Chapter 60 A Man with Impeccable Special Effect

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In M City.

“Hmm, the strongest man in the world – King?” Saitama also heard the news from the association. His eyes lit up, and he clenched his fists full of fighting spirit. ” I really can’t wait to fight with you.”


Cold sweat inexplicably dripped down King’s forehead.

Big brother, stop messing around. King is right in front of you, and you actually don’t recognize him? Don’t you read the news? No, you’ve seen the Underwear advertisement, shouldn’t you already hear my name? Or do you only remember my underwear? Also, if you want to fight with me, I suggest playing a game to decide the victor and not destroy the environment. Two birds with one stone. Don’t you think what I said is reasonable?

“Attention, residents of M City. Attention, residents of M City. Heroes Association urgently informs that a Demon-level Monster was found in L City. Moreover, the Demon-level Monster is heading to M City. Residents of M City, please evacuate immediately…”

“Monster?” Saitama waved his cloak, and his egg-like face suddenly turned solemn, “Execute justice!” As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at King with embarrassment and scratched his face.


Big brother, you look at advertising quite a lot! Are you looking for supermarket sales?

King smiled faintly, “Saitama, let’s cooperate!”

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Saitama looked at King in confusion.

King nodded. “Of course, the two of us will form a team of Hero – the handsome and bald team. In the future, you will work, and I will freeloa…ah, I mean, you will be in charge of killing monsters, and I would support you from the rear.”

“No.” After Saitama hit King with his ‘Serious Move Series – Serious Rejection,’ he strode toward L City, “I don’t need such a troublesome thing. I can kill Monsters alone. Why do I have to bring you along as a burden?”

“Well, you have a personality. I like it. I’ll mail a hair tonic to you.” King quickly followed Saitama. It would be best to follow Saitama right now. At the critical moment, he could use his unique skill – Secret Skill – Scrap-Picker!

J City.

Smelly Lid Prison – a prison for exceptionally vicious people. Villains who enter this prison all possess powerful unique skills, such as criminals that can rob banks empty-handed, madmen who can make dangerous chemicals from any mundane material, and so on.

“Demon-level Monster? L City? I see. Leave it to me!”

There was an iron bed and a TV in the cell on the second floor. On the iron bed, a muscular man was lying on one leg. His square and rough face were full of stubble, topped by curled, unruly hair. His muscles were as strong as a bull and a horse. His blue and white striped prison uniform was covered by a white T-shirt with a big red heart. An iron ball shackle clattered on his ankle.

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He was the 16th rank of the S-level Hero certified by Heroes Association – Puri Puri Prisoner, a gay man who loved to violate handsome guys the most in his life. (King: I’m in danger! Saitama: Thankfully, I’m safe!) He voluntarily entered the prison because he was afraid that he would accidentally hurt innocent handsome men, as well as to watch those extremely vicious people. He also spent his time looking for handsome criminals through the TV. Then, he would escape from prison to arrest criminals and do some shameful and unspeakable things to them. Almost every criminal that he caught would eventually be squeezed dry, leaving only skin and bones or forced to go crazy.

“Well, it’s time to break out of prison.”

Puri Puri Prisoner hung up the phone and twisted his neck. There was a creaking sound of joints. He used his arm to catapult himself out of his second-floor cell. A rain of illusory white feathers fell as he landed on the first floor.

It can be said that Puri Puri Prisoner was a man who spared no expense for special effects.


The criminals on the first floor stopped their activities to look at Puri Puri Prisoner in awe, before shrinking back one by one. Since Puri Puri Prisoner entered the Smelly Lid Prison, he imposed a rule stating that any troublemakers would be punished with a deep and wet French kiss—with Puri Puri Prisoner, that is!

Under this terrible rule, all the thugs became obedient. In this prison, they did not dare speak loudly, breathe heavily, or start trouble. In the eyes of the criminals, the Smelly Lid Prison really became hell after Puri Puri Prisoner came.

“All of you, open up a path for me! I want to… break out of prison!”

Puri Puri Prisoner charged from a crouching start to a hundred miles per hour, right unto the steel wall almost one meter thick. He took a deep breath and suddenly widened his feet before launching his entire body like an arrow.


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A moment later, a large hole appeared in the steel wall. Puri Puri Prisoner had already escaped from the Smelly Lid Prison, leaving the normal criminals behind.

The massive breach was a rare opportunity for the Smelly Lid Prison inmates to escape, but they had already lost any intention of running away. In five seconds, the mobile security team of the prison would arrive. Any criminal who took a step out of the prison would be turned into Swiss cheese. Unless they could have speed comparable to Puri Puri Prisoner, they could only look at the scene and sigh.

“Beautiful men, your dear Puri Puri Prisoner is here again. Have you washed your butts?”

Puri Puri Prisoner rushed toward the junction between L City and M City. His face was full of complicated emotions. For him, the goal of breaking out of prison was only to protect handsome men and arrest handsome men. As for killing Monster, it was just a matter of convenience.

“Come on! Angel Sprint!”

With a burst of pure white feathers, his speed instantly doubled.

City A.

Heroes Association’s combat room.


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“Hello, this is Heroes Association Headquarters. What? There are three Monsters traveling together on M -City Siyue Street? And the three Monsters can speak human language? Can you briefly describe the appearance of these three Monsters?”

“I understand. Thank you for the information you provided. We will definitely eliminate the Monsters as soon as possible and restore the peace. Goodbye.”

Maria immediately reported to Sitch after hanging up the phone, “Sir, some citizens reported that there are three intelligent dinosaurs found at M -City, Siyue Street. The first of them is about two meters long and is reported to have tremendous speed. The second is reported to be thirty to forty meters long, with a massive body that shook the earth when it walked. The third is seven to eight meters long and does not have any obvious characteristics, but it seems to be leading the other two.”

“Oh, intelligent dinosaurs? Extremely fast dinosaur and a dinosaur that can shake the earth?” Sitch narrowed his eyes and quickly analyzed the results. “They are definitely three of the five finished dinosaurs from Hammond’s Dinosaur Research Institute. According to the characteristics you described, one is a Velociraptor that is known for its speed, the other is an enormous Seismosaurus, and the last one…”

He frowned slightly. The last dinosaur had no obvious characteristics and could not be identified right away. But it can be identified through the process of elimination. Among the five finished dinosaurs, Ankylosaurus, Seismosaurus, and Velociraptor could be excluded. The remaining Quetzalcoatlus had obvious wings; the citizens would definitely describe it as such. However, the citizens reported that the last dinosaur was without obvious characteristics. Therefore, Quetzalcoatlus could be ruled out, and only one finished dinosaur was left… Allosaurus!

It was said that it had the highest IQ among dinosaurs!

From the current situation, Allosaurus had the ability to lead the other two completed dinosaurs to coordinate in the invasion instead of acting individually like other Demon-level Monsters. Allosaurus was truly a special case.

“Maria, immediately send a message to declare the Velociraptors, Seismosaurus, and Allosaurus as Demon-level Monster.”

Although individually, the three dinosaurs were yet to qualify as Demon-level disasters, he made a special case and defined the three dinosaurs as Demon-level to attract the attention of Heroes.

“Yes, Minister.”

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