Chapter 59 - Tyrannosaurus rex Hammond

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“This is Heroes Association, broadcasting a real-time report on the dinosaur riot in M City. A Demon-level Monster that appeared three minutes ago has been successfully eliminated by King. Most of the Monsters in M City have been exterminated, barring a small number of dinosaurs that still stubbornly resisted. We firmly believe that under the leadership of King, the strongest man in the world, the Heroes of M City will soon eliminate the remaining dinosaurs. We will continue to broadcast the relevant news. Please patiently await our good news.”

The dinosaur riots in M City attracted global attention. There had never been such a large-scale Monster emergence in the three years since Heroes Association was established. The dinosaurs appeared out of thin air and invaded M City. They wreaked havoc and created panic, bringing great unrest to the people of the world.

As such, the people cheered at the Heroes Association’s announcement.

“Yeah, as I said, with King around, even God-level Monster would have to be careful.”

“Wow, now you’re exaggerating.”

“It’s not an exaggeration at all. We know that King is the strongest man in the world and our most solid protective umbrella. We should leave everything about Monsters to King.”

On the streets of the major cities, everyone discussed King in high spirits. The Association’s announcement this time improved King’s reputation greatly. This caused countless teenagers to begin worshiping King, and women were attracted to King. In short, everyone remembered the strong King and forgot King who raised a Monster.

Precisely as the Association had intended.

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City L.

On the beach, Hammond looked in satisfaction at the gradually calming surface of the sea. In the end, his son Hazet had chosen to roam the ocean freely.

“Oh, Hazet, we will meet soon.”

He never doubted that the two would meet again. According to his plan, he would resurrect the Ancient Dinosaur Family on land and let all the dinosaurs cover the earth again, recreating the brilliant Jurassic that he was deeply fascinated with.

He had no ambition to rule the world. He simply wanted to build his beloved Dinosaur Family and live happily on land together. However, humans would not allow other species to threaten their survival. They would definitely use every means at their disposal to annihilate the dinosaurs. Therefore, for the dinosaurs to thrive again, they must rule the world and suppress those ignorant humans.

“This is Heroes Association’s latest news. Three minutes ago, King successfully killed the Demon-level Monster Ankylosaurus and once again saved the city from destruction. He is our great Hero!”

Heroes Association’s report from L city center snapped Hammond from his deep thought and sent shivers down his body. One of the only five finished dinosaurs – Ankylosaurus had been sacrificed.

“King, the strongest man in the world… Your strength has deeply threatened the survival of my Dinosaur Family. For the sake of my dream, you… cannot live in this world. ”

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Hammond’s old face suddenly became ferocious. He had spent more than fifty years to successfully develop the dinosaur gene injection. Even if Ankylosaurus was dead, he could be replaced. However, as long as King exists, the life of the dinosaurs would be in danger. He would not allow anyone to wantonly kill his beloved “family.” So King… must die!


He took out a syringe from his pocket and jabbed it into his veins. Then, he looked up and roared. The change in his body was immediate. His silver hair gradually fell off, and his skin slowly turned into scales. His thin body bulged like a balloon, growing bigger and bigger. His clothes burst, revealing a deformed body. His head changed, and he lost his human facial features. Instead, he was as ferocious as a beast.

His body had changed. He was no longer a thin human; he was now a more than ten meters tall dinosaur. His palms had become sharp front claws, and his feet had become solid hind legs with sharp talons.

Hammond had completely transformed from a normal human to a dinosaur beast.

“Ha… ha, ha, I finally became a Tyrannosaurus rex. Finally, my dream, pursuit, and persistence did not fail me in the end…”

After a while, Hammond turned his car-sized head and scanned his new body. He burst into a tearful laugh as if he was a child who had obtained his beloved toy.


He charged through the L City with a loud roar, crashing indifferently regardless of tall buildings or houses.

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Now, he did it. He became the apex predator of the dinosaurs – Tyrannosaurus rex, and now the entire world will be crushed under his feet. No one could stop him, no matter where he went on this earth.

Rumble! Rumble!

Hammond seemed to have gone crazy as he ran wildly through L City. He knocked over countless tall buildings and flattened countless houses and cars. In just ten minutes, he carved a path of destruction across the city, dividing the city into two halves akin to the Chinese letter “日”/”sun”; with him in the middle.

(L City Residents: “The sun has fallen!”)

A City.

The Association’s Headquarter.

The Association received the news of Hammond’s transformation into a Tyrannosaurus rex in L City almost immediately. Sitch frowned. “Is there also a dinosaur in L City? What bad news.” He instructed solemnly, “Transfer the relevant information from L City immediately.”

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Maria typed on the computer keyboard. In a short while, she took out the street video of L City and transferred it to the primary monitor.

“This dinosaur is…”

Sitch stared at the close-up of the dinosaur on the big screen. His pupils shrank. “This is a Tyrannosaurus rex” If it were other dinosaurs, perhaps he would not recognize them. However, Tyrannosaurus rex was the most famous dinosaur overlord. Almost everyone had heard of its name, and most people could recognize its domineering body.

“He is… Hammond?”

His thoughts quickly turned. According to the reports from the association staff, Hammond was involved as a subject in the dinosaur mutation research. Specifically, he was the subject of Tyrannosaurus rex genetic research. Could it be that the dinosaur in L City was really Hammond? Why would he appear in L City instead of M City? His trajectory was to… M City?

“Coleson, immediately inform the S -class Hero Puri-Puri Prisoner to intercept Hammond!”

L City and J City were adjacent to each other. With Puri-Puri Prisoner’s speed, he should be able to intercept the T-Rex before it reached M City.

“Yes, Minister! I will inform him immediately!”

Coleson pushed up his big glasses. He immediately went to contact Puri-Puri Prisoner.

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