Wang Feng left the Headquarter, calm and collected. However, the mood of Child Emperor and the others were turbulent. They silently and carefully contemplated what had happened today.

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Tornado rushed in anxiously and shouted, “Where is King? Tell him to come out. I want to beat him up.”

Flashy Flash glanced at Tornado and attempted to leave silently with his “Instakill” in his arms.

The Tornado pointed at Flashy Flash. “Hey, the one with the hairpin. Why are you leaving without saying anything? Tell me, where is King?”

Metal Bat plugged his ears and walked out with his baseball bat. “Oh my, it’s past time for the piano competition. Well, it shouldn’t be over yet. I hope I can catch up.”

Tornado put her hands on her hips. “Duck-head, you. Tell me where King went.”

“Go find him yourself!”

“Go to hell!”

“Sister Tornado, Mr. King has left.” Child Emperor jumped down from the chair with his bag on his back. He bit the lollipop in his mouth hard.

“What? He left before I came back?” Tornado folded his arms and proudly raised his head, “Hmph, he must be afraid of fighting with me, so he ran away in advance. It makes sense. What is this strongest man nonsense? He must be very ashamed of it…”

“Oh, it’s time to exercise.”

Tanktop Master carried his dumbbell and walked out. When he passed by Tornado, he paused and said, “King is the strongest man, not anyone else’s standard, but ours.”

A hint of admiration flashed through his eyes.

“What? How baffling. Also, don’t lump me together with you. I have never admitted that he is the strongest. Hmph, I will prove it to you sooner or later. Who is the strongest Hero? I will beat that stinky King until his teeth are all over the ground.”

A green light flashed on Tornado’s body, and she flew out of the combat room with a whoosh.

City A, Heroes Association Hospital.

Wang Feng found Mike’s ward according to the nurse’s instructions. After Desire Judge died, the citizens who had lost consciousness gradually woke up. However, their bodies were very weak, and they could not move.

“Mike, how is your body?”

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He put the fruit basket he bought on the table and glanced at Mike. Mike’s face was pale, and he looked frail.

“King —” Mike struggled to sit up and blamed himself weakly, “I’m sorry. It’s all my fault for not understanding Monster’s situation and bringing King in. I almost implicated you.”

“What are you talking about? You can’t be blamed for this. Don’t blame yourself. Take care of your injuries.”

Wang Feng consoled Mike before leaving.

By the time they returned to M City, the sky had already darkened.

“I seem to have taken over Saitama’s achievements once again.”

Although he did not do it on purpose, knowing Sitch and the others, they would definitely put the credit for killing Desire Judge on him. No matter how he explained, Sitch and the others would always smile and respond. On the surface, they nodded in agreement. Who knew what they were thinking?

He wandered aimlessly on the streets, his eyes sweeping across the major stores. “Should I send Saitama some gifts as a gift of thanks? Oh, or a gift of apology.”

“Well, I won’t send money this time. It’s too vulgar. He saved me several times. No matter what, I should send him a sincere gift that represents my heart.”

He scratched his chin and thought about what gift he should send Saitama. His eyes wandered between the stores. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he stared at a certain store.

“Hey, this gift is exactly what I need!”

He smiled and readily took out his bank card, swiped his card, and paid the bill. He packed the gift and went to the mail to fill up Saitama’s address and name.

“I hope he will like it.”

He let out an evil laugh, his mind already imagining the anger in Saitama’s face after he received the postage.

What he did not notice was, in the coffee shop opposite him, a muscular man in a suit was staring at him with a Bluetooth communicator in his ear. His mouth moved slightly, and he whispered, “Dark Night, King has gone in your direction. Please be prepared and find an opportunity to kill King when he is relaxed. Don’t drop your guard. If King reacts, you will die.”


“Remember, this mission cannot be failed.”

He emphasized the importance of the mission. They were the famous Wang Wang killer group in M City. A week ago, someone bid 500 million to take King’s life. They inquired about King’s whereabouts for a long time and finally made a move today. First, they heard that King had a great battle with a Monster in A City. His strength was definitely not at his peak. His body and mind should be exhausted, so it would be easy for them to find his weakness. Second, the employer urged them to not let go of this big deal. Even if it were risky, they had to give it a try.

In their minds, as long as they are humans, they would definitely have weaknesses. Even though King was known as the strongest man in the world, they believed that King definitely had flaws. As long as they were willing to work hard to find them.

Therefore, they came. After seeing King, they found that… well, King’s entire body was full of fatal flaws. There was no need for them to work hard to find them. As long as they were not blind, they would be able to see the flaws on his body with a glance.

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“Chief, King is full of flaws. Leave it to me. I will end his life with one slash.” Dark Night asked excitedly.

“Don’t be impulsive. Act according to the plan. Humph, don’t look at King’s flaws at face value. Most of them must be traps. King is a strong person, so he must have known that he has a fatal weakness. Therefore, in order to cover it up, he deliberately revealed more flaws to confuse people’s eyes. If we attack casually, we will definitely fall into King’s trap, and we will only die.”

“Leader is wise. Then I will act according to the plan.”

Just as Wang Feng was about to make a turn, a man wearing a white guard suit and a black cap walked towards him. His face could not be seen clearly. His hands were in his pockets, and he walked with the wind. The man under the cap glanced at Wang Feng intentionally or unintentionally, but he was afraid that Wang Feng would find out. Therefore, his eyes swept casually without stopping for a second.

“Well, why is King staring at me all the time? Could it be that he has discovered my identity?”

Dark Night suddenly found that Wang Feng had been looking at him for some reason. He did not move at all. This made his heart suddenly tighten, as if he was being pinched by a hand, making him unable to breathe.

The Kill Leader in the cafe also noticed Dark Night’s precarious situation and quickly ordered in a low voice, “Dark Night, Dark Night, be careful. King seems to have discovered something. A strong person like him is particularly sensitive to killing intent. Take a deep breath to ease your tension and restrain your killing intent. Do not expose yourself.” At the same time, he informed the next killer, “Shadow, Shadow, King immediately made a turn. If Dark Night can’t find an opportunity to make a move, take it.”

“Understood.” A heavy voice came from his Bluetooth communicator.

On the other side, Dark Night did not reply to the Kill Leader. He could not answer either. King was right in front of him. If he dared to speak carelessly, he would expose his identity as a killer and be blown away by King’s punch.

He listened to the Kill Leader’s instructions and took a deep breath without leaving a trace. Then, he slowly exhaled and suppressed the nervousness in his heart.

At the same time, two sneaky figures hid in a corner not far behind Wang Feng.

“Mother-in-law, should we make a move now?”

“Wait a minute. The time is not ripe yet. We have to wait for him to relax completely before we can make a move. Mirinda, King is extremely powerful. We may only have one chance to make a move. If we fail, what awaits us might be death. Therefore, we have to be more cautious.”

“Mother-in-law, I understand.”

These two figures were Wife 7UP and Mirinda. After many days of investigation, they finally found out the truth about the death of Cola Boy, Sprite Man, and Old Fanta Man. Although King’s reputation was terrifying, this kind of deep hatred made them decide to take revenge even if they had to die.

Mirinda was dressed in an orange Mirinda soda can, with her hands, feet, and face jutting out. She was similar to Old Fanta Man and his two sons. The only difference was that there were two more points on her chest.

The Wife 7UP was similarly encased by a light green 7UP can, and her appearance was slightly old.

“Mother-in-law, he is going to turn.”

“Mirinda, get ready! It is easy for people to focus their attention on the road after turning, and they will ignore other places. This is our chance.”

“Yes, mother-in-law.”

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“Dark Night, Dark Night, get ready to attack. Get ready to attack.”

The Kill Leader, who was watching Wang Feng in the cafe, also found the opportunity and hurriedly informed Dark Night.

Dark Night’s pupils contracted, and his breathing stopped. His heart suddenly stopped as if it had been grabbed by someone. He gripped the dagger in his hand in his pocket and waited for the Kill Leader to give the final notice.

One second!

Two seconds!

The Kill Leader and Wife 7UP stared at Wang Feng, who was about to turn around.

Three seconds!

Four seconds!

“Dark Night, attack!”

“Mirinda, shoot!”


Mirinda responded. The straw on his head had already been aimed at Wang Feng for a long time. A handful of hair-thin liquid needles shot towards the back of Wang Feng’s head.

“King, return my husband and son’s lives.”

At the same time, after Dark Night heard the order, he pulled out the dagger from his pocket and pounced towards Wang Feng. His eyes were as sharp as a wolf, his face twisted and ferocious. “King, hand over your life!” He held the dagger in his hand and stabbed it at Wang Feng’s head.


The soft sound of a blade entering flesh was heard and then dissipated.


Dark Night’s body froze. The dagger in his hand froze as well. His pupils dilated, and scarlet blood slowly flowed out of his orifices. His face quickly turned ashen, and his sturdy body softly fell to the ground.

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Mirinda and Wife 7UP: “…”

The Kill Leader: “…”

They were all shocked. The assassination plan had strangely failed.

“Not good. King has bodyguards. Mirinda, quickly retreat! Otherwise, if King comes back to his senses, we won’t be able to escape.”

Which eye of yours saw that Dark Night was King’s bodyguard? Didn’t you see that Dark Night was preparing to kill King with a dagger? Your IQ is basically waving you goodbye.

“Yes, mother-in-law, let’s go!”

Seeing that the assassination failed, Wife 7UP and Mirinda immediately retreated.

“Shadow, stop moving, stop moving.”

The Kill Leader wiped his face and calmed down. He hurriedly ordered the other killers to retreat. It was too terrifying. He did not see King make a move at all. However, the elite killers trained by our group died without any warning.

King, what a terrifying man!

Wang Feng had already turned around. He knew nothing about what had happened behind him. He recalled Dark Night’s clothes thoughtfully. “That guy is also wearing a white guard uniform and a black cap. It’s almost the same as my outfit. There really is such a coincidence in the world. It’s so embarrassing!”

[Kill Leader: You are paralyzed! Mirinda, Wife 7UP: MMP!]

PS: Flashy Flash Small Theater

Flashy Flash: “Bei Bo, say nothing. Draw your saber!”

D-class Hero Rank 666 Bei Bo: “You must be angry again for not having lines; I said it earlier, your setting is haughty and cool, only your inner monologue, no lines.”

Flashy Flash: “Cut the crap, I’m going to chop you to death! I’ll let you know the terror of light speed!”

Bei Bo: I will arrange a duel with King for you. Now quickly, get lost.

Flashy Flash: It’s a deal. The ultimate skill, speed of light!

Gulp gulp…

Bei Bo: What terrifying speed of light!

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