Chapter 38 - One Trigger

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“System, I want to use Vaccine Man, Card!” After receiving the news of the Demon-level Monster, Wang Feng felt all the cells in his body become excited.

“Ding! Using Vaccine Man Card, success!”

“Ding, due to host Level being too low, you can only obtain part of Experience.”

“Ding, congratulations to host for obtaining 12306 points of Experience!”

“Ding, congratulations to host for reaching level 9, obtained 20 Attribute Points, obtained 4 Skill Points.”

“Ding, congratulations host, for using a 4-star Card. Because it is your first time using a rare Card, System has specially rewarded you with one Skill Points. In addition, host has received rewards in the form of Vaccine Man Card’s complete set of Skills. Host, please continue to work hard.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for comprehending Vaccine Man – Skills – Flight!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for comprehending Vaccine Man – Explosive Energy Bomb!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for comprehending Vaccine Man – Skills – Strength Amplification!”

At first, Wang Feng only felt that his body was bursting with strength. Then, he was knocked out by a series of consecutive notifications from System. Well, he was so happy that he could faint. Vaccine Man Card should be called Big Gift Bag Card or Surprise Card, because it really brought too much surprise to Wang Feng.

Not to mention the Experience he received. Although System notified that the low-level characters do not deserve to obtain the full Experience value of high-level Monster and forcibly suppressed the points, 10,000 Experience points were plenty at his level. Especially since the previous one and two stars Cards only gave him stingy 1-2000 Experience

However, the most surprising thing was that this was the first time System had given him such a generous gift package: a complete set of Vaccine Man Skills. According to System’s settings, unless he stepped on colossal dog shit, he would never be able to comprehend three Skills at once. This time, he really made a hefty profit.

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“Huh? King entered a daze? And there are more flaws in his body? Why?!” Sonic stared at King, his forehead dripping with cold sweat. “Could it be that he noticed my existence? That’s why he deliberately revealed more flaws before the battle to attract me to appear? Heh, King, you underestimate me too much. As an outstanding ninja who has cultivated since childhood, I can definitely suppress the temptation before the best time to attack. I will patiently look for an opportunity to give you a fatal blow.

“Dazed? Humph, isn’t it a meditative state? He was as rigid as a block of wood, but in reality, his eyes and mind are focused. If others dare to attack at this time, they will definitely suffer King’s counterattack. King, I didn’t expect your mental state to have reached such a terrifying level.”

Sonic slowed down his breathing and tried to hide his aura to avoid being discovered by King.

Wang Feng didn’t care what Sonic thought. After receiving System’s gift bag, he couldn’t wait to open his attribute plate to check.

Name: Wang Feng
Hero Name: King
Level: Level 9
Experience: 1633/ 4000
Endurance: 5
Strength: 4
Speed: 14
Defense: 12
Luck: (omitted) Note: Hidden attributes cannot be viewed and cannot be changed!
Attribute Points: 20
Skills: 1. Liquid Jet: Lv. 1: Let Liquid Jet go out and attack the enemy!

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2. Explosive Energy Bomb Lvl1: Gather the energy in the surroundings and fire energy bullets as a beam.
3. Strength Amplification Lvl1: Strengthen one’s own ability and increase the power of his own Skills by another level.
4. Flight Lvl1: As an envoy of Earth, you can freely fly on Earth.
Skill Points: 9
Card: Four Star Monster – Desire Judge
Reminder: 1. A normal person’s attributes are all 5. The maximum value is 100.
2. Skills’ power depends on the Skill level.
It is not affected by the character itself, but the number of times Skills can be used is affected by Endurance’s attributes.

Wang Feng was overjoyed. He finally obtained more Skills. Moreover, his level reached level 9. If he rose another level, Skill Points that had so far been only a decoration would finally be of use. His Skills are raised by one level in strength, and he gained the strength to directly fight with Tiger-level Monster.

“Run! Monster is coming over!”

“Crazy Monster! Crazy Monster!”

“This Monster is on a rampage! Everyone, run!”

Wang Feng snapped out of his daze to find a bunch of people trying to wake him up in a panic.

“Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill all the humans!”

On the streets of M City, a leopard-headed Monster with brown skin and sharp barbs crazily destroyed the roads.

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The Monster’s eyes were red. From his appearance and crazed expression, it’s clear that he had already lost his mind. There was only killing in his mind.

“This prison… I’m suffocating.”

Wang Feng looked at the crazed Monster in astonishment. No matter how cruel the Monsters he had faced in the past, they would at least retain rationality and act in a reasonable manner. The Monster in front of him was like a child who had lost his temper and smashed around randomly. There was only killing in his eyes. Destruction! Slaughter! Destruction… Everything in front of him was destroyed. Even Monster was torn apart.

“Kill! Kill! Kill…”

The Monster slammed his palm into the wall of the building. He used all his strength, and the building wall was torn in half like a piece of paper.


The building collapsed. The Monster waved his arms and tore the collapsed building into pieces. He waited until the building was completely destroyed before he continued to rush forward.

“Heh, no matter if you are crazy or insane, please taste my energy bomb to your heart’s content!”

Wang Feng took a deep breath and slowly raised his hands. His two palms greedily absorbed the energy of heaven and Earth, gradually forming two energy balls.

At this moment, looking from afar, Sonic saw that Wang Feng manifesting spheres of dazzling lights from his body; yes, it could be confirmed that he was exerting his full power!

“Hey, is the battle about to begin? King, prepare to die!”

A hint of excitement flashed in Sonic’s eyes. He held the katana on his back with his palm and condensed all the essence in his body. He stared at Wang Feng, ready to launch a fatal strike at any time.

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At the same time…

“Boss, you are right. As long as we follow that Demon-level Monster, we will definitely find King. Right now, King is about to make contact with Demon-level Monster. I think their battle will start soon.” The Crossbow put down his scope and reported the situation to Kill Leader.

“Yes.” Kill Leader nodded slightly and commanded, “Cold Wave, Sharp Edge, Shadow… Check whether there are any problems with the special weapons we have prepared for King. If there are any problems, report them immediately. If there are no problems, prepare for the execution now!”

“Yes, Leader!”

“Cold Wave, copy that.”


A few cold voices rang from Kill Leader’s communication device.

“Very good. The fireworks to celebrate the successful assassination of King have been set off in advance. This time, we must kill King. Otherwise, our reputation and honor in the assassination world will be completely lost.”

The Crossbow smiled cruelly. “Leader, don’t worry. The plot you carefully designed for King is perfect. Even if King has three heads and six arms, he will definitely not be able to escape.”

“Don’t be careless. King is not an ordinary person. He is… the strongest man in the world.” Kill Leader said seriously, “We must pay attention to him. Otherwise, if we dare to underestimate King, no matter how perfect the plan is, it may fail.”

“Yes, Leader!”

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