Chapter 39 - The Shocked Sonic

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“Kill! Kill! Kill…”

The deranged Monster destroyed everything indiscriminately. Building, people, cars… Nothing survived in front of him.

“Have a taste of my energy bomb!”

Wang Feng saw that the Monster was already thirty meters away. He raised the two shining orbs in his palm and threw them at him. The energy bomb drew a perfect parabola in the air, and then… it fell short!

The path traced by the energy bomb was very different from what he imagined. The energy bomb fell more than ten meters away from the Monster.


An explosion erupted, and a large amount of dust rose in the dark street.


“Cough! Cough!” Sonic coughed a few times and spat out a few mouthfuls of dust. He quickly moved from the dark street to where he was hiding. At the same time, he was terrified.

King has such keen senses. He was actually able to find me hiding even when he was confronting the Demon-level Monster. I wanted to get closer so I could give him a fatal blow, but I never expected I would be immediately exposed just by moving a little bit. I have never seen a guy with such terrifying senses. The strongest man in the world is indeed worthy of his reputation, but…

Sonic smiled. “I won’t give up. Ninjas are tenacious warriors. How can I give up because of this minor setback? King, your life is mine! ”

He turned around and ducked into the dark corner, trying to slow down his breathing as much as possible to hide his breath and figure.


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“Is this King’s strength? Perhaps this horrifying strength is the cause that incited some villains to feel fear and try to assassinate you. But don’t worry, as long as I am alive, I will definitely protect you. Heh, whether you need it or not, I will fulfill my mission, just like how you desperately complete your Hero mission. ”

Hill lit a cigarette, took a puff, and then slowly spat out smoke rings. His determined face was obscured by white smoke filling his car.


“Boss, what is King doing? The Monster is in front of him. How can he attack other places? Moreover, King’s strength…He destroyed several buildings with a single blow. ”

Kill Leader did not answer his subordinate’s question immediately. Instead, he looked around with a telescope. After a while, he said with a serious face, “Other than us, there are other people who want King’s life.” Although he did not see Sonic’s appearance clearly, he caught a vague trace. “That person is an expert. King attacked other places because he noticed the traces of that person.”

“Boss, could it be that the employer has hired another killer?”

“Humph, we don’t need to care about him. As long as King dies in our hands, 500 million will still be ours.” Kill Leader coldly snorted with an ugly expression. They had failed twice. It was entirely reasonable that the employer did not trust them and hired another killer. He was disappointed, but the only thing he could do right now was hastening King’s demise.


When Wang Feng saw that he had missed such a huge energy bullet attack, the corner of his mouth twitched. F*ck! Fortunately, there was no one around. It would be awkward if people saw that his shooting skills were so bad!

He did not know that there were more than ten pairs of eyes staring at him!

Of course, even if Wang Feng used Vaccine Man Card, he only possessed Vaccine Man’s attributes and ability. He did not have his combat experience and skills. His current situation was like a child throwing a basketball for the first time. His eyes were staring straight at the basket. However, when he really threw the ball, the direction of the basketball was different from what he imagined. As he practiced more and more, his accuracy would naturally increase.

He took a deep breath and summoned a few smaller orbs of energy bombs around his body. He glanced at the Monster, who ignored his attack just now, and tried to adjust the aim for the next volley of bombs.


Boom! Boom!

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After adjusting the direction of the launch this time, the deviation was even greater.

“Could it be that King has locked onto my aura?” A shadow suddenly sprang up at the place where the energy bomb had exploded. It was Sonic, who had been hiding. Bewilderment filled his face. “Was there really someone in the world who could lock on to aura? Why do I feel that an eye is watching me all the time, making me unable to hide, unable to hide? Too terrifying, is this mysterious and powerful strength of the strongest man?! Heh, if I weren’t an assassin specializing in a sneak attack, I probably wouldn’t have the courage to fight King at all. That kind of scene is suffocating just thinking about it. Fortunately, I am the messenger who hides in the shadows. King, no matter how strong you are, there will still be a time when you reveal flaws. At that time… I will take your life!”


Yes, this time was not bad.

Wang Feng’s eyes lit up. He was already close to the Monster. He raised his hand, and several small energy bombs used for experiments appeared.

Boom! Boom!

With simple movement from his fingers, the orbs flew and exploded.

“Huh? Why didn’t King blow me up?” Sonic asked in confusion from his hiding place. “Could it be that King just fired at random?”

“No, there are other killers?”

Sonic moved and quickly came to one of the places Wang Feng had just bombarded. He found a figure under the ruins with a gun that looked like a sniper rifle next to him. His pupils shrank. King was not just fooling around; it’s just that there were other killers around him. King locked on to several killers around him at the same time. The fact that he could sense aura was already unfathomable. However, King easily locked on the auras of several people simultaneously and attacked them with pinpoint accuracy. He was so strong that Sonic couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat.


Over thirty meters away, on a roof.

“Leader. Poison Needle and Slingshot have fallen.” Crossbow stared at the location where Poison Needle and Slingshot were lying in ambush through a pair of binoculars. The shadows of Poison Needle and Slingshot had disappeared, and they didn’t respond through the communicator. He knew that Poison Needle and Slingshot were most likely finished.

“Damn it, King’s senses are too keen. He immediately discovered any clues lurking around him.” Kill Leader slammed the railing on the roof and ordered, “Everyone, retreat ten meters back! We must not expose our locations!”

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“Got it.”

“Cold Wave, copy that.”

Several whispering voices answered from inside Kill Leader. Obviously, Cold Wave and the others were also frightened by King’s keen senses. They did not dare make too much noise and quietly retreated to avoid King’s detection.


Oh, they all landed around the Monster.

Some of them landed more than ten meters away. Sure enough, Wang Feng was still not very skilled, but it did not matter. The more you practice, the better marksman you’ll become.

Even then, this Monster was actually indifferent to me testing the energy bullets. He really lost his mind and only relied on his instincts, ignoring damage to his body. Heh, this kind of Monster who does not resist is what I want. He can be a live target to practice the energy bullets.

Wang Feng made up his mind. He raised his palm and took out a few small energy bullets. With a point of his finger, several energy bullets shot out in several directions.


Whoosh! Boom!

“Damn it, King has really locked onto my aura.” Sonic, who was once again blasted out of nowhere, jumped a few times in the night before heading straight for the Monster. “Humph, since I’ve already been locked onto, it won’t help even if I hide somewhere else. It’s better to hide beside Monster. As long as you continue to attack me, it will definitely attract this Monster’s attention. At that time, while you fight with Monster, can you still be 100 percent vigilant against me? I’m curious, very curious, King!”


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Just as Sonic was preparing to laugh ‘innocently,’ an energy bullet shot towards him. He sneered, “My guess is right. King has already locked onto me. No matter where I hide, I definitely won’t be able to avoid your attack. However, I want to see if you will continue to attack me next time!”

He immediately revealed his strange signature smile. His figure flashed and disappeared from the front of the energy bomb. When he reappeared, he was already behind Monster. His speed was truly astonishing.


“Yup, I feel like it’s about time.”

After adjusting the direction of the launch several times, Wang Feng gradually figured out some tricks. His eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at Monster. A few small energy bombs floated around him for practice. After the energy bombs were formed, he waved his hand and pointed at Monster. He shouted, “Go!”

Several energy bombs flew towards the Monster.


An explosion.


However, the Monster couldn’t be eliminated that easily. Moreover, the Monster seemed to be angered and let out a muffled roar. Even if he lost his intelligence, he still had the instinct to eliminate the threat.

“Hey, King, you really fell into my trap.” Sonic smiled ‘innocently’ “Next, during your battle with this Monster, let me end you!”

Wang Wang Killer Group’s Kill Leader also noticed this, and said in a low voice, “Prepare yourselves. The best time to shoot is about to come. Do not miss this opportunity.”

“Understood!” The assassins replied in unison through the communicator, and then the sound of guns rattling could be heard.

“Humph, King, you won’t be able to escape this time!” A sharp light flashed in Kill Leader’s eyes.

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