Chapter 43 - That Is... the Ultimate Permafrost Shockwave Cannon

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City A, Heroes Association Headquarters.

“Reporting to Minister. The Demon-level Monster Pantherhead Hedgehog had been eliminated by King.”

That night, the Headquarter was particularly busy. The Monster Prison in M City had been set free by an explosion. All the employees of the Association were shocked by this incident. There was actually someone in the world who deliberately let Monster go. Was this revenge on society?

“Good, good. Quick, update King on the other Monsters. Ask him to get rid of those Monsters as soon as possible…” Sitch was overjoyed. Among the Monsters that escaped from the prison, Pantherhead Hedgehog was the most dangerous. Not only did it lose its mind, but it also instinctively hated humans and crazily destroyed the streets and killed humans. Furthermore, when a Monster escaped from the Association’s Monster Prison, it would severely impact their reputation.

The citizens had already begun to doubt the Association. After the incident at the Monster Prison, the crisis of trust for the Association would probably become more serious.

The Association relied on public donations to a large extent. If the citizens were disappointed with the Association, they would subsequently stop donating. This way, Heroes Association’s trust crisis would progress into an economic crisis.

As for the Heroes, they were professional Heroes. Every month, they would be given a fixed reward. Once the Association’s capital chain broke, Heroes who relied on the rewards to survive would also be at odds with the Association.

The final result was – Heroes Association will go bankrupt!

Therefore, in the face of this Monster Prison breach accident, the Association executives immediately decided that this accident must be dealt with three requirements.

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Sitch thought of the three requirements given by the higher-ups after a discussion and frowned.

The first requirement was that the Association had to apologize sincerely. Monsters had escaped from a prison owned by the Association. Even if they had been deliberately released, the Association would definitely have to bear the responsibility of negligence.

The second requirement was that the Association actively eliminate Monsters that escaped from the prison. They had to try to eliminate Monster in the shortest time possible and try not to harm more citizens. Well, it was mainly to strive for fewer citizens to complain.

The higher-ups left the third requirement for Sitch to decide, giving him freedom of action.

“The third requirement?” Sitch smiled bitterly. He took a deep breath and said seriously, “We have to divert the attention of the people and reduce the pressure on the Association.”

Then, he turned to Jace, “Have you recorded the scene of King’s battle?”

Jace nodded solemnly. “Minister, I contacted the local government to send an unmanned plane to track the Monster right after you gave the order. If King engaged the Demon-level Monster at any point, the plane would surely record King’s battle scene. Now that the Demon-level Monster has been eliminated by King, the video will probably be sent over soon.”

“Alright, we can’t afford to make a misstep this time. Our Association will face great pressure otherwise.” Sitch rubbed his temples and instructed Maria, “Maria, access the cameras of the major M City streets and capture the scenes of King fighting. Whether our Association can survive this crisis depends on it.”

King had an excellent reputation among the people. However, King’s fighting style had always been like a castle beyond the clouds. No one had ever seen it with their own eyes. The citizens of the world had longed to see King fighting. However, no matter how the people ran and called and how the Heroes Association persuaded him, King refused to perform his technique.

This time, the Association was prepared to send drones in advance to film the scene of King fighting and try to edit it into videos to be sent to the major TV stations so they can divert the attention of the news of Monster breaking out of the prison in M City.

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“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a one-star Monster Card – Magic Bird!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a two-star Monster Card – Violent Tiger.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a one-star Monster Card – Monster Monkey.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a two-star Monster Card – Money Pig!”

While Hill and Sonic were fighting each other, Wang Feng tried to eliminate the escaping Monsters. At the same time, he was collecting Monster Cards. After one night, the Monsters that escaped from the prison were almost completely wiped out. Naturally, he also had a great harvest. He collected more than ten pieces of Monster Card in succession.

“Phew! Easy!” After collecting the last two-star Card, Wang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. This was the first time since he got the System that he had collected more than a dozen Card. He had sufficient reserves so that he would no longer worry about Desire Judge Card that will expire soon after Vaccine Man Card.

“Attention, Residents of M City. Attention, Residents of M City. All the Monster that escaped from Monster Prison has been wiped out. Residents, please be at ease. The Association sincerely apologize for the inadequate supervision of the Monster Prison. We have decided to strengthen the construction of Monster Prison and its defense to prevent Monster from breaking out of prison…”

“No more?” Wang Feng held his phone and kept an eye on Monster’s whereabouts, but the announcement from the Association arrived suddenly before the message containing the Monsters’ location.

He was slightly disappointed. However, collecting more than ten pieces of Card was already an unprecedented big harvest, enough for him to slack off for some time. At the very least, he did not have to worry about this month.

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The Heroes Association Headquarters.


The door to the combat room opened. the Tornado rubbed his eyes and yawned as he entered. “Hey, why did you call me over so late at night? Don’t you know that it will affect my sleep? Humph, I’m very annoyed. Go and buy me a bottle of milk.”


However, no one in the combat room responded to the Tornado’s arrogant request. All the staff gathered under the large screen of the combat room and stared at the video playing on the screen with wide eyes.

The Tornado saw that no one was paying attention to her. She gritted her teeth and said angrily, “Hey, how dare you guys ignore me?”

“Is that… Ultimate Hellfire Wavemotion Cannon?” In the crowd, someone timidly threw out a question.


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However, no one answered him. Everyone stared at the video. In the video, Wang Feng used the same posture as Sun Wukong from “Dragon Balls” used to release his Kamehameha. The blue light bullet he pushed out in that pose directly blasted the Demon-level Monster into pieces. It all happens within mere moments. The Monster had no room to resist and turned into ashes with a flick of his finger.

What an incredible strength!

This was the thought that popped up in the minds of all of the Headquarters’ employees. What made them even more excited was that they finally saw the long-awaited King’s Technique – Ultimate Hellfire Wavemotion Cannon. It was just that it was a little different from what they had imagined. They had imagined something similar to what was depicted in the previous “gas station” public service announcement, a giant dragon composed of fire.

However, in the video, King released a blue light orb without flames, with light as soft as the moonlight instead of the sun’s raging heat.

Could it be that this move was actually… the Ultimate Permafrost Shockwave Cannon? It was a direct opposite of Ultimate Hellfire Wavemotion Cannon, one cold and one hot, one yang and one yin, an existence opposing each other?

“That is… King?” After the Tornado shouted for a while and found that no one was paying attention to her, she angrily floated to the top of everyone’s heads to see what they were looking at. However, when she looked over, she immediately found Wang Feng.

“Could this Monster be a Dragon-level Monster?”

Her heart skipped a beat. Her petite face was filled with nervousness. In the afternoon, she had just made a bet with King. The first person between them to kill a Dragon-level Monster would win. She had tried to force Sitch to alter the rank of a Demon-level Monster to a Dragon-level. Who knew that Sitch would adamantly reject her? Damned big nose!

However, after listening to the employees, it was revealed that the Monster was a Demon-level threat. She finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, her heart tightened. She had to hurry up and find a Dragon-level Monster. Otherwise, she would definitely lose to King, who had killed several Dragon-level Monsters before!

Humph, I don’t want to lose to stinky King!

The person who wins this bet must be me – Tornado of Terror!

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