Chapter 61 The Ultimate Secret Move of King’s Profound Truth Qi Art

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“Attention, residents of M City. Attention, residents of M City. Heroes Association has urgently informed us that three Demon-level Monsters have been found on the Siyue Street of M City. They are Allosaurus, Seismosaurus, and Velociraptors. Residents of M City, please stay away from Siyue Street…”

“Mm? Siyue Street?” Saitama and King were on their way to L City when they suddenly heard the news from the Association. They immediately stopped. “You, do you know where Siyue Street is?” Saitama asked King.


What do you mean by ‘you’? I’m a famous figure, so can you show me some respect? Do you think I don’t care about my reputation?

King pointed in a direction with a straight face. “The Siyue Street is to the southeast.”

“Oh, let’s go!” Saitama made a running posture. His hands clenched into fists in front of his chest, and his feet seemed to turn into fast wheels. He was already gone in the blink of an eye, leaving only whooshing whirlwinds.

“You work; I scavenge!”

King was not in a hurry. He slowly floated towards Siyue Street.

There were three of the rare Demon-level Monsters joining forces. As the saying goes, two captains will sink the ship. Demon-level Monsters had their own pride, and they usually acted alone. But for the prideful and rare Demon-level Monsters to act in a team…there must be a mastermind between them.


When he approached Siyue Street, he was stunned. The surrounding houses almost seemed to be alive, beating like hearts, and the earth was pulsating. Cracks appeared on the ground with every beat.

“This is… an earthquake?”

He scanned the surrounding tall buildings warily, afraid that they would collapse and smash him. Carefully, he avoided them and floated all the way to Siyue Street.

His body suddenly stopped. He stared at the dinosaur not far away in front of him with a dumbfounded expression. The dinosaur must have been about forty to fifty meters long, with a neck and a tail more than ten meters long each. Its body looked like a small mountain. As it walked, its every step created a deep pit; its huge body and astonishing weight shook the earth.

“What… what kind of demonic dinosaur is this?”

In his previous life, his understanding of dinosaurs was mostly obtained from movies in the Jurassic Park franchise and the animated series Naughty Blue Cat’s 3,000 Questions. However, he had never heard of such a huge dinosaur. How was this a dinosaur? It was clearly an ancient demonic beast.

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“Puny human, I am Lord Seismosaurus, who is as heavy as a mountain. I can flatten a house with one foot. You little thing, you actually dare to stand before me. Humph, you really are an ignorant and fearless fellow.”

Just as King was surprised by Seismosaurus’ colossal figure, it bent its long neck and stared at the ground below him. Its voice reverberated like a great bell haunted by a vengeful spirit.

“It’s staring at Saitama, right?”

Because of the cover of the building, King could not see what was actually happening. But he can guess that the person Seismosaurus glowered on was probably Saitama, who was dazed by inertia. The other ordinary citizens must have been scared to death when they first saw Seismosaurus. How could Seismosaurus mistakenly think that he was being underestimated?

“Oh, I wonder if Seismosaurus is bigger or smaller than the giant that will appear in the future?”

King fell into deep thought. He clearly remembered that there would be someone that transformed by dangerous medicines into a giant Monster in the near future. The giant would destroy D City with a single stomp. To trample a city so easily, the height of the giant would probably reach the heavens. The Seismosaurus in front of him was probably just a small dot compared to that giant.


Meanwhile, the battle between Saitama and Seismosaurus began. A loud rumbling sound accompanied the large amount of dust that rose under Seismosaurus’ thick feet.

“Mountain Trample!” Seismosaurus roared. The two thick feet in front of him were raised high. They paused in the air for half a second before they fell down like a meteor.


A thunderous rumble echoed.

The earth shook, and the tall buildings were rocked from the foundation. Rubbles rained down.

“Let’s retreat and come back after the battle is over.”

King looked at the shaking buildings around him and decided to retreat for the time being. At this rate, he would just be trapped. After Saitama dealt with the three Monsters, he would come back to collect their Cards.

“Tsk tsk, I thought he was some hotshot Hero. I didn’t expect that he would be trampled to death so easily. Sigh, Allosaurus told me to run around to find an opportunity to give him a fatal blow. It seems that he was overthinking. This person is just a cowardly rat.”

A black shadow moved with extreme speed between the walls of several tall buildings. The black shadow kept accelerating and decelerating with an audible sound.

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“Is that the second Demon-level Dinosaur – Velociraptor?”

King stared at the flitting shadow. The Association’s report clearly stated that three Demon-level Dinosaurs were traveling together and fighting together. From its look, the black shadow should be the second Demon-level Dinosaur – Velociraptor. The other one who did not appear should be the Allosaurus.

“Velociraptor, don’t be careless. There are no shortages of strong people in this world, such as the strongest man in the world – King and his kin. I have gathered you all to increase our chances of winning when facing those strong foes.”

“Tch, Allosaurus, you’re just too cautious, wasting too much time. We should have destroyed M City already by now. I suggest that we split up and eliminate the humans in M City as soon as possible.”

“Humph, didn’t you hear Heroes Association’s report just now? Ankylosaurus, who was acting alone, had already gone to hell. It means that the Heroes Association’s experts have already moved out. If we don’t cooperate, we will share Ankylosaurus’ fate.”

“Tsk!” Velociraptor snorted but didn’t refute. Its body suddenly moved, leaving behind a string of black afterimages among the houses.

Although it was unhappy, Allosaurus’ words made sense. It could only suppress its rage and listen to Allosaurus’ command.

“These Monsters actually cooperate in battle…”

King listened to the words of the Velociraptors and Allosaurus in astonishment. He could infer that the three-man team was commanded by Allosaurus from their words. Seismosaurus attracted the Heroes’ attention and attacks as a meat shield. The Velociraptor relied on its outstanding speed to assassinate targets, moving in the shadows around the Heroes to launch surgical blows. The Allosaurus was in charge of coordination and harassment.

“This Monster team… is a bit awesome!”

King scratched his head. The three Demon-level dinosaurs each had their own unique characteristics. They also had a clear division of labor and were able to complement each other. The combat style of this Monster group had raised their combat strength beyond their individual prowess. Ordinary S-class Hero would probably lose against them.

However, they now faced the bald-headed Monster beyond God-level threat – Saitama. He could not help but feel sorry for the three dinosaurs. The team was powerful and reasonably organized, but they had encountered an existence akin to a bug in the world. Everything would be blown away.

Alas, they probably won’t live for more than five minutes.

“Well, five words are floating in the air: ‘someone is looking for death!'” The assassin and scout Velociraptor noticed King floating in the air.

“I’ve been discovered?!” Startled, King quickly floated backward.

Seeing this, Velociraptor revealed a playful smile. “Let me play with you!” In a flash, it jumped on a tall building near King. It stared at King with wild eyes. “Kid, let’s play the game of hide-and-seek! If you can catch me, there will be a surprise.”


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King realized that he was still far from truly being an expert Hero. Those who knew him would be scared to death, but there are still many who did not know him and would look down on him. Thinking about it carefully, his treatment was similar to that of Saitama. Those who knew Saitama’s strength would feel reverence. Those who did not know Saitama’s strength mocked him.

“If you don’t say anything, it means that you have tacitly agreed.” Velociraptor grinned. His body flashed and disappeared.

King’s heart tightened as he scanned his surroundings. He soon discovered that his eyes could only see small glimpses of Velociraptor, so he had to carefully lock his gaze on the Velociraptor.

Ten seconds, thirty seconds, fifty seconds, one minute…

As time passed, the Velociraptor in his eyes started multiplying into countless silhouettes all over the city. He could no longer differentiate which one was the real Velociraptor from the numerous afterimages.


He quickly closed his eyes and expelled the dazzling scene from his mind.

Boss Saitama, are you playing with your food? There’s no way you haven’t dealt with Seismosaurus and Allosaurus, right? Don’t drag out the plot; come out and finish it seriously!

“Tsk, kid, have you given up? Then, this game is your loss. As a punishment, I will sentence you…” Velociraptor, who was still speeding on the rooftops, grinned and revealed a cruel smile. “It’s a death sentence!”

“Chi Chi!”

King frowned. The sound of Velociraptor running was getting closer and closer. To his dismay, the sound came from all directions. It meant that Velociraptor was not heading straight for him, but it was moving around him randomly to avoid exposing itself. It was slowly approaching him.

“Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining 13520 Experience.”

“Ding! Comprehending Card character Skills has failed.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host. Your character has risen to level 12. You have gained 10 Attribute Points and 2 Skill Points.”

In the face of such a situation where he could not grasp the opponent, he decided to use the self-proclaimed invincible Ankylosaurus Card. He successfully rose to level 12. He added all the 10 Attribute Points he had just obtained to Defense without any delay. He could never be too safe, after all.

“Tsk tsk, human, taste the fear of being dominated by overwhelming Speed!”

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Velociraptor’s voice was very close, as if it were speaking right in his ear.

“Playing the game of cat and mouse?”

He took a deep breath. The blindingly fast Velociraptor had hovered around him for quite a while. However, it hadn’t made a move to attack him. Perhaps as it just said, it wanted to let him have a good taste of domination through overwhelming speed.

If you don’t make a move, I won’t just sit still!

King stared at Seismosaurus far in front of him. He focused his attention and ignored Velociraptor. His eyes narrowed after a few moments, and his legs kicked in a random guess.

“King’s Profound Truth Qi Art ultimate secret move – Lucky Kick!”


King’s move contained all the strength from Ankylosaurus’ hammer-like tail whip, and it struck Velociraptor’s abdomen as if a divine judgment.


Velociraptor’s body was only two meters long. Although his running speed was extremely fast, his body strength was rather average in the dinosaur family. King’s fierce kick caused Velociraptor to vomit blood.

“Pfft! How… how is this possible? You… How did you discover me?” Velociraptor’s dinosaur body arched into a crescent shape due to the pain in its abdomen. It looked at King in disbelief. “I can’t believe this!”

It charged swiftly around King once more.


King slowly retracted his foot and looked at the horrified Velociraptor that was spitting blood again. He was a little embarrassed. He was lucky enough to be able to hit twice.

“You actually saw through me. You… you are definitely not an ordinary person. Who are you?”

“Oh, me? Heh, the people of this world gave me the name ‘King’!”

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