M City.

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Wang Feng returned home, satisfied. This time he had exchanged an expired Vaccine Man Card for a Demon-level monster card and a dozen Tiger and Wolf-level monster cards, which was basically a net gain. After all, if he had spent Cards to recharge Vaccine Man Card, he wouldn’t get the Experience points, and the Cards spent would be lost forever.

Instead, it just so happened that he not only didn’t waste Vaccine Man Card; but he also earned more than ten Monster Card, which was a win-win situation!

More importantly, after using Vaccine Man Card, he comprehended the complete set of Skills and successfully rose to level 9. He was only one level away from level 10. After reaching level 10, he could upgrade Skills from Wolf-level to Tiger-level Skills. This allowed him to obtain a certain level of innate strength. He would no longer only seems strong from the outside, but actually stronger on the inside!

This strength would only be truly his when he no longer has to rely on Cards.

Of course, with his ability to attract monsters, he would encounter Demon and Dragon-level Monster from time to time. Level 2 Skills would not be useful at all against them. Therefore, he still had to continue to work hard to level up and collect more powerful Card to save his life.

He currently had a four-star Monster Card Desire Judge, and a three-star Monster Card Pantherhead Hedgehog. It could be said that he had quite the strength.

It was a pity that Desire Judge’s Skills were only effective against humans. In other words, it was ineffective against Monsters, significantly limiting his strength. When he met a Dragon-level Monster, he feared that he would have to run.

He walked and thought all the way back to his home. He secretly prayed in his heart that he would not be unlucky enough to meet a Dragon-level Monster while he was not strong enough. (Why do I feel that it is bad luck for the Dragon-level Monster to meet you?)

“Eh, what is this feeling?”

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When he arrived at the door of the house, his heart suddenly throbbed. It was a very wonderful feeling, as if… as if the feelings between a father and son!

Father… father and son?

The corners of his mouth twitched. What kind of messy feeling was this? He was a pure virgin man. How could he have a son?

However… However, the closer he got to his own house, the stronger the feeling of the father and son relationship became. It made him have the urge to give birth to a child quickly. Damn it, why was father and son love become feeling to give birth to a child? Wasn’t that mother and son love?

He rubbed his chest in a frenzy, hoping to crush that terrible mood.

But… the deep feelings of father and son seemed to seep into his heart, engraved into his bones, making him unable to forget or shake them off. There was a voice constantly shouting in his soul, “Papa, Papa, Papa…”


Wang Feng was speechless. What the hell was going on? Could it be that he was cursed with mental illness left behind by a Monster?

According to psychology, when a heart seeks dependence on parental figures, it suggests that the owner had deep insecurity within their heart.

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He scratched his head. Insecurity? Oh, that might be true. After losing Vaccine Man Card, the only four-star Monster Card he had was ineffective against other Monsters. However, he also had the tendency to lure Monsters. Someday, he would encounter a Demon or Dragon-level Monster. It was normal for him to have insecurity at the bottom of his heart.

Thinking of this, he immediately felt relieved. It should not be a psychological illness… right?


Wang Feng opened the door and went in. He suddenly heard a “thunk” sound coming from the storage room. As he approached, the frequency of the impact became faster and faster, as if someone inside urgently wanted to see him, hug him, and call him “Dad”!

“Could it be…”

After discovering that the intense feelings of father and son originated from the storage room, his eyes lit up, and a pleasant guess welled up in his heart – Vaccine Man’s egg was hatching!

He quickly walked over and pushed open the door of the storage room. The machine he bought to hatch Vaccine Man’s egg was shaking violently. Inside, Vaccine Man’s egg slammed into the machine as if he couldn’t wait to rush into his arms.

Vaccine Man’s egg was about to hatch!

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He was overjoyed. This little fellow had not moved for so long. Why had he chosen to come out today? Was today the Children’s Day? Obviously not. Then… oh.

He gently clenched his hand. Strength surged. Vaccine Man Card possessed his body, causing him to be infused with Vaccine Man’s aura. Thus, Vaccine Man’s egg hatched.

“Hey, my Great Demon Piccolo… is about to come out!”

He happily carried Vaccine Man’s egg out of the incubator. Previously, he had only carried Vaccine Man’s egg back home with the hope of hatching it and teaching it to be as powerful as Great Demon Piccolo. Of course, he also had to use his love and justice to influence it to give up its hatred as a monster and obediently help him execute justice.

What? You said that it will rebel? Humph, the Vaccine Child Card is a one-star Card. Therefore, right after the Vaccine Child is born, his strength would at most be on the Wolf-level. His growth potential is great, but it would not be powerful right away. Wang Feng now has the Dragon, Demon, Tiger, and Wolf-level Card. If the Vaccine Child dares to fight back, he will slap it to death!

Wang Feng thought as such.

In fact, the strength of Monster after it was born depended on the energy given by its parents. If the Monster’s parents were powerful, they would provide Little Monster enough energy as nourishment when it was born. Little Monster was also powerful. For example, in a certain special episode of One Punch Man, the parents of a little turtle were Demon-level Monster, causing that little turtle to have the strength of Demon-level Monster when he was just born.

Therefore, Wang Feng might…

“Oh? Speak of the devil.”

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Wang Feng’s heart throbbed. He felt that his strength was quickly drained from his body. He carefully traced the feeling and then stared at Vaccine Man’s egg in his arms in astonishment. It was Vaccine Child who absorbed him.

Oh, so Vaccine Man’s egg hatching requires Old Vaccine Man’s energy as a driving force. No wonder there was no movement whatsoever before. It lacked the strength to break out of the shell. Well, Vaccine Child is currently absorbing nutrients from me. Why do I feel like… I feel like… I’m breastfeeding milk?

Wang Feng’s face slightly reddened, and he coughed a few times to remind himself that he was just supplying his strength, not doing some kind of breastfeeding!

Vaccine Child continuously absorbed Old Vaccine Man’s energy. However, Wang Feng had used up a lot of energy to kill Monsters, and he did not know if it were enough for Vaccine Child to be born. If it’s not enough, then he could only…

Wang Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the hammer in the corner. If Vaccine Child could not be born normally, then he had to personally help Vaccine Child perform a C-section.

Time slowly passed, and the energy of Vaccine Man on Wang Feng’s body was completely absorbed by Vaccine Child. He immediately felt a burst of weakness, as if his body had been hollowed out.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

However, the result was immediately apparent. Vaccine Man’s egg, which had not moved for a long time, finally began to crack. The crack slowly spread out like a spider web, and a light fishy smell floated out from the cracks.

“Tsk, tsk, stupid humans, all of you deserve to die!”

Suddenly, a deep and brutal strange laugh came from inside Vaccine Child’s eggshell…

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