Chapter 63 - Mental Gymnastic part 2

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King looked at Allosaurus’ actions in confusion. Another God-level mental gymnastics? A Demon-level Monster raised his hands to me… Wait, no, he offered his paw and surrendered?


The corners of King’s mouth twitched. Allosaurus’ surrender made him lose track of what was going on. It was very unreal. Shouldn’t a Demon-level Monster be fighting to the death? In all his years, this was the first time he had heard that the arrogant Demon-level Monster would surrender!

“My strength is similar to Ankylosaurus and the Velociraptor. Both of them died in your hands. You killed the two Demon-level Monsters in one day, but there was no trace of exhaustion all over your body. Not even your clothes are wrinkled, and you’re uninjured. All those details told me that your strength far exceeds ours. You killed us effortlessly.”

Allosaurus’ head analyzed a collection of details logically and finally came to a conclusion. King’s strength was extremely terrifying. The title of the strongest man was not a false slogan.


King blinked his eyes. Sigh, what a clever fellow. It was said that wisdom entails knowing how to pick your battles. To be honest I… I’m really not as strong as you think. I am considered the strongest man because I stole credits from Saitama’s… Oh, right, where is Saitama? I followed him to scavenge what was left of his battle, but there was no movement from his side even though more than ten minutes had passed. I have already dealt with two Demon-level Monsters. Is he really still not finished?

He raised his head and looked at Seismosaurus. He found that Seismosaurus was still full of vigor, swiping his ten-meter-long tail around wildly. The landscape surrounding him was in ruins. If one were to look from the sky, it would seem that a circle of destruction had been drawn with Seismosaurus in the center.

“That guy, Saitama… did he go to loot the supermarket?”

King frowned in frustration. Usually, Saitama was very efficient at killing Monsters, killing most of them in one hit. Why was Seismosaurus still alive and well after so long? Something must have happened.

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“Hey, Allosaurus, go to the ruins and dig up Velociraptor’s corpse. I’ll go over to Seismosaurus and check the situation. I’ll be back soon.”

King ordered the surrendered Allosaurus and immediately drifted towards Seismosaurus.

He bet on Allosaurus not daring to run away.

People who thought they were smart, like Allosaurus, usually had a lot of doubts. For King to let it move alone so easily, Allosaurus would definitely think that King was testing it and wouldn’t dare to run away.

Sure enough, when Allosaurus saw King casually fly towards Seismosaurus, all sorts of thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind. “King doesn’t even try to guard me? Does he really believe that I sincerely surrendered? No, judging from his performance, King is a smart person. How can a smart person make such a serious mistake? He must be testing me. He is capable of flight, so I can conclude that King is an esper. He might seem to have left me alone, but powerful espers can kill people from thousands of miles away. King will definitely wipe me out without mercy if I try to run away. Hu…calm down, I must calm down. As a smart person, I must not be fooled by this temptation full of loopholes. I must not gamble my life on the hope of escaping.”

He analyzed it fiercely, but he didn’t know that he had been fooled!

King brazenly flew towards Seismosaurus. With Ankylosaurus’ Possession, his Defense was beyond anything Seismosaurus could throw at him.


King found Seismosaurus in a furious state. His long tail swung wildly, laying waste to all the buildings.

Seismosaurus repeatedly roared, “Roar! Damned human, let go of your Lord Seismosaurus!”

“What is happening?”

King did not get too close to avoid being swept by Seismosaurus’ tail. He simply hovered and observed.

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After a while, he was stunned to find that Seismosaurus was moving up and down to a small extent.

“What the hell is going on?”

Surprised, King circled around Seismosaurus in the air and found a place with a better field of vision. Looking carefully, Seismosaurus’ huge body was actually suspended in the air. There was a person standing under its toes. It was Saitama who had grabbed Seismosaurus’ toes and lifted Seismosaurus up forcefully. It seems that he was performing squats even while holding Seismosaurus up.

King carefully approached Saitama and listened attentively…





King looked at the never-tired Saitama, dumbfounded. This Baldy treated Seismosaurus as heavy fitness equipment and used him to exercise. In the span of ten minutes, Saitama had already performed more than ten thousand deep squats while lifting Seismosaurus. Oh my god, he was too abnormal!



Seismosaurus struggled and roared, but there was nothing he could do. Saitama kept using him as a weight while counting the number of squats he did.

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King saw Saitama’s senseless act and immediately shouted, “Baldy, stop messing around. We still have other Monster to clean up. Quickly settle the battle and move on; there is still Demon-level Monster waiting in L City!”

Big brother, don’t waste time. If you want to train, go home and do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 deep squats, and 10 kilometers marathon. Don’t just go around blocking the street!

“Oh, right, there is still Demon-level Monster in L City.” Saitama casually threw Seismosaurus away. The earth shook as Seismosaurus crashed into a block of buildings.

King looked at the ruined block and was speechless. Saitama is really…he’s a hero driven by interest. Protecting the safety of the citizens and property was just an afterthought. Therefore, he acted without any hesitation, following his heart.

Saitama scratched his face. He asked, “Hey, which direction is L City?”

King pointed in the direction of L City, “Next time, don’t call me ‘You’ anymore. I have a name. My name is… Hey, where is he?”

He was about to formally introduce himself, but Saitama had already rushed to City L and disappeared.


Saitama, you damned Baldy, go to hell. Oh wait, it seems that you are sending someone else to hell.


A thunderous roar suddenly sounded.

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The earth suddenly shook violently.


King looked at Seismosaurus, who stood up again in surprise. It turned out that Saitama hadn’t killed Seismosaurus just now!


Seismosaurus was full of anger after being played by Saitama for so long. After regaining his freedom, he quickly stood up and swept his long tail randomly. The sound of houses collapsing rang out in succession.

He roared angrily, “Damn human, you’ll face Lord Seismosaurus’ wrath…”


Seismosaurus’ slender neck was cut in half, and his angry roar stopped abruptly. His colossal body swayed left and right a few times before falling to the side powerlessly, smashing another building.

“I almost forgot about you.” Saitama shook off the sticky gloves and waved to the dumbfounded King. “Hey, underwear, I’ll go first.” He disappeared in the blink of an eye, not waiting for King’s response.

“Hey, wait a minute. Who are you calling underwear? Do you want to fight? Humph, you ran fast this time, and I didn’t catch you. Next time we meet, I’ll teach you a lesson.” King roared a few times in the direction where Saitama disappeared.

“King… killed Seismosaurus?!”

Allosaurus cowered in fear!

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