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The door to the war department room opened.
“Hey, Uncle Sitch, what’s the matter with you coming to me in such a hurry? I’m in the middle of a cram session, causing me to lie to leave for the bathroom and get a bad rap from the teacher next time I’m in class.”
The kid grumbled over with her school bag on her back and a lollipop in her mouth.
Child Emperor, the 5th ranked in the S-Class of heroes, ten-year-old kid, one of the wiseguys of the Heroic Association. uses a concealed technological weapon in his backpack to fight his enemies, while removing the weapon, he has the same A-Class heroic strength in his own body, the former assistant of Dr. Boffoey (Metal Knight).
“Child Emperor, you are just in time to help us analyze the weaknesses of the monster. This monster is very strange, and so far, we cannot find an effective way to attack yet.”
When Sitch took a look at the Child Emperor’s arrival, his face lit up with joy, and he hastily invited the Child Emperor over to analyze the monster’s information.
The child emperor licked his lollipop and stared momentarily at the fast-playing video on the computer screen while listening to Maria’s account of the failure of heroes like Super Alloy Darkshine as well as Metal Knight. Finally, his little face expression strained as he said, “This is an almost insurmountable monster.”
Sitch’s first thought was that it couldn’t be. If it was true, then wouldn’t it mean that humanity would die out?

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“From these videos, I presume…… ” Child Emperor subconsciously licked his lollipop, his voice gruff: “This monster’s power comes from the rules of nature. ”
“Rules? What source of power is that?” Sitch was puzzled. He had heard of mechanical forces, martial arts, superpowers, and sources of power such as refinement, and he had never heard of rule power.
The child emperor explained and analyzed, “If I am not mistaken, the monster should have a rule power of desire to judge. Listen carefully to the monster murmuring from the beginning to the end ‘appetite’, ‘sexual desire’, and ‘killing thoughts’ and ‘ruling’, it can be presumed that anyone who possesses these three desires. No matter how strong you are, will be ruled unconscious when you enter the range of the monster’s power fluctuations.”
“What? How is that possible?”
Sitch and the others looked at the Child Emperor in shock. However, the defeat of the Super Alloy Darkshine just proved this reasoning of the Child Emperor. No matter how strong you are, there is no room for resistance under the rule aura of the monster.
“How is what possible?”
Tatsumaki drifted in from outside as she yawned, “I had a nice nap break, and you guys woke me up again. Really, can’t you get things done without me? Hmph.”
“Tatsumaki, you’re finally awake.” Sitch’s eyes lit up with joy, “We’ve encountered an unsolvable problem, and it seems only you can wipe the monster out without injury.”
Dragon Roll hugged his chest arrogantly and said, “What the hell, don’t the Hero’s Association have any other heroes? Do I have to be the one to take care of the monsters? The Hero Association might as well be called the Dragon Scroll Association. What’s the use of keeping other heroes?”

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“Heh …… heh…… ”
Sitch gave a sarcastic laugh and didn’t answer.
The door to the operations room opened again. The S-Class 15th ranked, Metal Bat, walked in carrying his special baseball bat, sporting an airplane-style haircut, a black jacket, red long-sleeved t-shirt, baggy black sweatpants, and a gangly look on his face. “Hey, Sitch, I warn you! I gave up watching his piano competition to get here, so if you don’t have something important to do, watch out! I’ll smash up the headquarters.”
“Ha …… ha ha…… ”
Sitch gave a strong laugh, what S-class heroes he had recruited with too many personalities.
Tanktop Master comes in carrying two 500kg dumbbells.
He had long, silky blond hair with a few blue star hairpins pinned to

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it and a handsome blue-eyed, cone-shaped face. “He leaned against the wall quietly without making any comments.
“Coleson, where are the other S-Class heroes?” Sitch asked.
Sitch saw that an hour had passed. How come only the S-Class heroes in front of him came over? Where were the Atomic Samurai? Where is the Silver Fang? Where was the Pig God? Where was the Puri-Puri Prisoner? Where was the Drive Knight? Where’s Zombie Man? Where was the Watchdog Man? King? Well, King is on
his way, blasting…… er, never mind, this ancestor never showed up.
Coleson reported, “Minister, Atomic Knight hurt his hand yesterday peeling apples, currently recuperating. Silver Fang went out to buy food, can’t be found, for the time being. Pig God said to have eaten up, indigestion, went out for a walk to eliminate food, don’t know where he is. Puri-Puri Prisoner fell in love with a beautiful man on the TV news, broke out of prison again to pursue others, no news, for the time being. Drive Knight is replacing the important parts of the privacy part of the body. It can’t take time to come over. Zombie Man ran a red light met with a tragic car accident, was crushed by a truck, now the body has not recovered.
Watchdog man said only guarding Q-City because O-city is smaller than Q-City. Well, King is already in Mike’s car, just entered A-City, believe that will arrive soon, in addition, Blast still being contacted Can’t get in touch, don’t know if he’s alive or dead.”
“Hmm, I see. Leave them alone for now.” Sitch looked at the arriving S-Class heroes with a stony expression, “Child Emperor, introduce the monster to Tatsumaki and the others.”
The child emperor licked his lollipop and introduced, “The four-faced monster, or more appropriately called the ruler of desire. Its power is very special, and it belongs to the ruling power that has never appeared before. The three types of desires are ‘appetite’, ‘sexual (river crab) desire’, and ‘killing thoughts’. No matter how strong you are, you will be ruled and lose consciousness after entering the range of the monster rule fluctuation. will likewise be subject to the ruling, which means that we naturally touch the bottom line of the rules by trying to destroy the monster.”
“So the power of the rules of the monster is near insurmountable!”

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The Metal Bat was unimpressed, “Geez, whether it’s a demon-level monster or a dragon-level monster, I’ll crack it all.”
The Tanktop Master squeezed his dumbbell, “Let my vest teach it to be properly weird.”
Hugging his chest and hovering in mid-air, Dragon Scroll said with condescending contempt, “Hmph, there is no monster in the world that one meteorite can’t solve. If there is, then there are two.”
“Ahem, you all probably didn’t understand the meaning of the Child Emperor’s words.” Sitch coughed dryly and said in a deep voice, “Not long ago, Super Alloy Darkshine lost, and he collapsed unconscious without even getting close to the monster.”
Metal Bat and the others sucked in a cold breath, also as S-Class heroes, of course, they were clear about the strength of Super Alloy Darkshine, the terrifying physical defense, and the strong strength no one in the association could match. If they fought, they were not sure they could win against Super Alloy Darkshine. However, it was such a guy whose strength was feared that he had been seconded by the monster!
“Only robots can get rid of the power of that rule of the monsters.” The Child Emperor threw out another piece of heavy information, “But the dozen or so robots that Dr. Boffoey sent out that could destroy the Ghost-class Freak were likewise destroyed by the Desire Ruler, meaning that two S-Class heroes have already fallen and the Monster’s rank may be Special Dragon Class! ”
All the S-Class heroes that have become silent.

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