Wang Feng and Mike arrived at the headquarters with the Association’s plane. After he watched the Association staff carry Mike to the ambulance, he whirled around. He headed for the Operations Department room. 

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    I wonder what Sitch wants from me? Ugh, today was so exciting with the ups and downs, encountering weird people, getting into a car accident, then running into Saitama and picking up a four-star card for nothing. Inside the elevator, he was in a happy mood. He was counting his card stock, oblivious to the fact that he had just let the system hack two cards. 

The door to the Operations Department’s War room opened, and he stood in the doorway. His face had turned from pleasant to cold when he entered the sight of Blast, Child Emperor, and the other S-Class heroes. He inherited an instinct from King to always keep a cold face in front of people, a means of maintaining his majesty. 

    Pop, pop, pop! 

    Sitch applause suddenly when King comes, “Welcome back, our big hero.” 

    Maria and the others followed, clapping and chanting at the same time.       

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“KING, you will always be the strongest man in my heart.” 

    Wang Feng was confused. What was the situation? He had come to the Association in the past, and although he was equally respected, he was not this enthusiastic. The atmosphere today was odd! 

    The Metal Knight stared intently at King, “What a powerful aura. Is this the powerful aura of the strongest man on earth? It looks like I’ll have to work harder to take my aura to the next level and touch the realm of King’s strongest.” 

    Hey, hey, were you serious when you said the King in front of you had a powerful aura? I swear to God, you’re blind. 

    A  few drops of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the Tanktop Master. “Why can’t I see the slightest bit of fatigue on King’s face? Killing a dragon-level monster that almost all S-Class heroes are helpless to do anything about? Why does he look so relaxed? Could it be that the dragon-level monster was not in his eyes at all? Has his strength reached the point where he can kill a dragon level monster with one punch? It’s too terrifying, it’s simply a monster.” 

    Heh, Wang Feng collected another four-star card. The system rewards him with a total state of recovery, so of course, he won’t feel tired. Still, that monster wasn’t killed by him, and you guys decided that the hero who killed the monster was all based on speculation? Can you be more reliable? 

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    Blast’s gaze stayed fixed on Wang Feng, “Having the superhuman speed to get rid of the camera, King, are you challenging me? Very well, I accept your challenge.” 

    You’re also dragon-level mistaken. He just missed all the cam. It’s luck, definitely not by speed. Please be sensible and don’t set people up as rivals for no reason! 

    Child Emperor licked his lollipop and stared at Wang Feng without turning his eyes, asking in a childish voice, “Hey, King, can I ask you a question? How were you able to ignore the constraints of the rules and kill the monster?” Monster’s power is clearly beyond human resistance, and it is the power of the rules that overrides everything. The genius scientist said that no one could get rid of the rules, even as strong as Super Alloy Darkshine also kneeled under the rules. Why is King alone can ignore the power of the rules?” He was curious, very curious.   

“What?” Wang Feng’s heart is bewildered. “When did I defeat the monster again? How come I don’t know anything about it? Hmm?”

Is it the monster who just passed by and was touched by him with a four-star card? Holy shit, big misunderstanding, that Saitama killed, not a single thing to do with me. 

    The Child Emperor licked the sweet taste from the side of his lips. His eyes bright with interest as he asked, “We’ve just analyzed the The ruler of desire has the power of the rule that whenever a person has ‘appetite’, ‘sexual (river crab) desire’ and ‘murderous thoughts’, they  will be immediately ruled and have their consciousness taken away and  become a vegetable. This rule power is like the iron law that one plus one equals two that cannot be broken. The genius scientist has even said that no one can break free from the rule, so how did you break free from the rule, stay conscious, and even more, kill the monster with one punch? Was it superhuman strength or a higher level of the realm?” 

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Metal Bat and the others’ spirits lifted and gazed at King, waiting for King’s answer. As long as the strongest human-like King divulged some sense of becoming stronger, this kind of question about strength would help them improve their strength. 

Wang Feng was stunned and pondered, “how did I break free from the rules to stay awake? Well, I had a history of breaking free from the rules of nature when I traveled through time and space and possessed myself on King. This time, I broke free from the rules without passing out like Mike and Super Alloy Darkshine and the others. Do I own the talent of ignoring the rules?” His eyes lit up slightly, and he was in a great mood. 

    However, he couldn’t explain how he could break free of the rules, so it seemed he would have to muddle through. 

        He made up his mind and said, “First, I want to make it clear that I didn’t kill the monster, and second, the rule of desire? Heh, there is no rule of desire in the world, and it’s just that it hasn’t been overturned for the time being. One plus one doesn’t necessarily equal two. A husband plus his wife will eventually become a family of three, a family of four, or even five. Remember, rules are meant to be broken!!!” 

“Rules are meant to be broken?” Metal Bat and other S-class heroes’ minds shook as if a shackle called shackles had vaguely loosened in their minds. They sucked in a cold breath. At their point, it wasn’t easy to raise their strength. Still, they didn’t expect King to let their minds touch the threshold of a higher level with a single word. He is worthy of being the strongest man. 

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    Although Sitch felt that the phrase “rules are meant to be broken” was very awesome, he was more focused on Wang Feng’s denial of his monster-slaying once again. He said with a smile, “King, we all saw the scene of you slaying the monster, so you don’t have to deny it anymore.” 

    Wang Feng was speechless. Which eye did you see me beheading the monster? The left eye? Right eye? Or is it a fart? Ahem, I just passed 

by to pick up the cards, never fought with a monster.” He said lightly, “Believe it or not, I didn’t kill that weirdo anyway.” 

“Well, well, you didn’t kill him, we know that in our hearts.” Sitch saw Wang Feng firmly deny that he killed the monster, and he did not insist on his opinion. Huh, we are superficially attached to him a little, but the heart is not thought. 

    The child emperor held his lollipop, his eyes shining, “A few times denying his credit? Could it be that in King’s eyes, being a hero, killing the monster is a matter of course, and there’s no need to make it known to everyone? The genius scientist said that the most unsung true heroes are what it means to be a hero in King’s eyes? What an honorable uncle!” 

        Metal Bat’s heart was filled with unrest, “A hero who refuses glory? Why? Could it be that, in King’s opinion, fighting a monster should be mixed with other substances? Geez, does the mere intention of fighting make one stronger? Perhaps, when fighting, we’ll also abandon all distractions and take my aura to the next level.” 

        Tanktop Master Heart’s expression was grave, “It doesn’t matter about glory, it doesn’t matter about battle achievements, it doesn’t matter even more about merits, the inexplicable heroic heart has touched me, King, don’t think that you can avoid my challenge just like that. Sooner or later, you and I will have a manly battle and fight to the death.” 

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