Wang Feng looked at the deserted neighborhood and scratched his head, a bit confused. His original intention was to find a taxi to A-City, but now it seemed that his expectations were dashed.

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He can’t drive and can’t make use of the empty cars all over the street.
“It’s safe now. After all, where bald heads pass, the monster either avoids or becomes extinct! But how do you get back to A-City?” He had a headache.
“Eh, wait a minute, a monster just showed up, and by chance the bald guy showed up again, and from what Saitama just said, he killed a four-faced monster. Hey, there’s a monster deck.” His eyes lit up, and after hiding Mike, he skulked through the streets by himself, looking for the strange man’s corpse.
A few minutes later….
“Hey, it’s not what I expected.” He came to a street and did see a fallen monster, and his mouth curled slightly in delight as he went up to touch it.
“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Four-Stars Card – Ruler of Desire!”
“Ding! Congratulations to the host for collecting the Rare Monster Deck. As a reward, the host will be restored to full status.”
A wave of relief washed over him, and his essence was instantly restored to its peak, making him instantly refreshed.
A-City, The Headquarters of Heroes Association

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Maria, who was in charge of pulling up the status of the cameras around O-City, frowned and exclaimed, “Minister, the monster disappeared from the camera. It is currently out of range of the cameras, and it is likewise not on time for the estimated path forward. The street cameras around the area are not picking up any sign of the monster.”
Sitch speculated in shock, “What? Did the monster already sense something and purposely get away from us?”
“Minister, the government’s military drones have arrived at the designated location. Should we have them launch a search?” Maria asked.
“Have them search for the location of the monster immediately, and also have them turn the camera feed over for our reference.”
“Yes.” Coleson was quick, and half a click later, the big screen in the war room shifted over to the drone footage.
“Where’s the monster? Why there is no sign of him?”
Sitch and the others stared secretly and anxiously at the images coming from the drones, noticing that the seven or eight-meter tall monster had disappeared.
“Hold on, look at that black spot. We have drones No. 8 descend to observe.” The child emperor’s eyes were sharp, and he spotted the oddity at a glance.
The command was quickly sent out, and Drone 8 slowly descended, the camera pinging around even more, converting the surrounding scenes one by one into the video to send back.
“Yeah, you guys look at there.”
The child emperor pointed to a shadow that appeared in the picture. No, not a shadow… But the corpse of a giant look-liked monster, the still unbeatable ruler of desire who not long ago had fallen to the street. His head with four faces long ago a pile of mush, several eyes on the mush, his brain bursting out and ink-black blood flowing everywhere.

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Sich and the others sucked in a cold breath. This was the
Desire Ruler, that had just killed Super Alloy Darkshine in seconds and easily defeated a dozen of Metal Knight’s Ghost-Class robots and above? Look at the tragic appearance of its death. It was being punched in the head alive. There was no room for resistance.
” Who …… who did this …… also is also too horrible.”
Maria and the others stared blankly at the gruesome dead-looking monstrosity, their stomachs flip-flopping a little.
“Wait a minute, hurry up, and keep the Drone 8 down.”
The drone quickly descended, the camera focused on the figure next to the monster, and Wang Feng’s cheerful face appeared in the frame.
“That’s… is that King?” Sitch and the others stared in disbelief.
The Child Emperor gulped and swallowed. “He’s not bound by the rules, God-like man.”
Well, King can cross over, was indeed not bound by the rules, and King is indeed a god-like man, can’t argue with your assessment.
Metal Bat’s eyes narrowed as he stared at King in the picture, “What a powerful aura.” Hey, hey, where did you get the idea that King’s aura was powerful? It’s a complete assumption, right?

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Tanktop Master’s palm fiercely gripped the dumbbell, “A punch that blows the head of a monster, even as strong as I can’t do that, worthy of being known as the strongest man.”
Hey, hey, calm down. It wasn’t King who killed the monster. Big misunderstanding!
“Great, the monster is wiped out. Hooray for KING.”
“Haha, it scared me when I saw the monster kept approaching our city A. Pedestrians on the road were falling down inexplicably, I didn’t think King would easily clean it up.”
“Whew, my heart skipped a beat when Super Alloy Darkshine and Metal Knight fell. It seems like there hasn’t been a record of two S-Class heroes being defeated since the association was founded.”
Since the emergence of the ruler of desire, with an unmatched posture towards the A-City, Super Alloy Darkshine and Metal Knight defeated, Child Emperor speculated that the monster is almost unbeatable, this situation.. they are almost desperate. I did not expect, at the critical moment, the monster died, died Inexplicably. The strongest man on earth, the unbeatable man, the hero of all time, the protector of mankind, KING!
“The strongest man KING!”
The War Department room was filled with song and dance as the staff went wild celebrating the lifting of the crisis.

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Hey, hey, just because King was standing next to the monster, you guys have a problem with this kind of work attitude. Can you investigate carefully before making a conclusion?
“Quick, planes out, pick up KING and Mike, and hopefully, the unconscious citizens will regain consciousness once the monster is resolved,” Sich commanded with a big smile.
“Hey, did you guys notice that king didn’t get caught on camera the whole way from where he parked to where the monster was hanging out?”
“Chit, there’s no such coincidence! There are numerous cameras around that area, and unless it’s possible to miss them all with unbelievable luck, you’re sure to be monitored by one or two of them.”
“Then why wasn’t king found out earlier?”
“Hey, I heard that when a person is fast enough, then the camera will not be able to catch him. With King’s strength, I guess that stretch of road he went by with a whoosh, the most you can see inside the camera is some confetti floating up for no reason. You can’t even spot King’s figure. ”
After the crisis was averted, the staff gathered in twos and threes to gossip.
The beautiful eyes of Blast, who was closing her eyes, opened. A bit of harshness flashed from it, and the palm of her hand holding the sword gently pushed, and the Instant Kill Pill emitted a slight clang and popped out of the small cut, the sharpness of the blade gleaming.
Halfway up in the mountains of A-City and O-City, Dragon Scroll stretched out in boredom and pulled out the phone to call back to headquarters, “Hey hey, those government guys, they’re too slow, they’re taking so much trouble to lure a freak, what’s the point of having them, Nah? The monsters were wiped out. What? Or was it wiped out by that stinking King? Aah! Unforgivable, stinky King steals my credit again.
She gritted her teeth and hung up the phone, pointing in the direction of O-City, “Stinky King, you wait for me. Sooner or later, I will beat you in front of everyone.”

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