshine stood at the entrance of O-City Road, looking at the approaching monster. He held his head up, his face full of confidence, “Must be confident on my face, must be upright in my stance, there are cameras all around me, all the people of the Association are looking at my perfect flesh, yes they must be staring at my perfect body…
…” he twisted his arms hard, his dark-skinned muscles all over his body making a clicking sound. He had a smirk on his face, “Hey monster, let my perfect muscles clean you up.”
With that, he stomped his feet and rushed towards the monster. However, just as he got within a certain range, his body lurched, his eyes lost their sparkle, and he fell limply with an incredulous face.
“It’s over. How will I live after this when I’m seen making a fool of myself!?”
“Minister Sitch, it’s not good. Super Alloy Darkshine has lost contact and visually has been poisoned by a strange man and is in a coma.”
“What? Super Alloy Darkshine defeated? Damn! Is the weirdo’s disaster supposed to be dragon-level?”
Sitch shuddered and stared in disbelief, Super Alloy Darkshine was already one of the top-ranked heroes in the Association’s battle power, and even he was defeated without resisting a few times. How strong was that strange man?
“How’s the monster information gathering going?” After years of being in command of eradicating monsters, he was very annoyed. He had never seen such bizarre monsters, and once their Association’s staff entered a certain distance, they would immediately lose consciousness and become as weird as a vegetable.
Maria, who was in charge of gathering information on the monster, reported, “Our staff were unable to get close to the monster and could only observe them from afar using camera technology. From what I can tell, the monster possesses a curse-like power that curses everyone once they come within a certain distance and thus lose consciousness.”
Sitch pounded on the table and ordered, “Damn it, urgently summon the S-Class heroes immediately to discuss a way to destroy the monster, and yes, by the way, please wake the Dragon Scroll up who took a nap.”

Coleson led the way out to set up the mission. Since it was an emergency call, the Association sent their military planes to the various S-Class heroes’ cities to invite them to gather at their headquarters.
“Jace, contact the local authorities and request that a drone be sent out to photograph the monster up close and observe more information about them so that we can develop relevant countermeasures to defend against them.”
Jace immediately contacted the local authorities to request the use of local military forces.

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According to the scant data available, man cannot get close enough to the Weird to get more helpful information naturally, and only machinery is exempt from the monster’s curse.
“Maria, pull up the cameras near the monster, gather as much information on the monster as you can, and report back even if you make any significant discoveries.”
“Understood!” Maria answered.
With a ruffle of her short dark green hair, Maria led her team in pulling up the camera review on the monster, bringing together a little summary of the information the monster had shown.
Coleson returned to report, “Minister, the planes have been arranged out, and I believe it won’t take long for the S-Class heroes to arrive.”
Sitch nodded, “Good, can you get in touch with the Metal Knight? Given the situation at hand, I’m afraid only Metal Knight’s droids are immune to the curse of the monster.”
Metal Knight, the 6th ranked S-Class hero, whose real name is Dr. Boffoey, a super mechanical genius doctor with four big buck teeth, a sinister and lewd mad scientist. He has a lot of cutting-edge technology, the development of much super-age equipment of the Hero Association, and the construction of the hero headquarters are all from the hand of Dr. Boffoey. The result of many of the Heroic Association’s super-aged devices and the structure of the Heroic Headquarters are all by the hand of Dr. Boffoey, a veritable Frankenstein.
Waiting for Coleson’s affirmative reply, Sitch made an immediate decision, “Get in touch immediately and have Metal Knight send out his mechanical team to destroy the monster as soon as possible.”
Coleson was ordered to contact Metal Knight and returned a moment later to report. “Minister Sitch, Metal Knight has agreed to step in. He will send a dozen of his newly developed new battle droids to deal with the monster. According to him, each of his new battle droids has the combat power to destroy ghost-level monsters.”
“Well, hopefully, we’ll succeed in solving the monster menace.”
Sitch was worried. The monster that had appeared this time was so bizarre that he couldn’t guarantee that the Metal Knight’s team would be able to destroy the monster.
At the O-City
The Metal Knight’s robot team was fast and on command, like a small plane shot up into the sky, and in twenty minutes or so, they were in O-City, surrounding the monster.
These robots are like Gundams, with broadswords on their backs, rocket launchers on their shoulders, and hands and feet as nimble as real people.
“Heretic, damn you!”

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A dozen droids rang out with cold mechanical voices, their barrels extending in unison from their shoulders as the fire flared up.
Seventy or eighty rockets streaked out, sending a brilliant trajectory through the air.
With a crackling sound like a firecracker, the strange man seemed to be hung with neon lights, flashing in seven colors and raging fire.
“Gryphon-like attack.” Metal Knight screamed.
“Hee hee, fun fun fun.” The four-headed laughed
“No self-respect.”
“Tickling? Nice technique, oh.”
The four-headed spoke, taunting in every sentence, and the Metal Knight’s robotic plus powerful rocket launchers that could destroy the ghost-level freaks actually did not work in the slightest against the monster in front of them.
The monster sprang up and grabbed the robot’s leg neck with his left half-meter large palm and pulled it hard, clatter! The robot’s thigh was ripped straight off.
Then the monster squeezed the neck of one of the robots and flung it violently in the direction of the other robots, knocking over two of them.
“Enemy threat level elevated, free to fight!”
The remaining robots drew the sharp broadswords on their backs in an open-minded manner and charged up bravely.

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In a matter of minutes, a dozen of Metal Knight’s robots were all but wiped out, heralding that, after the Super Alloy Darkshine who had played the sauce, Metal Knight had also managed to claim defeat.
“Boring fight.”
“Our duty, to destroy the human race.”
“Lust is sin, be judged!”
“Upstairs, you got the line wrong, it’s the verdict!”
Without another glance at the robot wreckage scattered about, the odd man continued on his way towards A-City.
“Reporting to the Minister Sitch, the Metal Knight’s droid team is all but destroyed.”
This means that the Society’s plan to use robots to destroy the monsters has failed.
“Damn it!” Sitch pounded the table anxiously, “Coleson, rush the staff that went out to invite the S-Class heroes and tell them to speed up.”
“Okay.” He answered. Coleson led the way.
“Right, and also inform Metal Knight to send ground robots to save the citizens on the way of those monsters from being trampled to death by the monsters.” Sitch commanded.
Distracted, Sitch told Coleson to carry out the order.
Maria reported the latest Monster news, “Minister, the citizens of the city the monster passed through are all in a coma. Currently, O-City has been paralyzed and terrorized. The monster is moving towards A-City.”
“Maria, level up the monster to…… ”

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