Chapter 58 What Is Saitama Lacking

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“Tch, two more little reptiles have come.” The dinosaur Monster looked at King, floating in the air, “An annoying featherless fly.” He then pointed at Saitama and mocked, “A foolish, hairless turtle.”

King raised his eyebrows. Oh, oh, challenging the two strongest men in the world at the same time. Who gave you the courage? Was it Liang Jingru?

“I am a dinosaur who has evolved from a human elite to a terrifying Ankylosaurus. The scales on my body are incomparably thick and hard. Even a rocket cannon cannot hurt a single hair on my body. I… am Lord of Invincible Defense Ankylosaurus, one of the great generals who will assist the doctor in ruling this world in the future.”

Ankylosaurus glanced at King and Saitama, who had no reaction. He was furious. “You two actually… actually have no respect for me at all. You stupid humans… Damn it! Damn it!”

He angrily swept his hammer-like large tail at a building. With a bang, the waist of the hundred-meter-tall building was forcefully swept away. Having lost its pillar, the building collapsed like Jenga blocks, breaking into pieces.

The collapse shook up a large amount of dust. Looking from afar, it was like a mushroom cloud had risen.

“Tsk, this power is definitely comparable to Demon-level Monster disaster,” King exclaimed after seeing Ankylosaurus’ destructive power. With Ankylosaurus’ strength, he could definitely destroy M City in around half a day.

“Go to hell, you two insects…”

Ankylosaurus swept his thick tail fiercely at Saitama.


With a punch, pieces of meat flew everywhere. Ankylosaurus successfully received his just desert.

Saitama shook his gloves and frowned slightly. “I have to wash my gloves again when I get home.”

“…” King looked at the pile of minced meat, speechless. He knew that Saitama was strong, but he didn’t expect him to be so abnormal. Ankylosaurus, who claimed to be invincible, became a pile of rotten meat and scattered all over the place in a blink of an eye. Alas, he didn’t understand the hard work of the cleaning aunts.

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“Ding, there is a Monster Card nearby. Host, please perform the conversion.”

System’s prompt appeared in a timely manner.

King lowered his body and touched the minced meat.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a 3-star Monster Card – Ankylosaurus.”

“It is indeed a Demon-level Monster.”

A three-star Monster Card corresponded to Demon-level Monster. Of course, this was only King’s guess. Vaccine Man had been evaluated as Demon-level by the Association. However, System had given him a four-star Monster evaluation. Therefore, System’s comprehensive evaluation of Monster was not the same as Heroes Association. Both of them had their own considerations.


Just as King was curious about System’s way of evaluating Monster, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

“Hello, I am King; who are you? The Association, oh, is there something you want to talk to me about? A Demon-level Monster in the administrative district? Oh, there is no need to pick me up; I’m already there. Also, that Demon-level Monster has already died… No, I didn’t kill him. Saitama did it… ha? You understand? What do you understand? I haven’t finished speaking. What do you mean thank me for my contribution to M City? I said that I didn’t kill Monster. You got it wrong. I am not being modest. The one who killed Monster is called… Ha? You understand? I…”

King prepared to patiently explain the situation. However, whenever he tried to say that the Monster was not killed by him, Sitch always interrupted him with a tone of “I understand, I understand, I understand, I understand you .” After several attempts, he hung up the phone in anger.

“Saitama, wait. I have some questions.” After he hung up the phone, he saw that Saitama reluctantly flung off his gloves and was about to leave. He hurriedly stopped him and asked, “Is there anything you need more of?”

Sigh, this time, I would definitely be taking credit from Saitama. I’m a little embarrassed; I can’t say it directly. I can only send him some urgent necessities as a gift.

Saitama subconsciously replied, “More hair.”

“Huh?” King stared at Saitama’s bald head and suddenly realized, “Well, that’s obvious, but that’s not what I meant!”

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“Eh?” After Saitama said that, he immediately felt that something was wrong. He scratched his face and changed his words, “Oh, I mean, I need a house.”

No, now all the houses in the entire uninhabited area of City Z belong to you. There are villas, apartments, small buildings, and… an empty cemetery. In fact, he does not lack a house to live in.

“Saitama, I understand your pain. Don’t worry; I already know your needs.”

King gave Saitama a look that said, “I understand, I understand, I understand, I understand you.” He began to think about what gift he should send to Saitama in his heart.

City A.

Association Headquarter combat room.

“What? The Demon-level Monster was destroyed by King?”

“That’s great. I knew it. King is in M City, so the Monsters stood no chance. The Monster was killed by King not long after he appeared.”

“Long live King. Ha-ha, King is indeed the strongest man in the world. He killed Monster without hesitation.”

After Sitch told the staff of the combat room that Demon-level Monster had been killed by King, everyone immediately celebrated. It was a great victory for the Association to eliminate Demon-level Monsters, and each of them is worth celebrating.

For the Association, the God-level Monster might as well be nonexistent. The Dragon-level Monsters hardly come by once in ten thousand years. Therefore, the more frequently appearing Demon-level Monster were perceivably more dangerous. The Association is often worried about eliminating Demon-level Monsters, resulting in the establishment of the S-class Heroes: a special class for eliminating Demon-level and above Monsters.

“Maria, immediately spread the news of King destroying Demon-level Monster in the newspapers.”

After waiting for the staff to quiet down, Sitch immediately gave the order to promote King’s battle record. First, it was to wash away the black points regarding him raising a Monster. Second, it was to calm the populace. Third, it was to help the Association improve its reputation and consolidate the trust of the people.

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“Yes, Minister.”

“Hey, Sitch, have you found a Dragon-level Monster?” Tornado floated into the combat room, “I already said it. If it’s not Dragon-level Monster, I won’t make a move. Humph, those Demon-level Monster, the other S -grade guys can deal with them. Why do you have to trouble me every time? Really, did you raise those pigs for nothing?!”

“Tornado, that’s great. You’re finally here.” When Sitch saw Tornado complaining, his eyes lit up, and he said happily, “Tornado, a large number of dinosaurs have appeared in M City. We urgently need reinforcements. I hope that you can hurry to M City to help King and work together to eliminate all of them.”

“You want me to support M City?” When Tornado heard that it was the M City where King was located, she became interested. “King can’t get rid of those little reptiles? Ha-ha, I’m dying of laughter. The strongest man or whatever, he can’t even deal with a few lizards. Is he worthy to be called the strongest man? Humph, let’s just call him the strongest braggart.”

“That… Tornado, King just killed a Demon-level Monster.” Sitch did not refute the Tornado’s words. Instead, he chose to provoke her. “According to what we know, there should be four more Demon-level Monsters in M City, and one that may have the strength to become a Dragon-level Monster.”

The Tornado had been nagging him to promote a Demon-level Monster to Dragon-level. Although he did not know why, he knew that the Tornado was eager to kill a Dragon-level Monster. Therefore, he lied and said that there was a possibility of a Dragon-level Monster appearing in M City, even though the five finished dinosaurs only had the strength of Demon-level disaster at most by his estimate. They did not have the conditions and time to become a Dragon-level.

“What? There is a possible Dragon-level Monster in M City?” Tornado put her hand on her waist and shouted, “Why didn’t you say so earlier? Damn it, that stinky King got a head start.”

The green light on her body flashed, and she flew out quickly, leaving echoes of a long sentence, “Sitch, prepare a plane to M City immediately. Remember, give me the fastest supersonic plane. Don’t fool me with those broken planes. Otherwise, I will come back and smash the headquarters!”


Looking at the energetic Tornado, the people in the combat room were speechless. This young lady was really fierce!

L City beach.

Two men were standing on the beach. One of them was older, wearing a white coat. His face was old and wrinkled, and his hair silver. His eyes were full of wisdom and… fanaticism.

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The other man was younger; he must be in his twenties. There was excitement and hesitation on his young face.

“Hazet, go. The sea is your future home. When you become a real Mosasaurus, the whole sea will become your back garden, your dominion.” The old man looked at the young man lovingly. “Don’t you love the sea? Now the opportunity has come. When you inject the dinosaur gene injection, you will immediately become the overlord of the ancient sea – Mosasaurus. You will dominate and devour all the creatures in the sea. You will become the new master of the sea – the Ocean Emperor!”

“Dad, I… I am a little reluctant to part with you.”

“It’s not like we can’t meet in the future. When your father becomes a Tyrannosaurus rex and dominates the land, we can meet each other every day on this very beach. There is no need for reluctance.

“Go quickly. Your father has given you the key to realize the dream of the sea. The rest is up to you. I believe that my son will not disappoint me.” The old man comforted the young man’s anxiety.

“Dad…don’t worry. It won’t be long before I become the true master of the ocean. And then, I will come back to find you. You… promise that you won’t be late.”

The young man walked step by step into the ocean. He kept looking back, reluctant to part with the old man. Finally, with a final wave from the old man, he resolutely jumped into the ocean.

Roar —

After a while, a thunderous roar came from the ocean. The calm sea suddenly fluctuated, and the waves hit the shore like a tsunami.


In an instant, an ancient giant beast broke out of the sea, reminiscent of a leaping dolphin. Its barrel-shaped body was about twenty meters long. Its four limbs were in the shape of fins, short and powerful. Its tail was half the length of its body, with a broad and flat vertical oar shape. Bone spikes protruded from the tailbone. Its appearance looked like a giant crocodile with fin-shaped limbs.

It is more terrifying than any killer whale!

“Father, wait for me!”

The old man waved goodbye to his faraway son. “Hazet, do your best. The sea will definitely be your world!”

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