Chapter 45 - The Unlucky Baby

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Wang Feng stared blankly at Vaccine Man’s egg in his hand that just said, “Stupid humans, all of you should die.”

He frowned. It seemed that Vaccine Man’s mission to exterminate human beings was imprinted in his gene instead of learned after his birth.

Then, Vaccine Child, I have said that you must die if you dare to show any sign of rebellion against humanity!

He raised Vaccine Man’s egg high and smashed it hard on the ground.


A gash opened on Vaccine Man’s egg, and the egg white flowed out of the broken eggshell.

“Heh heh, you think… you can stop me from ruling the world? Humph, stupid human, all of you deserve to die, including you – the guy who dares to insult my father’s power, I will cut you into pieces!”


The cracks on the broken Vaccine Man’s egg quickly widened, and after a while…


The sound of the shell breaking echoed in King’s living room. There was a small hole in Vaccine Man’s egg, and through the small hole, one could clearly see a closed, dark blue eye.

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“Damn! He’s not dead?”

Wang Feng was stunned and reflexively consumed the two-star Monster Card, Violent Tiger.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 1352 Experience. ”

“Ding, you have failed to comprehend the Card Character’s Skills. ”

He picked up a stool and knocked hard on Vaccine Man’s egg.


It was too late. The stool in Wang Feng’s hand shattered. A hole suddenly opened in Vaccine Man’s eggshell with a “pop” sound, and through it, a child-like dark blue hand stretched out to grab the stool.

“Humph, is this all? Humans… are really weak, unworthy to rule this beautiful world. So all humans deserve to die! ”


After a sinister voice came out from the eggshell, another web of cracks propagated through its surface. Currently, Vaccine Man’s egg was full of cracks. It looked like a light poke could turn the eggshell into a million pieces.

“Hiss —”

What is this? Shouldn’t the newborn baby Monster only have strength at the Wolf level?

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Wang Feng’s eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The stool in his hand was tightly grabbed by Vaccine Child. No matter how hard he tried, he could not move at all.

This guy must at least have the strength of a Demon-level! This is a bit ridiculous. Do I have to spend a Demon-level or Dragon-level Monster Card to eliminate Vaccine Child? Why do I feel that bringing Vaccine Man’s egg back home had only caused problems to me?


The eggshell on Vaccine Child’s body fell down like fallen leaves. Finally, its whole body was revealed. It curled up like a baby; its two small mushroom antennae twitched from time to time. Wang Feng could not see the difference between Vaccine Child and Vaccine Man, especially with its completely blue skin.

“Hey, are you scared?”

After a while, Vaccine Child’s dark blue eyes suddenly opened. A blue light flashed and disappeared. He stared at the stunned Wang Feng and revealed a cruel smile. “Humph, stupid human, you’re actually so stupid as to hatch me. Ha… Haha… In order to repay you, I’ll let you become the first undead under my backup plan.”


Wang Feng looked at the arrogant Vaccine Child speechlessly. He really didn’t want to tell it that Wang Feng had the strength of a Dragon-level Monster. He wasn’t someone it could deal with.

“What kind of funny eyes are you giving me? Are you looking down on me?” Vaccine Child seemed to notice something from Wang Feng’s eyes and grew furious. “I have inherited all of my father’s powers, as well as his great mission to destroy all humans, and you actually dare to look down on me?! What right do you have to look down on me? Humph, humans are indeed stupid, ignorant, and reckless people. Only by eliminating all of you can the earth finally return to the calm and peaceful era of the past.”

While speaking, his half-meter tall body gradually grew larger, growing to about two meters. His muscles also increased, making him identical to the previous Vaccine Man.

“Wait, this guy inherited all of Old Vaccine Man’s Strength? Then… then doesn’t that mean that it has the strength of a Dragon-level Monster? You got to be messing with my balls. It was really a headache. Oh, why do I have a headache when messing with balls? Eh, which head was I talking about? Ah God, what time is it now? Why am I still letting my imagination run wild? I can’t, I can’t do this anymore. My mind is in a mess, and my heart is also a mess. I don’t know if using Desire Judge will help me defeat it. You have to know that the most powerful Skills of Desire Judge is useless against Monsters. It is almost equivalent to losing half of his combat strength. It is too much.”

Wang Feng’s breathing stagnated, and his heartbeat sped up. The unique rhythm of his heartbeat rose again. Brum-rum-rum-rum… Brum-rum-rum-rum…

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He swallowed his saliva and entered the state of “King Engine.” His face was expressionless, and his heart was beating extremely fast. It made a sound like a car engine. It reverberated in the room and echoed incessantly.

Saitama, come out and kill it for me!

He roared in his heart. In the face of such a situation, he naturally summoned Saitama to save the most effort and money.

After his transformation finished, Vaccine Child coldly stretched out his palm at Wang Feng and manifested an energy orb in it, “Heh, weak humans are not worthy of living in this world!”.

Explosive Energy Bomb

Wang Feng’s heart tightened. Half an hour ago, he was still throwing this kind of energy bomb like a basketball. He naturally knew its power. With his current Defense, he would probably be smashed into pieces!

“System, give it to me…” He could not wait any longer. He urgently called System in his heart, preparing to pull Desire Judge out as a shield.

It was a four-star Monster Card, just like Vaccine Man, so their strength must be comparable. At least it would allow me to escape!

“Ding, the host’s pet hatched, and the game pet section opened. ”

“Ding, the pet section opened successfully. ”

“Ding, pet section introduction: Only a Monster hatched by the host can be bound as a pet. A Monster captured and tamed from the wild will not become a pet. After a Monster has been bound as a pet, its strength will become zero, and it must be leveled up again. The pet upgrade system and the host character upgrade system were two different systems. The host upgrade system gains Experience through the usage of Cards, while the pet upgrade system gains Experience through killing Monsters. The highest level a pet could achieve is level 5. ”

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“Ding, reminder: Once a Monster becomes the host’s pet, it will absolutely submit and obey the host’s orders!”

“Ding, the host can open the pet attribute board in the pet section to understand all the information of the pet. ”

“… ”

A series of System notifications rang in Wang Feng’s mind.

System, what a joke. Right now, I have to save my life, not catch a pet. Vaccine Child has not been bound to become my pet. It will still attack me, and then I will die!

Vaccine Child stared at the stunned Wang Feng, “Hey, stupid human, you have not responded to my attack. Do you really think you can resist my attack? Humph.” It snorted coldly, and the energy bomb in its palm grew stronger. “Weak and ignorant human, go to hell!”

The energy bomb in its palm suddenly emitted a fierce light.

At this time, System’s cold voice slowly sounded, “Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully binding Monster pet – Vaccine Man!”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first pet. System has specially rewarded the host with one Skill Point. Hopefully, the host will continue to work hard. ”

Wang Feng, “…”

Vaccine Child, “…”

I don’t know if I should say it or not, dammit!

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